Sovereign Eclipse|Muunilist
  • Posted On: Nov 2 2003 10:25pm
“If you win the war of information you’re half way to winning the war.”

In every government, in every sector, on every planet there’s somebody who is un-satisfied with there current leaders. It was a law of nature and something that every operative in the Security Branch of the Counter-Intelligence Directorate was taught since the day they first entered the Black Hand Academy at CN-1344. It was also something of a mantra for the Systems Operations Case Officers. For each officer controlled huge networks of dissidents recruited from among the native populace.

In recent years Black Hand had begun concentrating more of their recruiting efforts on the Empire. While the Imperial Security Bureau was extremely effective they couldn’t catch all the agents that Black Hand recruited. However Black Hand wasn’t recruiting high-ranking government officials or member of the military or Ubiqtorate. Rather they were recruiting common citizens, traders, locksmiths, engineers and technicians. They passed by the ISB’s scrutiny by the sheer fact that there was nothing to see. One of these dissidents was John Hammand. He was an independent trader and regularly did business out of system. One of his more regular stops was the world of Agamar. As his YT-2400 Light Freighter Happy Sunrise cleared atmosphere John did as he always did and glanced at the Imperial Naval Complex in orbit. Their the Imperials were no doubt building more weapons designed to infringe upon the basic human rights of galactic citizens. Just as he was about to jump to hyperspace something in the shipyard caught his eye. An image seen in news broadcasts. The Empire was building an Eclipse-Star Destroyer. Slowly forcing himself to return to the task at hand John turned away from the site of the massive terror weapon. Slowly John pulled back on the hyperspace levers. As his ship entered hyperspace his mind was consumed with one thought. Something must be done.


Eclipse Station--Agamar

* * * * There were hundreds of innocuous ways you can signify that you wish to have a meeting with someone else. The way someone holds a newspaper, a piece of tape on a pole anything could work. In this case it was the colour of the datapad being used. Every month of the year had a different sign and every week within that month had a different colour. John Hammond was standing outside of his freighter Happy Sunrise gesturing at a port official with his light-grey datapad when one of the systems operations officers assigned to this particular subject walked into the landing bay. Black Hand had worked out a near perfect way for him to communicate with the other officers. Each officer was implanted with a specialized comlink. They could send and receive messaged without anyone noticing. The officer sent a message to another officer on the opposite side of the station. With no obvious sign of receiving a message the officer continued on his way heading for the busy shopping section of Eclipse Station.
After finishing his negotiations with the port official John left the docking bay headed for the shopping section of the station. As he strolled through the area he was bumped into by a myriad number of people. He wasn’t quite sure who it was that had dropped the piece of flimsy in his pocket but that was okay, he didn’t need to know. The same agent who had dropped the flimsy in his pocket saw John take out the flimsy and read it. Another message was sent to an even different agent. The long process was nearing it’s end.

As John was leaving the shopping section a security officer stopped him. The officer asked for his ID. These spot checks of civilians were becoming fairly common these days on planets like Agamar. While not part of the New Order or the Sovereignty Agamar was close to both worlds and nobody wanted the system to become a sudden warzone. No ISB agent would suspect it but John Hammond had just handed over information of pivotal importance to the security officer. The Security Officer thanked John. Then turning around he made his way back out of the shopping section to one of the Black Hand Safe Houses on Agamar. Within the hour the information was on it’s way to Wayland where it would be taken by Military Courier to Endor so it could be decided what to do with the information given by one John Hammond.


"So have you been alerted to the construction of another terror weapon by the Empire?"

"As of this moment no, I have not been alerted to the construction of another terror weapon. However it is likely that the Empire has designs to create such a terror weapon and it would make no sense to wait until it's been constructed to destroy it. We must be proactive in our defense against such weapons. The galaxy does not want to see another Eclipse Star Destroyer, it's already seen enough of them. Thank you."
-Vice-President Marth Meer and Reporter

Menath Tiln had to give credit to the Vice-President. The Director of Black Hand had just given the Vice-President a briefing that would make most politicians go crazy. The fact that he barely batted an eye was a credit to his self-control.

"Are you sure this is true?"

"Our agent seemed most definite that it was an Eclipse Star Destroyer. And if it isn't an Eclipse then it's a Sovereign not much better really."

"But you haven't confirmed the report?"

The Director sighed. He was obligated to tell the truth but if the Vice-President decided to ignore this just because it hadn't been confirmed....

"No, we haven't."

"Fine. Prepare the fleet. I believe we have a contingency plan somewhere for this. The target is Muunilist."

"Thank you sir."

"It's a duty of all citizens of this galaxy to not let another terror weapon like this on the loose. And in the hands of somebody like Admiral Drayson it could be a disaster."

"Yes sir."



Two Neutron Star-Bulk Transports reverted out of hyperspace within seconds of each other barely a thousand kilometers from the Shipyards that held the almost completed Eclipse Star Destroyer.

"Muunilist Control this is the Transports Starfarer's Delight and Starfarer's Sunrise. We're requesting an orbital dock with Shipyard EP-5. We have a load of Melenium from Ord Trasi onboard."

The two huge transports continued to broadcast Imperial Signals as they held position near the shipyard. Inside the massive cargo bay of the Transports 200 Fighters and Shuttles were packed tightly together. The lead X-Wing in each transport was hooked up to the transport's engines. Each pilot could completely control the transport from inside. They waited as the controllers in Muunilist Control undoubtedly checked their records to confirm that yes there were two Neutron Star Transports named Starfarer's Delight and Starfarer's Sunrise that had been regular suppliers of the Imperial Military and that yes there was a shipment due. Black Hand retained some of the best slicer's in the galaxy who had spent their whole life's trying to crack Imperial Codes.

