  • Posted On: Jan 7 2002 9:48pm
The abolishers were well protected within the fleet. The fire from the ships made some damage but the ships had prepared to fire on enemy cloaked ships and now did so. The Hapan battle dragons each fired all weaponry on the enemy ships. 40 turblasers and 40 Ion canons fired on the craft. Fighter craft turned several squads of defenders and schimters launch salvos of torps at the vessels.

Some of the dinifet cruisers are disabled in the initial response by the fleet due to Ionic fire. Others were approaching total shieding shut down.

The fleets own dinifet Cruisers cloaked themselves allong with the phantom squads. taking position away from the fighting as back up.

ESD again charges the superlaser and takes aim at the next target. Those turrets that are in line to fire on the enemy Dinifet cruisers are firing on them.


1 ISD destroyed(super laser)
36 fighters(super laser)

Dinifet cruisers- number of unknown
-several damaged now from concentrated barrage.
-sheilds either failed or begining to fail.
-1 or 2 knockout of commision due to heavy Ion fire
  • Posted On: Jan 7 2002 9:55pm
<font color=green>001928584901994860990000012948504398309.................


Encrypting Message......................................................................................................123845090001010101010101010101000010100111010000010000101010101010101

Encrypted...unlocking file...........unlocked.

Alpha Romeo Alpha Alpha Bravo Charlie Echo Echo Kappa Hotel Hotel Zulu Zulu Romeo....Niner Four Two. </font>

Wyldan winced as he read over the now encrypted reports. There was something wrong with the droids...they were not acting right. For some reason several droids, and some computers, had gone haywire and required immediate destruction. The message he received was clarifying this. But he could not get on that now...the eerieness of the message came directly from the cloning was beginning to worry him.

"We need reinforcements," he said, sounding almost as if he was ready to give up. "Warn them of the abolishers, they must be five to seven kilos out before jumping in."

"Aye sir," that same enlisted soldier responded, and Wyldan in turn began patrolling back to his command chambers. The battle was already beginning to stress him out greatly.

OOC BTW, sorry about the shortness of my posts, I am feeling REALLY sick today and cannot post that greatly.
  • Posted On: Jan 8 2002 1:34am
The Eclipse Star Destroyer, other wise known as <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Death's Hand<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->, was done charging the incredible super laser. The bridge was silent...everyone held their breath as they saw the chronometer sink down to its last phase of numbers. It was rigged with was now time. Hinderson could barely find the words in his mouth.

"F-Fire!" he yelled, watching out the bridge of his new Star Destroyer, bracing himself as the entire ship kicked from the massive shot. It was a perfectly aimed shot at the enemy MC200...then the hull literally...disappeared behind the flames. There was another kill for the Rogue Empire, and one less Mon Cal ship to worry about.

"Ok men, we're not down here, let's finish them off before actually seizing the planet," Hinderson ordered as the Star Destroyer positioned itself between the oncoming craft from bothe sides, there was the one remaining Mon Cal 200 coming from the port, with what was left of the scattered craft at the starboard. The Mon Cal troops were now going in for a desperate last ditch attack on the Eclipse Star Destroyer.

Turbo lasers mixed with ion cannons began tearing the frigates to the starboard apart until finally the first one gave way and exploded, just like the other cruisers, and it decipated into nothingess. The enemy Mon Cal Cruiser's shields to began to give way and it was now fully exposed to an attack.

Hinderson lifted the commlink, just as the super laser began charging once again. "Attention Mon Cal forces, issue your surrender at once or suffer the wrath of the Rogue Empire," he yelled angrily...the super laser would be ready to fire soon.
Posts: 314
  • Posted On: Jan 8 2002 2:28am
OOC: Ahnk I do not have a fleet manifest so I am assuming you Massassi home ship is with your fleet.


The TRE Strike-cruiser was disabled by the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Archammer<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->'s Ion cannons.The lead ISD the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Matter<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> was reeling from the withering assault from the 550 turbolasers on the TNA ESD.It had no chance really.It listed to port,with flames jetting out of it's side.It would explode in seconds.

The Superlaser on the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Archammer<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> fired again,hitting the third TRE ISD,oblterating it.

Logan smiled coldly onboard the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Archammer<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

"Charge the superlaser again"

OOC: TRE losses
1 Interdictor
2 ISDs
36 fighters

The Lead ISD is heavily damaged and the Strike cruiser is out of commision due to the Ion cannon fire.
  • Posted On: Jan 8 2002 3:22am
Wyldan could hear the explosions al around him, he was losing his precious ship...the Matter. His lip was twitching with rage and desire to defeat the Alliance was coursing through his veins. With both hands slamming down on one of the consoles in the Star Destroyer and the several escape pods getisaning...he knew there was only one choice left.

