Posted On:
Mar 18 2003 10:04pm
What had happened was that the troops had been fired upon by robotic weapons. Many had died, but others had fled deeper into the base. There they hid, hoping for aid. Regrad was desperate to get in quickly and save lives. His armoured divisions formed up and ploughed into the base. The auto turrets were useless against the tanks, who pushed onwards.
Those who could rushed to rejoin their fellows. The reformed forces pressed through the first line of defence of Central Point, and towards ultimate victory.
They first set up several “killing grounds” between them and the keep. The best snipers from across Azguard came and found the ultimate shooting zones for their silent guns. Then, under cover fire, a team of engineers came and placed sandbags in a heap tall enough and thick enough to stop and weapon they had therein, and even cover an Azguard standing to his full height.
Then they dug deep trenches, and cut holes in the bag wall to shoot through, and increased the killing-zones’ size twofold so that it encompassed most of the wall tops of the keep. The troops set up “Base camp two” there, from which they would stage the taking of the keep. The tanks rolled up to the walls and loosed a terrifying barrage of shells, to test its integrity. No cracks formed, but it definitely took affect, judging by the innate blackness of the walls. The Furen knew that they could not guard the walls for long, so shelled them to rubble to prevent the Azguards from climbing the walls. The Azguards, undaunted, set up medical facilities, a tactical tent, and many other such vital camp things.
Posted On:
Mar 26 2003 3:22am
Soon after the camp was set up, Regrad sent forth a messenger. Tallgrin The Triumphant, old captain of the Imperial Star destroyer Mike, was sent to offer them the peaceful opportunity to surrender. He marched up proudly to the walls, and knocked, yes knocked on the door. Confused, and cautious, the enemy soldiers slowly opened the door and poked rifle points outside. This strange and baffling action would have gotten him shot, but an armoured black figure moved slowly outside. It beckoned him inside its walls.
The men hoped he’d be O.K. These were the Deities of the dark people that first lead them away. They were sinister, murderous, cruel, manipulative, and cunning. They also had the powers of GODS. That meant their entire army would barely contain a single one of them. They were worried.
For you see, their gods slumbered peacefully. The gods of the enemy fought vigorously. But recently theologists had gathered, and a great ceremony begun to awaken the gods. But until then they merely waited and hoped that their captain returned safely.
Tallgrin found himself in a large castle. It was reminiscent of those in the data files of the ancient human medieval kings. Now that he looked at his guide closer, he did resemble a human quite a bit. It was a touch freaky. He was lead by lines of supplies- food, water, ammo, equipment, etc-and saw that the troops had been especially careful around any of the more “impressive” areas around the building. It was strange indeed that they would have such care for anything built in a design that was not their own.
In his experience, they enjoyed overly the use of their physical might to terrify and destroy, rather then protect. Especially something like this.
His guide sat in a large, soft chair, and motioned him to sit as well. He placed his helmet by his feet and graciously accepted a place of chocolate sweets offered to him by-
-A small child of a race he had never heard of. It wore ragged clothing and was dirty. It looked afraid and scurried out of sight quickly. He gave a look to his guide, who seemed to ignore the wretch.
Tallgrin sat up, and tasted one of the chocolates. He felt slightly faint inside.
“We understand you have been holding out, here in central point, for some time now” said Tallgrin. These chocolates were indeed very good “But we would like to offer you a chance to surrender now, before more blood is spilt” These chocolates were indeed very good. “We understand you have done everything within-“ he was concerned of using the word power, least it insult him “-reason to hold onto this world, but you must see that any continued fighting would merely result in increased losses.” He must find some way to pick up another box of these chocolates before he left “Which Neither I nor you want… is it alittle warm in here?” he asked, loosening his collar. “Anyways, I’m sure we can make a deal that would be mutually beneficial, and avoid any more, unpleasant confrontations” He had read his history, and heard about Luke using that line. He had wanted to be a Jedi but had had very few midi chlorines.
The dark being steepled his long, human fingers, and said “Have you heard of humanity? Terribly interesting species. They are so diverse. Some are brave, some are cowards. Some are smart, some are stupid. Some are good and some are-“
“Evil?” said Tallgrin, smiling slightly, despite his rising temperature.
The being smiled, and stood.
“I prefer to say, with their own concerns foremost in their minds. But that is a mouthful, so, evil” He said the word despising “will suffice. But one thing any long-time studier of humans will discover, is that they are so brilliant in accomplishing their goals. They are prepared to bend every rule of law, heaven, and themselves to do what it is they intend.”
He sighed. “If only we had come to earth, instead of that ball of granite, covered with its’ stupid, useless, morons” His voice rose, and Tallgrins’ chest burned inside “What we could have done, if not for the fools that worked against us, leaving us to shepherd a hoard of idiots and lumps of flesh. We could have conquered where others had failed, took what others could not, we could have won” and now his fury sank.