2 Neutron Bulk Transports
50 TIE Interceptors
150 X-wings
20 Svelte Assault Shuttles
2 Gamma Assault Shuttles
18 Atmospheric Re-Entry Pods

Note:All the Fighters and Shuttles are masked by what appears to be containers of Melenium.
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Nov 7 2003 2:42am
” In every government, in every sector, on every planet
there’s somebody who is un-satisfied with there current leaders.”

Setting the Stage

Arliss Towers – Muunilist

“THAT WRETCHED @#%$!” screamed Jenice Arliss and the hallways outside the leading office of the Tower’s Executive Director suddenly became quieter than a Jedi’s meditation ceremony.

And right now that director was not happy. Her cold blue eyes radiated a wrath that suddenly reigned in itself under the guise of control. Her blonde hair pulled behind her head made her look younger than she actually was. Very young..

But that did not fool Mr. Conrad, Seamus Arliss’ (Jenice’s father, Director of Arliss Industries Offworld and founder of the Towers) company accountant.

“Whatever the woman’s animal disposition, Ms. Arliss, you can see that Construction Yard contracts have been unbalanced lately, favoring Admiral Bhindi Drayson’s little piece of the Imperial pie.”

“What was in the Grand Marshall’s mind when he handed out protectorates like children’s candy?!”

“Whether it was his idea or not, I would assume that the move contributes in making sure politicians do not gain control of the Empire. After they fled to Bastion splitting off to form the ‘New Empire’, I think that Regent and Empire will be leery of politicians.”

“You think?” Jenice shot back. “Still, this upstart woman..”

“You are angry at the Admiral’s father who attacked the Towers before his downfall with the Republic.”

“I could have been killed, Mr. Conrad.”

“Yes,” Mr. Conrad paused (dramatically?), “and we all know what a shame that would have been.”

Jenice’s blue eyes glowed red hot at the accountant’s casual manner. It was not because the accountant didn’t care (hell, she knew he didn’t care) but because he deigned not to hide it.

“Besides,” Mr. Conrad continued, “Do you really wish to hold the sins of the father against his daughter?”

Jenice looked up sharply and Mr. Conrad saw that he’d hit a mark. “The production capacity of the Empire and it’s distribution of said capacity is something the leaders of the Empire will contend with, we need not worry.”

“Those decisions affect our subcontracts, Mr. Conrad.

“Be that as it may, I am sure the Towers will know how to respond in due time. However, why I am here is to plug leaks.”


“Yes, Arliss offworld communications contracts have noted the following trends.. look here.”

And the blue eyes turned puzzled as Jenice picked up the report and scanned it. Puzzlement turned to incredulity and then to anger.

Imperial Center

“The Grand Marshall is here, Lord.” The attendant spoke softly, yet clearly enough so that the Regent waved the man away quickly and set his eyes onto those of Grand Marshall Kaine.

Before the Regent was a galaxy map as well as asset and inventory listings for deployments. The Empire was sectioned off in gray with red portions indicating battle areas and blue areas representing possible battles.

“Come, Kaine. Look here. The enemy has retreated from the twin worlds in the Corellian Sector.”

Though Simon had at his fingertips this information, he knew the import of keeping the Regent abreast of the situation. “Yes.”


“Admiral Ckeller’s forces were minimal and not enough to even dent the numbers she’d reported. So one can only assume that there was an emergency with the enemy. The Admiral’s report indicated the exit trajectory heading toward Corellia.”

“So our forces are giving them hell.”

“An reasonable assumption, Lord Regent, though the area is still devoid of outside communications.”

“The Tholatin Forces at Carida have been beaten back?”

“Admiral Drayson is enroute to Mechis III to reinforce Governor Trachta’s forces. A general distress signal was received some time ago.”

“Outer Rim Sovereignty..” Daemon Hyfe mused, his dark eyes glittering has this thoughts remained secret. “very interesting..”

“Our attacks are going as best as can be expected. ORS intervention is not surprising nor completely unexpected.”

“Yes…And the Bastion Protecorate?”

“Holding. Their deployments over these areas,” Kaine took the liberty of inputting a new asset allocation resource into the Regent’s personal map and it suddenly changed showing all the operations and known battles currently being waged, “optimizes what he has available.”

“Stubborn man.”

“A capable man—“ started Kaine but the Regent waved him silent. “I’ve read your report Kaine. I know what is going on. Let it be.”

“May I ask the Regent why?” Kaine’s eyes narrowed.

“You may, but I reserve the right to dismiss your questions without answering.” The Regent smiled (not a pretty sight) predatorily.

“As you wish.” Kaine relented. Not an easy thing for the younger man who’d risen the steps of Imperial Hierarchy.

“You are not force sensitive, are you, Marshall?”

“No, Lord.”

“Interesting. Events are unfolding as I have foreseen them and those events involve the Commodore. Make no move.”

“As you wish, Lord.”

“With these attacks by the aliens and Outer Rim Sovereignty, a concern is brought to mind.” The Regent highlighted a planet and Simon Kaine suddenly felt himself transported back in time..

taken from Emminent yet Irratic…

The Victory hurled out of hyperspace in time to see the Jenova's final shot.

"NO!!" General Simon Kaine shouted as he lept off his command chair, as if somehow he could pluck the Rebel ships from space...

The Imperial ESD was no longer visible against the backdrop of Muunilist's shadow.

"My God... that looked like a direct hit." Captain Chandler softly spoke as the bridge crew watched multiple smaller flashes appear in the path and near the laser blast.

A bright flash occurred...

"The reactor core just exploded. Damn that shot must have pierced the heart.", someone lamented.

And suddenly many, many smaller flashes a chain reaction..and the bluish, marron haze disappeared.

"Looks like she's detonated."

Before Kaine could utter severe curses at the Rebels and bring his guns to bear in hatred, the enemy fleet, as quickly as it came...left.

