Operation: Iron Fury. TNO Takeover of Diamal
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Dec 15 2003 8:50pm
Setting: 1 Month before Last Laugh.

Commodore Carson slept peacefully as the Imperial warship Inexorable sliced her way through hyperspace. Then the chrono went off at his bedside. Muttering curse words, he sat up, and shut the chrono off. He then slipped his covers off, and waddled to the refresher, and enjoyed a nice, warm shower as well as some stimcaff afterwards, while he listened to the latest holonews. Hearing of a great Imperial Tatical victory at Bilbringi livened his spirit.

Soon thereafterwards, he departed from his room wearing the regular Olive Grey uniform, his rank cylinders, and igsignia clipped to his vest. Walking to the bridge, he gazed out the viewport at the familiarity known as hyperspace. The stars swirled around the viewport with wild abandon, just glad to get out of the ship's way. The commodore turned his aide, Captian Hyde Parker.

"Captian, how long until we emerge in the enemy system?" asked Commodore Carson.

"Sir, we will emerge in approximatley ten minutes." said the Captian.

"Good. Sound Battle Stations, and get the crews to their stations, and the crews to their fighters. We can expect a big fight here, captian. The enemy are known to have large carriers, and powerful cruisers." ordered the Commodore.

"Yes sir, alarms are being sounded now. What are the latest reports of the composition of the enemy fleet, if I may inquire?" asked the captian.

"I'm not sure, I'll have to ask Major Hesti. Major, what are the latest reports of the fleet at Diamal?" asked the Commmodore.

"Sir, at the last report, the enemy had one large fleet carrier, identified as the fleet flagship, three medium sized fleet carriers, eight cruisers, comparable to our own strike cruisers, and four small escort ships, probaly marauder class corvettes." said the Major.

"Hmmm, a straight up fight, then. What of their starfighter capacity, and consist?" asked the Commodore.

"The enemy starfighter capacity appears to be high. At last count the large fleet carrier had one hundred and forty four starfightes, while each of the smaller three had seventy two starfighters. The enemy cruisers each carry three squadrons of starfighters, totalling twenty four squadrons of starfighters, or two hundred and eighty eight starfighters, and finally, the marauder corvettes each carry one squadron of starfighters, making four squadrons totalling forty eight starfighters for those ships. That brings the overall strength of their starfighters to six hundred twenty four starfighters." stated the major.

Commodore Carson, and Captian Parker both whistled in amazement, then recomposed themselves as the major went on.

"But there is good news for us. Most of the starfighters are outdated models, and a lot of them don't have the capacity to carry missiles. The four squadrons aboard the Marauder Corvettes are Cloakshape fighter squadrons that carry two laser cannons, and two Ion cannons apiece. The squadrons aboard the cruisers are all A-wing squadrons, carrying two laser cannons on swivel mounts, they use them as interceptors for hostile fighters, or to shoot down incoming missiles. The fighters aboard the three smaller carriers are mostly older Y-wing models carrying proton torpedoes, or heavy rockets. But the large fleet carrier is the main thread to our safety. It carries an array of modern E-wings, B-wings, and K-wings, carrying dangerous eggs, concussion missiles, and proton torpedoes in large numbers." said the major.

"Okay, and what do we have to counter this threat?" asked the Commodore.

"We have the four Illustrious class Fast Attack Cruisers, which should be able to handle the enemy cruisers with somewhat ease. Then we have eight Fire class Light Frigates, which are excellent anti-starfighter ships, and finally we have the ten DP-20 model Gunships, excellent attack craft for both starfigthers, and captial warships. The amount of starfigthers we have is also excellent. Our Illustrious Fast Attack Cruisers each carry three squadrons of TIE Defenders, totalling twelve squadrons of one hundred and forty four TIE Defenders. Next, our Fire class Light Frigates each carry one squadron of TIE Defenders, totalling eight squadrons of ninety six Twin Ion Engine Series Defenders. The Fire class Light Frigates also carry two squadrons of TIE Devils apiece, totalling sixteen squadrons of TIE Devils, numbering one hundred ninety two. This brings our fighter totals to two hundred forty TIE Defenders, and one hundred ninety two TIE Devils, totalling four hundred thirty two starfighters." said the Major.

With this information, the Commodore and the Captian turned back to the viewport, with the alarm klaxons still blaring in the background. Then they subsided as the crews made their stations. Then a new kind of Klaxon sounded, signaling imment exit from the realm of hyperspace.........
  • Posted On: Dec 16 2003 5:12am
Two Months before Last Laugh

"Cleivge, tell me what we're lacking. Something we have to establish.... something we have not yet created."

