Shadow of Democracy(Multiple Takeovers)
Posts: 13
  • Posted On: Feb 14 2006 10:42pm
Augustus sat back in his seat, quietly contemplating the suggestions made by Yardo. It appeared to him that of the four, Yardo and himself where the ones more used to subtelty, though Tokka was known to do a number of dirty deals and Minra was small time crimelord, calling for moments of subtlety. The only two real crimnals here, the two of them gave a gruff image of the underworld, especailly when compared to the cold, calculating nature of that Omega Thrax character. Augustus shivered at that slighlty, Thrax struck him as incompreshensibly vicious, yet the being never once raised his voice or lost his temper. It must just be sheer madness.

"I agree with these sentiments, and the acquisition of worlds is our prime endeavor right now. A military can be developed once we have the actual government formed, otherwise this will end up looking like another Empire, which will just draw too much attention in a bad way. I agree with Yardo's suggestion on these worlds and believe we should target Serenno first. Obviously no one has any real interest in the world. Anyone else?"

Tokka shifted the bulk of his form slighlty in his seat before speaking.

"I run shipping through all those worlds, primarily Bandomeer though, so I'll see what I can do to pressure the locals. Afterall, if they can't ship their metals out, they can't generate any income," Tokka gave a rather proud smile.

"Shipping infringements are all good and well, but the Phindians are isolationists as Yardo said. We'll have to make it worth their while to want to sign up with this. I'm against intimidation for these first worlds, it would be too dangerous, we need to manipulate them as best we can," Minra said, breaking her silence.

"This is all well said but the point is Serenno must join us first. It hosts a very wealthy and powerful leadership, one which holds sway over many Outer Rim worlds since the end of the Clone Wars and long before them. Therefore I support Yardo's position here and believe we should focus our resources there for now. This man, obviously not the Count perhaps could be persuaded to join and aid the movement, esepecially if we could acquire for him the title of Count, perhaps through some falsification of records and elimination of any member of Dooku's old family. Without them to question the position, we can ensure a new Count under our control and hopefully get Serenno with him."

Augusuts looked around the table again.

"Any suggestions as to just how we should go about with pulling Serenno into the fold?"
Posts: 14
  • Posted On: Feb 15 2006 5:56pm
Yardo scratched his neck slightly and then looked at the table with a pondering face, he looked at the two others then at Mond. Yardo sighed slightly slamming his hand at the table. The count was a young man, he was stubborn and Yardo knew he wouldn’t be easy to convert without a good excuse or even meet him at first. The first image that they should give about themselves should be a kind offer of power and wealth, Serenno as a world seemed to have influence enough trough it`s own wealth, which easily could help the others to be talked into the Confederation. Someone would have to use a bait to even meet the count since he wasn’t exactly the person that opened his castle doors to every guest. The way Yardo saw it there were only two whom were qualified for the job.

"We are going to need a bait, the count seemingly collects all sorts of artifacts and items, I heard a rumour that he collected artifacts or something so we are going to sell him one, but including this we offer him a place in the confederation and we need to convince him that his position as a count isn’t threatened so we let him stay as a satrap. Now to begin with I think that either I or Mond should go..."

"And why should only you two be able to do the job?" Minra asked clearly not inspired by Yardo`s words, which she might have found slightly offensive like Yardo`s earlier words.

"Because I am known as a businessman and Mond doesn’t really give a bad public image of himself to strangers unlike you two, other a crime lord and he other making dirty deals all tough Tokka would fit in the picture, but I fear that the count could see him as a brute and wouldn’t deal with him."

"Was that your personal opinion of me?" Tokka rudely interrupted Yardo.

Yardo smiled slightly as he was interrupted and leaned back in his chair.

"Perhaps, but that doesn’t matter since meanwhile you are going to on Bandomeer persuading the inhabitants there agreed? Surely it will sound more convincing, if we have the count behind us, but I think we can manage the both at the same time so we leave Phidian as the last one."

Yardo continued with a dry voice and then turned in his chair towards Mond.

"So, which one will meet the count? I sincerely don’t care, but the other can so something useful at the same time for example begins putting together plans for an army perhaps?"
Posts: 13
  • Posted On: Feb 16 2006 4:54pm
Augustus leaned back slightly in his chair, cluthing his hands together thoughtfully while he regarded those around him. It was obvious Tokka and Minra were of better use behind the scenes since Tokka's obvious temper wouldn't be useful for diplomacy and Minra was as cold hearted as they came. It left it down to Yardo and himself, though Yardo seemed to prove more knowledgeable on the Serenno situation. That would leave Augustus to try to look into the formation of some sort of military force to protect the new fledgling government. It had to be something feesible though, something a bunch of Rim worlds with their smaller populations could pull off...

"I'll let you deal with this supposed Count of Serenno, Yardo, you seem to know how to deal with him better than I do and more knowledgeable about how he thinks. I'll take the task of looking into a military force. That leaves Minra and Tokka to go and deal with Bandomeer, I'm sure two criminal elements should prove more than enough to convince the locals there that it would be in their best interest to sign the Confederacy Charter."

Tokka and Minra merely nodded before exchanging looks, an obvious tension between the two of them. It could prove to be a problem in the future and perhaps meant that Augustus would have to engineer the assassination of one of them if they did not stick to the Genoharadan's principles. It was a vicious thought, but in the end, something had to be done to keep order and if that meant Augustus would have to kill a fellow Genoharadan member, then so be it. The leadership was always replaceable, that was why the Genoharadan was still around. Even if all of the leaders were killed, new ones had already been chosen before hand, information ready to be given to them upon the death of the current leader. Augustus knew his own replacement if he should die somehow, but he didn't care to linger on that. The only one at the table apparently capable of being devious enough was Yardo and he proved to be against such options most of the time.

