Operation "Return Fire" (MCR, TJE, Bimmisaari)...
  • Posted On: Aug 21 2002 4:51am
OOC: This is a straight C&P from my post at Ylesia at the request of MCR personel. No ship involved in the battle in the Ylesia thread, another thread occuring at the same time period, or built after 8/10/02 should be used in this thread. Thank you, and let's do our best to keep it civil. Best of luck.


---Operation "Return Fire"---

The encrypt "Return Fire" triggered the reserve force intended to rendevous (sp?) where both Siather and Jander had thought the Mon Cals to be retreating to. Bimmisaari. The trajectory had been correct, but in what seemed to be a bright moment for the Mon Calamari Fleet, they had pulled shy, actually catching the two Gands slightly off guard. It didn't mean much in the end for Operation "Return Fire" however, as the sheer amount of forces committed to battle against the Phantoms and the Sadistic Mist left very few behind to defend the homeland.

An hour hyperspace jump away from Bimmisaari, the TJE 2nd Fleet hung in space, along with six Abolisher Cruisers transfered from another fleet just for this operation. Fleet Admiral Elrond, commander of the Second Fleet, grimaced as the communications team handed him the decrypted transmission that had just recieved over the most secure of TJE frequencies. So the others had been ambushed, yet the attack was to commence. The Admiral nodded to the flagship's captain, who relayed the order that would send the fleet to Bimmisaari.

An hour later, the full Second Fleet dropped out of hyperspace in the Bimmisaari system. Admiral Elrond gave the neccesary orders. "Power up Interdictor and Abolisher fields, let's close this system off. Launch all fighters, and I want an immediate sensor report so they have targets as soon as they're out of the hangers."

The Fleet's fighters began launching as alert klaxons wailed. Sensor readings came in, and Elrond signaled to send a message down to the planet. "Attention Mon Calamari Republic officials. I am Fleet Admiral Elrond of the Jutraalian Empire. Your forces have assaulted one of our worlds, and attacked neutral ships without warning. In response, the Second Fleet has been ordered here to Bimmisaari. I hearby request the surrender of all MCR forces in this system. Please think this through, I have no desire to shed more blood today. If you will go peacefully, your forces may simply leave to another of your worlds. You have until my fleet is entirely in place to respond. Good day."

The holocam's light blinked out and Elrond cleared his throat. The viewscreens in his chair showed that preparations were well underway. Abolisher fields were in place and about half of the fleets fighters were out of the hanger already. Weapons were powered and targeted, but not fully activated yet, simply prepared for anything. The middle-aged officer sincerely hoped the Mon Calamari would keep the peace.

OOC: Manifest

Rogue Imperial Second Fleet

Capital Ships

Allegiance-Class Super Star Destroyer Lusankya III
Bulwark-Class Heavy Battlcruiser Invincible
Galactic-Class Star Destroyer Extinguisher
Galactic-Class Star Destroyer Ravenblade
Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer PeFauna
Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer Rage
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Despayre
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Sluis Van
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Liberi
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Tyrant
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Heart Taker
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Angel's Wrath
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Demon's Anguish
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Intrepid
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Arai's Wrath
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Blackblade
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Shadow Jedi
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Thrawn
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Warmaster
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Spectre Hunter
MC200-Class Cruiser Defender
Dauntless-Class Battlecruiser Wealth
Victory-Class Star Destroyer Healing Wind
Victory-Class Star Destroyer Righteous Blessing
Victory-Class Mark II Star Destroyer Oppression
Redemption-Class Battlecruiser Ravenblade II
Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Mighty Grip ***Modified For Fighter Carrying***
Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Carnival ***Modified For Fighter Carrying***
Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Parade ***Modified For Fighter Carrying***
Interdictor-Class Immobilizer Cruiser Strawberry
Interdictor-Class Cruiser Harpago
Interdictor-Class Cruiser Robust
Abolisher-Class Hyperspace Cruiser Impregnable
Abolisher-Class Hyperspace Cruiser Abjegation
Abolisher-Class Hyperspace Cruiser Sublimity
Abolisher-Class Hyperspace Cruiser Vogue
Abolisher-Class Hyperspace Cruiser Implosion
Abolisher-Class Hyperspace Cruiser Hyfe
Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Courageous
Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Defender
Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Chandrilla
Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Snake
Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Asp
Nebulan-Class C Frigate Destroyer
Nebulan-Class C Frigate Warmth of Shadow
Nebulan-Class C Frigate Horrific Shadow
Modified Nebulan-B2 Assault Frigate Crimes
Modified Nebulan-Class B2 Frigate Distant Shadow
Modified Nebulan-Class B2 Frigate Fading Desire
Modified Nebulan-Class B2 Frigate Make Up
Nebulan-Class B Frigate Desire.
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Extreme
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Monstrous
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Wizard
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Shockwave
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Vong
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Council
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Medal of Courage
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Periodic Destruction
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Wrought Wrath
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Terror of Adumar
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Welded Scar
Lancer-Class Frigate Mercury Rising
Lancer-Class Frigate Home Runner
Lancer-Class Frigate Clairvoyance
Modified Corellian-Corvete Wendigo
Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser Paxa
Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser Lofte
Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser Victorious
Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser Pulley
Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser Defender
Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser Power Grip