"Conducting evasive manuevers, all craft prepare to-" that same enlisted soldier was trying to order what would normally be a smart manuever...but the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Matter<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> was about to explode. Everyone in the bridge was doomed.

"Cancel that order," Wyldan shouted, pressing in several commands on that same console he was smashing. The Star Destroyer was spinning directly toward the enemy Eclipse, the entire frame decimating and spinning out of control. It was nearing the bridge, and the lasers from the enemy ship were only killing more on the decks.

The combusted flame was still spinning toward the bridge, it was almsot there, launching their beloved torpedos all throughout the enemy. Of course it was impossible to analyze the specimens, being as the only symptom would be a heart that suffered implosion...and all shreds of the virus are eliminated after the specimen dies off. The missiles tucked themselves into the seventeen kilometer ship.

"DIE YOU ALLIANCE BASTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARDS!" Wyldan screamed as the ship plunged into the enemy bridge, tearing off the shields and causing massive explosions all amongst it. The enemy bridge was decimated, there was no way it could hope to salvage. But the Imperial Star Destroyer <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Matter<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->...was destroyed and the great Admiral Wyldan whom had faught in so many courageous battles, whom had been there at the emperor's side at more than one time...was now slain. The first capital ship of the Rogue Empire...had been lost.

The Star Destroyer Rage was silent...they were completely quiet. The first Rogue Imperial Star Destroyer had been destroyed...and the pain of the thousands now slain was begnining to edge into the personnel there. A tear formed on Captain Gredeem's eye...his good friend Admiral Wyldan had just been slain.

"NOOOOOO!" he suddenly screamed as it rammed into the bridge, and the entire ship went into panic. There would have been some chance for Wyldan to escape had he not been the hero...again.

He was dead...there were thousands dead now. He wanted to withdraw now...he wanted to flee back to Despayre...but the enemy Interdictors prevented that. Perhaps if they began fleeing? But his hopes returned as allied ships began jumping in everywhere, seven kilos away, but charging in was the First Rogue Imperial Fleet coming in fast. Gasps of horror turned to cries of joy as Emperor Fearsons' personal fleet was moving in fast, the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Disruptor<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> leading the several warships against the Alliance.

In no time at all they had nano jumped and were almost there...already missiles were crashing into the Eclipse.

"Attention Logan, this is Emperor Chadwick R. Fearsons, surrender at once or feel the wrath of the Rogue Empire!" was transmitted throughout all channels...the attack force was here.


BTW, your bridge is infact decimated, if Logan was in it, he could easily have escaped as the SD was en route...that fact will not change.
Posts: 314
  • Posted On: Jan 8 2002 3:45am
OOC: Nope. Logan was in fact in the bridge.I did not give permission for him to be killed.However I will make a compromise.Edit your post so that the damaged ship crashes into the side of my ship.And can't destroy the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Archammer<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> because Logan is in it.

IC: "Fire"

The superlaser lanced out again.It hit the third and final TRE Star Destroyer,obliterating it.Except for a few fighters the entire TRE force at Myknok was gone.The rest of the TNA fleet started mobilzing for the incoming TRE 1st fleet.

"Charge the superlaser"

It was on now.
  • Posted On: Jan 8 2002 4:11am
Fearsons' lips twitched similarly to that the captain of the Rage's, his hands wavering behind his back as they were clasped. Two Star Destroyers already destroyed, but with this awesome war fleet incoming...they had literally no hope. Fearsons was a Jedi...there was no way he could catch him off guard.

"Call in the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Death's Hand<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->...if things get hairy we'll need her super laser," Fearsons ordered, watching the enemy Eclipse begin moving toward the First Fleet. Already both sides were nearly upon each other, the starfighters blasting madly on either side.

"Sir, report from the Ravenblade II, they're ready to fire their Impulse Cannon!" one of the persons aboard the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Disruptor<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> reported, holding the speaker in his ear. Fearsons grinned and watched as the new <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Galactic<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->-Class Star Destroyer opened fire on the enemy Eclipse. The enormous cannon on the mount sped forward and rammed itself into the enormous seventeen thousand meter ship. Tiny implosions were seen all over the Star Destroyer, disabling the entire fore section of the craft. Fearsons grinned.

"Excellent men!" Fearsons congratulated as several rockets began pounding into the enemy abolishers now from the Redemption Cruisers.

As they were doing of the Abolishers caved in on itself, exploding and making it all the more possible to enter hyperspace. The <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Disruptor<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> as well had begun opening fire on the enemy super laser...and shields were read to be at 25%.

"Sir, if we can get some torpedos into that super laser, we'll knock it right out," the helmsman reported, Fearsons grinned excitedly. Perhaps Wyldan's sacrafice would pay off...

