Sacrosanct Will
Posts: 61
  • Posted On: Sep 29 2009 1:01am
"Like fish without water," replied Sturm, "but not as much."

Crafty snorted. "Always the sentimentalist."

"Hey, I try at least, unlike some people," countered the counterterrorist.

The three chatted idly about the mission as the Halberdier surged into hyperspace with its sisterships and their prizes.


Nearly twenty thousand slaves were freed from the two slaveships. Some of them eventually returned home, spreading goodwill to the Alliance's name and laying the grassroots foundation for future Alliance activity in their home areas. Others, their lives destroyed or born into slavery, formed a small Alliance-aligned colony on Yavin IV or enlisted within the Alliance military. The Alliance itself gained a small support fleet of the mission consisting of the slaver transport, the old liner, and the dozen drone barges to aid in the Alliance's logistics and covert operations. The captured slavers were sentenced by an Alliance court to exile on a remote island on Yavin IV, without any technology greater than a glowlight (much less a comlink) and a few survival tools to eke out an existence on the storm-tossed island. Back at T'surr and Sacrosanct Pitstop, the three-way scruffles escalated into a full-blown conflict, destroying slave trade within the region and T'surr's use as a major slave-trading hub. Slave-trading in the area, while not stopped, has declined as the three sides focus more on killing or defeating each other than on slaving operations to all of their own (and combined benefits).