"So then, let us adjourn this little meeting and go about our business. We'll meet back here at my estate to discuss the Phindar situation once Serenno and Bondameer have joined the Confederacy. Good luck to you all, may Xim smile upon us all."

Augustus gave a small chuckle at that and rose from his seat the others along with him. He gave looked over at Tokka and Minra again before giving a small nod to Yardo, their eyes meeting for a moment in the quiet understanding the two seem to have developed over the course of the meeting. Augustus then turned and walked back into his manor, walking past the decapitated droid whom he would need to get repaired later and into his office where he would need to make a number of contacts to begin looking into arms manufacturing and establishment of something resembling a core military force.
Posts: 14
  • Posted On: Mar 6 2006 4:18pm
Yardo looked at them all as he got up after the decisions were made and every was about to depart on their own ways, now that he had given away his identity to the two others whom might prove themselves brutal he should be more careful not to mention hire a new guard. Yardo looked at the body on the floor and picked up the blaster off the dead bodyguards belt, as he held the blaster he felt disgust yet he put it on his belt. Yardo got up and looked at the others again; Mond gave him a slight nod as a sign of common understanding between them. Yardo slightly smirked behind his mask and walked away preparing the meeting with the count. First of all he needed an artifact, such items were easy to acquire, if you knew where and how, but they were mostly illegal in some parts of the galaxy. He could have surely got one from Tokka, but that would have just taken too much time and besides he needed to visit his estate at Yarblari. There were plans to be made, spies to be met and business to attend to. Yard exited the room and stopped at the hallway to look to his sides, none of those odd soldiers didn’t seem to be around anymore, but he knew that the Genoharadan would be watched very closely.

Yardo threw his hood over his head and proceeded towards the lambda shuttle, it wasn`t actually the ship he had arrived on since they had landed on a bigger transport ship passing by. All tough they could have used the shuttle Yardo had wanted to travel with more comforts, but now there was no time or need for such. Yardo looked around the hangar bay, still every second he was afraid that someone with a blaster in their hand would jump out of the shadows. He had to admit that this new environment and situations brought excitement, but he didn’t prefer them for an exact reason since he hadn’t even fired a blaster in his life. Everyone had done it for him and even that had happened rarely, Yardo opened the ramp and entered. He sat down in the cockpit and closed the ramp, the ion engines started and the shuttle raised into the air. He saw another shuttle leave the mansion after him, Tokka or Minra with out a doubt since Mond seemed to have planning to do for now. Yardo turned his concentration to the flying as he entered space; he quickly inserted his home world coordinates into the nav map and made quick calculations.

He might not be a greater pilot, but he sure as he was fast in thinking and using all sorts of technology. The stars turned into stripes as the shuttle shot towards Yarblari in hyperspace, Yardo leaned back trying to relax and had a pondering face as he scratched his head with his six fingered hand. The count wasn’t a fool and Yardo needed something most rare to even get his attention, he had to make sure that the count didn’t already posses such an object since many artifacts might be everyday objects of ancient times. The man took pride in knowing a lot about them and their former owners, but that was perhaps just a hobby for him since the man was a businessman. Yardo had brought him some stolen technology and seen the castle trough including the count’s collection, the counts support was strong and there didn’t seem to be any coalitionist screaming for democracy. Yardo`s thoughts ran out of track as he began thinking of the other Genoharadan members, Tokka and Minra were threats at the moment where Mond seemed to understand that unity would be their greatest asset not tearing each others apart. Yardo didn’t know, if his common sense told him this or was it his pacifism, which unfortunately would seem lost. After some hours of quiet pondering he went to rest on the back of the shuttle and had an alarm on for his arrival Yarblari. He went asleep with the blaster at his side, he woke up at the alarm as the ship jumped out of hyperspace and Yardo walked to the cockpit. He sat down and opened hailing frequencies to his own estate’s control, he had a landing pad on top of the estate and his servants weren’t probably waiting for him. Yardo entered the planet atmosphere and he approached the estate flying over a few other buildings before it, he lived with his servants whom were mostly droids, but in a pacifist society there was no fear for murders really except for the part of a younger generation whom didn’t respect the pacifist traditions. They usually wore sleeves shirts and ignored the robes, Yardo had stayed away from the radicals, but now it seemed that he might need one at his side sooner than ever. Yardo landed onto the landing pad and the elevator opened on the roof revealing one of his servants, XK-902 was a protocol droid that helped around the house with his anomid servants. Yardo wanted to rip the mask off now that he was back home, but held his hands since he was going to depart soon anyway. As Yardo walked down the ramp the droid made a slight bow like move.

"Welcome back master Yardo, how was your travel?"

"Fine enough all tough I am going to need a new bodyguard, I`d like you to find me a suitable list of free bodyguards on nearby planets or just those whom would suit the mission. Most of all I want them to have a background of non-pacifism since no doubting bodyguard is effective..."

Yardo spoke all tough the droid could have understood his hand movements, but he wasn’t going to bother taking the time since the droid sometimes had the habit of taking slightly longer to understand him for some reason. He should have upgraded the droid long ago perhaps, but now that he remembered he would order his servant to do this all tough he would examine the droid in case of any false commands or bugs in the system.