12 TIE Fighters- Interdictor-Class Immobilizer Cruiser Harpago
12 TIE Interceptors- Modified Corellian-Class Corvette Wendigo
72 TIE Fighters- Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Mighty Grip
24 TIE Advanced- Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Mighty Grip
12 TIE Defenders- Interdictor-Class Immobilizer Cruiser Robust
24 TIE Fighters- Dauntless-Class Battlecruiser Wealth
72 TIE Defenders- Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Carnival
36 Missile Boats- Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Carnival
12 TIE Fighters- Bulwark-Class Heavy Cruiser Invincible
12 TIE Bombers- Bulwark-Class Heavy Cruiser Invincible
12 Assault Gunboats- Bulwark-Class Heavy Cruiser Invincible
12 TIE Fighters- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Despayre
12 TIE Defenders- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Despayre
12 Assault Gunboats- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Despayre
24 TIE Interceptors- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Despayre
36 TIE Fighters- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Sluis Van
36 TIE Bombers- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Sluis Van
24 TIE Fighters- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Liberi
12 TIE Defenders- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Liberi
24 Missile Boats- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Liberi
12 TIE Advanced- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Liberi
72 TIE Fighters- Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Ship Parade
24 TIE Defenders- Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Ship Parade
24 TIE Fighters- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Tyrant
24 Assault Gunboats- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Tyrant
24 TIE Bombers- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Tyrant
24 TIE Fighters- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Heart Taker
24 TIE Advanced- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Heart Taker
24 Assault Gunboats- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Heart Taker
6 TIE Fighters- Modified Nebulan-B2 Frigate Crimes
6 TIE Interceptors- Modified Nebulan-B2 Frigate Crimes
6 TIE Fighters- Nebulan-B Frigate Desire
6 TIE Interceptors- Nebulan-B Frigate Desire
12 TIE Defenders- Interdictor-Class Immobilizer Cruiser Strawberry
24 TIE Fighters- Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer Rage
24 TIE Interceptors- Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer Rage
24 TIE Bombers- Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer Rage
12 TIE Fighters- Dreadnaught-Class Medium Battlecrusier Courageous
12 TIE Bombers- Dreadnaught-Class Medium Battlecruiser Defender
12 TIE Defenders- Dreadnaught-Class Medium Battlecruiser Chandrilla
12 TIE Advanced- Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Snake
12 Missile Boats- Dreadnaught-Class Medium Crusier Asp
72 TIE Defenders- Galactic-Class Star Destroyer Ravenblade
36 TIE Fighters- Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer PeFauna
36 TIE Advanced- Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer PeFauna
76 TIE Defenders- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Spectre Hunter