“But we didn’t. And as such we must make do with what we have.” Tallgrin fell to the floor, his body screaming in pain now. “And one thing we have, Azguardian, is our cunning, our boundless cunning, and your friends will taste it like you have.”
And with that he left, leaving a dead Azguardian decomposing on his carpet. The servants, crawling from the shadows, dragged his body away, and quickly mopped up the blood, least their masters discipline them.
Posted On:
Apr 2 2003 12:01am
A warhead was launched from above the castle. It raised up, and came hurtling down, only to land amongst the front line of the Azguards. A gas came out, and caused them to choke. They screamed in agony, and orderlies raced out to pull the infected onto stretchers.
Soon his men were all in the medical tent, screaming in pain at the burning germs raced around their bodies. Nothing the Doctors had could slow the poison. Regrad marched out of the tent and shouted to the walls.
“What have you done to my Men, you cowardly, useless bag of honourless @#%$?” He threw a lump of shrapnel on the walls. The dark figure that was the deity stood on the walls, and raised his hand. The piece of shrapnel slowed, and then stopped. It bounced on the top of the wall and fell back to the ground.
“You want the antidote, yes?” He smirked in the shadows “Well we haven’t got one. It is incurable, unstoppable, It would take a miracle to save your men now, and you know what? I don’t feel inclined to do many of them these days.”
Regrad roared in fury and slammed a small chair nearby into splinters. If only his Gods did not slumber so. Damn.
Regrad returned to his tent. If there was no way to cure them, then honour demanded one thing. A final charge. Any and all who could would charge the enemy and take down their evil fortress with their bare hands.
His men loaded all weapons, and prepared to comply. The tanks were rolled into place and artillery loaded with deadly artillery shells.
Posted On:
Apr 2 2003 3:01am
This would be the final battle of the Kraz Campaign. Now they would either drive the Furen back or die trying. It was a strange sight, all these troops underground, armed with an assortment of weapons, alongside massive tanks of war, and artillery of gargantuan proportions. The first brutal salvo was like a thousand bolts of red lightning that struck along the walls. Holes, cracks, shards of stone, all of it went flying as the entire store of ammunition was blown in a vast but terribly destructive assault.
The keeps’ formidable defences were not enough to contain such rage, and it was punctured in a dozen places. The Azguards’ pupiless eyes turned blood red as a terrible rage took them. They roared forth in a torrent of fury. The Furen were ready, but such numbers and wrath had been unexpected. Tanks rolled straight into the rubble, expending all ammunition and then the crew got out and fought hand to hand.
The men flooded over the walls like a wave of water rising over a rock. The Furen fought ferociously but there were too many and they were too strong. Knife-like claws shore through enemy skin armour and bones in single sweeps, and the Azguards would not stop. The Furen rallied after losing a lot of ground and turned in a semi organized battle line against the Azguards.
The wave of rage and the line of terror struck, and both were thrown about as the final battle broke down into a terrible melee. Knives, axes, claws, teeth, fists, boots, all were weapons along with blasters. The Furen were being slaughtered, until the Black Shape came from behind. He was one of the Fallen Gods.
He raised his hands, and bolts of lightning fried anyone from either side into black, crackling husks. He was the terror that did not care for such petty things as lives or fairness. He cared only for his own advancement. Another wave struck, and a path split between the Azguards as fear set in.
But Regrad, High Lord Of Azguard, had the presence. It was a small, wise, voice that spoke in his head. Not in any way him, or in any way controlled. It whispered to him, in times of great stress, the truth and wisdom that could save him. It spoke now. It said to him that there was only one way to smite a being of such pure evil.
The presence was in fact Yunos, the Azguard God of light and purity. It spoke to him despite the Gods’ corporal slumber. It told him to challenge the fiend, to fight him, for valour could triumph if he tried.
Regrad stepped forward, directly in the beings’ path. It raised its’ hands but the divine protection offered by the true gods deflected his lightning. He cowered as his powers were stripped from him by the might of the Gods, and the Azguards descended on him like a storm.
But Regrad Told them to hold. He looked at the weakend God, and told him this;
“If you save my men, we shall let you go.”
The God removed the disease from his men, and he was exiled from Azguard Space for all time. Never to be seen again.
Now the Kraz rejoiced! For they were free again from their enemy. And a new peace descended on Krakken IV, one that could never be taken away because it had been established by so many. And the cities were rebuilt, and medals were rewarded, including a special Krakken Service Cross given to all who participated in the Campaign to liberate the Kraz.
Then the Azguards, once again peaceful, once again joyful, once again Azguards, entered their ships and left for their homeworld once again.
This was the end of, hopefully, the last war Krakken IV would ever have to suffer ever again.
Command/end log/File completion/Krakken IV report/