"As you wish master, would you like anything else?"

"Not at the time, but I will call you when or if there is any need of you..."

Yardo walked past the droid into the elevator, which followed him and the doors closed behind them. The elevator notched into move and descended two floors downwards. As the doors opened Yardo stepped out and looked around while the droid carried out it’s new found duty, Yardo`s anomid servant arrived to the room and made slight bow beginning to use his hands.

You are back later than expected, but where is Zelkar?The servant signalled with his hands.

Gone, I relieved him of his duties as he seemed to have enough of being my bodyguard. A dangerous part to play especially, if I have gained enemies that I haven’t known ofYardo answered and then slightly rubbed his forehead even thinking of the ugly memory.

True, but is there anything you need at the moment?

Yardo looked around quietly and then looked back at the servant.

Contact Beznal, I want to meet him and tell him to bring all of his items in other words tell him to use his freighter

Beznal? Isn’t he that dealer who visited you a few years ago? He might be hard to find these days don’t you think since he was almost arrested for smuggling? The servant signalled uncertainly.

Just find him and tell him to meet me at the roof of my estate with his freighter, ensure him that this is not a trap, if he suspects any and tell him that I’ll get any problems off his back should there be any.

I will..

Good, now I will retire to my rooms. I am only to be disturbed when you find Bezna or when XK arrives to me with a list

Yardo finished his hand movements quickly and retreated into the elevator, he inserted a code into the elevator sending it upwards his own personal room that was sealed from others. He stepped in looking at the tidy room, it was decorated with red curtains and there was a chair in the centre with screens before it. He walked up to it, he sat down to it and opened a control panel. He made a search for any possible rumours about this Union and his newly found friends of the Genoharadan, he wasn’t trusting Omega Tharx`s words nor the others. Deep down they all were power hungry and treacherous, he was going to out of the way, if there was going to be any violence between the members and he actually hoped that the two would be replaced with far more intelligent beings or at least Tokka seemed stupid. Minra had a bad temper, which could lead to nasty consequences, if he selected the wrong words. Yet he couldn’t shake the feeling that Augustus had his own agenda since he was the one who gathered them all there, Yardo spin around in his chair as XK arrived into the room. The droid walked to the table and gave him a notepad; Yardo thanked the droid with a small nod as it left the room and descended with the elevator.

Yardo inserted the notepad files onto the computer, XK had narrowed the candidates down to three anomids, four humans and one twi`lek. Yardo made his own narrowing by taking out the files of the anomids, one had a traditional background that involved killing obviously he had been forced to it or it had been about survival. That left two anomids that represented the more radical generation, there seemed to be an easy way to settle it and that was a battle. May the stronger one prevail since by their backgrounds as they both seemed equally trustable? Yardo pressed a button on the panel opening a screen channel to his servant that replaced one of the screen pictures.


These two gentlemen to come here at my mansion

Yardo said as he sent the information to his servant’s computer.

Yes, Beznal has arrived sir shall I direct him to your room?

No, tell him to wait until these two will appear and done their business…

After sometime of waiting a hovercraft pulled by the estate and was followed by a car, the two anomids entered trough the gates looking around suspiciously at the mansion. They very well knew what kind of a man this new employer with an interesting suggestion was, a pacifist, but didn’t really know the part that Yardo would violence go along as the last opportunity. They were both guided into the elevator with Beznal on their heels, as the door opened Yardo got up slightly smiling as he spread his hands.

Welcome, Beznal you may step aside for now since I am going to have to make a decision here. As you know I said I was looking for a new bodyguard, I expect loyalty, discipline, no objections and no rush acts unless my life is at stake. My latest bodyguard ended headless since he wasn’t careful enough with the people I deal with, but in any case I would like to test you two quickly. The one who catches this pistol quicker and shoots the other will get the job unless the other is willing to walk away?

Considering you proposal, no. The other retorted.

Me either.. The other confirmed.

Very well, then we will begin shall we if we are clear of the rules and the ways of engagement? No unnecessary violence and the winner will be the one whom gets this gun

They nodded as they stood side by side and looked at each others, Yardo placed the gun on the table before him and they waited for him to signal going for the gun. Yardo quickly waved his hand and they rushed towards the pistol, the first one tripped the other one by accident or just by intention. The anomid was about to reach the table and the pistol as Yardo grabbed it shooting the anomid in the chest a couple of times, he felt disgust as he pulled the trigger and as the body slammed to the floor. Yardo threw the blaster to the second one that got up from the ground.

As you both knew my background I am a pacifist all tough what I just did is quite… disgusting I must add, he should have remembered that I am not violent and yet he was going to shoot you with out a doubt in pulling the trigger. So I did the unthinkable and this is also your first lesson as you work for me Arnoez, don’t cross the line with me or my partners and my partners especially for they will use force first, if it is an option unlike I. Beznal…

Yes? Beznal signalled as he stepped forwards still looking at the body for a while.

Do you have those artefacts along with you in your ship?

Most certainly sir, shall we go up and check them out?

Of course, I feel sick only being in the same room as this body… Yardo added with a disgusted face.

The three proceeded to the elevator, Yardo entered last as they went up to the roof where the freighter was waiting for them on the landing pad that luckily had enough room for two ships. Yardo knew that taking a new bodyguard so quickly might have been stupid, but he had no choice and how else did you hire them anyway? There was no choice and Yardo had to stick to this younger anomid, he wasn’t sure if his new bodyguard could go along with his terms, but that remained to be seen. As the door opened Beznal walked out first, then Yardo and finally his bodyguard that seemed to be slightly confused with this all, they all entered the freighter that Beznal used. The cargo space was filled with crates; Beznal began opening some holding some artefacts, but as far as Yardo knew they were numerous throughout the galaxy and not rare at all. Yardo turned to Beznal after looking around.