Total Fighters-

2 Assault Transports
Imperial-Class Dropship Group Omega
20 Sentinel-Class Landing Shuttles
40 Mynock-Class Assault Boats
30 Svelte-Class Assault Shuttles
  • Posted On: Aug 21 2002 8:02am
OOC-this is an inaccurate listing of Jutraalian ships. Check the unlocked Fleet foum for the new, approved, and updated manifest. This can be found at our board. Thank you.
Posts: 130
  • Posted On: Aug 21 2002 8:13pm
OOC:So Jander brought in the Second fleet, also named Abyss fleet, the one with the ESD? I request for the thread to be put on hold untill you tell me what fleet and what ships he brought in. Cause I don't know how much of my ships i'm going to bring in, untill I know his manifest.
  • Posted On: Aug 22 2002 8:13pm
:::Second “Abyss” Fleet:::
Command Group *temproary reserve deployment group*
Galactic-Class Star Destroyer Katana
Imperial Star Destroyer Black Rain
Redemption-Class Battlecruiser Reluctant
Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Tetango
Loronar-Class Strike Cruiser Freedom Fighter
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Legacy
Lancer-Class Frigate Daunting Shadow
INT02-Class Hyperspace Cruiser Scout's Worth

Assault Flotilla Charlie
Squadron IX
Allegiance-Class Super Star Destroyer Neverwinter
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Ebony Dog
Interdictor-Class (Im-418) Cruiser Repellor
M/Nebulan-Class B2 Frigate Beholder
Lancer-Class Frigate Shadow Blade
Corellian-Class Corvette Sin Three
Corellian-Class Gunship Destruction Two

Squadron X
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Heavy Justice
Imperial Star Destroyer Imperial Glory
Victory-Class Star Destroyer Destruction
Interdictor-Class (Im-418) Cruiser Compellor
M/Nebulan-Class B2 Frigate Tainted Desire
Corellian-Class Corvette Sin Two
Corellian-Class Gunship Destruction Three

Squadron XI
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Fearsons
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Devastation
Victory-Class Star Destroyer Passion
Nebulan-Class C Frigate Shadow's Mist
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Rapier
Lancer-Class Light Frigate Oku
Corellian-Class Corvette Sin One
Corellian-Class Gunship Devastator One

Squadron XII
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Sinful Rage
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Death's Blanket
Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Ray of Hope
Nebulan-Class C Frigate Abyss' Star
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Broadsword
Lancer-Class Light Frigate Wandering Desire
Escort-Class Carrier Pursuiant
Corellian-Class Corvette Mighty Blow
Corellian-class Gunship Devastator Two

Assault Flottilla Delta
Squadron XIII
Executor-Class Super Star Destroyer Agamemnon *Flagship*
Allegiance-Class Super Star Destroyer Mithril Katana
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Generis
Interdictor-Class (Im-418) Cruiser Bright Star
M/Nebulan-Class B2 Frigate Distasteful
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Ray of Light
Lancer-Class Frigate Anari
Corellian-Class Corvette Ebony Brick
Corellain-Class Gunship Torn Eagle

Squadron XIV
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Rhetoric
Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer Gand's Shadow
Victory-Class Mark II Star Destroyer Tempest Mist II
Interdictor-Class (Im-418) Cruiser Tabris' Grip
Nebulan-Class C Frigate Jedi's Star
Corellian-Class Corvette Dragon Two
Corellian-Class Corvette Dragon Three

Squadron XV
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Metaphoric Carnage
Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer Radical Warrior
Victory-Class Star Destroyer Black Dog
Nebulan-Class C Frigate Golden Destroyer
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Jiren
Lancer-Class Light Frigate Sanctuary
Corellian-Class Corvette Gold Brick
Corellian-Class Corvette Dragon One

Squadron XVI
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Dragon’s Tusk
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Peril
Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Civilization
Nebulan-Class C Frigate Dragon's Breath
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Organa
Lancer-Class Light Assault Frigate Compassion
Escort-Class Carrier Saratoga
Corellian-Class Corvette Sin Four
Corellain-Class Gunship Destruction One

There you go.
Posts: 130
  • Posted On: Aug 22 2002 9:31pm
OOC:Thank you, Viscount. And Jander we can use ships that were in the Ylesia thread as I specifically RPed retreating from the middle of nowhere to get to Bimmisaari. Also i don'tt see any fighters listed in your manifest. I would assume you have some, but will not RP anything about my fighters and your fighters engaging at the time.

