One Month, One Week Ago.
Myn sat in his office waiting. His Hibridium Ore mining operation on Garos IV had become quite profitable. He had over 25 Mole Miners and 12 11-17 Miner Droids all out working mining the Hibridium Ore. Thousands of workers were situated in the factories producing the ore. He had desided that it was tiem to move on to other planets to mine. After long hours of his own research he had desided that Nkllon was an ideal location to being his expantion. It had three valuable ores, all needed in the manufacturign of starships. Hfredium, kammris and dolovite were all waiting for him to come and mine. His research had informed him that Nkllon was in the Athega System, close to the sun. It ahd also informed him that the supply hadn't been mined in a long time, if ever. There for, wanting to know what surprises Nkllonheld in store for him he had sent a group of aides to all of the libraries across of Garos IV, searching for information on why nobody else had desided to mine Nkllon. One aide had been sent to Obra-skai, to search for information at the libraries there. He was expecting a report any minute. Suddenly he heard a nock on the door.
Finally. A report.
He stood up and opened the door. There stood his beautiful secretary, with a look of urgancy on her pretty face.
"Sir one of your aides had just sent me a file sir. It is the access for the Central Garos IV Library System. He told me to give it to you right away."
"Thank you Roseberla, this is just what I was waiting for."
Myn quickly seated himself at the desk. He plugged the file into the computer and was rewarded with a beeping sound as the computer opened up the file.
Thank you for entering the Central Garos IV Library System. Type your topic that you want to research here:
Myn typed in Nkllon.
Nkllon, Athega System.
Population:Lava Worms
TerrainLSearing rock, molten wateralls
Points of Interest:None
Valuable Natural Resources:Hfredium, kammris and dolovite
Nkllon, settles 20 years ago by Lando Calrissian and miners under hsi pay, it has an abundant source of hfredium, kammris and dolovite in ti's crust. Other poeple had not settles Nkllon before him because the planet orbits so close tot eh star, Athega, that any ship trying to approach Nkllon will suffer sensor malfunctions and damage to the hull. In some cases the ship may explode. Also the day side is always bathed in deadly radiation and charred by stellar heat.
No wonder nobody has colonized it, when you wouldn't even be able to get to the planet. But how did Calrissian solve these puzzles?
Lando Calrissian solved these problems by inventing two different things. His first invention was the shieldships. The shieldships were huge circular bowls, around eight hundred meters in diameter with a drive tug extending four hundred meters behidn it. He also invented Nomad City. Nomad City was an old Heavy Dreadnaught Cruiser, supported by fourty All Terrain Armoured Transports. Nomad City would travel across the planet, a a reletivly slow speed, but always staying on the night side. He operated the system by having a Shieldship depot at the edge of the system, where the shieldships woudl wait. Then they would bring in ships, witht he ships traveling behind the ship, protected by the shieldship's own body. When they reached the night side the ships would then dock on Nomad City.
And excellent idea, but how come it isn't still there?
During the wars between Gradn Admiral Thrawn and The New Republic, Thrawn noticed the Empire was running low on hfredium, kammris and dolovite. He attacked the shieldship depot, captured a shieldship and flew a dreadnaught to the ngith side of the planet, which then bombarded the city. Nomad City could no longer move. Luckiyl the New Republic General Garm Bel Iblis was nearvy and heard their distress call. He came to the rescue and everybody was saved. Unfortunatly he was unable to save Nomad City and it was burned down into slagged by the sun. More info on Lando Calrissian?
So that is what happend.
Myn clicked no. He then tried other sources that would tell him about the shieldships and Nomad City, but found none. He walked home that night, feeling tired, but expecting a report from his aide on Obra-Skai at any moment the next day.
The next day in Myn's office.
Myn sighed. It was noon and he had yet to hear form his aide. The more he waited the more time it would be before he got all his hands on that hfredium, kammris and dolovite. To pass the time he searched up about other planets. Kessel would have been a nice planet to occupy, but unfortunatly the Mon Calamari Republic controled in, and there was no way he could compete with them. Alzoc III and it's raw ore would be a good place to start a mining operation, or at least continue form where the Imperials had left off. Aridus was also a good idea, but like Nkllon had it's problems. It's atmosphere stopped any sort of good mining activity going on. The only device ever made that could get signals through the atmosphere was the Iron Tower and it had been destroyed a logn tiem ago, and wreaked havoc on the nervous system of the Chubbits if they went near it. Arkania would be a good place, to export the jewels, but it didn't have a very practical reason to it, like Nkllon and Aridus did. Bespin and Talorran woudl be nice, but unfortuantly the Outer-Rim Federation and Cyronics Industries controlled those two. Roon would be nice, the Roonstones would we great for earning money, but again had little practical value. Roon could also serve as a secert place, difficult for someone to attack him there. Large stores of materials could be kept there, warehoused, safe from enemy's. Sullust would be nice, with that ore used in starship making. But right now his target was Nkllon, and learning about it was the job for today. Suddenly his computer beeped. A file was being transmitted from Obra-skai.
