Revelations Part I - From Paradise Lost...
Posts: 4195
  • Posted On: Aug 15 2004 4:42am
[font=Palatino Linotype]*[/font]

[font=Palatino Linotype]"Your <!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->own<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> prophets have visioned for you

worthless and unsatisfying things,

And they have not uncovered your error

in order to turn back your captivity.

But they kept visioning for you

worthless and misleading pronouncements."

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->Lamentations 2:14


If one were to take the history of Capricia and throw it down onto the floor, one might, at first glance, see tiny pieces of truth scattered here and there. Small embers that if left to themselves would otherwise burn out in insignificance causing no stir at all. And yet, if one were to take these embers and place them next to each other, the light that would pour from such a union would be enough to illuminate for an observer the existence of something that they would otherwise remain in ignorance of...

..namely, that of a bigger picture.

The culmination of fractured events within the backdrop of Invasion gave credence to their insignificance as such considerations fell secondary to most basic priority of all living things: survival.

And so there, littered with the false stories, mistruths and outright lies lay the bits and pieces of truth. And ever with agonizing slowness the people began to prosper, rebuild their faith in themselves and reach once more for a dream of the stars.

But as was learned by the lessons of the ghosts of the past, one can only hide the history for so long before the point of diminishing returns is found and crossed.

Now, there are no more returns to be made.

The cistern of history was full and overflowing.

Capricia was about to make a find of such technological importance that would revolutionize their way of life forever. Revolutionize the Commonwealth they were having a hand in creating.

It would be a find that would shatter the cistern and open the eyes of those once walking in blindness.

Yes, those Ghosts of the Past were finally unleashed.

And the Revelations that were to come would unlock their minds to that on which both hope and despair lay...


To find the truth that has been buried since the beginning of time, one must come to realize that the only thing that changes throughout the eons with man are merely his choices and his priorities.

And at the beginning of time we find that man was engrossed wholeheartedly in only one priority: Perfection.

After years of discarding the promises of those false prophets: immortality in mysticism, genetic manipulations, longevity through cyber-biological enhancements to ultimate transferrence of consciousness into an artificial matrix... it was correctly determined that man's drive to perfection was not founded on mere fantasy, these external enhancements to this goal being a perverted satisfying of such fantasy... no!

Man's drive and ambition in this regard was based on a truth discovered eons before even the Commonwealth Union of Worlds existed. Before the great rings around suns were built... Before the great spheres enclosing stars were designed and constructed.

..And this truth led to Perfection.

But, as with any religion, perfection was never based on what people expected, assumed or even wanted. Perfection did not care about everyone's own individual ideas of what paradise would entail. Perfection made no effort to conform to the dreams of those imperfect.

For one other truth was discovered....

That everyone's vision of heaven, everyone's vision of perfection... quite frankly, was wrong.

For it was a vision created by imperfection.

The proverbial bread pan with the dent... and every idea, every dream, every speculative thought had the imprint.

The imprint of imperfection.

But the people were flexible. They were adaptable (which is why they lived as long as they had).

And they adjusted to Perfection. and they lived... and were happy.

For the most part.

For truth once again spoke...

The realities of Perfection were nothing like anyone had given thought about...

And in those realities some began to question whether they had misplaced their priorities. Began to question whether or not they had made the wrong choice...

And, honestly, THAT is where it all started:

From Paradise Lost...

Posts: 4195
  • Posted On: Aug 28 2004 3:39am


[font=Tahoma]And God also laid this command upon the man: [/font]

[font=Tahoma]"From every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction. [/font]

[font=Tahoma]But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, [/font]

[font=Tahoma]for in the day you eat from it you will positively die."....[/font]

[font=Tahoma]...At this the serpent said to the woman: [/font]

[font=Tahoma]"You positively will not die. [/font]

[font=Tahoma]For God knows that in the very day of your eating from it [/font][font=Tahoma]your eyes are bound to be opened and you are bound to be like God, knowing good and bad."[/font]

[font=Tahoma]Genesis 2: 16,17; 3:4,5[/font]

