  • Posted On: Jan 3 2002 7:31pm
OOC Allow me to define this since you were too dumb to do so:

-Your ships are 14 kilos out (that's the standard for such an attack and it's only safe).
-You will not be at my shipyards with your ships for quite a while, sorry, cap ships are slow
-I will say this once and only once so you all know: Fighters are VERY capable of destroying capital ships, don't ever act like they aren't
-My capital ships, yes, are far away too, it will be quite some time before they reach yours...if they try of course.
-I will not have OOC disputes, god moding, or poor RPed cheats, or I will see to it that this thread is closed
-If you have something to say OOC, do it in my OOC forum, or talk to me over AIM/MSN: TraderChadd (aim) (msn)

The sirens of Chandrilla's shipyards had already set off, and the time was ready. Rogue Imperial TIEs were already leaving the shipyards and bases to swarm the enemy fighters, and it would still be some time before reinforcements arrived, therefore it would be the TIEs' jobs to hold off the enemy capital ships until the bulk of the imperial force arrived. Fortunately the Second Fleet was already there, it would be a few minutes before the First arrived however.

General Dek, whom stood in the command deck of the Shipyard known as "Echo", which housed the Eclipse-Class Star Destroyer. He knew it had to be defended at all costs, lest it would suffer the same fate the Empire's did. There were countless enemy ships all fourteen kilometers out. He would have time for the evacuation, but not enough to get the officials. The Star Destroyer's hyperdrive was working, but if it was sent into hyperspace it would lose some of its hull....thus setting back construction by a few was worth losing the entire foundation. But if they could get some heavy lifters in...then six of those could escort it into hyperspace.

"Launch the fighters at once, hold them off long enough for the Eclipse to get away, we may die, but we cannot let that be destroyed," he ordered, hands clasped nervously behind his back. Sweat began to form on his brow as the fear began to rush through his body. But he would not let them take this piece of equipment, he would not let it die.

"Aye aye sir," the helmsman responded, not swirving from his duty. Stormtroopers were running left and right to flee to their boarding transports...the Mediocre was in the had Angel Missiles on it. If it could hit a few of the enemy ships. As well, they had something else they weren't suspecting, a Galactic-Class Star Destroyer, and a Redemption-Class Battlecruiser. They did not have the bigger fleet, but they were the smarter, and better equipped.

"May the Force be with us," Dak found himself whispering.

Rogue Imperial Second Fleet
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Mediocre
Rogue Imperial Ground Defenses and Extra Fighters"

<!--EZCODE BOLD START--> Note:<!--EZCODE BOLD END--> Not all fighters are launched, not all Star Destroyers are attacking see some of us are smart enough to use strategy.
  • Posted On: Jan 3 2002 7:33pm
The guards were patrolling in perfect formation and even Snake had to give them a little credit.

But just a little.

His Stealth Camo activated Snake turned back and cut his way through an air vent,opened on the side of the R&D building.

<!--EZCODE BOLD START--> 5 minutes later<!--EZCODE BOLD END-->

Snake looked carefully out of his hiding place in the air vent.There were two guards standing on either side of the door,they were holding a quiet conversation with each other and whenever a person a more higher rank than them walked by they acted as if they were perfectly alert and standing at their post.The air vent opening he was at put Snake just to the left of the lefternmost guard.He carefully took the air vent cover off it's rusty screws using a small laser torch and silently put it into the vent behind him.He crawled out and jumped up,decapitating the left guard and hurling his vibroblade into the right one,the blade hitting the man in the chest.He picked up the mans comlink and put it into a small pouch on his belt.He cut the panel next to the door and crossed a few wires.

The door came open and Snake walked into the lab.
Posts: 134
  • Posted On: Jan 3 2002 7:53pm
NOTE:the Devastation/interdictor cruiser/corellian gunships are still at Taanab taking it over Chur4855. please take them out of the calculations. They will be here as soon as the planet is ours:about another two hundred words. I will post when they come here. Chadd we still out number your fighters and could kill them easily without a lot of losses to us. chur4855 has 204 TIE Defenders and nine missile boats. which is a little less then yours but then MCF has easily over twenty squads of fighters. cause i'm incharge of the second fleet which is here and we have over seventeen squads.
  • Posted On: Jan 3 2002 8:51pm
OOC: Jump I well handle things with the specialty ships you handle the capitol ships.

