Separatist Beginnings (Open)
Posts: 896
  • Posted On: Mar 14 2004 4:03am
The Triton manuvered to the port side and dodged an asteroid that flew by it

"Keep up the evasion, make them think where desperate NOT to be caught", Tzhali said while strapped into the command seat

"Incoming boarding craft, there taking the bait", The com officer said

"Let Silliss's group know", he said to the com officer

She nodded and got on the horn

Tzhali sighed and laid back in his seat

"Boarding craft attaching to deck 4, aft corridor", The sensor officer said, "I'm reading a high level energy beam cutting through the hull, severing several lines...."

"I've lost communications!", yelled the com officer

"Boarding craft entering the hanger bay, crap no marines are present there.. only 4 manned fighters", Kasandra said

"Well... use them", Tzhali said

"Say what!?", Kasandra said

"Tell our fighters to fire on ANY boarding craft attempting to get into the bay, send two other fighters OUTSIDE the ship to attack any boarding craft trying to attach to any other area EXCEPT deck 4 art corridor", Tzhali said

"Yes Sir", Kasandra replied and got on top of it

"Lets hope this works", The com officer said

"Have faith in Silliss's group, there better trained than our own marines", Tzhali said

"There better trained is right, but there seriously outnumbered..", The com officer said

"You havn't seen them fight.. I have", Tzhali said and got up, he grabed his rifle, "If some DO get through they'll make a beeline for the bridge, just in case lets be ready"
Posts: 1272
  • Posted On: Mar 14 2004 4:46am
"Whon thoy cemo in...wuit antil tho first ef thoir beurding purty hus nourly pussod as." Silliss hissed to everyone. "Tho lengor thoy den't knew wo uro horo tho bottor."

There were grunts of acknowledgement as they listened to the beam cut through the ships hull. Soon they heard the tell tale sound of the ship outside lining up it's docking port to the new 'door' and make an airtight seal. Then the blocking piece of hull was removed and the first wave of the boarding party entered the ship.

"No sign of resistance..." Silliss heard one of the Trandoshan's say. "Looks like a clean run here..."

That's what you think. Silliss thought with a smirk as he listened to the advancing party. As soon as the first Trandoshan passed his position, they struck, seeming to come out of thin air as his warriors emerged from every nook and cranny in that cooridor. The surprise was so complete that the boarding party didn't have time to react.

"Socaro thut ship!" Silliss commanded after the boarding party was effectively slaughtered. "Den't lot it pall uwuy er tho rosalting vucaam will kill as ull!"

No warrior wanted that fate, so they all charged into the boarding ship: the crew didn't stand a chance.

When the crew was done for...Silliss used the ships comm controls to send a message to Tzhali on the bridge. "This is Silliss...first boarding ship has been cleaned out. Repositioning for the next one."


In the hanger bay the non Clan members could see the lack of defense in the hanger, so they looked for ways to help. One of them took control of the shuttles weaponary and trained it on the incoming boarding ships. Those that had guns positioned themselves in case any of the boarding party managed to exit their ship. Fortunately thus far, the combined effort of the ships fighters and the Trandoshans in the hanger bay were able to ether destroy or fend off any boarding ships attempting to come in.


Meanwhile, Naosha had to render the guard unconscious yet again.

"Tell me..." she asked the unconscious guard. "Just why do I bother to just keep knocking you out?"

Of course the guard didn't respond, to which Naosha grumbled. "Listens about as much as my fellow politicans do...."


"Sir!" One of the warriors called out from the nursery. "Sounds like they are about to come in through the nursery!"

Silliss blanched. "Get those kids out of there!" He yelled. "Take them to the conferance room where the Councilor is!"

The two guards, along with the nurses quickly evacuated the children as Silliss and the warriors quickly repositioned themselves for the new point of entry their foe was using...
Posts: 896
  • Posted On: Mar 14 2004 5:04am
The ship shook violantly

"Damn, our hull won't take much more. And there are still more ships coming", The com officer said

"At least things are undercontrol though", Tzhali said

"A boarding ship is connecting to the hull .... NEAR THE NURSURY!", Yelled the sensor officer

"@#%$", Tzhali said, "Bring the defense cannons to bear on the boarding craft"

"No can do, its in the cannon's blind spot", The gunnery officer said

"I certainly hope Silliss and his group are there...", Tzhali said... suddenly the bridge door exploded inward and several Trandoshan's stormed the bridge, "OPEN FIRE!", Tzhali yelled


Merendez and her group of flight members controled to use the hangers main defense turrets to ward off any boarding craft that tried to come, but one boarding craft took advantage of the turrets cooling off and made a beeline for the hanger

"Fighters! We have incoming! FIRE!", Merendez yelled

The 2 fighters in the bay opened fire with there laser cannons, using missles would be foolish since the resulting explosion would damage everything in the area of the explosion