The Mon Calamari Republic Ships came out of hyperspace at the edge of the system, well out of range of the Abolisher fields, after picking up some reinforcements at the rendezvous point.

"Colonel we have successfully came out of hyperspace. The first planetary shield is up."

"Excellent. Get that Advanced Turbolaser to power up. All Aboliser power up your generators. Shields up. Launch all fighters. Launch all ground based fighters but keep them underneath the shield. Capture the Galactic Star Destroyers, Alligiance Star Destroyer and MC-200. Oh, and don't forget to disable the Redemptionas well. They will not keep our own ship. Launch all of ou fighters."

The fighters poured out of the capital ships. The shields were raised. Turbolasers and ion cannons powered up.

"All fighters are launched sir."

"Move towards the Imperials. Get me their com channel."

"You have it sir."

"To the Jutraalian Empire commander this is Colonel Ragabag of the Mon Calamari Republic. You have intruded in Mon Calamri Republic Space. Surrender or die."

"We won't surrender to you."

"Fine have it your way."

Jesmin turned off her com unit.

"They won't surrender. Fire the Ion Cannons."

The two Planetary Ion Cannons fired at the Galactic Star Destroyer, Ravenblade. Just before they got to the shield a gap appeared. The bolts passed through, went past the mines and hit the cruiser. Then the gap in the shield disapeared.

"All ships move in. Attack all Imperial ships in this sector. Send all surrenders to me. Ask for help if you need it."

Viscount sped up, leading the attack. The Imperial ships had thier backs facing the MCR fleet as they had just come out of hyperspace. Viscount's gunners were targeting the Ravenblade. Strident was aiming at the other Galactic. Thor was targeting the Alligiance Star Destroyer, Lusankya III, and Despayre, while Implacable went after Invincible and Sluis Van. Helios sped up leading a minor wedge, consisting of it, Tysklon and Pride, which attacked, PeFauna, Rage, Tyrant, Liberi, Heart Taker and Angel's Wrath. Atlas and Home One attacked Demon's Anguish, Blackblade and Interpred. Decurion, Venus, Razor, Swift Liberty and Starwind formed a group and drove at Shadow Jedi, Thrawn, Warmaster, Specter Hunter and Defender. Defender was the captured MC-200. Aquaris, Shadow Defender, Pluto, Defender and Baldaccini targeted, Wealth, Healing Wind, Righteous Blessing, Oppression and Raveblade II. Europa, Fire Hawk, Thunderstorm, Bimmisaari, Saviour, Myron, Ingenuity, Liberty and Mecury aimed at the Abolishers and Interdictor Cruisers. Sputnika and Titan targeted the two Dreadnaughts, Courageous and Defender. Yavin, Galactic Voyager and Sovereign targeted the remaining dreadnaughts, Chandrillia, Snake and Asp. Startide, Raging Star, Defiance and Impervious aimed at Destroyer, Warmth of Shadow, Horrifice Crimes and Distant Shadow. Calamari, Kosmos, Sucelent Reward and Mon Remonda aimed at Fading Desire, Make Up, Desire and Extreme. Hawk, Sea Hawk, War Hawk, Battle Hawk, Storm Hawk, Thudner Hawk and Anit aimed at Monstrous, Wizard, Shockwave, Vong, Council, Medal Courage and Periodic Destruction. Ta, Taimat Re and Ardent attacked Wrought Wrath. Valiant, Zeus, Zenit and Ben Het attacked Terror of Adumar. Draco, Flaming Swordsman, Labyrinth and Dark Magician attacked Welded Scar. Celtic Guardian, Celtic Warrior, Reaper of Rewrds, Harrier, Leo, Scorpio, Cancer, Hercules, Gate Guardian and Shadow attacked te lancer Frigates, Corellian Corvette and Vibre Assault Cruisers, Mercury Rising, Home Runner, Clairvoyance, Wendigo, Paxa, Lofte, Victorious, Pulley, Defender and Power Grip. The rest of the ships moved forward, aiming at the Lancer Frigates. The fighters STayed behid, waiting for an opportunity to attack the enemy fighters, without being shot at by the Lancer Frigates.