I have it, the information from Obra-skai which will lead me to solving the problem of the shieldships and Nomad City.
He quickly opened the file. The information was the same, with a bit more details, tellign about Thrawn's first strike. Then at the bottom of the page, the information he wanted. A link to specifications on the Shieldships and Nomad City. He clicked on the link. The page had all the specifications, everything a ship builder would need to produce Nomad City and the shieldships. He quickyl grabbed his comlink.
"I am sending a file over. Build me twelve Shieldships and one Nomad City. Amd hurry, i want them within the next month."
He reviewed the information. It would take one week to reach Nkllon from Garos IV, but when he did he would hit the jackpot.
One week ago in Myn's office.
He sat, looking over progress and finacial reports. Suddenly he heard a beeping noise. He looked down and saw it was his comlink. He quickly turned it on.
"Yes, Myn Winger here what can I do for you?"
"This is Captain Perodor, head shipbuilder of the Garos IV shipyards. The five shieldships and Nomad City are done building sir."
"Excellent. Tell Myn's Joy to form up with Miner's Delight and Freedom. They are to then meet up with the shieldships. Get 10 Mole Miners and 4 11-17 Miner Droids up here as well."
The fleet was prepared, the planet was waiting, and the city was made. The plan was to move quickly, get the mining ships in, and get Nomad City active. The capital ships would remain, as standing defenses. The capital ships would stay at the shieldship outpost, defending it, making the system impenetrable, unless the shieldship depot was taken or the enemy produced shieldships of their own. This would improve the system's defensive capability, and at the same time the Defense Fleet would only need to defend a small area of sapce. With a few Gencore Two Shield Generators as the first things to build on the construction yard's waiting list, then he would easily be able to defend the system. Unfortunatly he would be forced to use shieldships to bring in every convoy of ore, which would be quite annoying.
Myn sat in his office waiting. His Hibridium Ore mining operation on Garos IV had become quite profitable. He had over 25 Mole Miners and 12 11-17 Miner Droids all out working mining the Hibridium Ore. Thousands of workers were situated in the factories producing the ore. He had desided that it was tiem to move on to other planets to mine. After long hours of his own research he had desided that Nkllon was an ideal location to being his expantion. It had three valuable ores, all needed in the manufacturign of starships. Hfredium, kammris and dolovite were all waiting for him to come and mine. His research had informed him that Nkllon was in the Athega System, close to the sun. It ahd also informed him that the supply hadn't been mined in a long time, if ever. There for, wanting to know what surprises Nkllonheld in store for him he had sent a group of aides to all of the libraries across of Garos IV, searching for information on why nobody else had desided to mine Nkllon. One aide had been sent to Obra-skai, to search for information at the libraries there. He was expecting a report any minute. Suddenly he heard a nock on the door.
Finally. A report.
He stood up and opened the door. There stood his beautiful secretary, with a look of urgancy on her pretty face.
"Sir one of your aides had just sent me a file sir. It is the access for the Central Garos IV Library System. He told me to give it to you right away."
"Thank you Roseberla, this is just what I was waiting for."
Myn quickly seated himself at the desk. He plugged the file into the computer and was rewarded with a beeping sound as the computer opened up the file.
Thank you for entering the Central Garos IV Library System. Type your topic that you want to research here:
Myn typed in Nkllon.
Nkllon, Athega System.
Population:Lava Worms
TerrainLSearing rock, molten wateralls
Points of Interest:None
Valuable Natural Resources:Hfredium, kammris and dolovite
Nkllon, settles 20 years ago by Lando Calrissian and miners under hsi pay, it has an abundant source of hfredium, kammris and dolovite in ti's crust. Other poeple had not settles Nkllon before him because the planet orbits so close tot eh star, Athega, that any ship trying to approach Nkllon will suffer sensor malfunctions and damage to the hull. In some cases the ship may explode. Also the day side is always bathed in deadly radiation and charred by stellar heat.
No wonder nobody has colonized it, when you wouldn't even be able to get to the planet. But how did Calrissian solve these puzzles?