Laser beams slamed into the boarding craft, the shock waves that came off the beams caused the craft to lurch to one side and slamed into the side of the hanger by resulting in a explosion that destroyed the boarding craft... but also destroyed the turret control system, which killed ALL the turrets in and around the hanger bay


Two wookie marines ran down the corridor heading toward the bridge, a boarding craft had attached to somewhere on the ship. Sensors hadn't picked it up at all which added to the suspession that they might've used a cloaking device, either way a firefight now insued on the bridge
Posts: 1272
  • Posted On: Mar 14 2004 5:54am
The two Trandoshans that were escorting the nurses and kids to the conference room suddenly halted in their tracks when a small group of enemy Trandoshans rounded a corner just ahead of them. Amazingly, that group didn't see them and went the other way. The two warriors looked at each other, smiling, signaled the nurses to wait there and charged off after that group.

A short while later they both returned, their weapons bloodied with recent kills. A short while later they reached the conference room and quickly escorted the kids and nurses inside. The two guards that were assigned to the room told them they heard blaster fire up in the bridge area.

"You two go see if they need help then. Well take over guard duty here." One of the two warriors said, then added with a smile. "We got our kills already."

The two guards grinned and ran off to find some prey of their own.

Inside, Naosha blinked at the sudden influx of kids in the room. "I've gone from politican to babysitter..." She sighed.


Back in the nursery area, Silliss's group had a slightly harder time clearing out this second boarding party, but succeeded all the same...not without injuries this time however, though none were serious.

"Keep your ears peeled." He said. "We don't know where the next one will be coming from."

I hope this doesn't go on for too much longer... He thought. Not even K'Satikur Warriors can keep going forever...


Down in the hanger, a couple of the Trandoshan engineers were desperately trying to get the turret control system back up, but the explosion had badly fried everything. Worse yet, the boarding ships could see the sudden decease in effective resistance and were beelining for the hanger bay. The two fighters and the Tran manning the shuttle weapons were doing they best they could...but they were coming in too fast...

Finally one of the Trans just hit the 'close hanger door' button, buying them a little bit of time...


Meanwhile the two warriors that were heading to the bridge got delayed when they ran into a good sized boarding party. Undaunted by the odds, they charged in weapons swinging, blasters firing. One of them got injured, but it wasn't bad enough to prevent him from continuing to fight and after that group was finished off they both continued on their way to the bridge.
Posts: 896
  • Posted On: Mar 14 2004 6:11am
Tzhali and his bridge crew continued to fight, finally one of the bridge officers managed to override the security lock out and a blast door slamed shut on the transdoshans

"Thats blast door will only by 5 us minutes", Said the security officer

Tzhali didn't say anything but headed to one of the consoles and managed to reroute control of the plasma tanks to the console

"Sir? What are you doing", The gunnery officer asked

"Something that might save our life, its risky but it just might work", Tzhali said while overriding dozens of safty protocals

"And that would be?", The officer asked

"Over loading the plasma tanks that run around the dorsall corridor leading to the bridge", He said and punched in the final override code

"That'll breach the ship!", The officer yelled and tried to stop Tzhali, but the 4 guards on the bridge subdued the officer

"If you want to die I won't stop you", Tzhali said his hand hovering over the blast door contorled. The officer looked away and didn't say a word, "Good", he said and started issueing commands to the plasma tanks computers


Outside the Triton a red band of light appeared on the dorshall side of the ship, it got brighter and brighter with each passing second.. a second later it liqidized and exploded


The rupture of the plasma tanks could be felt throughout the whole ship, the corridor leading to the bridge vanished from site as the explosion took place, if anything was in the corridor before it wasn't now. Nothing could survive a plasma explosion, bulk head doors slamed shut when the breach was detected the ships tershiary backup system, which also had another effect, it also cut the bridge off from any further intrusion.

Unexpectedly secondary explosions ran across the outside part of the hull destroying any boarding craft that had attached to the ship, effectly the intense heat also caused the boarding craft's remains to adhere to the Triton, turning the boarding craft into plugs that provented any atmosphere from bellowing out of the ship.


Tzhali and his crew where thrown side to side as the explosions took place.. as suddenly as they began they suddenly stopped

"Do we still have power to weapons?", Tzhali said ignoring the large cut on his shoulder

"20% power to main weapons, 40% to orbital cannons, we have enough power to fire 6 shots, after that we'll need to use the rest of the power to run the ship", The gunnery officer said trying to ignore his leg, which was split open when he slamed into one of the chairs

"Try you're best", Tzhali said

The gunnery officer nodded and moved the orbital cannons to bear on the 6 Trandoshan ships, "Preparing to fire", he said. A charge indicater appeared, it from red.. to blue.. to green.. then a loud beep went off letting the gunnery officer know that he could fire

He did just that, and was rewarded with 4 instant kill as the plasma cannons found there targets and ruptured there hulls sending the burning hulks towards the planet below.. the other 2 Trandoshan ships peeled off and retreated