[font=Tahoma]The man stands at the center of the courtyard.[/font]

[font=Tahoma]At least, he used to be a man. Now merely the representation of man's undying spirit. [/font]

[font=Tahoma]In his mind, the culmination with all that was human with all that is angelic.[/font]

[font=Tahoma]He was a "Chosen One". [/font][font=Tahoma]Chosen long ago.[/font]

[font=Tahoma]The last one...[/font]

[font=Tahoma]The courtyard is devoid of life.[/font]

[font=Tahoma]Below him the great spiral arm of the galaxy slowly moving ... slowly rotating.[/font]

[font=Tahoma]For this is not a courtyard in any real human sense, [/font][font=Tahoma]but a manifestation of one.[/font]

[font=Tahoma]He ascends the great steps slowly, silently taking it all in.[/font]

[font=Tahoma]There had to be a reason for everything![/font]

[font=Tahoma]Darius must be wrong![/font]

[font=Tahoma]For who first inspired the writings?[/font]

[font=Tahoma]This place.[/font]

[font=Tahoma]He moves through the archways and into a vast waiting area. [/font]

[font=Tahoma]Everything shining and new as if created yesterday.[/font]

[font=Tahoma]As if it would stand for several eons more.[/font]

[font=Tahoma]He tried to envision it being occupied by others.[/font]

[font=Tahoma]Bustling with activity...[/font]

[font=Tahoma]Each with a purpose [/font][font=Tahoma]and those purposes coming from here...[/font]

[font=Tahoma]He comes to a glassy pool and stares at his reflection.. [/font]

[font=Tahoma]Is there nothing more?[/font]

[font=Tahoma]The silence is overwhelming as is the power of this place.[/font]

[font=Tahoma]A reality he refuses to believe but, then, [/font][font=Tahoma]he stares out into space feeling totally alone.[/font]

[font=Tahoma]The room is dark.[/font]

[font=Tahoma]No more enlightenment?[/font]

[font=Tahoma]Was there any to begin with or did we simply delude ourselves?[/font]

[font=Tahoma]He stares out into nothing..[/font]

[font=Tahoma]Only blackness and stars.[/font]
[font=Tahoma]Out into the courtyard...[/font]

[font=Tahoma]So this was our heaven?[/font]

[font=Tahoma]His eyes come to rest upon the glassy sea,[/font]

[font=Tahoma]shining ever radiant...[/font]
[font=Tahoma]...[/font][font=Tahoma]ever silent.[/font]

[font=Tahoma]He had been gone for far too long....[/font]

[font=Tahoma]The promise had gone sterile.[/font]
[font=Tahoma]The dream had gone cold.... [/font]
[font=Tahoma]and a feeling began to overcome him... [/font]
[font=Tahoma]an emotion.... [/font]
[font=Tahoma] he had not felt since before his Transcendance.[/font]
..A[font=Tahoma]n age ago.[/font]


[font=Tahoma]What had happened?[/font]

Posts: 4195
  • Posted On: Sep 28 2004 12:31am

The woman shuddered as the virus raged throughout her body, the war of the medicines of higher education finally shattered as it once again mutated. The doctor's head dropped as he took the last reading.

The final reading.

He turned to see the woman he had loved for the better part of two decades fail before him. Her hair was falling out, sores were covering her face, he body looked extremely emaciated and her gums bled. Even the slightest touch caused such a great pain that she no longer found voice to declare it.

There was nothing he could do. The Pinnacle of civilization and even their combined advanced sciences could do nothing to halt the onslaught of the virus (RV 005 as it was termed).

The doctor looked down and in a burst of fantasy, her condition improved and all he saw was the woman he had fallen in love with.

Her smile.

Her bright eyes.

The slight curl of her hair.

Her intelligent mind.

Her uncanny empathy.

His body shook with impotence and it enraged him. He heard their footsteps behind him. He knew they were standing there waiting patiently, their eyes accusations piercing his heart.

She had given him the right of decision.

To let go or to .....

.. to reject a lifetime of belief?

