Posted On:
Feb 14 2002 7:04pm
Zeta gave up walking around, making his way back to Zandor now. He had a few questions for him.
"Where are your two hoppers friends? You know which ones I speak of..."
Posted On:
Feb 14 2002 7:30pm
Darbock walks around the corner and approaches Zandor and Zeta.
"Well, Darbock is over there. And Dora....well....he tends to wander off allot."
Posted On:
Feb 14 2002 7:50pm
Zeta's eyes widened for a moment, figuring out his mystery now.
"Oh, he's wondered off quite a bit. I can..barely sense his presence, and what I sense..is unusual."
He glanced over at Darbock.
"Did he tell you where he was going?"
Posted On:
Feb 14 2002 10:20pm
"No. He never tells me. I don't really care though..."
Zandor gives Zeta an odd look. "Why are you so interested in him?"
An figure, covered from head to toe rises from the chair. He passes Dora and begins to walk up the stairs.
Posted On:
Feb 15 2002 5:53am
"I am cautious, of everything and everyone. Your friend is trouble. I am not wrong about that."
He looked at both hoppers with cold piercing eyes and then went on walking again, this time to actually check out the other fighters.
Posted On:
Feb 15 2002 3:37pm
Darbock and Zandor look at each other with raised eyebrows.
Dora quickly follows the figure. "Well Master, what do you think?"
"Well, Darbock, I want you to track Dora. I'm not going to belive that, but I'm not taking any chances. Follow him, then come back when you find out something."
"Yes sir. I will." Darbock gives him a quick bow a hurries away.
Posted On:
Feb 15 2002 6:14pm
Zeta stops to watch a group of fighters, they are in pairs, practicing with magic of some kind. Magic that Zeta himself is unfamiliar with. He studies it closely, preparing himself, should he have to face such fighters.
Around him, some fighters are relaxing, deep in thought, other are running around, getting themselves pumped up for the big event.
Posted On:
Feb 15 2002 8:57pm
A Dino creature passes Zeta. It's head looks much like a Triseratop's(sp) and it has fairly large haunches. It's large feet leave marks in the ground, and it's tail swishes as it walks. It yellow rimmed, black eyes look at Zeta. It then nods and walks off again, satisfied.
Boo. OOC)
Zandor walks up behind Zeta. "That, was a Zuum."
Posted On:
Feb 16 2002 2:25am
Zeta shakes his head.
"This creatures, they are unlike anything I've seeen before and I've seen many species."
Though he expected new speciaes to arrive, seeing as how this was a tournament.
"How long before the tournament begins?"
Posted On:
Feb 16 2002 4:01am
Zandor grins. "Well, I can start it tomorrow, with a little, 'talk'. And there are many speices, but some....never mind."