Lando Calrissian solved these problems by inventing two different things. His first invention was the shieldships. The shieldships were huge circular bowls, around eight hundred meters in diameter with a drive tug extending four hundred meters behidn it. He also invented Nomad City. Nomad City was an old Heavy Dreadnaught Cruiser, supported by fourty All Terrain Armoured Transports. Nomad City would travel across the planet, a a reletivly slow speed, but always staying on the night side. He operated the system by having a Shieldship depot at the edge of the system, where the shieldships woudl wait. Then they would bring in ships, witht he ships traveling behind the ship, protected by the shieldship's own body. When they reached the night side the ships would then dock on Nomad City.
And excellent idea, but how come it isn't still there?
During the wars between Gradn Admiral Thrawn and The New Republic, Thrawn noticed the Empire was running low on hfredium, kammris and dolovite. He attacked the shieldship depot, captured a shieldship and flew a dreadnaught to the ngith side of the planet, which then bombarded the city. Nomad City could no longer move. Luckiyl the New Republic General Garm Bel Iblis was nearvy and heard their distress call. He came to the rescue and everybody was saved. Unfortunatly he was unable to save Nomad City and it was burned down into slagged by the sun. More info on Lando Calrissian?
So that is what happend.
Myn clicked no. He then tried other sources that would tell him about the shieldships and Nomad City, but found none. He walked home that night, feeling tired, but expecting a report from his aide on Obra-Skai at any moment the next day.
The next day in Myn's office.
Myn sighed. It was noon and he had yet to hear form his aide. The more he waited the more time it would be before he got all his hands on that hfredium, kammris and dolovite. To pass the time he searched up about other planets. Kessel would have been a nice planet to occupy, but unfortunatly the Mon Calamari Republic controled in, and there was no way he could compete with them. Alzoc III and it's raw ore would be a good place to start a mining operation, or at least continue form where the Imperials had left off. Aridus was also a good idea, but like Nkllon had it's problems. It's atmosphere stopped any sort of good mining activity going on. The only device ever made that could get signals through the atmosphere was the Iron Tower and it had been destroyed a logn tiem ago, and wreaked havoc on the nervous system of the Chubbits if they went near it. Arkania would be a good place, to export the jewels, but it didn't have a very practical reason to it, like Nkllon and Aridus did. Bespin and Talorran woudl be nice, but unfortuantly the Outer-Rim Federation and Cyronics Industries controlled those two. Roon would be nice, the Roonstones would we great for earning money, but again had little practical value. Roon could also serve as a secert place, difficult for someone to attack him there. Large stores of materials could be kept there, warehoused, safe from enemy's. Sullust would be nice, with that ore used in starship making. But right now his target was Nkllon, and learning about it was the job for today. Suddenly his computer beeped. A file was being transmitted from Obra-skai.
I have it, the information from Obra-skai which will lead me to solving the problem of the shieldships and Nomad City.
He quickly opened the file. The information was the same, with a bit more details, tellign about Thrawn's first strike. Then at the bottom of the page, the information he wanted. A link to specifications on the Shieldships and Nomad City. He clicked on the link. The page had all the specifications, everything a ship builder would need to produce Nomad City and the shieldships. He quickyl grabbed his comlink.
"I am sending a file over. Build me twelve Shieldships and one Nomad City. Amd hurry, i want them within the next month."
He reviewed the information. It would take one week to reach Nkllon from Garos IV, but when he did he would hit the jackpot.
One week ago in Myn's office.
He sat, looking over progress and finacial reports. Suddenly he heard a beeping noise. He looked down and saw it was his comlink. He quickly turned it on.
"Yes, Myn Winger here what can I do for you?"
"This is Captain Perodor, head shipbuilder of the Garos IV shipyards. The five shieldships and Nomad City are done building sir."
"Excellent. Tell Myn's Joy to form up with Miner's Delight and Freedom. They are to then meet up with the shieldships. Get 10 Mole Miners and 4 11-17 Miner Droids up here as well."
The fleet was prepared, the planet was waiting, and the city was made. The plan was to move quickly, get the mining ships in, and get Nomad City active. The capital ships would remain, as standing defenses. The capital ships would stay at the shieldship outpost, defending it, making the system impenetrable, unless the shieldship depot was taken or the enemy produced shieldships of their own. This would improve the system's defensive capability, and at the same time the Defense Fleet would only need to defend a small area of sapce. With a few Gencore Two Shield Generators as the first things to build on the construction yard's waiting list, then he would easily be able to defend the system. Unfortunatly he would be forced to use shieldships to bring in every convoy of ore, which would be quite annoying.