In the end did it really matter?

For the past five years their civilization had been broken, their government's infrastructure shattered. It was only the wealth of their government that kept them going this long as anarchy spread around their planet.

Their desperate grasping at any tendril of life syphoned off rescources at an alarming rate and now... now there was no more medicine. There was no way to manufacture more for the people had resorted to the most basic instinct of any living creature.

The instinct to survive at all costs.

And in the mayhem, "The Calling" had sprung up. A quasi-religious entity that was reported to offer that which medical science could not, namely: Life.

A future away from the ravages of the virus.

The doctor had never been a particularly brave man nor the adventurous type. He did, however, possess one thing that allowed him to act in this instance. That was thing was stubborness.

He would NOT let go.

He owed her.

That and so much more.

He stepped back and turned to the robed figures standing behind him. He eyed the closer of the figures and asked point blank: "Can you do it?"

"If she can survive the process, then yes, there is a good chance."

"If she survives?"

"Her body is extremely weak but her heart and mind are still strong. She has not entered the fourth stage so while there is a minute risk of failure, we feel confident she will transcend.

And that was it.

Her future wrapped in one word: transcendence.

It was said to have a rather strong basis in science but the whole experience still reeked of false hope gone awry and religeo mumbo jumbo.

He stepped back farther and nodded. At once the figures sprang into action disconnecting her from those machines that allowed her to live in agony a few seconds, minutes and hours longer.

Her bed lifted on it's antigravity cells and they maneuvered her out of the dark room. The wing was due to shut down it's power generator in a few days since there was no one else to man the power stations.

He walked out of the hospital main door noting that there were few people left, papers and datapad and archive crystals thrown about.

The shuttle carrying his love pullled away heading straight for the temple. The Calling vessels were the only vehicles in operation, the military having dissolved months ago.

He stood there on the cement steps looking down from the massive heights his hospital entrance was situated upon and slumped down.

For he knew the truth.

He did not do the last gesture for her. He did it for him.

That when all was lost, when there was nothing else science could answer, all one had left was...... well... faith.

Faith and hope.

And that is how he wanted to remember her as he died. He never believed the transcenance operation but it was nice to think of her as living on for many many years further.

He wondered how long the self delusion would hold as he felt his skin beginnint to tingle, a sign of infection spreading.

He laid his weary head down and began to weep for himself. Weep for his people... and weep for her.

His eyes closed as he felt he could doze for a few minutes.

It was not like the emergency hospital vehicles were active and working. The influx of the hurt ebbed weeks ago.

"You'll watch over me..." he whispered through cracking lips.

He closed his eyes and drifted.
Posts: 4195
  • Posted On: Oct 2 2004 4:13pm

The Doctor’s eyes fluttered as the world slowly lit up around him he felt his surroundings being shaken. Mechanical drone over the noise of abrupt conversation. He saw he was on a transport and slowly, recognition of the person in front of him coalesced.

“Cannes.” His dry throat croaked out.

A friend of his childhood and one who stood diametrically opposed to all that he believed in.

“Hello, Joseph.” The strong and clear voice of his friend returned. “It has been a long time.” The man named Cannes narrowed his eyes, “And, you’ve looked better.”

Joseph, a family doctor by trade, laughed at the bitter irony. “To think it was the military sector that created Scarab. And it is the healing sector that got hit the worst.”

Cannes smiled warmly, putting a hand on the forehead of the sick Doctor. Joseph wanted to pull away knowing the infectious features of the disease but found he had very little strength.

“How it began is no longer a worry. The disease will eventually end when everyone dies.” Cannes stated softly.

Joseph closed his eyes briefly. “There’s a comforting thought..” he murmured.

Cannes chuckled lightly and patted the doctor’s head. “You’ll see.”
Posts: 4195
  • Posted On: Feb 6 2005 7:08am


A word that passed sentence on whatever mankind's eventuality was. Whether, in the end deemed good, bad or just plain stupid, it would be the result of that singular word.

A word that had the final say. A word that mankind had no control over. A word that was shaped by environment.

