Politics, I-beams, national unity, and an open buffet.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: May 27 2004 2:50am
The New Coalition has two seats of power. One is the public one, on Mon Calamari, where official goings-on occurs and all important announcments occur. The other is deep in a forgotten corner of Wildspace, veiled by the largest interdiction field in the galaxy and guarded by the strongest fleet the New Coalition has to offer, on Azguard. Needless to say, they also get less spam e-mails.

The Coalition, and now the New Coalition, is not known for its' political or national unity. It is a Coalition, which is a strong alliance of independant states with a vague central powerbase whose main job is pretty much to make sure all the member-states of the Coalition are moving in the same direction. What with the way most member-states come and go, well, come and then get forced under (insert enemy of the Coalition here)'s rule, there is very little national identity or harmony. Patriotism is mostly to ones' region, or at most ones' planet.

But things have been changing a little as of late. After the One-Hour Rebellion, as some are calling it due to the short time it took to destroy the masterminds, a huge reassembling, merging, and restructuring effort of the Coalitions' political system and the nature of the Coalition was underway. This coincided with quite a bit of rebuilding and repair going on throughout the member states, as people from as far as Mon Calamari to Ando to even Azguard had much to rebuild from war and revolt.

For such obviously important political... stuff... you don't go to the big building marked "Government House!" of course, do you? No, you go somewhere safe, and secluded. So this work was being done on Azguard, in the Maximum Security Tower, surrounded by the Azguard army and protected with every modern security measure known to me.

In the building, right now, - yes, really, right now, check your watch, what does it say? Thats' when this is happening - The highest council members and the lowest planetary representative gathered to discuss what was to be done. They sat in a huge, vaulted chamber, within which could be heard the chattering of hundreds of voices at once. After some time of this, three loud Thunk noises can be heard.

At the far end of the room sat Jan, Meer, Regrad and Fraktusk. Regrad had been knocking on the table, and now that silence had been achieved, he rose.

"Fellow members of the Coalition and valued representatives of your respective states" Regrad said, in a clear, loud voice "We gather here today, in the first meeting of the New Coalition National Assembly, to face down a number of growing problems in our alliance. Our debt is high, with most of our money eaten by war or drained away by repairs to the cities after the rebellion. Our international image is badly tarnished from mistakes. And perhaps our greatest problem, our national unity and sense of pride or belonging is almost nil. We are, truthfully, little more then a collection of malcontent planets with a common military."

There was grumbles of agreement from the many politicians. Everything he had said was undeniably true. "But what can we do, really?" Called out a representative from Abregado-rae "My world is a hub for traders and I can tell you, the economy just isn't strong enough for us to raise taxes to get rid of debt. As for the rest of it, its' out of our hands."

Some nodded, but others shook their heads and the rumble of argument began to form. Regrad once again knocked on the table. "I know these are challenging issues but they have to be faced, and it is our job to do so. Once they are dealt with we can move on to other things, but if we don't erase our debt, boost the economy, and create a little national pride we might as well dissolve into our respective planetary governments again and be done with it.

"We'll start with the easy one, getting out of debt. Any ideas?"

There was silence. After a little fidgeting, Jan leant forwards "Well" he said "Back in the rebellion days, we kept our money going by constantly finding something of value to sell. Now, back then of course it was selling guns and stolen goods and the like, but now with a whole Coalition of worlds, we must be able to find something we can sell for cash in our own boarders?"

"What about mines?" Suggests Meer "There's got to be plenty of untapped natural resources out there. Like on Hoth, for example. I bet no ones' ever set up any real mines over there-"
One of the Hoth representatives suddenly spoke up "If you think we'd let you bring drills and droids onto our world to tear it up looking for minearls you'll have anothing thing coming. Its' hard enough to eke out a living there as it is-"

"Please, representative, take your seat" said Regrad "There is no need for such displays. I think we can find another way to reduce the debt. Think, everyone. What have we got that is special, that we can get money off without having to tear up the land or disadvantage people?"

There was silence in the chamber. Regrad was hardly surprised. He rubbed his forehead and sighed. "All right, this might take longer then I thought..."
Posts: 1913
  • Posted On: May 27 2004 5:11am
Frakutsk jumped to his feet, making a lound CLUNK noise. It was more unintentional then intentional, actually, but it worked for him.

Frakutsk had just realized what this discussion was about, and what HE thought flared up instantly.

"Peoples!!" Shouted Frakutsk, and everyone seemed to quiet down, "What yousa no realize, is that SO MANY" Frakutsk held his arms wide, "Of yousa tax dollars go to an inactive and lazy military!"

Frakutsk could not tell, but Regrad most like leaned back in his chair and rolled his eyes.

