Selected works of Ognash Nuessden
Posts: 1913
  • Posted On: Oct 17 2008 3:54am
A bolt from a blaster
Is usually faster
Than most jedi masters.


What's an imperial?
Is it mercurial?
Does it thrash about,
Or does it just pout?

What's an imperial?
Some kind of material?
Is it soft or slick,
Will it make me say ick?

What's an imperial...
I'll address that inquirial.
I'll say what it is,
I'll make it quite clearial:

An imperial is a grumpy old man
Who dislikes most aliens, who makes angry plans.
Whose heart is cold granite,
Who carries a gun,
Who blows up whole planets,
And never has fun.


The force will be with you
As long the sith choose
To not just dismiss you.


Nebulas green,
And anomolies blue.
Though I shot faster,
Took pity on you.
Shot your left leg
Then, Instead of your head.
Now you repay me
By shooting me dead?


Some people call me the fodder of bantha,
But I don't respond. I simply don't antha.

Some people call me an ugly nerf herder.
I did not respond because I never heard her.


One droid, two droid, red droid, blue droid,
Black droid, blue droid, old droid, new droid.

This one has a laser gun,
This one rolls, it does not run.
This one must have lost part,
Because it isn't very smart.

This one asks "how do you do?"
I reply, "Well, how 'bout you."
It says that it works all day,
And there isn't any pay.

I don't think that's very fair,
But it does not seem to care.