And so, as man's intellect out-grew his restraint, his abmition to conquer even this word was made readily evident in their massive environmental programs.

For to control the environment was to control the direction evolution would take. Control the adaptation that would compell man to be better or worse than he was at present.

But something else seemed to outpace even man's intellect.

His impatience.

And in the end, it was impatience that spurred the sciences to directly challenge evolutionary growth.

Now man postulated to out think evolutionary growth. Popular belief held that millions of years from now, the evolution of man would transcend the species from an existence of flesh to one of energy.

Already known was the fact that within all matter, within all flesh, lay an incredible reservior of energy.

And on a single planet, so many eons ago, something called RV-005 (or Scarab to the common tongue) drove man's impatience to desperation.

And man is no more brilliant than when he is desperate.

It was a race to certain death.

but would that death be at the hands of Scarab or would it be at the hands of Transcending?

That was the race.

So, when Joseph opened his eyes and saw the largest structure he'd ever laid eyes on dwelling amid a cloud of volcanic ash and smog he was compelled to ask.

"Cannes, where are we?"

"We are in the Capital district, Joseph." the man stated staring outside, his face grim.

Joseph had heard the anarchists had detonated several nuclear devices within the Capital but he had never seen evidence or pictures or confirmation of the tale. He had had too many people to treat.

"And that?" the Doctor pointed to the large structure.

And Cannes smiled. "That, my good Doctor, is our future.."
Posts: 4195
  • Posted On: Jul 9 2007 11:26pm

We like to think that evolution compells us to advance forward. But in reality, people rarely give two credits worth a thought on the subject of evolution.

Their catalysts are usually more shortsighted and carnal. Greed, Lust and the like.

Joseph strained against the wall of exhaustion pummelling his body. "How did you get the funds to build it? How did you talk the military into letting you build it?"

Cannes chuckled at the question as if the answer should have been relatively evident, "I promised them victory."

Apparently it was the sweetness of life itself that compelled them..

"And they believed you?" Joseph coughed.

"Look around, my good Doctor. The weaponry unleashed here has made everyone desperate."

"So Transcending is the answer?"

Cannes suddenly sighed and in a rare show if cynicism, "Joseph, either our technology will push us beyond the nth quantum matrix or it won't. In either case, we will either be so wrapped up in our new lives that we won't care that anarchists take our world, we will be so powerful we could flick them off with the mere whisper of thought or we will be ground to nothingness and we won't care about anything then."

"Cannes, I.... I don't believe in your god."

"Joseph, where is it said that God wants you to believe in him? He just requires your obedience. Not your belief.."

The Doctor sputtered laughter and while it hurt to laugh, he couldn't help it. "In a goddamn religious war and it ends up being religion that is our only hope."

"Irony at the end, eh Joseph? Here drink this.." the other man bent down and put a silver cup to his lips.

"What is it?"

"Nanocytes and carrier cells. Everything a good god-fearing man needs to meet his maker."

"How many have already... gone through?"

"About thirty." admitted Cannes.

"And still no response? No reaction? No instant death to our enemies?" the Doctor was surprised he could still carry a sardonic response, though his nose began to bleed.

Cannes ignored the rant and poured the liquid into the Doctor's mouth. "Oh shut up, brother.." he muttered and the other fell unconscious.

He looked at his own hands and noted the tell-tale signs of blotting denoting the advancement of the Scarab.

"Sir!" came the pilot in the craft. "We are getting word of a breakthrough! All units are falling back."

Cannes lowered his head trying to concentrate. "Have the Sentry sound the call. Everyone is to make for the tower for immediate Transcendance."

"The Tower reports they will not have enough containers for the people to drink.."

"Have them blast the neocells in aerosol form, dammit!" Cannes shouted and the pilot went back to his entering commands and issuing instructions faster than Cannes could follow.

Their craft banked toward the Tower and he lifted up the unconscious doctor grunting at his own weakening bones.

This is the end...

Turning to the sleeping man he whispered, "Remember me when you get into Paradise..."