This is all? I expected more unless you are hiding something in these other crates?

Well… I might have something, but that will cost you some extra than usually. Rare stuff is hard to get and I have no intention of letting it all be in vain.

Money has never been a problem for me and you know that so just show me what do you have stored up for a bad day…

Yardo signalled with frustration towards this dealer since it was always about higher prices. Personally he didn’t understand collecting artefacts, they only bought them to rot on their own cabins, but he guessed it boosted the buyer’s weak self confidence. Beznal opened a secret part in the wall and took out a more flat box that the others like it had some sort of a sword in it, beznal opened the case carefully and revealed what first Yardo thought to be a tome of some sort, but as he closer inspected it seemed to have a handle part and some writing.

“Quite decorated I must admit…Arnoez please take it and check if he is trying to screw me, don’t worry I have to change few words with him alone and besides I have the means to defend myself”

Yardo said out loud as he inspected the item closer with his back turned at them, then he handed the case over to his bodyguard who left the ship and Yardo looked at the smuggler.

And you wonder what for do I need an artefact? You have obviously stolen these and someone is at your tail sooner or later, but you’ve been laying low so I doubt they will find you. Yet our meetings have their risks, now I have had more responsibility to take and no intentions to be caught you must leave the planet.

Leave Yarblari? That can’t be done, I have connections and everything here

You have no choice on this matter or well surely you guess the next possibility, which I`d hate to take, but you aren’t leaving me any choice in this matter unless you scram. You take your ship and cargo, all of your property and vanish into the backwaters of this galaxy. Understood?

But my employer…

Your employer? Your employer would probably wet himself even knowing who my employer is.

The empire?

Not even close…

Arnoez arrived with the case and gave it to Yardo.

Some of the computer files matched, worthless it is not unless you want to go after more bigger fishes?

No, this will do just fine and besides even, if the count does have this we get to meet him as long as we keep it well hidden. If we didn’t carry it in a box or a case like this he would have suspicions since human minds seem to think that the bigger the better I guess. Now Beznal vanish and don’t show your face here again…

Yardo said before walking out, Yardo and Arnoez watched the freighter leave, and then Arnoez turned to Yardo with suspicious eyes.

What now?

We depart right away, coming here and waiting for you to appear was already waist of time as my colleagues are already acting swiftly without no hesitation as the wheels of our project begin to turn and put our plans in motion.


That is something you won’t have to bother your head with yet, just do your duty by watching my back and it all will unveil before you…

Yardo finished the conversation by walking towards the shuttle and opening the ramp, he entered and sat into the cockpit as Arnoez took the pilots seat. The shuttle ramp closed and the systems activated, the shuttle rose slowly, but firmly and then took off towards the sky above. Yardo yet had his suspicions about the count; they had met two years ago so he wondered did the count remember him at all. In any case Yardo wasn’t going to leave Serenno without an agreement with the count, and then the stars turned into stripes before him as the shuttle headed for the Serennon coordinates.
Posts: 13
  • Posted On: Mar 9 2006 5:09pm
There was a low hum of repulsorlifts cutting out as a small shuttle touched down on the landing pad outside of the floating estate of Augustus Mond. The water of Aquilaris were always calm and beautiful, which was why Mond had long ago decided to place his base of operations here, or at least his residence. The humans that lived on the planet were very practical and well adapted, the government apparently lacking corruption, mainly thanks to Augustus' own efforts as he placed most of the officials in debt to himself over anyone else. While not obscenely rich like some in his position often are, what Augustus specialized in were favors, long term ones that often required great sacrifice for those in debt to pay off. Such is the case with the the Prime Minister of Aquilaris and major members of the Synod, Aquilaris' legislature. And now Augustus was calling in another one of his debts from a mercenary captain he'd saved long ago. The man's name was Cedric Gotha and he had fought in a number of wars on who know's how many sides. To say he'd seen war was like calling a planet big.

And so now Augustus watched quietly from as the boarding ramp of the shuttle lowered and a number of tough looking individuals descended from the ramp before a tall, somewhat slender but none the less dangerous looking man walked down the ramp, clad in his normal attireof brown and red combat armor. Cedric was quickly greeted by a repaired Shado and then led into the building, his little squad of bodyguards staying behind with the shuttle. It took several moments but then Cedric was following Shado into Augustus' office, where he found Augustus waiting for him on the balcony. He walked to join him, looking out at the view as he spoke to the man who he owed a rather large debt to.

"Just what is it you want, August? I've got a couple jobs lined up and my men are kind of needing to get paid soon."

"I'll be honest with you, Cedric, I'm in a rather sticky situation right now. A new galactic government is in the works right here on Aquilaris and its going to need a strong military, or a at least a strong base to its military."

"You're joking, right? I do merc jobs, August, not baby-sitting governments who don't pay so well."

"Well, the advantage to you is that this government will be able to pay you and your men well to not only aid in leading the military but also in training more for a very integral part of it. The Pax Legio."

"Pax Legio? Isn't that old high basic for Peace Legion? You're making a war machine and putting Peace as it's leadership's label?" Cedric said with an amused grin. "Just what authority do you have to make me this offer anyways?"