"Yousa money, that couldsa be used to pay offsa da det of da Coalition, AND to form a peaceful and profitable bond between da Coalitioned planets. Mesa have here dasa figures" Frakutsk reached into his pocket and pulled out a datapad, remembering that he actually HAD come prepared. He was still speaking very forcefully and everyone was still listening to him.

"If yousa money stop going to macheines designed for unnecasary killings, den da det of da Coalition could be payed offsa COMPLETELY in a matter of no morese den a couple of years."

There was a murmur of concent from a few members of the council who had pulled out datapads to check the figures.

"Nowsa, tell me, What does Coalition mean? It does nota mean a group of planets who pitch in deir money to give to other peoples who are doing nossing at da moment, and are only able to do killingsa!"

Needless to say, a few members of the council, wearing big badges and even bigger mustaches, were fairly outraged by now. Not because what Frakutsk was saying was wrong, but because they were of the military and it ment less money for THEM.

"In factsa, Coalition means nothing moresa den A unitedsa group of nations. Tell mesa, would it not make us more united tosa use our money for common GOOD? Instead of common ability to do evil?"

These men with big mustaches were growing rather red. A few members were nodding their heads, most were scratching them.

"Isa leave you, freindsa, to think about that. Thesa minister of peace hasa spoken."

The end was cliche and unneccary, probably, but it was OK since he was a gungan.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: May 28 2004 2:20am
Shortly after Fraktusk sat, discussion continued over what to do about the debt. When Regrad noticed discussion was going nowhere, he decided they should take a break, order lunch, and draft the New Coalitions' Coalition. You know, something easy.

So, over a tasty open buffet, a lot of advice from the new Minister of Ethics Viren Quell, and some argument, the New Coalition's constitution was drafted to replace to Old Coalition's, taking into account the changes in time and the people now within the Coalition.

Now, I could go through all the "Of, by, and for"s, but those would take forever, so I'll just tell you some of the highlights: It was agreed upon to outlaw discrimination on race, reiligion, species, gender, or creed. Free speech was guarenteed, as was free elections and everyone having the right to run. Strict rules were set down for the use of the military, and special regulations were written in to ensure the government never becomes stronger then the will of the people.

After that little break, they returned to the issue of national debt. "All right then" said Regrad "We've had a break, anyone have any ideas?"

A representative from Abregado-rae, who was a sort of worm-person, said "Yeah, well, I was thinking what Fraktusk said, and he might have a point. Most of the shipyards arn't doing anything these days, building military ships, you know. We could make them available to the public for ship-building purposes, and companies and things, and then charge a little fee to help get out of debt."

Regrad raised his eyebrows "Now there's an idea" he said. "Our military shipyards HAVE finished most of their ship-building work, we could definetly boost the economy by allowing companies and individuals access to them to build ships. I mean, its' not like there are a lot of shipyards out there. Good, so thats' one idea, anything else?"

Jan gave Regrad a tap on the shoulder "I've been thinking" he said "We're a pretty free and open society, right? At least, if I remember correctly. We could advertise as one to attract international companies and writers. I mean, there arn't many countries in the galaxy really that allow people the freedoms we're trying to ensure, we should be using these freedoms to attract some more buisness and people."

There was a general murmur of agreement again, it sounded sensible. There weren't many places in the galaxy with strong free-speech laws, or who kept Racial Discrimination low. Surely that was a good, strong point they could use on the international stage?

"All right, so thats' two ideas. Any others?"

"Well" said a representative from Kubindi, rising with a little difficulty as he was sitting next to most of the fairly chubby Tynnans "I think the economy would really benefit from lowering taxes. Why don't we go through the government budget and infrastructure with a fine-tooth comb, find out exactly how much money is being wasted or isn't needed, and cut that from the budget in the form of tax cuts? The people really need more money in this economy."

Regrad nodded with agreement. Meer said "Sounds good" and was already tapping away at a datapad which held buget information.

"Well, that should be enough for now" said Regrad "We'll need to put this into place quickly, so I'll ask the House now if they approve the Shipyard Privitization suggestion, and if so I'll have the bill set up and instructions set out to the shipyards and our advertising agencies and companies by tommorow evening."

There was a wave of "Ayes" in assorted voices and languages, and Regrad nodded. "Good. And the Freedom Advertising?" Another wave of "Ayes" followed "And the tax cuts?" Yet again, "ayes" followed. "Excellent" said Regrad, pleased, "What a productive day this has been so far."

This was rather true. But it was their first day, they just hadn't had the time to form radical fringes, dozens of commitees, partisanship, and overcomplicated political systems. Given time though, these should form on their own.

"Ok, now, on to national unity. Um..."

Once again, everyone fell silent.

"...We could start with a national sport?"

After five minutes of being bombarded by every representative shouting their favourite sport, sport team and then picking fights with rival teams, Regrad settled everything.