"Pursue, General?"

Kaine was tempted.... beyond measure, oh he was.

"No." he said, with icy calm. "Let's tend to our wounded."

The Victory moved closer to Muunilist, noting the collapsed shipyard crumbling pieces drifting toward the planet.

"Bridge module on a direct course for the Muunilist's atmosphere. Should we?"

"Leave it.." murmured Kaine.

The Victory's bow pierced the floating mass of debris bits that glittered as they floated into the sunlight horizon that divided the "day" side and "night" side of the planet.

Finally, someone tore their eyes from the windows at the debris and toward the scanner consol. The officer's eyes went wide and he let out a yell.

Kaine turned in sharp displeasure, ready to reprimand the officer when his eyes too fell onto the holographic scanner.

"Hold position. External lights! Off the bow, about a thousand kilometers!"

and there, beyond all expectation, slowly rotating,

she was..

Kaine's eyes misted a bit and he turned sharply to Ciscero, standing nearby. "I want Intelligence on this immediately. The Eclipse died. Remember that. It's survival is classified at the highest level..that being, the highest levels are not told. Until we find the mole that betrayed us the first time."

The Imperial Intelligence officer nodded in understanding.

"Captain. Get Admiral Hyfe and Moff Cronus on tight encryption and get them over here. Activate our tractor beams to hold it's position and when they get here, we need to tow it to someplace safe..."

"Cicsero... find us that safe place.."

"Yes sir." he simply replied quietly.

“I will NOT have my Flagship once again struck at unprepared!” the wrath in Daemon Hyfe’s voice was very very real. “If these …these . .aliens consider themselves the ‘Children of the New Republic’, I think they may try something similarly foolish again. I demand that these reinforcements be sent there NOW!!”

Kaine looked at the list and sighed. There was no stopping an implacable Regent when his mind was set.

“The orders will be relayed at once.” His mind was already racing. That the Ebony Vigilance II would be hit was a very real possibility and so he revised the final preparations schedule to coincide with the ESD’s formal launch.

Assets were on their way…but just not exactly what the Regent wanted. Complying would not be that much of a difficulty.

As he left the palace, he went straight for Operations Command at the IHC Tower, one of the most secure locations on the planet rivaling the Imperial Palace and Imperial Intelligence Directorate.

Taken from…Empowering the Weak - TNO Takeover of Agamar..

Calna Munn City

This place is a powder keg!

Ciscero had seen the extreme poverty the general population experienced with the stoicism that went with being in Imperial work.

"Mosti, what have you gotten us into?" Carlotta's retainer angrily said, as they made their way to the plush buildings near the center of town.

"The future," Ciscero responded, noting that even a blind man could sense the dispair that hung over everything.

Two men and a woman were fighting over the halves of some domestic pet with great determination.

Carlotta looked on with silent curiosity, her spoiled nature quieted by the sights.

Yes, take a great look you fool of a girl. This is what the future holds for most..

They passed through a fancy checkpoint and into a gated community. A community for the privileged of Agamar.

Soldiers lined the walls in growing numbers, as if the rich on the planet were aware of the powder keg about to go out.

But it's hard to empathize when you have everything at your grasp. It's only when you have it stripped from you when one starts to truly see the horrors of having to do without.

When they were situated in their rooms, the chill in the room a refreshing experience from the lurking humidity and stench outside.

"I feel like I must shower by walking outside," the Naboo retainer commented, and then turned to Ciscero.

"Now.. Uncle Motsi. Could you provide an explanation as to why you brought us to this godforsaken planet?"

Ciscero only smiled as he picked up a piece of fruit off the table before answering. "Quite simply, Sir, because the family now owns a great deal of stock in this world's major export industries."

"WHAT???" the retainer shouted?

"Are you mad? Do you see what's going on out there?"

"Class struggle. The worker will get his due," Ciscero said, slightly grinning knowing he was egging the family guardian into a frenzy.

"This planet is going to experience a civil war between classes alright. The productivity of this planet is almost nonexistent! If the rich win, it will remain so..and with fewer workers."

"And if the poor win?" Carlotta asked, which surprised Ciscero.

"Then, my dear, I am sorry to say they will not know how to govern themselves with any semblence of order." The guardian looked straight at Ciscero.

"And Motsi just tossed away a great portion of our money. Money, I might add, that we will need for your coming election."

"Motsi? Is it true you do not want me to win?" the little girl asked.

Ciscero's eyes grew serious. "On the contrary, Carlotta, I would like you to very much win. But winning isn't everything..if you cannot hold onto it. The leaders of this world think of themselves as winners but tell me, are they really winning?"

"No.." the girl answered looking out their highrise building.

"If your people are not happy, how long do you think they will put up with it?"

"Naboo is not like that!" the guardian snapped.

"Everybody who grows hungry eventually becomes desperate, no matter their race." Ciscero said with a conviction born of experience.

"Quite an expensive lesson, wouldn't you say Motsi?" the guardian said.

"You have front row tickets to a government's greatest disaster."

"We have the Jedi.." the girl started.

"Yes. That is one strength we have. But it is one we cannot rely on."


"Reason it out, darling. The Jedi claim to be the guardians of peace and justice not only on Naboo but in the galaxy. But there are too few of them. They cannot be everywhere at once."

"They certainly are not here.." the girl concluded.

"No.." Ciscero said, "The Jedi will fight to protect you. Or at least I do hope they will when you get elected. However, Carlotta, think. We cannot rely on the Jedi to always solve our problems. You cannot always rely on others to give you the answers."

"That's like cheating.." the girl said, and Ciscero's eyes brightened.

"And cheating is not only morally wrong." the guardian started, not wanting Motsi to get all the credit for teaching something to this aspiring queen, "It does not help you learn the lessons you need to learn."