Fleet Manifest:
Viscount-Class Star Defender-Viscount
Viscount-Class Star Defender-Strident
Viscount-Class Star Defender-Thor
Viscount Star Defender-Implacable
Viscount Star Defeender-Helios
Mon Calamari Super Cruiser-Tsyklon
Mon Calamari Super Cruiser-Pride
Mon Calamari Super Cruiser-Atlas
Home One Battlecruiser-Home One
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Decurion
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Vénus
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Razor
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Swift Liberty
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Starwind
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Aquarius
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Shadow Defender
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Pluto
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Defender
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Baldaccini
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Europa
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Fire Hawk
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Thunderstorm
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Saviour
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Myron
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Ingenuity
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Liberty
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Bimmisaari
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-200-Mercury
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-200-Sputnik
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-200-Titan
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-90-Yavin
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-90-Startide
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-90-Galactic Voyager
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-90-Defiance
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-90-Raging Star
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-90-Sovereign
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-90-Impervious
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-80b-Sucelent Reward
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-80b-Mon Remonda
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-80-Calamari
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-80-Kosmos
Aegis Star Cruiser MK.II-Hawk
Aegis Star Cruiser MK.II-Sea Hawk
Aegis Star Cruiser MK.II-Anik
Aegis Star Cruiser MK.II-Storm Hawk
Aegis Star Cruiser MK.II-Battle Hawk
Aegis Star Cruiser MK.II-Thunder Hawk
Aegis Star Cruiser MK.II-War Hawk
Assault-Class Frigate-Agena
Assault-Class Frigate- Sea Storm
Abolisher Cruiser-Saturn
Abolisher Cruiser-Javacheff
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Draco
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Dark Magician
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Flaming Swordsman
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Labyrinth
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Celtic Guardian
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Celtic Warrior
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Reaper of Rewards
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Harrier
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Leo
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Cancer
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Hercules
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Scorpio
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Gate Guardian
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Zeus
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Zenit
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Valiant
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Tiamat
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Ta
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Sumpntodo
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Shadow
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Re
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Poesy
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Planka
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Pertenax
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Margaret
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Lulsla
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Farlaricae
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Condor
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Cathleen
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Ben Het
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Ardent
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Columbia
Nebulon-B2 Frigate-Discobole
Lancer Class Anti-Starfighter Frigate-Duchamp
Corellian-class Gunship-Hope I
Corellian-class Gunship-Hope II
Corellian-class Gunship-Hope III
Mon Calamari Eloquent Star Frigate-Energiya
Mon Calamari Eloquent Star Frigate-Mon Kanna

324 MC-10 Starfighters-Viscount
324 MC-10 Starfighters-Strident
324 MC-10 Starfighters-Thor
144 MC-10 Starfighters-Tsyklon
144 MC-10 Starfighters-Pride
120 MC-10 Starfighters-Home One
96 MC-10 Starfighters-Shadow Defender
96 MC-10 Starfighters-Pluto
96 MC-10 Starfighters-Defender
96 MC-10 Starfighters-Baldaccini
96 MC-10 Starfighters-Europa
96 MC-10 Starfighters-Fire Hawk
96 MC-10 Starfighters-Thunderstorm
96 MC-10 Starfighters-Saviour
96 MC-10 Starfighters-Myron
96 MC-10 Starfighters-Ingenuity
96 MC-10 Starfighters-Liberty
96 MC-10 Starfighters-Bimmisaari
72 MC-10 Starfighters-Mercury
72 MC-10 Starfighters-Sputnik
72 MC-10 Starfighters-Titan
72 MC-10 Starfighters-Yavin
72 MC-10 Starfighters-Startide
72 MC-10 Starfighters-Galactic Voyager
72 MC-10 Starfighters-Defiance
72 MC-10 Starfighters-Raging Star
72 MC-10 Starfighters-Sovereign
48 MC-10 Starfighters-Mon Remonda
36 MC-10 Starfighters-Calamari
36 MC-10 Starfighters-Kosmos
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Zeus
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Zenit
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Valiant
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Tiamat
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Ta
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Sumpntodo
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Shadow
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Re
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Poesy
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Planka
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Pertenax
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Margaret
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Lulsla
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Farlaricae
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Condor
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Cathleen
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Ben Het
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Ardent
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Columbia
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Energiya
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Mon Kanna
62 MC-10 Starfighters-Venom