As Greyy Trespe:

special forces/freedom guard-

Ships with Jumps fleet-

] Abolisher[/i]-class Cruiser- Steadfast
Droid Ramship- Honor
Droid Ramship- Duty
Droid Ramship- Sheild
Droid Ramship- Scepter
Droid Ramship- Schism
Droid Ramship- Sheen
Droid Ramship- Lifer
Droid Ramship- Nautilous
Droid Ramship- Carbin
Droid Ramship- Scatter

155 Swarm-class fighters

Microjump attack forces-

Nebulon-B Frigate- Saber Strike

Saber Strike Craft

-4 tie defenders
-4 X-wings
-4 phantoms
-1 tie lone scout
-2 tie schimters
-2 B-wings
-4 A-wings
-3 tie droids
Delta Class JV-7 Shuttle
1 troop drop ship
1 yt-1300
1 Lamda- class shuttle

Assassin-class Corvette- Heaven
Assassin-class Corvette- Hell

Armadia-class thrustship- swordsedge


-6 x-wings
-6 scimters
1 X-J X-Wing (vontas)
-45 droid x-wings
3 squads
9 misc
-1 A-wing

Servalence ship several light years out observing.-

Multipurpose Starship and Transport Vessel- Chemelian

-3 tie droids:18.3
-1 tie boarding craft
-4 Tie Boats
-1 Tie Vanguard
-4 M1 Tie Fighters

Cloaked attack group near chandrilla

1 dinifet cruiser


3 Squad. Tie Phantoms

This was to be a first test of the freedom guard. Hours ago before the Fleet arived Grey sent in cloaked forces to hide near by the planet. 3 squads of Tie phantoms and a cloaked dinifet cruiser Sat ready to strike at any time.

The Modular cruiser with observation modual ingaged had also been monitoring passivly.

(The observation module is used for espionage and long range observation for intelligence gathering. The cruiser itself does not infiltrate enemy territory since it would be easily detected by enemy sensors. Instead, the ship is equipped with 500 probots and observation droids, which are deployed around the perimeter of enemy holdings for passive observation. The probots can run the standard light/energy spectrum analysis and eavesdrop on communications frequencies. Some specially equipped probots can scan very localized hyperspace with cross-channeled radiation. With the subspace link-up, the probots can be deployed up to 30 light years away and still have instantaneous communication with the cruiser. The ship has TIE/ln Fighters for defense.)

They were planing on evacuating the almost completed Eclispe class SD. Even if they did not say it right out Greyy could read it easily enough through the commands that were being issued to the fleet ships to make escorts. The Modular cruiser had feed the incomming fleets exact jump coordinates that would force the enemy fleets to spread them selves thinly. They had a good deal of fighters. But the weakness of fighters is that they can not be every place at once to handle several heavy ships. The rogue first fleet was on its way but it would be to no avail. The abolishers well make sure that no ships well be able to jump into this system. The hyperwave bubble generaters well turn the 1st fleet to scrape if they try to jump in.

On the saber Strike Greyy was prepareing a group for a microjump into the system. The modular cruiser was feeding them real time move ments of the TRE ships. So they would find the weakest point in their defenses and go in with guns blazeing.

The Hyper drive equiped wings from the saber strike formed up 4 tie phantoms, 4 Tie defenders, 4 X-wings, 4 A-wings, and 2 B-wings. Saber strike and the Armadian cruiser were tractering the 8 tie schimters through hyperspace so that they were ready to fight.

3 squads of droid x fighters and a incomplete squad of 9 lead by a single A-wing also stood by for a jump to hyper space.

2 assasin class corvettes heaven and hell stood by as well. And in a lone YT-1300 Grey stood ready to command the fleet. Waiting for the word to procede.
Posts: 314
  • Posted On: Jan 4 2002 12:54am
Capital of The New Alliance

In the First Almanian Shpyard a huge menace was completed.After long days of waiting the ultimate weapon was complete.

Vonta Horn had christened the 17,500 meter ship <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Archammer<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->,and now it was going to be put to good use.

The Captain of the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Archammer<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->, Captain Neychev nodded as he recieved his orders from the Grand Admiral.He turned to his helmsman.

"Commander, set course for Yaga Minor"

"Aye, Captain"

The huge ship set itself and jumped.

Capital of The Rogue Empire

The New Alliance First Fleet and elements of the The New Alliance Second Fleet under the command of Grand Admiral Logan was coming up to the planet itself.

