Seeds of Dark and Light (Open)
Posts: 1272
  • Posted On: Dec 9 2003 2:47am
Trazu thought hard over the man's words, a lot of it ringing true to him. Before he met Tzosha, roughly seven years ago, he was here on this planet roaming the wilds like he was before in a self imposed exile. He Dosha because he was different then the rest of his people, both physically and mentally, and was teased and ridiculed because of it and roamed in search of his purpose in life. After he met Tzosha he returned to his home world and learned of his heritage, including the bloodrage that was a 'trait' of his family line: before he had mistakenly assumed all Trandoshans had that trait. He thought he had found his purpose...his place in life...

But then she died. The love of his life killed during an attack by a rival clan...and his world had been falling apart since then. He felt the beginnings of tears and he hastily blinked them away: his pride will not allow him to express his sorrow in front of a total stranger.

"I never had the desire to be anything great." he said softly. "So unlike a Trandoshan am I...who are known to be greedy for both power and money. I desire neither. I even turned down my father's offer to take over the Clan for him...where another son...if there was one...would have leapt at the chance. I have always perfered to be a nobody..." There was a long pause, then he added. " the same time I wanted to be something. To know my purpose: I thought I knew it before...but after she died I no longer know...and I am right back to where I was before I met her...roaming...alone..."

He realized he was rambling and shook his head, turning more serious. "Just how does going into a near uncontrollable blood rage help anyone? It's an instrument of death...nothing more."
Posts: 388
  • Posted On: Dec 9 2003 12:32pm
"Who said anything about uncontrollable blood rages, friend? There are not simply two sides to this coin we call the Force. It is a spectrum, in shades fitting of all causes. Mindless slaughter benefits nothing – I know this, but there is profit to be found in the use of your emotions, despite what the Jedi would tell you."
Posts: 1272
  • Posted On: Dec 9 2003 3:04pm
Trazu sighed and rolled his eyes: another one that talks of this 'Force' mumbo jumbo.

"The Force...I do not believe in this 'force'..." he said flatly. "And Jedi I believe are nothing but myths...a fancy legand parents can tell tales to their kids about. Nothing I've heard one can do with this 'force' can't be explained as being pure instinct and with the use of some hidden technology."

He folded his arms, daring this man to try to prove him wrong. He felt that sixth sense of his tingling again, but he ignored it.
Posts: 388
  • Posted On: Jan 5 2004 9:06pm
"You're ignorance is astounding," the Arkanian replied, with genuine humor in his voice, as if he did not perceive his comment as possibly being offensive.

"Pure instinct? Can pure instinct allow man to harness, manipulate and create fire? Can pure instinct allow man to send forks of lightning from his fingertips? I think not."
Posts: 1272
  • Posted On: Jan 6 2004 5:53am
Trazu scowled faintly at the remark about his intelligance. "The fire and lightning bit you mentioned is achieved though technology, not 'instinct'." He growled softly, his usually long fuse being rather short at the moment. "What I meant by intinct is 'knowing' when there is danger close by or when something is about to happen moments before it does." This was one debate he had yet to lose to anyone else and he was confident he would win this one as well.

But then a new opponent entered in, one from the very dephs of his being he thought he had buried. He could feel in crawling around his soul, slipping past the mental barrers he had to kept in safely locked away.

~Yea uro u feel...~ He heard it hiss in his mind suddenly in the dialect of his clan. ~Igneront feel. The Force is wunt onublod mo te termont year fumily fer gonorutiens! I cun fool...tusto...tho Force in ethors, liko tho eno bofero yea, bocuaso I um u purt ef it's vory ossonse!~ Trazu's eyes visibly widened, his solid confident expression replaced by fear and panic.

Go away... he thought desperately, trying hard to push the thing back deep into his being. The K'Satizitus however, laughed at him.

~Tee luto....~ It laughed in his mind. ~Yea'vo boon breeding fer tee leng, lotting year dofonsos slip...I went bo se ousily 'pat buck' this timo...~ Trazu staggered as he felt it start seeping into his physical body: it was trying to take complete control over him. With a cry of denial he clutched his head, using all his will to stop the take over. He succeeded...but only barely.

~Se yea still huvo semo fight in yea.~ the K'Satizitus growled in his mind, annoyed he had managed to stop it. ~Bat yea uro will bo enly u muttor ef timo bofero year bedios cemplotoly mino.~

He felt it's presence leave his mind then and he allowed himself to relax slightly, but now knowing he couldn't let his guard down ever again if he hoped to keep the thing from taking over completely. He sat down on the ground, his breaths coming in hard after that mental extertion. Deep in his heart he doubted that the methods of control he used before would work again, but he didn't know of any others. But maybe...he glanced up at the Arkanian in front of him...this man knew of other methods. Question is...could he trust him? Considering what he was saying before?
Posts: 388
  • Posted On: Jan 6 2004 6:59pm
There was a flicker of something odd on the creatures face. Vega watched with narrowed eyes, feeling a little flicker in the Force as something went on behind Trazu's eyes. All of a sudden, he was clasping at his body, apparently in pain. The Arkanian had been about to speak up, to move, when it seemed to subside.

