New Beginnings Part I: An Alliance of Rebels (Yavin 8)
  • Posted On: Apr 4 2004 6:36am
Finally, after four hours of exhaustive talks, they agreed to join the group, provided Admiral Marin agreed to a few of their conditions of their own, which if Alexei was not mistaken, was normally aforded to squadron commanders in New Republic Starfighter Command anyways, at least when it was existance. The group climbed into their starfighters, and the rest of the crew into the lambda shuttle after they had set the scuttling charges on the Imperial Bulk Cruiser to ensure that the Imperials wouldn't trace it back to the Rebel group, then they launched, and prepared for hyperspace. Before he ordered the jump, Alexei glanced back out at the Bulk Cruiser just in time to see the charges go off. Explosions lit up the viewports all over the ship before blowing through, then a bigger series of explosions tore the vessel to pieces. With the cruiser destroyed, the starfighters and single shuttle jumped into hyperspace.

A short time later, they emerged right over the green jungle sphere that was known as Yavin Four. Immediatly four starfighters broke from the formation, to form up on the shuttle to provide as an escort. Alexei communicated with the base. "Yavin control, this is Batiiv-1, requesting cleareance for thirty six X-TIE Starfighters, and one Imperial Lambda Shuttle to land, over." Alexei stated. Then he waited for a reply........
  • Posted On: Apr 4 2004 1:58pm
HTML comments are not allowed

Oh no... 1200 words :O

Lets see what I can rewrite when I get home :/

...I don't suppose anyone got that before it was wiped?

Staff Edit: Unless you kept a copy on the HD, no. One of your HTML tags wasn't supported by eZboard and to protect themselves from your roleplaying, they deleted your post. :>(

In future, it may be an idea to write on your own harddrive.

Me Edit: Well, that's something I'll do when I'm not writing it up during a long lunchtime at college :( Anyway, almost managed to work my way back to something like what it was.
  • Posted On: Apr 5 2004 4:00am
Morgan answered the call. "Batiiv One this is Yavin Control. You are clear to land at the provided co-ordinates." Morgan said as she tapped a few buttons transmitting the co-ordinates to Alexei Ferrier the man she knew to be Batiiv One.

Marin Faulker stood out on the deck of the large temple. Looking out across the horizon he could see an endless supply of trees with temples portruding in several spots across his view. The red Gas Giant Yavin looked down upon Yavin 4 like a crimson guardian. It was so huge that Marin almost felt as though he could reach up and touch it. Truly a sight to behold.

Then the fighters came into view, about three squadrons of them. An unsightly amalgamation of X-Wings and TIE Fighters. Pirates, he thought to himself. Coming to no doubt negotiate their terms of joining the Rebellion against the Empire.

"Well." Marin said to himself. "Let's see what they've got."
  • Posted On: Apr 5 2004 4:58am
Alexei guided his pilots towards the landing platform. Thirty Six Starfighters, exactly three squadrons, touched down in almost perfect formation on the landing platform, in a wedge pattern, followed by the Imperial lambda shuttle behind them. Popping the cockpit, and shrugging off his harness, and helmet, he hopped out and landed on the ground with a light thud. His pilots did likewise, and the personnel in the Imperial lambda shuttle also exited through it's lowered ramp. All of his men drifted to the point where he was standing at the front of the fighters. Alexei began to issue orders.

"Men, form a line. Move Move. Chins up, Chests puffed out, backs straightened. Kenny, I said back straight, damn all. Better." orderd Alexei Ferrier as his men moved to comply. With his men assembled at the landing platform in front of the ships, Alexei waited for the represenatives to come to meet them.
  • Posted On: Apr 6 2004 12:51am
Marin Faulker keyed in a few commands on his personal comlink, attempting to get into contact with Rear-Admiral Woods.

"Yes?" The Rear-Admiral replied swiftly.

"Can you meet me down at the hangar bay? The Batiiv are here so I assume they intend to stick around. However I'd be surprised if they didn't have a few requests of their own."

"Ya no problem I'll meet you there."

So Marin made his way to the hangar bay where Matthias Woods was waiting for him along with Alexei Ferrier and what was left of the Batiiv Pirates.