"I've been named the Foreign Designate for the new Outworld Confederacy but the soon to be Prime Designate, Prime Minister Hue Ushar."

"Foreign Designate, eh? So tell me, August, whose really in charge of this new government?" Cedric gave a cold smile to a man he'd know for a while.

"The Prime Designate of course; I'm just an errand boy here to call in a few debts you owe to make sure this new government has something of a formidable military fighting force that will discourage the other governments from just ploughing through, thinking they'll get away without any casualties."

"Yeah, but you called it a confederacy, those types don't tend to like to have a big central army unless they can find someway to avoid dumping too much manpower into it."

"Ah, well now that's the trick, isn't it? I need the Peace Legion to lead the new Confederacy Defense Force, which is intended to be heavily droid based, however, seeing as how we can't afford to let droids run the show, the Peace Legion will be operated and trained to become an elite force. For every man that joins, he should be able to take down a squad of stormtroopers on his own."

"Do you realize how tough that will be? Making a fighting force that good? It won't be very big, I can tell you that right now."

"It doesn't need to be big, Cedric, just damn good. Good enough that even the Empire would regret deploying against it. I want a force that can inflict casualties so high that no one will even dream of making war with us. It will then be dispersed throughout the entire Confederacy. Droids and automated warships need vicious officers and that's what the Peace Legion will be. Every warship will be crewed by the Peace Legion, every army led by it. Our non-mechanical military force must be the best, do you understand? Droids make excellent cannon fodder, but someone has to know how to use that cannon fodder."

"It sounds like you've put a lot of thought into this, but where are you gonna get the droids and weapons from? Its not like someone is just gonna give them to you," Cedric said with a chuckle.

"But of course, I have already sent contacts to both the Fegal Companies and the Techno Union. Fegal makes so many weapons that he's the perfect arms manufacturer for us and with the newly reformed Techno Union, we have our droid and warship manufacturer. Both of them are independent of any government and more than willing to make deals. We just have to reach an agreement. But before I can do that I need to know if you'll accept this offer. If you do, you'll no longer be in debt and, I might add, be payed very well as the Marshal of the Peace Legion."

"You really know how to corner a guy, don't ya? You offer me a chance to pay off my debt as well as be paid off by this fledgling government. Well, Mr. Foreign Designate, I'll accept your damn offer. The Merc busuness has been getting boring anyway, someone's been muscling in on it big time so I've been finding less work so just as an added point, my men come with me."

"Very well, I'll inform the Prime Designate soon of your decision. Welcome to the Confederacy, Cedric," Augustus grinned cooly and offered his hand to the man.

Cedric clasped it in a traditional mandalorian way, sealing the deal between him and his old associate. Now all that was left was to negotiate with Fegal and the Skakoans on setting up some governmental contracts to begin funding production of the new military that the Confederacy was going to dearly need to defend itself from others.
Posts: 14
  • Posted On: Mar 28 2006 6:22pm

After a long travel the shuttle exited hyperspace near Serenno, the planet was right before them and Arnoez began to descend down to the planet athmosphere soon enough. Yardo had to admit Serenno seemed like a wealthy, but yet a very pleasant planet since it wasn’t filled with endless city such as Corusant. Yardo kept the artifact case on his side and couldn’t wait to meet the count; he would have to convince the count of the security of this new confederation. The count wasn’t a young nor an old man so he was not to be fooled in anyway, he wasn’t the actual count, but at least he was the count and had the planet in his hands so that he could deliver it for the Genohardan all tough he would never know of such since Yardo would only say that he was a diplomat for the confederacy. The shuttle now slowly glided towards a castle of sort that stood over other buildings as, if it was declaring its power on the planet. Arnoez landed onto a landing pad on the roof and it had already been noticed by the security cameras. An uninvited shuttle that had not even asked permission was very disturbing, but the count would surely understand his view as he was in a hurry. Soon elevator doors opened and few guards stepped out looking at the shuttle with their weapons up, Arnoez seemed very cautious as Yardo opened the ramp, but Yardo told him to calm down with a shake of a head as Arnoez went for his gun. Yardo told Arnoez to carry the box as he walked down the ramp with his arms up as a sign of surrender. The guards approached quietly with their guns held up towards this alien as another came down carrying a box, Yardo looked back at him. They were probably thinking that Arnoez was carrying a bomb in there probably.

"Stay put both of you, what is your business here on the counts roof?"

"I am here to conclude business, I have a tight schedule so I couldn’t inform of my coming and besides meeting the count that way could have taken ages, but besides the count he has met me once so we made a pact that I would return with something one day." Yardo ensured with a calm voice.

"We will check you, your ship and equipment for any weapons then, what’s in the case he is holding?" The guard demanded nodding towards Arnoez as the other guards approached to search Arnoez, the case and the ship.

"An artefact, it’s very rare and valuable one. I had to make a small sacrifice even to get it, but you may check the case, but give me the artifact for that time so that I can take it to the count...."

"Very well, take the case and check it for traps or anything suspicious.." The guard ordered the others.

The guards took the case and carefully opened it, they found only the artifact, which they gave to Yardo after examining it quickly and then continued with the rest for example a fake bottom. They found nothing and Yardo placed the artifact back in the case, the guards talked amongst each others coming to an agreement after of course checking them both and the shuttle for weapons. They only found Arnoez`s few weapons that he was carrying with him. The main guard opened a connection to the castle and spoke to the count.