"All right" he said "Maybe we should take another break. And would someone please retrieve the representatives from Bimmisaari? Apparently their favourite team beat the team of Firrerre and they have been thrown into the rafters. Thank you."
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Jun 2 2004 12:40pm
"...Ok, that's it, no national sport. I'm sick of this!" Shouted Regrad over the din. The representatives grumbled, but eventually agreed that it was for the best. "What about a flag? What did we decide on?"

Marth lifted up a sheet of paper from his table. The flag drawing on it had a large, vertical white stripe on the left of a mostly black flag. A red, star-shaped object adorned the middle of the flag along with three smaller red stars in the top right corner. "Not too shabby, if you ask me." He added.

"And national bird?"

"The silver swallow" said Jan "Mostly because its' the only bird that can live on every planet in the Coalition."

"National passtime?"

"Mesa thinking we no choose that now, it no easy" said Fraktusk.

"Good point... I think. Ok, what else have we got?"

A representative near the back spoke "We agreed on those black military uniforms. You know, the ones with the red highlights?"

"Yes" said Regrad, reminiscing "I saw them on Space Trek last night, they are pretty snazzy. But these are all little things. We could make up holidays, an anthem, all sorts of things, but those don't bring nations together. What is it that brings such different people together?"

Not for the last time, silence reigned in the representative chamber. After a time, Meer rose "You know what?" He said "I can think of something: What is the one thing we've all got in common? What is the one thing that the Coalition gives to the people that no other nation does?"

Jan grinned, and slapped the table "I can see where you're going with this. You mean freedom, right?"

"Exactly" said Meer, nodding to Jan "We are, pretty much, the biggest free society in the galaxy. Now if that isn't something to be proud of I don't know what is. If we're going to go promoting our freedoms to others, we should promote it at home first. Let everyone know all the rights they have, let them literally be able to see the difference between living in our free society, or under one of the Empires."

There was great applauding at this statement, and Regrad smiled happily, as he took down what Marth said. Passing the datapad to an aide, he turned back to the representatives. "All right" he said "That's two down. But we've still got our international image to think of. Currently we look like a third world country for war-mongerers and idealists. How are we going to change that?"
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Jun 2 2004 11:33pm
Regrad was, at present, trying for the nth time to land a paper plane into the garbage at the far end of the room. He was an Azguard of single mindedness (literally) but even he could become bored with enough effort, and this certainly had succeeded. No one had any idea how they were supposed to boost their national image. No one even knew what their image was supposed to be. Simply put, they were at a loss.

The only one with any enthusiasm left was Viren Quell, Minister of Ethics and a master at the game of public opinion and image. He paced around the chamber, coming up with all sorts of ideas about things they could do, policies they could introduce, baiscally anything they could use to make clear their intentions, which - In Virens' mind alone - should be pretty clear. But even he was lagging, and after a few minutes of this, grabbed a sandwich off the buffet table and sat back in his seat with a sigh.

"This is hopeless, it really is" muttered a Fierrerr representative from the back "Everyone sees us as a bunch of whining malcontents and warmongerers without the skill to work up a piss in a brewery, much less govern the Coalition."

Regrad suddenly felt a flash of inspiration. "Well then" he said "If everyone thinks we're fools, we'll prove them wrong."

Still glum, his fellows didn't give much thought to what he said. Fraktusk was able to work up a half-hearted shrug of confusion, but besides that they remained unstirred by Regrad. But he persisted "We can prove them wrong. We'll rebuild the Coalition into a wealthy, happy, and prosperous first-class country. We'll see to it everyone succeeds. We'll repair the war damage so well it'll be as if there never was a war. We'll make sure that the entire Coalition rises out of the ashes of its' own collapse and becomes an example to the galaxy. By God(s), we'll show them what we can do, and see if INS can twist that against us!"

His colleagues finally awoke to what he was saying. "Yeah" called out one "That's the best thing we can do to improve our image, actually be a better country. Lets' really bend our backs these next few months, and I bet we can really bring the Coalition up to speed!"

Rousing cheers followed as this sudden inspiration to work hard hit them. Soon everything was a flurry of activity, but Regrad was soon able to calm them down. "All right" he said "We've done a lot of work today. Now you are all to return home, and take with you what we have learnt and agreed upon today. We will work hard and long, and by the measure of our accomplishments shall we be known. I shall prepare everything we have decided upon today for future work. Congradulations, all of you.


And Regrad was as good as his word, and he and the house began to work round the clock to make the Coalition as good a government, as good an institution, and as good a home as the good old galaxy had ever seen. As for the economy (which did NOT die), it will go on to recover from its' ailment, and with it the Coalitions' lifeblood would be restored. The rest, is yet to come.