The Droid Ramships blasted out ahed,so if any missles or turbolasers were to strike at the Combined armada they would hit the Ramships.
  • Posted On: Jan 4 2002 2:16am
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Admiral Joe smiled the game was on.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Order all fighters to form a fighter screen about 1 klick away form their fighters. order the AVarice to go under Full cloak at full speed to that ESD once their she is to un cloak and open fire with her Ion Cannons on the haulers. Than she is to launch the shuttles with all the troops she carries onboard. Meanwhile the rest of us will do a microjump and once we arrive close enough we will power up our gravity well generators, on the Intredictors. Tell the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Avarice<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> to go know. Then once she oopens fire we will jump."said Admiral Joe
"Yes sir. I'm relaying orders to the fleet." said the aide
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Up ahead the Avarice suddenly disappeared. Then apporximately 1 minute later she reapeered. Firing at the haulers. Suddenly with a flash of light the whole allied fleet jumped to hyperspace. 2 seconds later they came out righht on top of Chadds fleet. They immeaditly formed up and went after their own targets while Chimera Fleet stayed defending the Intredictor. The Avaricce was making short work of the haulers. Since they were unshielded things with mininmal hull support. The Ion Cannon Blasts easily disabeled the haulers. The 50 Shadow droids and 96 Interceptors were providing cover for the Shuttles. Meanwhile the 28 Missile boats 96 Bombers and 12 Tie Defenders were attacking the Carrack cruisers <!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->Wizard Extreme<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> and <!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->Monstous<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> . They had begun by firing salvos of missiles and Torpedoes at them. The remaining MCF and IFF fighter were mixing it up with the other fighters.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

ooc:Chadd Micro Jumps are legal IonCannon Cruiser go the speed of B-wings and I'll do OOC posts all I want 'cause I don't care what you say and shutting down a thread 'cause somebody did OOC posts is not going to happen
  • Posted On: Jan 4 2002 4:13am
"Sir! An urgent report from Chandilla's intelligence center."

Davin Halcyon turned in graceful stride towards the deck technician, easing the file report offered through his hand. Reading the print out, his eyes grew adruptly in disbelief and consternation. The very thought of the sheet's contents bewildered his imagination. <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> So, it seems the inevitable has occured.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> His hand crumpled the print out in a rumbled crunch, his teeth gritted in expectation and anxiety. <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Cry havoc...<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> He gave his attention once again to the deck technician.

"Crew man, signal to my task forces that we'll be making immediate departure for the Chandrilla."

He was left in the bitter silence of the Imperial Command Station at Despyre. His reservations were set for a blood bath at the Chandrilla system, where he would play his odds against fate. <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> ... and let slip the dogs of war.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->


Avenger Fleet

Vengeance Fleet
  • Posted On: Jan 4 2002 4:49am
Grey trespe:

Nebulon-B Frigate- Saber Strike

Saber Strike Craft

-4 tie defenders
-4 X-wings
-4 phantoms
-1 tie lone scout
-2 tie schimters
-2 B-wings
-4 A-wings
-3 tie droids
Delta Class JV-7 Shuttle
1 troop drop ship
1 yt-1300
1 Lamda- class shuttle

Assassin-class Corvette- Heaven
Assassin-class Corvette- Hell

Armadia-class thrustship- swordsedge


-6 x-wings
-6 scimters
1 X-J X-Wing (vontas)
-45 droid x-wings
3 squads
9 misc
-1 A-wing

The saber strike task force jumps in right under the incoming TRE fighters. Just as they were about to engage the Allied fleets fighters.

The Hyper drive equiped wings from the saber strike flying in formation 4 tie phantoms, 4 Tie defenders, 4 X-wings, 4 A-wings, and 2 B-wings. Saber strike and the Armadian cruiser and assasin corrvettes were tractering the 8 tie schimters through hyperspace so that they were ready to fight.

3 squads of droid x fighters and a incomplete squad of 9 lead by a single A-wing came out of the jump from hyper space.

2 assasin class corvettes heaven and hell stood by as well. And in a lone YT-1300 Grey stood ready to command the fleet.
The Schimters let loose a volley of 4 cuncusion missles a piece, two proton torps per B-wing, A-wing, And X-wing, and defender, a total of 64 torps. All 74 fighters let loose with laser canons and ion canons fireing as fast as the guns could recycle.

Assasins pump fire from 12 turbo laser batterys, 18 turbolasers and 22 laser cannons eat away at the surprised fighters, And the Yeviathan pours 8 more turbo lasers into the fighter screen knocking out some fighters with its 6 ion cannons, and launching proton torps and cuncussion missles as fast as they can reload.

The screen of TRE Fighters was cut down the middle the unfortunate squadrons making up the center were vaporized. The strike force flies right through the fire ball of explosions that they created. Leaving a clear path through the fighter screen for the fleet.

He send out a comm message " This is Grey Trespe of the TNA, Happy hunting freinds."

The second fleet had arrived in the system with the other allied fleets. Once in the system the fleet's two abolishers powered up their hyperbubble generators. The ships that were here would stay here now. The two ships were well protected within the other fleet ships. This fight was for keeps. No one leaves here until the battle is done.