"Sir we have an anomid on the roof saying he has met you and has something you want, he has an artifact a sceptre sort and we found nothing on the ship nor the case. I think he is clean, but aren’t these anominds always?" The guard spoke in the transmitter.

"Surely they are, they are not rude barbarians and please send him inside alone to meet me in the dining hall where I am..." A voice said from the other end.

"As you wish.."

The guard obeyed and turned to the anomids.

"You sir are allowed to pass, but your friend must remain here. The count`s orders so please do as we say..."

"I understand, He will stay at the shuttle and wait here as I speak with the count..."

Yardo turned to Arnoez waving with his hands.

You stay here as they told us, don’t do anything unnecessary or stupid, but I imagine it will be hard here and if betray me by leaving with the ship I swear you can’t find a safe place in this galaxy as long as you breathe.

Yardo picked up the case and two guards escorted him to the elevator, the other opened the door with a code card and then the three entered the elevator. After a short descending the doors opened and the guards stepped to the sides as Yardo walked into a long dining hall, there was a long table and at the other was sitting a man with black hair. He had no beard and seemed very civilized as he ate his dinner; Yardo walked by the table almost to the counts side, but stopped few chairs before the man. Yardo bowed as a sign on respect and sat down placing the case before him, the count placed his food aside with a smile.

"So you return Yardo, it has been a while, but at least you came today and brought me something did you not?. I can’t really recall any sceptres in my collection, but we shall see shall we?" The count began with a friendly, but slightly doubting voice.

“Indeed I brought this for you…” Yardo opened the case revealing the sceptre with a slight smile as the count examined the artefact with his eyes until Yardo interfered. “But I have my price count, but my price is very fair, but I believe we will first secure, if it is real and worth my price?”

The count seemed slightly annoyed, but had to admit that he usually was a very careful man all tough rather greedy at sometimes, the count began walking towards the elevator and Yardo followed him quietly with the case in his hands. They entered the elevator and descended again to floor that reminded Yardo of storage, but was with a closer look it was a place where the count kept his artefacts. Like a trophy room all tough what kind of a trophy room this would be since everything in it was purchased from filthy or less filthy merchants and dealers? They walked to a table which had a light and on it there were many papers that held some information. Yardo placed the case on the table and the count opened it beginning to examine it more closely, if it was not a fake and that was what Yardo hoped for. After a minute the count nodded slightly.

“I believe we have a deal, come I will place this on it’s place and then we discuss about the price..”


Yardo said following the man trough the room, the moment was at hand, but Yardo didn’t dare to bring up the confederation yet and he felt that the sudden visit had to be forgotten by the count at least for a while since he could become rather paranoid or cautious. They arrived to a shelf and the count placed the sceptre against a small support that it didn’t fall down. The count looked at it for a while and then turned around.

“Name your price Yardo…”

Yardo nodded to his side as he began to walk trough the room and the count walked on his side, Yardo smiled slightly and then held his fingers together with a pondering face.

“My price is quite fair and not an amount you could not pay, but this way is rather unorthodox.”

“By that you mean you do not want money? Information perhaps or investments on some company perhaps?”

Yardo smirked and stopped turning to him.

“My price will actually benefit us both count….”

The Count had a very confused and cautious, but yet very interested in Yardo`s words. Yardo had a serious face as he spoke again.

“I offer you a seat in the confederation, a new confederation has begun to gather and currently many more planets are being rallied to our cause without bloodshed or violence. They are all willingly uniting under one banner to halt the greedy empires from consuming us or blinding us one by one. I am a diplomat for them, your powers on Serenno wouldn’t be restricted, your planet would be protected from invaders and you would gain a seat in the confederation.”

The count seemed slightly stunned and then walked few steps to a window.

“So you are asking me to join this scheme of yours, you used the deal as a excuse to meet me and I am now thinking should I or should I not? I am quite popular man, it is their blood that would be shed in the wars you would go to I assume? Besides the empire will not tolerate a new power like that…”

“They will, they have before and they shall now. What comes to your people fighting then no, they will not fight because we will have another type of army that once existed and one shall rise again to guard the confederation. Join us and gain power or we might come for your planet, but I believe the empire will do that before we can… so… protection and power or being conquered by the empire?” Yardo asked stepping forward.

The count was quiet, he was being asked to make such decision right away, but he first thought about the consequences and then nodded slightly. The empire might takeover, but they didn’t slaughter humans, if they didn’t resist and Serenno had only everything to gain from this deal.

“… I guess I have nothing to lose… Very well then anomid, I will join this confederation of yours since you aren’t leaving me with many options since the empire truly is threateningly close so I think I can play it safer this way perhaps….”

…Or lose everything Yardo thought quietly as smiled.

“Exactly, you have nothing to lose and besides if the empire would threaten your power without you having a supporter then they might not back down from the fight. When they hear that a number of planets are uniting and ready to fight they know they can’t risk such war all tough their enemies are now at war. Besides the empire seems like a sleeping beast, but in any case I thank you for your decision… we will send an emissary to aid you and serve you… but please let your people know that Serenno is now part of our confederation..” Yard said and bowed.

The count nodded they both went to the elevator, the count had been quite lucky so far without having Serenno invaded, but in the end who was interested in the outer rim? Yardo chuckled quietly to himself while the count left the elevator leaving Yardo on the way up. The elevator stopped and Yardo stepped out, he looked at the guards and then walked towards the shuttle nodding to Arnoez who slightly smiled at his master’s success. Yardo walked in as the ramp closed behind him, he sat down as Arnoez came to the cockpit and then ignited the engines of the shuttle. The shuttle got up and left the landing pad, soon they were in space and Yardo opened a secured messaging frequency back to Augustus.

