Very dramatic, Scipio thought. The measure of the man's passion and depth impressed the Commonwealth Ambassador.
However, his response also underlined the the basic element that was pulling and motivating the environment in which they acted.
Captain d'Foose ellicited it when they first met and now so did the Vice Commodore.
The quintessential:
What is going to happen if we do this? It was not an unreasonable fear but, coupled with an isolationist attitude it could be crippling. Capricia was once such an isolated system that had no interest in the rest of the galaxy. They just wanted to live their lives as they saw fit. Inevitably, the galaxy saw fit to not leave well enough alone and Capricia was twice invaded. The first time prompted the Capricians to explore and establish relations with other planets, other races. The second time told the Capricians that things were going to happen whether they liked it or not and so they decided if things were going to happen they might as well happen on their terms. And out of that their entry into the Commonwealth was sealed.
The attitudes she was seeing seemed to indicate that these people were standing on a sword's edge. Fear of Coalition reprisal for their separatist desire and fear of the Empire's reaction to being a small independent had basically immobilized the Colonies.
She did not yet know enough about their society to understand how their government worked. She had briefly met their political leader, Minister Paula Ramos, but this Lance Shipwright was a military leader (if his rank was any indicator) and if Captain d'Foose's story was any indication, founder of the Colonies. How much political power did the man wield?
If the people, if the Colonies and Minister Ramos went a certain direction, would the Vice Commodore go along (even if he disagreed) or was he the real power behind Gestalt and everything else dressing on the cake?
Wherever the truth lay, it could not be ignored that the man was critical to the decision making process of the Colonies. Therefore, when the man kneeled and stripped away all pretentiousness, she saw a glimmer of hope. Even if the man was some sort of benevolent dictator type, he truly seemed to be a good man intent on guiding his people right.
Were not Gomorran Kay, Leantre Vio, Seth Vinda and Dakkon Darksword also benevolent dictators in their own right the Commonweath having been born from those such as them?
And yet, it also seemed to her that the Vice Commodore wanted to hide behind the shield of the Commonwealth and have the CW Diplomatic Corps deal with the fallout with the Coalition and Empire.
If the Coalition and Empire were not poised on the brink of all out war she might have let it slide running the Diplomatic Corps ragged but times had grown dangerous and it was now a time for action.
Despite her pain, she lifted herself up and looked the Vice Commodore in the eye. Being a tad shorter than the man, she had to lift her head but the gesture by no means diminished the sudden hardness in her eyes.
"Everyone, including jackals, exist according to their patterns of behavior. If the jackals are circling Gestalt, THEN STAND UP and flex your strength!" She brought her cane down firmly on the tile floor, the hollow thud spreading outward. "Jackals are carrion eaters and attack only that which they perceive is weak or easy. Just because they perceive you as weak now does not mean you have live up their expectation. It does not mean you are defeated before you start! Of course, standing up to them also does not mean you adopt their attitude and pattern of behavior but you must show them that to attack you is to cost them. The jackals will move on to easier targets, believe me."
One phrase that Lance had stated resounded in her mind:
If that body cannot be held to the contents of its own charter then, tell me, why should we feel compelled to treat them with less perfidy then they have seen fit to bestow upon us?” "I do not know why the Coalition did not consult you for this war and I do not know why your people do not have a say in their futures. But to repay back to this Coalition, in kind, breaking off your association with them without notice is not the way to act. Why? Because you should have a code of honor that remains inflexible to outside corruption. A code of honor that is not shed when it's convenient just because someone does us wrong but one that remains a firm anchor in whatever you do.
Remember, as an independent nation or as a Commonwealth member, you will still have to deal with the Coalition and the Empire on some level or another; perhaps as a trading partner. In such diplomatic negotiations aimed at boosting the Colonies standard of living, having that anchor gives you respect, even if it is begrudgingly. Therefore, I still think a formal cessation, if that is your aim, should be sent to the Coalition. According to their pattern of behavior, I expect them to honor it." She smiled grimly, "It's not as if you are joining the Empire after all."
"And as for the Empire, as stated, everything exists according to patterns of behavior and to a large degree, the Empire has tied itself down to the Order it itself has imposed in it's territories. When dealing with the Empire, Imperial Law can be your greatest ally. You find that its military mindset and its propaganda machine are set to get the better of others.
Knowing that, we do not try to get the better of the Empire and this is something they cannot fathom as it is not their method of operation. We do not break it down into an "us or them" mentality and because of that, they do not perceive us as a threat. If they do not perceive us a threat, we are not a threat and so move on to give attention to those things that are. It takes great diplomatic skill and patience to do this and we are not always successful in little things, but by and large, the peace has been maintained.
The reason why I say: 'go to the Empire diplomatically' is because they have set the rule down (in propaganda) that any galactic event of which they are not apprised is something to be suspicious about. That is how they spinned the Kashan/Confederation's joining the Coalition and that is how they can spin your separation. If they are not officially
told you are no longer a part of the Coalition, they could simply invade on the premise they did not know..if they were so inclined to invade. It is true that you do not answer to them as an independent but seeing as what they do may affect you, their understanding of the situation should be of paramount importance to you. And you have no idea what they do or do not understand because you have not gone to them. It is a very precarious thing to put your safety in the hands of someone else. The Empire can be incredibly dense diplomatically when it suits them.
I would think that action should probably happen soon as the Imperial ships have crossed the Onyxian border and the Prime Minister of the Coalition is enroute to Coruscant.
Events are in play and these are events you should not be sitting on the sidelines of."
She thought a moment. "Perhaps Admiral Wilkar can take the Vice Commodore to meet with a high ranking Imperial officer... who was that person he liked?... Zell? I think it was someone named Zell.."
"The military have high importance in the Empire and you are the highest ranking officer of the Colonies, Vice Admiral. At least, I have not seen anyone of higher rank yet. Your political leader, Minister Ramos, would not be a person, I would think, they would much listen too as the military sometimes disdains politics. No, for direct, immediate action, it should be military to military."
Her eyes narrowed as she turned to scan the crowds thinking about Captain d'Foose's observation, "I suppose that depends on how you define failure. If you are calling the Coalition attack on Bilbringi a failure of the Coalition, then I must ask if the Confederation participated in it? An interlocking political system must share the triumphs and tragedies of each other so our political view of the Confederation only, realistically go so far.
This means it would be unwise for me to talk ill of the Coalition when they are nearby," she paused looking around for a Confederation uniform. "As for Mr. Lucerne, it seems to me that your example of what can or cannot exist beyond the Coalition is a bit premature as you are both, technically, still a part of the Coalition. Perhaps he is the Coalition's watchdog here to ensure Gestalt does not leave despite rumors heard? Given your paranoia that the Coalition will seek retribution, perhaps you have considered this?
I cannot say I personally know the man but if he's here, and a staunch supporter of the Coalition...then the advice I am giving you may not be very popular with him. But I am thinking of Gestalt and it's immediate need and not the Coalition's comfort right now.
Whether you decide to join the Commonwealth or not is immaterial to me, at this moment. I feel you have an immediate need to avoid being attacked and I want to ensure your safety as much as I can, in the capacity that I can."