(the Abolisher produces tiny spheres of hyper-energy that are shot out into an area of space. When ships traveling through hyperspace cross the equivalent area of realspace, they come in contact with the hyper-energy spheres. These spheres overwhelm the blocking capacity of the ship's shields and shred the craft. These hyper-energy spheres do not affect ships in realspace, but if a ship enters a field of spheres and then jumps to lightspeed it comes in contact with the deadly pulses.)
  • Posted On: Jan 4 2002 5:49am
Teebo turned towards his assistant, Gavyn Sykes.
"Launch all fighters, except for the B-Wings. Leave them docked until later."
"Yes, sir."
"The fighters have begun to launch, sir." said Gavyn.
"Good. Tell them to engage the enemy."
"Yes, sir."
The fighters started launching out of the hangars, and entering the battle nearby. They opened fire on the TRE fighters that were now approaching.
  • Posted On: Jan 4 2002 4:19pm

Ok this is the last OOC post, I promise...I just want everyone to understand what's going on before we get into anything.

"Echo" is defended by a nice big asteroid field, that's why you guys are fourteen kilos out. You can't nanojump in, the only way to get to the station is to either:

a) flank it
b) clear the asteroids on the way, which takes time. I'll admit, the station can be flanked be cause it's not IN the asteroid field, it's just behind it, so it can be flanked if you can get your ships to go around the whole thing.

Oh yea, couldn't have cut my starfghters down to size. They're right next to the shipyard, which is hidden behind the asteroids. Thank you.

Finally Teebo, my fighters are no where near you guys, you are fourteen kilometers out...that's a LONG way buddy. My Fighters are hugging the space station you're not near.

Dak saw the ship being unloaded from the shipyard by the tugs, and the heavy lifters were on their way. Already TIEs were spewing forth from the station and exiting the atmosphere...the Missile Boats would give the enemy quite a head ache.

"Ok everyone, they are here...initiate to plan," he said into the intercom, and upon his word...the Eclipse Star Destroyer that seemed so big, so majestic...disappeared. "Excellent, ok the heavy lifters'll be here soon to get it out of here, start evacuating with shuttles."

He looked up hesitantly out of his command view port to see the second fleet moving into position on either side of the asteroids, not moving and unwavering.

"This is Admiral Wyldan, if they want to get to that Star Destroyer, they'll have to get through us!" Wyldan exclaimed into the intercom, and the command deck went into a flurry of cheers and hollars.

The bridge of the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Imperial<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->-Class Star Destroyer <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Despayre<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> was excited, their adrenaline pumping anxiously as their teeth gritted and their palms sweated. Battle music was pumping in the background to keep the men's morale up and high.

"If we die men," Wyldan yelled, turning to face everyone. "we will die with a fight! Take some of those alliance bastards with us!" The bridge went into an uproar of excitement, and the Star Destroyer parked itself into position....7 kilometers from the base, 7 from the enemy craft. They were a mere nano jump away....but they were not going to risk it, not with an asteroid field that close that would surely rip them into tiny pieces.

"Launch TIE group Alpha, Beta, and Zeta," Captain Creed said anxiously, allowing three TIE Fighters, three TIE Interceptors, and four TIE Bombers to enter the area. Four Missile Boats were quickly entering though, their slams roaring through the empty space that was just outside the asteroids, and quickly they were upon both halves of the fleet.

"This is Missile Boat group Mu, glad to have you here," they Star Destroyer heard over the screen. Wyldan merely nodded as if the pilot could see him. According to the radar and the helmsman, the heavy lifters had arrived, all twenty of them. Wyldan had specifically ordered more incase the enemy knocked out some. They were entering the area at around the same position as Wyldan's small fleet portion...<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> excellent<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> he thought.

"New orders, launch TIE Advanced group Alpha, all four of 'em, they need to escort the heavy lifters," Wyldan quickly and prudently ordered. "We'll get out of this mess soon...I promise."

The stormtroopers at the Despayre research facility were now under heavy watch, after having heard the comm that Chandrilla was under imminent attack, they were told to expect something would be coming at Despayre...soon. The white armored troops showed no hesitation in their marching, they knew now was not the time for chatter, it would get them killed.

"Did you hear that?" Private Muller said after hearing a sudden thump where there was a loose tile...designed specifically incase someone tried to walk carefully on it. His gun was already facing that direction...his infrared helm structure was picking up some signs of heat, but they were faint. Muller pulled back the hammer on his weapon...but in unison with that two shots went off, hitting both stormtroopers smack in the chest. They were faint on the ground and Snake was able to continue.

But his cockiness was about to get the best of him...stormtrooper armor was <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> not<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> as weak as it seemed. The second guard still had time left, though his chest burnt with great agony from the blaster shot his chest plate repelled. He crawled painfully over to the alarm, and pulled down the lever and dropping the intercom to the floor.

"A-Attention...all....personnel. An unidentified....chameleon assassin...looking our ex operative Snake....has penetrated the base....kill him...immediately," he said with his last breath of life, the alarm was off, and Snake's cover was blown. Stormtroopers and PeFauna alike were already beginning to pour into the structure where Rogue Imperial research took place.