“My plan was successful, I persuaded the count to realise that he would play it safe by joining us and now he is waiting for our emissary to arrive. But he of course keeps us informed on the situation on Serenno while helping the count, if there really is any need. So how has our other progress going as I have been to Serenno?”

Yardo said and waited for an answer.
Posts: 13
  • Posted On: Jun 10 2006 12:31am
Augustus sat quielty at his residence on Aquilaris, listening to the music of an illegal copy of a Whaladon concert. It was standard Mon Cal tradition that no recordings be made, but anything can be acquired for a price and this was one of Augustus's little pleasures, listening to the eerie yet amazing music created by the massive sentient beings that shared their world with the Mon Cals and Quarrens. It suited him, a man who had grown up on a water world himself even as he now waited for the representatives from the Techno Union to arrive so that new contracts could be drawn up and the Confederacy's Navy and Army could finally be under way. After that, all that would be needed is for the Union to set up some contracts between Rac Fegal and the Outworld Confederacy to supply weapons and munitions. It was rather useful having such a well established organization as the Union aiding the Genoharadan in setting up the new government, but it was also a pain because no one knew what the real plans of the mysterious Chairman were. He simply sat in the shadows directing the Union, much like the Genoharadan would direct the Confederacy. In the end it still irked Augustus because he along with the other three leaders of the Genoharadan were just pawns for this Chairman, obeying his whims whenever he cared to issue them, yet the Union proved to want the Confederacy to flourish. Already information was being provided to Augustus about supplying the Confederacy with its military. That was why the Techno Union was coming here, because they were puppets of the Union as well, trapped in the spider web of the Chairman and his mouthpiece, Omega Thrax.

The comlink on Augustus's desk chirped and a droid's voice came from it.

"Sir, the Techno Union representatives are here."

"Send them in."

The comlink clicked off and Augustus turned in his desk to watch the doors to his large study slid open, giving entry to a tall, odd looking orange droid and a pressure suit wearing Skakoan. The pair entered quietly and then paused as the droid raised its hands. Augustus observered this quietly for a moment, wondering if it were some sort of bodyguard unit but was very soon to be proven otherwise.

"Statement: Leave us, master, this does not concern the puppet. This is Union business."

Bot turned towards the droid, glaring at it through his goggles before turning and leaving the pair alone. HK-47 then stepped forward.

"Inquiry: You are Augustus Mond, are you not?"

"Yes, and I'm assuming you're the real one in control of the Techno Union for our mutual associate?"

"Statement: That is correct. I am HK-47, unofficial controller of all Techno Union interests. Officially I am merely my master's translator. Omega Thrax has informed me you are interested in acquring contracts for warships and battle droids."

"Yes, the Confederacy is going to need a very large and easy to finance amount of armed forces. Seeing as how the Techno Union are masters of robotics and automation, I believe it would be in the best interest of my government to have such abilities at our disposal, including, if possible, a new model of battle droid. Those old clone wars models are a bit out of date, all things considered."

"Statement: The acquistition of droids and warships will be done as you wish. As for a new model, the Techno Union has more than enough scientist to formulate a more modern design for use by the Outworld Confederacy. Its shall be done as long as credits can be provided to fund the project."

"Money is of no consequence, operations are already in planning to acquire several very valuable worlds to aid in financing the Confederacy's independence from the other galactic governments."

"Inquiry: Then may I ask as to what vessel variants you are interested in being provided?"

"Yes, the old seperatist warships proved rather useful. I want revamped models that can be put to use. Nothing large, that way the Empire, Imperium, and Coalition don't get panicky, but ships that can be mass produced very easily so that we can crush any strong arm attempts by them with sheer numbers. Afterall, they're all too busy fighting eachother to worry about a neutral little government like my own."

"Inquiry: And what is they do become involved?"

"Negotiation. They all think they're so clever with their brute strength methods, but they can all be side tracked and appeased long enough for us to have a military ready to make them think twice about trying to force anything on our government. We intend to be free of all of them."

"Statement: Others have thought that before but consider the orders already being prepared. The Techno Union will supply with its needs as well as provide a... demonstration of the new droid model for you once we have enough prototypes constructed. This concludes our business."

The droid simply turned and departed out of the double doors, leaving Augustus staring at it and feeling a shiver run up his spine at how HK-47 acted. The Union obviously would let anyone in if they knew how to control them, but such a thing as that droid seemed liked a wild card factor. He considered investigating its past when his comlink buzzed with a message from Yardo. Augustus pressed the transmit button.

"Excellent, I will dispatch someone as soon as possible. Now we must deal with the other worlds."

With that said he cut the transmission and pulled up a galaxy map, eyeing the region the Confederacy intended on expanding into, politically if possible. If not, then the Genoharadan would step in and force the worlds from the shadows to join without any choice in the matter. Nothing would stand in the way of the Genoharadan's plans.
Posts: 14
  • Posted On: Jul 4 2006 6:30pm
Yardo received a short yet clear message from Augustus, he had actually prepared for it as the ship headed for Phindar that was just a short way from Serenno.

"Excellent, I will dispatch someone as soon as possible. Now we must deal with the other worlds."