"But... Why did you throw our money away, Motsi?" the girl asked and the guardian smiled, his eyes saying... Yes, I'd like to know that too..

Ciscero's eyes grinned for he knew the guardian would not like his answer. He walked over and stood near the window to look out with the young girl.

"Because I think the poor will win this fight. By buying shares of stock in certain companies, it keeps the poor in work a little while longer. That is something a poor man appreciates. Steady work and steady pay.... and because I think that the poor will have other's help them."

"Who?" both the girl and her guardian chimed in unison.

Ciscero pulled out a flyer he had taken from the side of some building. It was old but still distinguishable.

It held the words, "FREEDOM!" and a faded symbol of the Empire behind it. "They may be talking to the Empire to gain outside recognition."

"If they gain Imperial recognition..." the guardian started.

"The market will remain steady and grow. The family will make more than enough money to win an election."

"But.. but.. the Empire?"

"Another lesson, Carlotta. Sometimes, one has to go with their gut and take a risk. I don't love the Empire, but I respect the stability it stands for...and this world could use stability."

As if to punctuate his words, weapons fire suddenly erupted down below.

"WAR! It's war!" some shouts in the hall of the highrise building came through the room.

From the news reports it looked like no one knew what set the conflagration off, but both sides were determined to finish it.

The people taxed beyond their means struck with a savagry previously unknown to Agamar and the higher citizenry fought with grim determination to protect their crumbling, privileged way of life.

For days the fighting when on, the building struck repeatedly forcing Motsi, Carlotta and her guardian to go to lower levels.

"Wh..when will it stop, Motsi? Why .. why can't they find peace?"

"They hate too much... Carlotta. They hate to much."

"Look!" the guardian shouted.

In the distance, shuttles were descending. Ciscero snatched some nearby lens and zoomed on the ships.

"Their Imperial!" he said rather excitedly.

The girl was going to shout in exclamation when Ciscero clamped down on her mouth. "Remember whose camp you are in." he whispered. Even the guardian nodded at that.

Inwardly, the Imperial agent smiled.

The markings on those shuttles show General Ming's division. The old goat finally got himself out of Carida. Well bully for him! This fighting will be over quickly enough if he has anything to say about it..

The Wrath virus had put a stop to the official government on Agamar but the Imperial infrastructure still remained. There were those happy to see the Empire go, there were those sad to see it go remembering the Class wars rampant between the rich and poor before it had come.. and there were those that just didn’t give a damn one way or the other.

And though, there was no real military presence, the Empire still had it’s intelligence connections.

And those connections showed something recognizable.

A pattern.

A pattern of control.

A pattern of influence.

That’s what intelligence officers looked for. Patterns. It was one of the first things that clued ISB and Imperial Intelligence to the Black Hand Operations.

And once a pattern of influence and control was recognized, they became easier to spot. This is not to say that the Black Hand was an amateur operation. No, they looked to be the inheritors of the New Republic Intelligence status providing a competition unmatched by any other agency against the Empire.

One pattern that was easily recognized was the “control” group if intelligence operations, a control group that is also analyzed by Imp Intel and ISB.

For each officer controlled huge networks of dissidents recruited from among the native populace.

The advantage to the Empire was they were already there, albeit without official or military teeth.

And though they couldn’t catch all… they either captured most Black Hand agents within their sphere of influence and identified others outside.


“New orders from Grand Marshall Kaine.” The Presiding Captain of the gargantuan vessel said as shipyard personnel and soldiers continued to put the finishing touches on the warship.

“It seems that we are to begin trial runs immediately. Also the Task Force assigned to monitor the run can expect to be augmented.” He continued glancing at a list of warships to defend the venture that followed.

The bridge of the Ebony Vigilance II looked pristine and ready. They were mere days away from the official launch date but before the official launch could happen, a series of tests needed to be run. Engine Trials was the technically official term.

Basically it was a way to run the hell out of them and break the warship in before being retuned and refined, and final operating specifications checked off on.

For the most part, the warship was complete, it’s hull having been completed months ago along with the shields and weapon systems.

About three months ago the ship’s hanger bay became operational and the need for the fighter corps flying from the planet to cover the construction became unnecessary as the ship itself took them into it’s bays.

The naval yard was, of course, positioned away from normal traffic since civilian operators and military operator kept their influences separate. Such was the standard when Kaine’s own 256th 2nd Sentinel Fleet made it’s birth in Muunilist yards and though the times had changed, the massive constructs had not.

As his YT-2400 Light Freighter Happy Sunrise cleared atmosphere John did as he always did and glanced at the Imperial Naval Complex in orbit.. Just as he was about to jump to hyperspace something in the shipyard caught his eye. An image seen in news broadcasts.

Dock Control - Shipyard – Designation: Empire Proper 5.0

“That’s a big sonofabitch!” the Docking Master exclaimed as the massive tractor beams of the shipyard as well as the tugs began to take hold of the ESD’s mass, pulling it out of the shipyard.

Military Tracking Station 32

“Sir, we have a civilian freighter deviating from it’s flight path slightly.”


“Nevermind, sir.”

The Empire was building an Eclipse-Star Destroyer. Slowly forcing himself to return to the task at hand John turned away from the site of the massive terror weapon. Slowly John pulled back on the hyperspace levers. As his ship entered hyperspace his mind was consumed with one thought. Something must be done.

“That was damned odd.”

Arliss Towers

“You think our transport agencies have been compromised?” Jenice asked as the representative from ISB sat in front of her.

“Their systems, minor ones at that, we believe.”

“And you base this on?”

“A lead from Imperial Intelligence operatives. Notable, and unscrupulous slicers having been tapped..very hush hush stuff.”

“Spare me the Intelli-speak, Agent ?”