Tzhali sighed, "Enough fun for one day, find us a planet to land on.. we need to exidite repairs", he said

Everyone on the bridge agree'd,"Theres an abandoned imperial base on the 3rd planet.. its a gas giant, but the base does have an atmosphere", the sensor officer said

"Good", Tzhali said, "Take us in.. however becareful, after that plasma explosion I'm sure this old girl is feeling the stress now"
Posts: 1272
  • Posted On: Mar 14 2004 5:02pm
Luckily none of Silliss' warriors were caught in the explosions, not even the two who were heading to the bridge, who when they realized they couldn't go to the bridge anymore simply shrugged and went to hunt down any remaining boarding parties on the ship. When Silliss and his group down at the nursery realized no more boarding ships were coming, they joined those two in the hunt and any boarding parties that were left were quickly eliminated.

There were many minor injuries, a few more serious and a couple of deaths. The more serious casualites mostly happened in the hanger bay, when that one boarding ship exploded: a few of the Trandoshans that were there were unlucky enough to have gotten caught in that explosion. Overall the Trandoshans weathered the fight very well.

However they were a bit isolated from the command on the bridge, so Silliss had to hunt down and use one few communication consoles to communicate with the bridge.

"The ship has been cleared of all enemy forces. What's the plan now?" He asked.

~Tzhali has instructed that the ship be taken down on the habitable moon on the third planet for repairs.~ The comm officer on the bridge replied.

Silliss knew what moon they had to be talking about. "The old imperial outpost on Tissuss?"

~If that's the name of it then that is correct.~

We'll be sitting ducks there... Silliss thought worriedly. However, he could imagine the bad shape the ship was in after those explosions: if they wanted to get to Kashyyyk in one piece they had to set down to make repairs.

~I suggest your folks move deeper into the ship during the landing as it will likely not be a smooth one.~

"Yeah...and I am not too keen on finding out if those new plugs we have will hold during rentry the hard way..." Silliss grumbled, switching off the comm unit.


"They're going to attempt to land on Tissuss." Silliss said when he joined Naosha in the conference room. "Lets hope the ship holds together during reentry."

"Is the ship that bad off?" Naosha asked worriedly, having been isolated from the whole fight.

"Yes. Tzhali pulled something that, while it keep our enemy from taking the bridge...put the ship in bad shape. If we are to get anywhere this ship needs to be repaired. Hopefully the abandoned outpost there will have enough material to make those repairs."

Naosha merely nodded, a braced herself for what would be the roughest ride of her life.


The reentry itself was the most worrying, for the heat of the reentry was likely to widden the breach in the hull: possibly past the bulkhead doors keeping the vacuum of space from effecting the rest of the ship. Hense why everyone that wasn't on the bridge were advise to move to the inner most areas of the ship.

Naosha's grandkids, even Trissan, huddled close to their grandmother as the ship jerked and shuddered. Each jerk made them wonder if the ship had split in two. Soon the ship stopped it's bucking and the ride smoothed out. They survived the first part...but now, as the folks on the bridge quickly found out, they had another problem: they were coming in too fast and at too sharp of an angle...

"Fire all navigational thrusters and cut the main engines! We need to slow her down!"

With the main engines off and the thrusters directed toward the front of the ship and on full, they were able to correct the angle and slow the ship down enough to land without tearing the ship apart. was a very rough landing.


"I'll say again!" Naosha griped. "Why is it every time I fly I nearly get killed!?"

"And the key word there is 'nearly'." Silliss said with a smirk as he and the others started making their way off the ship. "You're still what is the problem?"

Naosha just cut loose a frustrated sigh and shook her head.


The old Imperial outpost's systems were still mostly operational and most of those that weren't Lumier and Kasandra were able to get back online. They had sensors, both long range and short, and minor defense systems, however the comm unit was completely shot.

"Looks like all we'll be able to use this thing for is as spare parts for the one on the ship..." Kasandra said, giving the non functioning comm unit a kick.

"This can be both good and bad..." Silliss muttered. "The good is that our enemies won't be able to find us by tracking our comm signals...the bad..."

"We won't be able to call for help if we are found here..." Naosha finished for him. "Which means we are effectively isolated here. And for who knows how long."

"I'm no engineer...but I can tell we will be stuck here for awhile." Silliss sighed, looking over at the downed ship not so far away from where they were standing in the outpost. "This is no shipyard that's for sure."

(ooc: bro, you can add to this if you want. However this is my last post in this thread...I will be starting up a new one soon called: 'Separatist: Isolation' )
Posts: 896
  • Posted On: Mar 14 2004 8:33pm
Tzhali rubbed the back of his head and glanced about. The bridge was still pretty much cut off from the ship so they wern't leaving anytime soon, however they was able to get shipboard communications back online, but that was all.

The com officer looked at Tzhali, "Sir? How long are we going to be here?"

Tzhali glanced over at the Com officer, then looked away. "A while.. a very long while...", he said