Yardo closed his transmission as well and tookout a notepad that his bodyguard had gotten for him about Phindar as there wasn`t much information coming out of Phindar. Once upon a time they were controlled by a powerful criminal organization, the Syndicate until they were lead into rebellion with the help of two jedi knights. The Phindars then elected a govenor for themselves, they became isolationists keeping strangers out and themselves in. Probably the fear of being conquered again by foreign powers or being corrupted trough them especially as the syndicate had any dissenters minds erased in a process called "renewal", very similar to the memory wipes that are applied to droids. Renewed Phindians would sometimes be dumped on other planets, so Syndicat members could bet on how long they would survive. Rather brutal yet amusing in it`s twisted own way, of course Phindar had also been attacked twice by the Confederacy in the clone wars. The Phindars wouldn’t give a warm welcome nor did Yardo never expect one, but unless he could turn the head of the planets leader then he might have to use other Phindars to do it for him.


The shuttle arrived near Phindar and immediately they were hailed by the Phindars, Yardo opened the connection and leaned back in his chair as a Phindar appeared onto the small screen. They all had long arms that stretched all the way into their knee’s, which was a rather amusing feature in them, their skin was dark and had white blotches in it.

"State your name and business so we might consider letting you enter our planet, we expect you matter is important?"

The phindar said clearly and slowly so that, if there was someone stupid aboard that they would understand what he was fully saying. Go in without permission and you are dead in other words, to the comment Yardo hmped, but answered without any insults.

"I am Yardo and I am here to talk to your governor about a proposition I have, I come unarmed and as you surely know my race is a peaceful one, yes the matter is important concerning the whole future of your race. This is not a threat, but a simple fact that I have come to discuss..."

There was a moment of silence, obviously their leaders were talking to each others about allowing them to arrive to the planet and the shuttle seemed suspicious either way. After a while the silence was broken all tough even Yardo seemed to get worried in his thoughts fearing to be turned away straight away yet his fears proved wrong.

"You may land and our governor will be meeting you at the capitol building in our capital..."

"Thank you..."

Yardo ended the conversation and snapped the connection off, Yardo`s bodyguard steered the shuttle into the atmosphere and then turning it towards the capital. Yardo watched quietly as the city opened before them, but opened his information’s of his data pad about the empires latest where abouts with a smile as he updated them. Perhaps changed them a little into his own design as the shuttle landed on top of a square building where the governor took residence, Yardo got up and walked to the back as the ramp opened. He walked calmly down the ramp with his robes covering his feet making him too as, if he moved in a ghost like way down the ramp. He stopped before the guards that watched him giving him the clear impression he wasn’t wanted here, Yardo`s bodyguard of course was roughly disarmed and surely there were guards waiting all the way. Yardo raised his hands calmly as his robes were checked; the guards watched the data pad quietly before handing it back to Yardo. It was a long hall with a double door at the very end of it, Yardo and his bodyguard quickly moved trough it past some Phindars looking at them. Yardo entered the room seeing their apparent leader sitting behind his desk, Yardo made a deep bow before approaching the table yet his walk was stopped by a question.

"What is your business here Anomid?" The Governor asked impatiently as Yardo calmly sat down into a chair.

"To ask you to join my little club..."

"Club? Don’t talk with riddles to me anomid and get to the point..."

"Aren’t we unwelcoming, but with image you give I wouldn’t have expected less... this little club isn’t actually mine, but I am apart of it as are your neighbours the Serennoeans. We are forming a new confederacy into the outer rim, all tough you have a history of being apart of the republic and being attacked by the old confederation times change.

I am here to give you an alternative to the empire..."

"The Empire? What are you speaking of?"

"This sir..."

Yardo said planting opening a small hologram of the closest systems, there became red colours turning some planets red as well and then one planet turned blue that was Serenno.

"The blue represents the confederation and the red is the empire, they are going apparently going to come here and might be preparing some sort of an invasion already..."

"So what you are basically saying we should choose to be enslaved by you than the empire? Our people were once part of sick betting and were booted by the syndicate, why should we join anyone?"

The governor demanded reasoning apparently yet seemed to realise the threat, if Yardo spoke the truth. Yardo pressed his fingers against each others smirking behind his mask and then looking at the governor.

"We are not here to enslave you, besides I do not believe in such brutality as droids can do that for us and we are only wanting your support. You can stay on your planet, but we might just need you in some meeting and such no more. Otherwise you wouldn’t have to leave from Phindar and we can give you fair trade agreements with other planets that will be rallied to our cause... If you do not trust me check yourselves the empires acts, meanwhile I will wait for your answer..."

Yardo said putting his data pad into one of his many robe pockets as he got up and made one bow before turning away.

"Otherwise I’ll be in touch...."


The governor called with slight anger in his voice yet there seemed to be desperation in it, the fear of the empire and it’s rule seemed far more stronger than the fear of this mysterious helper of whom they didn’t have much information. Yardo raised his eyebrow.

"Yes your highness?"

"If what you say is true I might consider, but we are a democracy and it is the duty of the senate to decide..."

"Indeed it is"

That`s why Yardo was going to see to it that the senate would accept such proposition and if there wasn’t going to be one then he guessed that the droids that Augustus was working on would get a test in the process yet once the Phindars would know that Yardo spoke thruth they would join quickly than they would have ever wanted to be a part of anything. Yardo was soon at the ramp of his shuttle and had one final look into the long hall where the governor was already telling of the conversation. A smile rose of Yardo`s face as he disappeared into the shuttle from the guards sights.
Posts: 14
  • Posted On: Mar 5 2007 7:03pm
(Post transfered)