“Agent Fash. But why us? Why Muunilist?”

“We’ve received an order from the Regent himself to double our security..”

“Again, Mr. Fash. Why?” Jenice’s voice cut through whatever platitudes the man would start to spill.

“Because Muunillist has come under attack before.”

“I know.. Admiral Drayson’s ill conceived –“

“Before that, Ms. Arliss. An attack perpetrated by the New Republic.”

Jenice’s eyes widened in recognition. “I remember that attack. It came out of nowhere. Our INS affiliates would have had a field day with that. They attacked the Eclipse.”

“It seems that the Regent does not want history to repeat itself.”

“Which would mean that the Empire is building a…?”


“If memory serves, Mr. Fash, the New Republic’s attack seemed to coincide with the ship’s launch date?”


“If you are preparing for an attack then…?”


“I know.”

“I thought you might.” The ISB man countered and Jenice flashed a wicked smile.

“But a fear that history would repeat itself does not really mean that our companies are being compromised.” Jenice felt victory approaching but suddenly saw it disappear when the agent pulled out a datapad.

“Then what is this? Intel flagged it immediately”

Jenice took the pad and noted that it was a typical shipping schedule and manifest. It seemed standard enough, two bulk transports Starfarer's Delight and Starfarer's Sunrise to drop off a load of Melenium out of Ord Trasi.

The first thing Jenice saw was that Ord Trasi seemed to sit on both the Conclave Border and Ubiqtorate spheres.

As well as Towers..

But what really caught her attention was where the material was slated for.

“EP-5? Civilian transports are not allowed into Military areas.”

“Yes, That’s where Arliss makes a killing in the Import/Export Fees since you control the planet-based docking. Civilian shuttles bring the materials in, you subcontract planet-based carriers to ferry the materials to exclusive loading platforms contracted by the Imperial Government. A sweet setup.”

“A girl needs to eat..” Jenice quipped, her laugh taking on a slightly aristocratic tone.

“That error aside, what the manifest does not take into account is that the ship is not lying in pieces on the shipyard floor. It is practically finished.”

“So what do you need the Melenium for?”


“Now either Arliss has incompetents running their shipping logistics which means a major infraction of Imperial Protocols and a hefty fine,” Jenice glowered at the man to no effect, “or a skilled slicer inserted it in. If it was not headed for EP-5, we might not have caught it but whoever sliced the program and whoever planned this are not the same people.”

“I’ll have to change the Corporate encryption systems.”

“And invest in a new Security Department.. at least for your commercial software systems.”

“Agent Fash, I would like to know who’s responsible for this if you do find out.”

“I’ll be sure to mention your request to my superiors Ms. Arliss.”

Arrogant prick!

“Thank you, Mr. Fash. I do appreciate your report.”

“You’re quite welcome, Ma’am.”

I don’t give a @#%$ who you slept with wench, Mr. Arliss pays me more to keep his business safe!

ISB Offices

“Well Fash, what do you think? The Regent being his paranoid self?”

“With the war on, he can’t afford to take things lightly.”

“Bah! So you think that anomaly with the transport was something?”

“Probably not. But the slicing IS something.”

“It could be crime related.. you know that Arliss @#%$...”

“True, but I don’t----“

“Report from Intelligence. That transport showed up at Agamar.”

“—see what else we can do but be prepared.”

“Agent Fash! You’ll want to take a look at this!”

“What?” the agent ground out irritably. All this intrigue was getting on his nerves.

“Intercepted transmission. Compliments of Arliss Industries Holocom Center.”

The transmission was a typical news report:

"So have you been alerted to the construction of another terror weapon by the Empire?"

"As of this moment no, I have not been alerted to the construction of another terror weapon. However it is likely that the Empire has designs to create such a terror weapon and it would make no sense to wait until it's been constructed to destroy it. We must be proactive in our defense against such weapons. The galaxy does not want to see another Eclipse Star Destroyer, it's already seen enough of them. Thank you."

“That wench!” Fash bellowed.

His superior grinned. “So now you owe her eh?”

“Dammit!” But the Agent’s eyes narrowed. “But it does confirm our suspicions.”


INS Analysis to ISB

Security File 42145.23

"So have you been alerted to the construction of another terror weapon by the Empire?"

Please confirm what our paid informants in your military have told us? Pretty please? – common reporter trick

"As of this moment no,

Hell yes!

I have not been alerted to the construction of another terror weapon.

Where do I start?

However it is likely that the Empire has designs to create such a terror weapon and it would make no sense to wait until it's been constructed to destroy it.

Their weapons terrify me. One in particular. We need to destroy it before it is completed!

We must be proactive in our defense against such weapons.

Strike First! Strike First!

The galaxy does not want to see another Eclipse Star Destroyer, it's already seen enough of them.

This is the terror weapon I know about and can confirm but not officially as it will let the enemy know that I know.

Thank you."

Pray for us

Dissemination done by: Groder Stu – INS


Editorial Post: Muunillist News

I’ve heard mention on how the Empire is “no doubt building more weapons designed to infringe upon the basic human rights of galactic citizens.” My question is: Isn’t that what the Empire is trying to do? Make sure “human rights” are not infringed upon by the myriads of alien invaders?

Thank you and Good night.

- Groder Stu

Ebony Vigilance II

Moving away from the shipyard, under it’s own power and in the opposite direction of the civilian shipping lanes, the black warship began to live. The mighty ESD’s engines came on line as the scores of systems and system links were checked by the engineers and specialist.

The warship’s weapons and shields though were unpowered and would not enter into the reactor startup matrix until after the engines had been initialized.

On board were several legions of the soldiers though not full crew compliment by any means. This was, of course, just a test run and not the official maiden voyage.

Also along were 12 Shrouds for not only protection but to monitor outside stress factors and the active hanger bays contained a squadron of Tie Defender Fighters.