The tone in Cortex's voice had an air of inquisitivness, but also an air of knowledge, as if Cortex was asking a rhetorical question just for the sake of hearing the answer. That type of egotism sometimes bothered Cortex. Simply because the Twi'lek had convinced the Verpine to join his movment and cornered the Falleen didn;t man he needed a big head.

"What, Cortex, don't we have?"

Cleivge decided not to humor Cortex this time, just go right out and ask him. The other Twi'lek didn't seem to mind the sudden 'stupidity' of his confidant.

"My friend.... our diplomatic ventures have extended or alliance to many species. We are currently negotiating with many more. We tell them there is strength in numbers, and that we will be a powerful organization that shall not restrict their freedoms..... yet what proof do we have to show for it."

Something immeiatly came to mind in Clievge head, the liberation of Sullust, but he let it slide. That battle was a secret assualt amongst the chaos of a war that still continued.

"I see your point. So what do you propose to remedy the situation."

"I don't know, yet, we'll have to find out."

Cortex let that thought hang in the air, then retired to his personal quarters, thinking deep thoughts.

5 Days before TNO assault on Dimal

"The Diamalan's will be an excellent addition to the alliance. They will see the logic in joining our organization- and logic drives Diamalans."

Clievge Hintona agreed wholeheartedly- he had a great respect for the Diamalans, and looked forward to their inclusion into the alliance. Cleivge always thought of himself as a thinker, and he wondered what it would be like to debate with a trained Diamalan mind.

"I agree Cortex- they will be an excellent additon."

The twitching of Cortex's lekku showed his appreciation of Cleivge's agreement.

"I'm glad you agree- can you prepare a diplomatic team to send to Diamal?"

"Of course."

"Good, begin immediatly."

Day of TNO attack
Civillian Luxury Station Alligned Galaxy

"...... I think that you'll see that it is in the best intrests of both parties to join togather for mutual benefit. It's only logical."

The Twi'leki diplomat smiled as he finsihed his long speech with that line. It was exactly what he had been planning, and was sure to hit home with the Diamalans. If things went well he might have this wrapped up in 2 or 3 days....

Klaxxons and shrill alarms went off all aross the station.

Confused, the diplomat looked at his Diamalan counterparts, most of whom were picking up com-links and strainging to listen over the noise of the alarms.
The diplomat, hands clapped over his ears walked over to the head Diamalan.

"Whats going on."

The Diamalan looked at himand said,

"We are under attack by forces of the Empire. Our defensive forces have taken measures to nullify this threat."

The alarms died down temporarily and the diplomat dropped his hands from his head. As he did, what had just been said fully registered in his mind.

The Empire...

Then an idea hit him. He had always heard that when life gives you sour Alderranian Grapes, make wine. This seemed like a perfect oppurtunity to put that theopry into practice.

"Give me a hypertransmission transmitter. I believe I can help."

The Diamalan looked confused, but realizing that any help would be appreciated, he hurried the diplomat off to a transmitter. The diplomat sent off a long, encoded transmission, then went with the Diamalans to a escape shuttle craft, to escape the poorly defended luxury station.
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Dec 16 2003 3:56pm
The warships poured from hyperspace, several large warships exiting at once, followed by several smaller ones. The fleet reconfigured into an attack wedge after an order from Commodore Carson came over the comm. Then Commodore Carson began to issue other orders.

"Fighter crews, stand down, repeat, stand down, all except for the 141st, and 211th fighter squadrons. Those squadrons may launch, and configure into an escort formation. Send a signal to the Diamalans, requesting an audience with a top ranking official, to discuss the future of the Diamalan people. Then prepare a shuttle for me. I will go and speak with them myself." said the Commodore.

Three sleek, Crimson Red Painted Sentinel class Assault Shuttles departed from the bays of the Illustrious Cruiser in the lead formation. Then twenty four TIE Series Defenders departed from the bays of the surronding cruisers, and formed up around the shuttles, which then departed to meet with the Diamalians, hoping to settle this battle before it has even begun.
  • Posted On: Dec 19 2003 4:15am
A message from the Diamalans flew back uncoded toward the Imperial fleet, transmitting from a satellite relay that bounced its signal of the Alligned Galaxy .

"Forces of the Galactic Empire, speaking logically, why would you bring a battle fleet to a world simply to launch a diplomatic envoy. As you know, this was neither necessary, nore required by ettiquette. If you wish to conduct bussiness in a peaceful manner with us, please removed your war fleet from the system- we will not receive any imperials under the threat of force, without responding in kind."

The clear, rational, yet somewhat overly complex Diamalan transmission faded away, while the Diamalan vessels stood on high alert, waiting to see how the Empire reacted.