Ground Based Fighters:
288 TIE Defenders
144 B-Wings
48 Y-Wings
48 X-Wings
20 O-Wings
10 Missile Boats

4 Gencore II Shield Generators
2 Planetary Ion Cannons
1 Planetary Advanced Turbolaser
50 000 Missile Mines

12 Lambda-Class Shuttles-Viscount
12 Lambda-Class Shuttles-Tsyklon
12 Lambda-Class Shuttles-Pride
5 Lambda-Class Shuttles-Home One
5 Lambda-Class Shuttles-Mon Remonda
5 Lambda-Class Shuttles-Calamari
5 Lambda-Class Shuttles-Kosmos
2 Lambda-Class Shuttles-Energiya
2 Lambda-Class Shuttles-Mon Kanna

Ground Troops
Full Troop Compliment
64 AT-HA's
2 AT-ATs
24 Mon Calamari Attack Subs
4 Conquest-class Carriers

Ground Based Troops :
50 000
  • Posted On: Aug 22 2002 11:02pm
OOC_ I might add, I am not here. My battlegroups are elsewhere. The commander of this attack is Commodore Sunstar, rank temprorary.

I am elsewhere....and as a note of accuracy..I would suggest you put some detail and intricacy in your post. It is hard to follow without depth.

Posts: 130
  • Posted On: Aug 23 2002 12:09am
OOC:I know you are elsewhere. Viscount is the name of one of my ships, my flagship to eb exact. And I originally didn't ahve enough time to add details.
Posts: 130
  • Posted On: Aug 25 2002 11:26pm
OOC:I realize it hasn't been 72 hours, and you requested for that rule to be ignored, which i will grant you, cause i might not respond a lot either, but I am pretty sure offering a diplomatic conference on a neutral world is legal, cause I haven't posted any aggressive moves against you in this post. My ships would have continued doign what they were doing, but I have done anything against you.

"To the commander of TJE's fleet, I offer you the diplomatic way out. It would not be a surrender, I am just offering to say that we have a diplomatic conference on a neutral world. We would not bring in any armed vessels. I would bring a Lamba shuttle, shields down and weapons unpowered, if you would meet with us. I'm sure a deal could be made, since it is useless to continue this engagement, as it will only cause both of us to lose ships and men, neither of which any of us have an unlimited source of. Yes TJE is a very military powerful group, but MCR has moved up as well. We might lose in the long run if we both brought all ships to fight each other, but you would lose a large portion of your fleet. I am proprosing a treaty."

Jesmin pressed the send button, and turned to her advisor.

"I hope this works. I don't want to see us losing any ships what so ever."

"I quite agree sir."

Jesmin looked ut the view port, waiting for the Imperial commander to respond.
  • Posted On: Aug 27 2002 12:57am
OOC: Deleted the earlier OOC comments. Only have one real one and a minor request from your updated post Jesmin. The complaint is your giving the position of my fleet, it has had to be some time since we arrived at Ylesia, for you to recieve the message and respond. Particularly when the 2nd Fleet was at least an hour away, and closer than the forces in the Ylesia thread.

The request is that in the future you please seperate ship actions a little better. It's really difficult to keep track of whats going where when it's all crammed together. Thanks.

IC: Some time had passed since Admiral Elrond had messaged the planet, and the fleet had taken up positions to maximize thier defensive stance as well as prepare themselves for a bombardment mission if it was needed. "Sir, the Mon Cals are raising thier shields, and we detect thier groundbased weaponry and fighter squadrons are powering up as well," this was from the 'Lusankya III's captain.

Elrond sighed sadly. Such was war. He'd gone through thirty years of military service and never understood it. Why waste so many lives needlessly? He'd never know. "Very well, assign two dozen sensor experts and gun stations to watch the shields incase they decide to send fighters after us or fire from the planet. Gunners may fire at thier own disgression to destroy shield generators on the surface during defense volleys."