The <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Death's Hand's<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> super laser had aimed and taken one mroe shot at the enemy forces, taking down the last MC200. It, just like the others, exploded, leaving nothing but a former frame.

"What's that?" Hinderson asked the commsman who had just blirted some jibberish.

"Sir, Fearsons himself is requesting that we jump to Mylock IV to assist in a battle against the Alliance...but we must jump in no closer than 7, no wait 4 kilometers."

"I see...well initiate the jump to hyperspace then..." Hinderson responded, stroking his hands together eagerly. The Mon Cal were all but defeated now, all that was left was the mopping up...all true capital ships were already destroyed, all that were left were support craft. The enormous craft known as the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Death's Hand<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> rotated itself quickly...and jumped.

TNA: 1x Abolisher Cruiser (ESD is losing shields)
MCF: MC200 Cruiser, 50% of fighters down thus far
  • Posted On: Jan 8 2002 6:55am
The transmissions from the Moncalimari fleet did not go unnotice. The Moccalimari were feeding information to the TNA forces. Things such as the exact telemetry of the the ESD. They knew that the ship was headed to Mynock 4 but it would never reach it.

The TNA positioned the abolisher stead fast in the ESD's hyper space path. The ship would run into the hyperspheres and be finished before it ever arrived. The abolisher sat in system in the path of the ESD. Surrounded by the TNA special forces. The saber lance task force.

special forces/freedom guard-

Correlian gunship (Droid Ramship)- Sheen
Correlian gunship (Droid Ramship)- Lifer
Correlian gunship (Droid Ramship)- Nautilous
Correlian gunship (Droid Ramship)- Carbin
Correlian gunship (Droid Ramship)- Scatter

Nebulon-B Frigate- Saber Strike

Saber Strike Craft

-4 tie defenders
-4 X-wings
-4 phantoms
-1 tie lone scout
-2 tie schimters
-2 B-wings
-4 A-wings
-3 tie droids
Delta Class JV-7 Shuttle
1 troop drop ship
1 yt-1300
1 Lamda- class shuttle

Multipurpose Starship and Transport Vessel- Chemelian
i] Abolisher[/i]-class Cruiser- Steadfast

Assassin-class Corvette- Heaven

Assassin-class Corvette- Hell

155 Swarm-class fighters
3 Squad. Tie Phantoms
-6 x-wings
-6 scimters
1 X-J X-Wing (vontas)
-45 droid x-wings
3 squads
9 misc
-3 tie droids:18.3
-1 A-wing
-1 tie boarding craft
-4 Tie Boats
-1 Tie Vanguard
-4 M1 Tie Fighters

The Task forced watched as the time ticked down and the ESD was knocked violently out of hyperspace. The ship was still in one piece unlike any lesser ship would have been.

The ship must have simply grazed the Hyper spheres but it was bad enough to knock it out of hyper space. The hull was distorted and there were still life signs on board. Much of the hull was gone along with the shields and weapons. The energy signature was just flickering on the ship. Most of the power was off line. Their main weapon would not work without power.

The fleet does not wait all of the craft move to engage. Drawing fire from the remaining defense of the ship over the entirity of the attack craft. After a single run all craft break off but two. Two of the Correlian gunships. Although these are not Really gun ships but droid ramships.

The moment that the droid pilots have their target lockin they fire the ships high boost engine for maximum acceleration. The Robot Ramships outer hull conceals a dense interior packed from stern to stern with solid durasteel, which gives the ship incredible mass. They take a concentrated barage from ESD defenses with minimal effect. The energy is still impressive but the hull is so thick that the ship holds its own.

And there is not a single organic crew man on board. The ship is piloted by a droid that lacks any self preservation routines. Making it very suicidle.

The battle-

The Archammer took its lumps and fired a direct shot at the Gallactic class SD destroying it utterly.

The ship begins it's recharge immediatly


  • Posted On: Jan 8 2002 7:15am
5 droid ramships
1 thrust ship drop out of hyper space on the vector that the

ESD would have come from. So the path was defended from attacks from with out their formation but not from within. The Ramships took full advantage of the surprise of the enemy fleet. Three took aim at imperial ISD's. taking heavy fire as they engaged their booster engines.

The last two fired their boosters sending them carrening among the fleet.

One Aimed at a Interdictor.

Aimed directly for a victory class star ssd and two corvette escorts.

A volley from the super laser took out a ISD as the ramships came out of hyper space.

The Arc hammer severally damaged the fleet formed up to form a barracade of fighters and capitol ships spiting fire and torps at any ships that came in range.


Posts: 185
  • Posted On: Jan 8 2002 7:47am
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