In another system, other ships were also bustling about, with the same sense of urgency as at Diamal. THey formed up in ragged lines, as if in some great hurry, then dissapaered into the twilight....
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Dec 22 2003 6:46pm
The transmission was recieved by the Empire, and filed away for future reference. Then the Commodore gave his own answer to the Diamalans;

"Very recent actions undertaken by the Galatic Coalitions, and the Outer-Rim Soveriengty have forced us to take more actions when it comes to protecting our diplomats. The people in those shuttles represent some of our finest diplomats. This fleet is merely a military escort, to ensure that no harm comes to the diplomats." said the Commodore.

At the same time, the Imperial fleet began to slow some, not wishing to incite anything more with the Diamalans.
  • Posted On: Dec 23 2003 2:23am
"Once again, we would like to repeat our statment that no Diamalan diplomats will deal with any envoy under the threat of force. Remove your fleet from our system- we will have no other conditions to meet with your diplomats."

The Diamalan transmission was cool, and brisk, but calm enough. Only a thin undertone of threat lay witin the voice of the furry alien.

Now for the Imperial response...
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Dec 23 2003 2:34am
The Imperial Fleet recieved the response with very little suprise. They expected no less from the Diamalans. Let it be known, at least, that we tried to talk to them first thought Commodore Carson. The time for words were over. Now, it was time for action. He let out a deep sigh, then straightened from his old diplomatic posture to his full military posture. Now, it was time for action.

"All shields to full power. All weapons to full power as well. Load all missile tubes, and prepare all starfighters for launch. Recall the shuttles, and their escort. Reconfigure the fleet into an attack wedge, line abreast." ordered the Commodore.

With negotiations having failed, the Imperials not wishing to meet the Diamal's terms, for reason they feared the safety of their own diplomats, the Imperial fleet prepared itself for battle. Weapons were charged, and prepared, starfighters were prepared to be scrambled, all crews prepared for war. Commodore Carson walked over to the communications station for one last appeal.

"This is Commodore Carson of the Imperial Navy. Let it be known that, because you have refused to talk to our diplomats by our terms, military action is now inevitable. It pains me greatly to say so, but my objectives are very clear. If you surrender now, power down your weapons, and shields, then we will spare you. Resist, and you will be destroyed." said the Commodore.

Now, they waited for the Diamal' reply to the Imperial ultimatum.
  • Posted On: Dec 23 2003 8:54pm
The Diamalans sent one final transmission before severing the link,

"Your offer is an affront to the Diamalan peoples. What rationally thinking being would surrender when defeat is not even the assured outcome. Such would be a waste, and illogical one at that. No, if such a decision is to be made, it shall be made on the plane of space. Logic, dictates this."

The transmission was cut, and the fate seemed decided.
The Diamalan warships formed up in a close formation, their cruisers forming a protective screen of their fleet carriers. Fighter poured from their bays, and began forming up into formation. Still their overall posture seemed defensive. Almost as if they were waiting for the Imperial ships to attack....
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Dec 23 2003 10:39pm
"Okay, let's redeploy the fleet one last time for our plan of attack. Have the Gunships and Fire class Light Frigates form up around the Illustrious Fast Attack Cruisers. The Fast Attack Cruisers are going to be our main anti-captial ship weapon. Send half of our starfighters to engage and hold the enemy starfighters, and form the rest up as a screen around our ships. Let's go." stated the Commodore.

The Imperial Fleet reformed, with the Fast Attack Cruisers forming a line of battle, and the other ships forming a screen around them. Then, the whole fleet surged forwards, heading directly for the enemy fleet. The starfighters from both sides met halfway. The superior fighters of the Imperial Navy proved too much for the enemy starfighters, and in this engagement, the Diamalans lost three starfighters for every one Imperial starfighter destroyed. In the end, the Imperials lost thirty starfighters, mostly Defenders, while the Diamalans lost over a hundred starfighters. The Imperial fighters surged forwards, followed closely by the Imperial fleet.
  • Posted On: Dec 27 2003 8:32pm
Overmatched, the Diamalans srtuck back with a furry, their bombers and heavy assault fighters making their first attack runs on the Imperial cruisers. Meanwhile, the Diamalan fighters were drawing back, falling into a defensive screen that protected the Diamalan carriers, in between the smaller cruisers and the large fleet flagship.

The situation was in favor of the attacking Imperials if the battle was met in an engagment that pitted both sides on the offensive. The Diamalans, seeing the folly of their first tactic were now back on their heels, using their heavy bombers for offesnive while letting the Imperial forces break upon their line. Still the tactic would only be effective if the Diamlans had something planned which would require them to hold back their strength, for later. If they logically thinking Diamalans had such a manuever planned, you woudn't have been able to tell from their fleets positioning.

The Imperial force met the Diamlan skirmish line, and the fight began in earnast again.