Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: Apr 4 2004 3:03am
Meanwhile the rest of the fleet was moving away from the planet, and the Cree'ar fleet, and towards freedom. The ISD moved as well, but closer to the Cree'ar fleet, though this was also a way to freedom. The situation was a tricky one, but hopefully no more shots would be fired, and no one would be injured.

Onboard the ISD navigation data to all hidden planets was wiped out, as was details on all R&Ded vessels, slim as it was, with just information stating their existance, as was details on planetary defenses and military movements. Whatever the unknown(Cree'ar) ships had planned, they would not get any secret information.
Posts: 645
  • Posted On: Apr 9 2004 4:21am
Inside the Star Destroyers shuttle/figher bay, the Cree'Ar Arbiter settled to the metal floor. It opened vertically, and from it emerged one of the tek'a'tara, the cybernetic servants of the Cree'Ar Judicaste.

He looked around, assessing the biological composition and threat assessment of all those within eyesight. He gestured to them his empty, weaponless hands.

"I will see your leader," he said in a cold, metallic diatone.
Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: Apr 9 2004 10:43pm
The Cree'ar delegates was led to the bridge, where Vice Admiral Jeirn was waiting. He did not extend his hand, just greeted them, as he did not know their customs.

"Welcome aboard my flagship, Skippy. What is it that you wish to talk about. This whole attack was infact a mistake, and we want it logged that we never once fired, despite being fired on. All we wish is to leave in peace."
Posts: 645
  • Posted On: Apr 9 2004 11:11pm
The cybernetic entity nodded his head.

"It is so noted. Note as well, our vessels did not open fire."

He waited silently, being fed instructions through the implants in his skull.

"However, your vessels here was a clear act of agression against the peoples of Dameo. They are allies to the Tek'a'tara, and we arrived in their defense. Fortunatly, this was all a... misunderstanding."

His cold, dead voice could not convey emotion, but if it could, it would have positively seeped sarcasm.

"It is our conclusion, however, that the Galactic Coalition is both dangerous, and aggressive. As such, the Tek'a'tara will require a considerable transition of armaments to reduce your ability to commit further hostile acts, against any people. We have prepared a list of the vessels we will require to be handed over, all from the fleet above this world."

He handed over the small device, upon which a list was enscribed.

"As well, the Tek'a'tara will need to confiscate several of your production facilities in order to increase your capacity to recreate your surrendered assets. I have a list of our demands in this regard, and I will allow you to determine from wherein your space we will retrieve them. You will leave your coordinates and we will send 2 of our vessels to your space to take them into our empire."

He handed over his second device.

"You will find these terms acceptable."
Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: Apr 12 2004 7:49pm
"We do find the acceptable. You can retrieve the production facilities from the planet of Ando. The ships we will transfer to you now."

Personnel were immediately transfered to the other vessels in the fleet, and all of the important information was wiped. However, the transponders were left on the ships. Because the Galactic Coalition had not painted on any markings, they did not worry about having to leave them on, but they did worry about leaving the transponders on the ships. Despite worrying, they could not complain, without dooming their fleet.

Soon all the personel were taken off the ships being transfered to the mysterious fleet, which included Skippy, and the Coalition fleet proceeded in flying away from the planet.
Posts: 645
  • Posted On: Apr 12 2004 8:17pm
Shran Badaar walked onto the bridge of the Skippy and immediatly felt out of place.

Everything was so bright... and the windows...

"The lights! Someone get the lights, please."

The ever-efficient tek'a'tara began to stride across the bridge, raising a metallic fist in opposition to the bright lighting that so disturbed the Cree'Ar commander. When they were finished, the instruments reporting the situation, and the stars outside, were the only lighting available to him.

He made a gesture with his hands indicating his amusement.

"You could have just turned them off."

The Priests onboard chuckled, but the tek'a'tara knew better than to answer.

He looked at the instruments, wondering where to start, and remembering he didn't have to.

"Get us moving. I want us at Se'T'ap'a'r'odar as soon as possible."

The tek'a'tara proceeded to the take the instrument panels and, without a second of hesitation, placed fists through them as well.


Shran Badaar looked at the unusual symbol again. He didn't know what it meant to the Coalition, but he knew what it meant to the Cree'Ar.

It was victory.

The Coalition symbol for biohazardous material would soon be their downfall.
Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: Apr 13 2004 10:11pm
The Coalition fleet jumped out of the system, leaving behind the enemy fleet. Despite the assumption made by the Cree'ar that they had found a Coalition specific symbol for biohazardous material, they actually hadn't. The Coalition used standard terms, as their ships had all come from different fleets, and instead of choosing one of the three different types signs, they chose the type that everyone would recognize, the type used across the galaxy.

Why would we, or any other group, with a few minor exceptions, have a special simbol for Biohazardous Material? That means that if we, or them, captured an enemy ship, our troops would not understand the signs. Everyone would just use a standard set of signs. Like in all the world there is one sign for biohazardous material(I think), not every country has their own sign. Same for most other things. The Coalition is just that, a coalition of peoples. It's easier for everyone involved in the Coalition to just use standard signs.