A quick look at the fleet status shown that the fighter squadrons were finished with thier launching procedures. A portion of them had been set aside to fly defensive CAPs for the capital ships while the others formed up for further orders. The Admiral looked to the officer in charge of the Second Fleets fighters. "General, hold the Combat Air Patrols ready for any reinforcements the Mon Cals will try and walk in from out of range of our Abolishers. If nothing shows up soon, then assign squadrons to eliminate those mines. Anti-Vong modifications should do well in that regard. Pilots have orders to protect themselves and each other at all costs."

The General moved away to relay those orders while Elrond turned back to the captain, who had just finished setting aside the gunners and sensor operators from his earlier orders. Before Elrond could speak, both the sensors and comm station officers jumped to thier feet. "Sir, we show a fleet of ships has entered the system outside of our Abolisher fields and is preparing for battle," one called out.

"Their hailing us," the other said. A swift and abrupt conversation followed. The Mon Cals demanded surrender, and Elrond's orders did not allow such an end. Within moments of it's end, one of the technicians called out. "Shields are dropping, they're firing sir."

At thier own stations in another part of the ship, turbolaser crews were patched into the sensor data. Hard drilled enlisted men and thier officers swiftly aimed and fired thier weapons. Aimed turbolaser fire lanced out at the brief opening of the shields, vaporizing a few mines in the process before dropping down onto the planet.

Three of the sensor experts cheered at the results. Thier commanding officer reported in to the Admiral. "Sir, we show a significant change in shield power. We definately hit one, maybe two of thier generators."

"Very good. Keep watching, though I doubt they'll try that again," Elrond replied.

For the third time the Fleet Admiral turned to give the captain orders. "Prepare the fleet for combat. All anti-starfighter weapons not in a firing arc to hit the enemy should be tasked to eliminate those mines. Be wary of our fighters and thier task of eliminating the mines."

Once again Elrond's eyes passed over the screens in front of him. "Ravenblade" was reporting that many systems were down as a result of the Ion shots they had taken. It would be a few minutes before they would be at full combat capabilities. "Assign three ISDs to protect the 'Ravenblade' while her crew completes repairs. Remind all captains of our Star Destroyers advanteges over these Mon Calamari ships. Begin the attack as soon as they enter weapons range. Fighters are to commit as soon as thiers do."

The lines of battle were drawn. The opening shots of the battle above Bimmisaari was fired by the "Extinguisher", it's Mark IV turbolaser finding a lock before anything else and blasting away at the nose of the "Viscount" as it tried to attack it's sister ship. The shot was a hit, though the effects of the blast were not immediately apparent. A few seconds later the rest of the fleet opened up on thier targets. As Elrond had reminded them, each ships captain used the main advantage of the Star Destroyer's daggerlike shape to thier advantage. This advantage was that almost all of a star destroyers weapons could be pointed into the forward firing arc, which could be decimating to the enemy. These Mon Cal ships, while the Viscounts and Super Cruisers were larger, couldn't put near that amount of weaponry into use.

The three Star Destroyers protecting the temporarily beleagured "Ravenblade" all struck out at the "Viscount." The "Lusankya III" opened on both the Viscount and the destruction. All of the Star Destroyers retreated slightly as they fired, to continue to hold thier advantage, while the smaller ships jumped forward to do thier part, preparing to use thier better manueverabilty against the larger ships. Those defending the "Ravenblade" towed her with them. The Victory Star Destroyers, as well as the "Ravenblade II" both ships known for the devestation caused by thier missiles, unleashed volleys on thier targets, in most cases the Viscount and Super Cruisers fielded by the Mon Calamari.

For the most part, the Imperial fighters stayed out of the mix, though they fired shots on the capital ships when the oppertunity presented itself. Three TIE Defender squadrons, elite units from the "Lusankya III", began trying to eliminate smaller ships. Once squadron commenced a missile run on the Mon Calamari Nebulon B, while the other two worked against the two Assault Frigates, ducking in and out to avoid thier guns. On the other hand, the Missile Boat Squadrons were quick to move against the capital ships arrayed against TJE forces. Partnering with two TIE Defender squadron for cover as well as distraction, two squadrons unleashed torpedo runs on the Lancer Frigate "DuChamp", blasting away at it shields and scoring hits on the ships hull.

