Oh yeah? That makes two of us! (Open, Ord Mantell)
  • Posted On: Jun 19 2002 7:08am
: DarkSaber's modified B-wing starfighter swooped down over Ord Mantell, whipping by the towers at nearly 1000 kph. A voice crackled over the com. :

Unidentified B-wing, you are entering restricted space.

: DarkSaber smirked and clicked his mike on. :

Oh yeah? Is that supposed to bother me?

: He clicked it off and concentrated on piloting.

Unidentified B-wing: two TIE Fighters are coming up to intercept you. They are authorized to use lethal force if neccerssary! Turn back now!

: DarkSaber smiled. :

Is that so? Tell your pilots if they don't want to die that they should make way back to the surface.

: He spotted the ships on his sensor screen and smirked. Standard TIE/Ins. Turning towards them, he doubled the forward shields and amred his missile launchers. :

: The TIEs came in firing, their laser blasts ineffective against the B-wing's heavy shields. DarkSaber's return fire was deadly. The first missle broke through the cockpit of the lead TIE and actually came out the other end before exploding. The other fell prey to on of the ship's turbolasers and spun out of control, one wing missing. It ploughed into a building and exploded. :

I'll send you a bill for the missile I just wasted.

: DarkSaber took the ship down and landed. Climbing out, he looked around... :
  • Posted On: Jun 19 2002 9:28pm
Toryn sabreen had just landed his YT-1300. There were matters of bussiness that he needed to take care of on planet.

He was decked out in Alderaanian guard full uniform. A purely white version of the empires royal guard uniform. The Teras Kasi master was a member of the Guards ranks. And he was gathering allies as quickly as posible.

He had word that he may find one here. A new disciple. The force is danger. One his order is sworn to face.
  • Posted On: Jun 19 2002 10:40pm
: From where he was sitting in the small cantina, DarkSaber saw the oddly dressed man enter. :

Quite the choice of clothing.

: He thought. Then the mean turned and began to coming towards him... :