“Helm, set a course for Bastion Salvage Fields.”

“Course set.”

“Engage at lowest sublight speeds and bring us to max. Once a positive confirmation of engine initialization has been given, prepare for lowest hyperdrive setting.”

“At your command.”

“Give me some thrust and monitor all systems. I want to make sure inertia dampeners are IG88 on the spot.”


And the ESD began to move away.

Muunilist.. Now

Two Neutron Star-Bulk Transports reverted out of hyperspace within seconds of each other barely a thousand kilometers from the Shipyards….

“That’s damn close.” A Captain murmured at the audacity of the enemy.

In front of the yard was one Reign Class Star Destroyer and two Belarus Cruisers. Inside the yard was one Reign Class Star Destroyer. Their shields were raised and weapons charged.

"Muunilist Control this is the Transports Starfarer's Delight and Starfarer's Sunrise. We're requesting an orbital dock with Shipyard EP-5. We have a load of Melenium from Ord Trasi onboard."

“They obviously do not know Imperial Procedures though the idea was clever. Target the ships and the moment you see sudden movement, open fire.

“Open a channel.”

“Channel open, Sir.”

“This is Captain Jaeder of the Empire. Power down your vessels and prepare to be boarded.”

OOC Assets at Muunilist Yard:

2 Reign Class Star Destroyer
12 Shroud Class Attack Cruisers
2 Belarus Class Cruisers
120 TIE Defenders

OOC Assets running with ESD on Engine Tests
1 ESD – Ebony Vigilance II
12 TIE Defenders
12 Shroud Class Attack Cruisers

OOC Assets Enroute from Imperial Center

1 Reign Class Star Destroyer
24 Shroud Class Attack Cruisers
12 Constrainer Class Interdition Pickets
2 Mk.II Victory-Class Star Destroyers
  • Posted On: Nov 8 2003 10:48pm
Munillust Space

The Eclipse Star Destroyer began to move away from the shipyard in the opposite direction that the Bulk Transports were. Ponderously the large transports began to turn. They didn't care about subterfuge any more. Their target was leaving the area and they had to stop it.

The Bulk Transports accelerated to full but they wouldn't be able to catch up with the Eclipse before it cleared the system's gravity. They were out of weapon's range but they were within tractor range...barely. Activating their tractor beams they both struck the Eclipse. There was no way they could pull the Eclipse or even noticeably slow it down but they didn't need to. If the Tractor Beams couldn't pull the Eclipse they'd pull the Bulk Transports. One of the transports transmitted a signal to the outer reaches of the system. There hiding behind an immense gas giant was an Sovereignty Fleet. A course was already laid in for all the ships in the fleet and it took just seconds for a portion of them to activate their hyperdrives. This fleet was the largest fleet that could be assembeled on demand. Along with 200 Missile Boat reinforcements from Bakura ships a fleet made up of ships that had formerly been at Taloraan, Bespin and Hargeeva all were assembeled.

Task Force Bespin
1 Allegiance - Class Star Destroyer
3 Imperial mk II Star Destroyers
2 Victory Mk. I Star Destroyers
2 Republic - Class Star Destroyers
5 Interdictor Cruisers
6 Silencer-Class Cruisers
4 Aegis Mark II Star Cruisers
2 TIE Phantoms
70 XM-1 Missile Boats
76 Tie Defenders

Task Force Taloraan
12 Silencer-Class Cruisers
1 Allegiance - Class Star Destroyer
2 Victory Mk. I Star Destroyers
2 Republic - Class Star Destroyers
70 XM-1 Missile Boats
76 Tie Defenders

Task Froce Hargeeva
12 Bird of Preys
5 Intimidator Cruisers
567 X-Wings

Task Force Bakura
200 XM-1 Missile Boats

Of this fleet
12 Birds of Prey
5 Intredictors
200 XM-1 Missile Boats
18 Silencer Cruisers
In hyperspace.
Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: Nov 9 2003 4:26am
Meanwhile, the Galactic Coalition had seen fit to send a fleet to deal with the threat of the Eclipse Star Destroyer. The fleet was poised to strike, in an uninhabited system, not far from Muunilist.


One week prior, at Jan Dondana's office.

"I need to see Jan Dondana."

"One moment please." Jan's secretary, Mirax said to Erisi. She immediatly called Jan.

"Sir, Erisi Drost is here to see you."

"Send her in."

"You may go in."

Erisi Drost, an attractive woman from the world of Abregado-rae, and a smuggler, walked into the office.

"Erisi, I'm sorry that we lost Abregado-rae."

"That is not what I am here about."

"Oh? Then what are you here for?"

"The Empire. They are building an Eclipse Star Destroyer at Muunilist."

"How do you know this?"

"I was told it by a friend."

"Thank you from bringing this to my attention."

"Your welcome. I trust that it will be dealt with accordingly?"


Erisi left, while Jan immediatly made preperations for an assault...


Admiral Dan Darmor sat in his command chair, on the bridge of his flagship, Justice. He commanded a fleet of 29 Defender Gunships, and his job was to assault an Eclipse Star Destroyer.

Twenty-nine 200 meter craft against an Eclipse Star Destroyer! How am I expected to win. If the Eclipse has shields and weapons, even if it is only at 50% power, I doubt I would win. Why can't I have received more ships?

An aide came up to him.

"Sir, it is time, we have to get our fleet to Muunilist."

"Are all our ships ready?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. Plot course for Muunilist."

"Sir. The course has been laid in."


"Engage the hyperdrive."

"Yes sir."

The fleet of Defender Gunships vanished into hyperspace, on route to Muunilist, with an Admiral commanding the fleet, and Admiral not quite sure what he would find at Muunilist. What he didn't know was that he would have reinforcements already there. Reinforcements in large numbers...