OOC: A force placement description to make things easier. I think it's easiest to describe the formation as a 3D line, more likely a swarm. The ASSD is in the middle, with the Bulwark above and slightly behind it. The two GSDs are to each side, with the ISDs, VSDs, and other smaller ships spread evenly to each side, or flank. Lictors, Abolishers, and Interdictors are to the rear of the formation.

This is just a quick description, I'll do a better one tommorow morning.

New Description:

Left Flank

Galactic-Class Star Destroyer Extinguisher
Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer PeFauna
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Despayre
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Sluis Van
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Liberi
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Tyrant
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Heart Taker
Victory-Class Star Destroyer Righteous Blessing
Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Courageous
Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Defender
Nebulan-Class C Frigate Destroyer
Modified Nebulan-B2 Assault Frigate Crimes
Modified Nebulan-Class B2 Frigate Distant Shadow
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Extreme
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Monstrous
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Wizard
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Shockwave
Lancer-Class Frigate Mercury Rising
Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser Paxa
Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser Lofte

Command Force

Allegiance-Class Super Star Destroyer Lusankya III
Bulwark-Class Heavy Battlcruiser Invincible
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Angel's Wrath
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Demon's Anguish
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Warmaster
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Spectre Hunter
MC200-Class Cruiser Defender
Dauntless-Class Battlecruiser Wealth
Victory-Class Mark II Star Destroyer Oppression
Redemption-Class Battlecruiser Ravenblade II
Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Chandrilla
Nebulan-Class C Frigate Warmth of Shadow
Nebulan-Class B Frigate Desire.
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Vong
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Council
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Medal of Courage
Lancer-Class Frigate Home Runner
Modified Corellian-Corvete Wendigo
Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser Victorious
Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser Pulley

Right Flank

Galactic-Class Star Destroyer Ravenblade
Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer Rage
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Intrepid
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Arai's Wrath
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Blackblade
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Shadow Jedi
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Thrawn
Victory-Class Star Destroyer Healing Wind
Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Snake
Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Asp
Nebulan-Class C Frigate Horrific Shadow
Modified Nebulan-Class B2 Frigate Fading Desire
Modified Nebulan-Class B2 Frigate Make Up
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Periodic Destruction
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Wrought Wrath
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Terror of Adumar
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Welded Scar
Lancer-Class Frigate Clairvoyance
Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser Defender
Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser Power Grip

Rear/Reserve Formation

Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Mighty Grip ***Modified For Fighter Carrying***
Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Carnival ***Modified For Fighter Carrying***
Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Parade ***Modified For Fighter Carrying***
Interdictor-Class Immobilizer Cruiser Strawberry
Interdictor-Class Cruiser Harpago
Interdictor-Class Cruiser Robust
Abolisher-Class Hyperspace Cruiser Impregnable
Abolisher-Class Hyperspace Cruiser Abjegation
Abolisher-Class Hyperspace Cruiser Sublimity
Abolisher-Class Hyperspace Cruiser Vogue
Abolisher-Class Hyperspace Cruiser Implosion
Abolisher-Class Hyperspace Cruiser Hyfe
Posts: 130
  • Posted On: Aug 27 2002 2:02am
OOC:I don't lose my forces, because Viscount changed the manifest. If you want to have your original manifest, the I request for time to be able to write up a new post, because I did not post untill it was clear what your manifest was, which didn't include any Abolishers. It is the fault of incompetence at the level of command in TJE that the problem arose, so I respectivly complain and say, you have the manifest that Viscoutn said, or I get to edit my post, or right a new one, because I was given false information. I had noticed the Abolisher fields and had planned to RP jumping into the system at the edge, out of range of the Abolisher fields. Since I have forces on Bimmisaari I would know if an Abolisher field was active. I request that this thread is put on hold. If you want I can make an official complaint at the OOC forum, or we can settle it ourselves, which I would prefer. My AIM is Jesmin Ragabag.