"What, pray tell, was that?" he asked, with his species trademark arrogance seeping through into his voice.

"A coincidence? I think not. The Force works in you. It is undeniable."
Posts: 1272
  • Posted On: Jan 7 2004 4:50am
"The K'Satizitus]..." Trazu replied, panting slightly. Knowing the Arkanian wouldn't likely know what the heck he was talking about, he started to explain. "Many generations ago, the K'Satizitus terrorized our people, slaying any warriors that tried to stop it. According to legand, and I know this part to be true, it moved with such speed and great control of it's body that it stuck down it's victims before they could even fight back. It was finally slain when an ancestor of mine cornered it in it's cave. But it never truly instead transfered it's spirit to the one that slew it. When he died it moved on to his son...and so on though the generations. I am it's current host...a burden I did not wish to have.

"Before, the holders of it's spirit were able to contain it and control the powers it granted them. But I...have nearly lost that control and it nearly took over my body just now. If it had succeeded, this city would be awash with the blood of its victims within moments...

"The K'Satizitus itself claims to be a part of the Forces essense, if that is to be believed then your claim would be correct. I do admit I cannot explain how the K'Satizitus does want it does...I just know it can't be released with out a leash attached to it so to speak..."

He had said all this claimly, though inside he was terrified. Terrified and ashamed he had let himself get so low as to allow the K'Satizitus to break through the barriers he had mentally set up to prevent a complete take over.

"I'm failing..." he said softly. "Because I allowed my emotions to weaken my resolve to keep it contained..."
Posts: 388
  • Posted On: Jan 10 2004 12:15pm
"Whyever do you cage it! It is a blessing you have been given, and a most wonderful one at that. You blaspheme by denying it the freedom it requires. Surely you see that if you have been given this gift, you must use it – your Gods, my Gods, the Force… they work in mysterious ways, but one thing is certain; they do what they do for a very important reason. Fate is inexorable."
Posts: 1272
  • Posted On: Jan 10 2004 2:46pm
Trazu gave a pained laugh. "What you call a gift I call a curse." He spat bitterly. "To not control it would mean an endless cycle of death and destruction. I have...released it before...but only when I was left with little choice, for it would have meant the death of either myself, those I hold dear or both if I hadn't."

~Yea sheald liston te him...~ The K'Satizitus purred in his mind once again. ~Mach wisdem ho hus. Lots fuco it...yea nood mo.~

No I don't!
Trazu screamed mentally.

~Still yea dony. Whoro weald yea bo if yea didn't huvo mo? Lot as soo...~ Trazu could almost feel it mentally scratch it's chin. ~Uh yos...Year futhor weald bo doud. Year procieas sistor weald bo doud. Yea weald be doud...mouning the K'Satikur Clan weald bo offoctivoly doud us woll. Uh yos...~ The K'Satizitus lowered it's mind voice to a near whisper, the cruelity dripping from it's voice. ~Tnossok weald huvo tukon year procieas Tzosha fer himsolf.~

The effect on Trazu was exacty what the spirit knew it would be. The mere thought of his uncle doing to his beloved Tzosha as he did his mother tore him to pieces inside. For a few agnogizing moments his mind was in turmoil and the K'Satizitus continuing it's assault on him mentally.

~Yea soo...if it wusn't fer mo, thut weald huvo boon thoir futo. Bocuaso yea uro tee wouk...u wouk littlo rant thut shealdn't huvo ovon mudo it eat ef his sholl!~

That was a mistake. If anything would snap Trazu out of his present state of mind, however temporary, it would be an insult directed at his size. You spoke of the past... He thought, an angry scowl now on his face. and what could have been...but what could have been is not important as what may be in the future. And I know what will be if I give you total freedom...

He directed his attention back to the Arkanian. "If I cannot find a way to rid me of this thing completely then I must continue to control it as my predessors have. To not control it would invite disaster to all." Though his resolve was renewed somewhat, deep in his heart he knew he was losing. His honorable and lawful self was slowly being chipped away from three sides, the K'Satizitus, the Arkanian, and now the greed and power hungry aspect of his own Trandoshan nature. "To fully let it off it's leash would not be..suitable. "His voice had a cunning note to it now. "Not if some benfit could be gained from it's use. You said you were waiting for me. Perphaps the gods decreed that this be so so that we both could...benfit from my gift"

What the hell am I saying? A now much smaller part of his mind said. The thought was only given a cursory glance in his mind, then tucked away.

Deep within him, the K'Satizitus was laughing with glee.

The dark side was winning...