Fleet Manifest On-route to Muunilist:

29 Defender Gunships
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Nov 13 2003 4:37am
Ebony Vigilance II

After a week of engine trials, the sublight matrix was humming quite nicely.

"Shield matrix initialization complete, Captain."

"Weapons matrix initialization completed, Captain."

"Structure?" Captain Quinn, asked quietly. "Those initial runs were pretty rough."

"Engineering has locked down the problem sir. The supports have been reinforced."

Quinn nodded absently his eyes scanning the reports from the Shroud escorts. The correlation between the ESD's external sensors and the readings from the Shrouds matched, which pleased the acting Captain.

Quinn's executive officer entered the bridge holding a circular object. When Quinn turned to the commander, the man handed the Captain the object.

"Compliments of the Bastion Salvage Fields."

"From the first?"

"From Hyfe's own conference room."

The object was a symbol that would be given to the Regent when the ESD finally made it's official voyage to Imperial Center.

The handing of the torch from the wreckage of the first ESD, floating among the "fields" of dead ships at the Bastion Salvage yard was apt.

"Prepare for main hyperdrive runs.." he called out to the crew and they excitedly moved to action. "Running on the lowside of hyperspeeds was beginning to get to me.." he commented to his Commander.

For the better part of the week, they had been holding their return position away from the shipyards, though not too far as it's sublight maneuvers took it to the edge of the mass gravity shadow of Muunilist so it jump to the Salvage yards and return.

Now the ship began to, once more, move away from the planet and in the opposite direction of the yard when sensors picked up two large bulk cruisers heading for the shipyard.

"What the hell?" Quinn's exec whispered. "They just violated all sorts of procedures.."

Captain Quinn shrugged and turned his attention back to his ship. "Keep an eye on them, Blair," and his exec nodded.

"Hyperdrive systems?"

"Operating at top efficiency. Powerup building.."

"Keep the ship moving, Ensign."

At the Shipyard

"Target the ships and the moment you see sudden movement, open fire.

“Open a channel.”

“Channel open, Sir.”

“This is Captain Jaeder of the Empire. Power down your vessels and prepare to be boarded.”

"Sir! They are moving!"

Ponderously the large transports began to turn. They didn't care about subterfuge any more.

Noting the direction of their turn, Captain Jaeder smirked, "I guess we know what they want. All ships, full thrust!"

He didn't even glance at his expectant gunner command crew.

"Fire!" was all he said and the guns of the Reigns and Belarus Cruisers opened up on the transports causing quite a bit of damage to the structure of the ships.

But they did not sit by and take but acted as quickly as they could once completing their ponderous turn.

The Bulk Transports accelerated to full but they wouldn't be able to catch up with the Eclipse before it cleared the system's gravity. They were out of weapon's range but they were within tractor range...barely.

"Stay with them, Helm!" Jaeder ordered as the engines of the Reigns and the cruisers closed the distance.

"Their tractor beams are activating!"

"What the hell are they up too?"

Ebony Vigilance II

"They are definitely trying to come after us, Captain."

Quinn frowned as sensors showed tractor beams activating. "They can't hold us... they can't even hope to slow us.."

The Exec shrugged. "Who knows."

"Helm set course for the coordinates I am sending to your station."

"Transports are sending a signal!"

Quinn's eyes narrowed.

"Prepare to engage hyperdrive.."

The Chase..

"They're sending a signal!"

"Intensify forward fire!" Jaeder ordered and the combined weapons of the Imperial ships collapsed the hulls of the two transports. The modified structure of the transports had weakened their resistance and the weapons cut through it like tissue.

Both transports exploded but not before a signal was sent.

Ebony Vigilance II

"Captain Jaeder has destroyed the transports." the sensor crew confirmed.

"Course set sir. No systems or planetary bodies along our route until we reach the Corporate Sector."





And the ESD crossed the hyperspacial terminus leaping into hyperspace.

Captain Jaeder's Command

"Transports destroyed sir."

The Reigns and the Belarus Cruisers began to scan the wreckage.

In light of the "signal" sent by the transports the Shrouds raised their shields and loaded their missiles.

They disappeared from sensors as they cloaked.

"The Ebony?" Captain Jaeder's second officer asked.

"Probably halfway across the galaxy by now.."

Captain Jaeder turned to his communications officer, "Get me Imperial Center."

OOC Damages:
2 Neutron Bulk Transports
50 TIE Interceptors
150 X-wings
20 Svelte Assault Shuttles
2 Gamma Assault Shuttles
18 Atmospheric Re-Entry Pods

EDIT: forgot to list the OOC stuff.
Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: Nov 13 2003 5:27am
The Defender Gunships came out of hyperspace in the Muunilist system.

"Power up shields and weapons."

"Sir we have reports of something big heading into hyperspace."

"Sir, there is no Eclipse Super Star Destroyer on our scopes."

"Damn, we must have arrived just after it left."

High Command won't like this.

"Any enemy ships on the scopes?"

"Yes sir."

"What do we have?"

"Two Reign Star Destroyers, 2 Belarus Cruisers and 120 TIE Defenders. Everything is still out of weapons range."

"Damn. Plot course to Jump Point Five. Begin the run to hyperspace."

"Yes sir."

"Sir, that isn't our designated retreat Jump Point."

"True. We aren't retreating."


"We aren't retreating. We may be leaving this system, but that doesn't mean we are retreating."

"I see." replied the aide, though in actual fact he didn't.

The Admiral knew that the aide didn't see, but then in actual fact, he wasn't quite sure what he was going to do now. All he knew was that he wasn't heading back to where he had come from.

The fleet turned around and accelerated towards hyperspace. Their retreat vector was not near where most reinforcements from Imperial Center would come in. The Admiral had guessed that that would probably be where reinforcements were coming in from, so he specifically chose a vector nowhere near there. There wasn't any ship at Muunillist that could catch them now, except for the fighters, which would just barely catch them, and which wouldn't cause significant harm.

Defender Gunships come out of hyperspace out of range of all enemy ships but the stuff that was running with the Eclipse. They all do an about face and start to retreat.
  • Posted On: Nov 13 2003 11:58pm
OOC:It isn't over yet Simon.

SS Devestator

"Sir the Gravity Generators crew report that all of the generator systems check out."

Captain Braccan sat in his command chair aboard the Intredictor Cruiser Devestator. He was surrounded by polished metal and ceramic a testament to the efficiency and thorougness of his crew. He would settle for nothing less than perfection.

"Good. Time to reversion?"

"Minute, 45."

"Prepare to raise shields."

"One minute untill reversion!" Called out the jumpmaster.

"Begin the grav-well generators start-up sequence."

"Bird of Prey Reversion now!"

"Power up shields and weapons the second we enter the system."

"15 seconds!"

"Helm, I want zero space velocity upon our arrival."

"10 seconds, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, reversion!"

The Devestator reverted from hyperspace in the middle of nowhere. They'd launched on the course the second that it became likely that the Eclipse Star Destroyer would escape the group in-system at Munillust. Their heading was on the last known heading of the Eclipse Star Destroyer and they could only hope that it was the right one.

"Gravity Well Generators powered up and active. All ships report that they are in position."

"Good. Begin to jam all long-range communications. When the Eclipse arrives I don't want her getting out a distress signal."

Braccan settled down in his chair and waited...


"Sir, we long-range Sensor Scans from the Deliverance indicate that the Eclipse Star Destroyer left on the same heading as the Devestator's Task Force."

Vice-Admiral Hunith smiled. The first smile he'd had since he'd learned about the Eclipse Star Destroyer.

"Excellent. Are all ships in position with jump co-ordinates ready?"

"Yes sir!"

"Excellent. Proceed at x2 towards the target zone."

"Yes sir."

I was going to try to show you how the intredictors and escorts are arranged but ezboard sucks so..

Intredictors in wedge.

Eclipse will come out in front of wedge.

Bird of Preys on back, left and right of where the eclipse will come out.
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Nov 17 2003 5:02am
OOC: Hmmm...

And the ESD crossed the hyperspacial terminus leaping into hyperspace.

Only to come out of it a few seconds later.

It took a minute for the sensors to pick up the presence of the ESD from the Reign Class Star Destroyers scanners at the edge of Muunilist's mass shadow as the gravitational fluxuations with the entry and exit from the hyperspace terminus masked the vessel's presence from sensors and scanners.

Captain Jaeder looked concerned and sent a transmission to Captain Quinn.

"Captain, is something wrong?" his Exec. asked and Jaeder could only shrug.

The Imperial vessels noted the entry and exit of vessels bearing a Coalition transponder tag.. briefly. They left in a hurry obviously not noticing the ESD's presence either.

Ebony Vigilance II

"Hyperdrive misalignment.." the analysis computers spat out as Captain Quinn glanced at the emergency stations activated.

"Is it a hardware problem?" he asked in a comm to the Engineering Level.

"No sir. Software problem."

"Better use the backups for while we upload the mainframe programming again."

Given that the main drive and the backup drive used different systems, it was the only logical decision to make if what was happening actually happened and they wanted to proceed with hyperdrive functions.

"Is that possible? I thought we needed spacedock for that?"

"If the ship had been completed, I would agree, Captain. But since, technically, it hasn't been completed, we have all sorts of equipment onboard."

"Then get to it, Chief. We will utilize the backups." and turning to the Officer in charge of communications, "Inform Captain Jaeder of our ..uh.. 'problem'. We will be out of his hair presently."

"Inertia dampensers compensated well..." The Executive Officer commented to Quinn as he continued to read the technical data.


"Order the Shrouds to keep him company. We can't have these unexpected occurances happening without some sort of backup."

"Aye Sir."

And the Shrouds that had accompanied the ESD on it's multiple runs to the Bastion Salvage Yards moved quickly via a microjump to cover the distance to the Ebony Vigilance II.

Ebony Vigilance II

"Shrouds entering our weapons sphere."

Captain Quinn nodded, thankful for Captain Jaeder's foresight.

"Same course?"

"With only a backup hyperdrive, Lieutenant? It is a long way to the Corporate Sector. Suppose the backup fails too mid transit... and worse? What if we are stranded?

No...We need to test the backups before traversing such a long distance."

"We were cocky with the lower hyperdrive results..", Quinn's Exec commented.

"Aye." Quinn nodded, mentally reprimanding himself for it.

"Helm. New coordinates." and he transferred more figures to the helm.

"Complying Captain."

"Comm? Encrypt and relay to escorts."


And so, once more..


The ESD and Shrouds adjusted to their new course and the ESD, once more, crossed the hyperspacial terminus and entered hyperspace.
Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: Nov 20 2003 1:08am

The Defender Gunships vanished into hyperspace onroute to the designated Jump Point. The admiral sat alone in his quarters, debating what he should do, and where he should go.

I can attack, but shouldn't I report my failure to Jan? No, he might not let me attack, he could recall me. Then again, he is very understanding about these things. I'll probably call him once we get to our destination.

"Once we come out of hyperspace, lay in a course to Jump Point Alpha 10. Engage at that point."

"Yes sir."

The new course would keep them in hyperspace for several days. Days that would allow the Admiral to think about what he should do...
  • Posted On: Nov 29 2003 6:28pm
"Sir. It appears that the Eclipse has evaded our trap."

"Yes it does. Retreat to Bakura. Full Speed."

Quickly silently the Outer-Rim Sovereignty Forces jumped to hyperspacce.