Marin cut straight to the chase, not wanting to waste anymore time with this. "So. Have you come to a decision?"
  • Posted On: Apr 6 2004 1:09pm
The com-link crackled, and an urgent voice broke into the quiet.

++“This is the Hammerhead. Imperial ships have entered the system – all ships, prepare for battle. Convoy, come to 22, neg 170 and get out of here.”++

Coming out of her command chair as the last words rang around the bridge of the Marauder-class Corvette, the slender figure of Ariadne Crayt strode towards one of the bridge stations. "Sithspit! Sensors, send out an active scan - see if you can get an ID and location on those ships. Altus, bring us to two-two negative one seventy and take us up to full throttle. Comms, start checking for Imperial frequencies and get your code crackers ready on the double. XO, sound the battle alarm and bring up our shields."

As the klaxon began to echo down the corridors, a tall platinum-haired man took a step forward from beside the command chair. "Ari, aren't you taking this a little too seriously? They can't know we're moving through here - its some planetary raid that's going to turn tail and run once their sensor crews pick up a bit."

Before the chestnut-haired woman could respond, a wiry young man at the sensor station looked up and gave his report. "Captain, scans indicate the Interdictor-class cruisers Entangle and Ensnare at 76, 151, 27 and -220, 33, 1 with a possible id on the Imperial Star Destroyer Intimidator coming in behind the Entangle. TIE squadrons are launching, indeterminate class."

A mirthless smile quirked into place on the face of the young captain as she turned towards her friend. "They send Interdictors to both the chartered navpoints and Captain Jorgen himself comes in for the kill? You'd best get to your squadron, Rhys - we're going to need some fighter cover." Striding back to her command chair as the fighter commander left the room, she flicked a switch on the arm of the chair and brought up a tactical screen that flickered into life.

"Comms, get me the Harbinger, a-sap!" Emerald eyes fixed on the screen as she watched the gunship picking up speed and outpacing the convoy itself. "Come on, come on... you've got him? Put him on. Captain Deneer, may I formally- no, scratch that. What in space do you think you're doing?"

Through the increasing hiss as ionised shielding powered up around the ships, a rough male voice could be easily heard in response. ++"Keeping my ship in one piece, Crayt - there's no way I'm hanging around to fight the Intim. If you've got any sense, you'll come with me!"++

Her anger clear on her face, the woman in the captain's chair turned a glare on the com-panel that by all rights should have leapt across the void and struck the other dead where he sat. "Now you listen up, Denny! Turn that grease-stained, mynock-pocked stinking hunk of scrapmetal you call a gunship to 38 neg 12 and help me run interference against that cruiser or by Heris I'll fire my forward batteries at your motley hull! Crayt out!" Turning off the channel with a stabbing finger into a button, she set her lips into a thin line that finally relaxed as the icon representing the Corellian Gunship turned towards the Ensnare, changing headings to match her own.

"That's better. Gunnery, are your batteries ready for combat?" Over at the Gunnery station, the Lieutenant looked up with a smile. "Armed and ready, Captain." "Excellent. Altus, take us in on her port - Comms, signal the Harbinger to strafe down her starboard side to keep that Interdictor honest. We'll make her jump out, or at least route enough power to shields that more than the first few of the convoy can get out of here."

As the Manta Ray and the Harbinger bore down on the lone Interdictor, there came a blurring off to the other side of the convoy as an ominous L-shaped craft emerged from hyperspace. "Captain, the Nebulon-B Frigate Ravager is-" The voice of the sensor officer was cut short as another message came crackling through the com-system. ++"All ships, disregard the Ravager - we'll take care of it. Immutable, out."++

Ariadne's eyes were riveted to her tactical screen, where the Dreadnaught peeled away from the formation and headed towards the L-shaped icon to the convoy's flank, watching the two ships get closer - until, mentally cursing herself, she looked back over to check the proximity of their own target, leaning back involuntarily in her seat as an instantly recognisable ship dropped out of hyperspace on the corvette's flank. "Manta Squadron, get out of there!"

But it was too late - the Carrack Cruiser opened fire in a volley of dazzling hail of green flame that cascaded into the shields of the Manta Ray, even as the corvette returned fire in turn. As the shields crackled under the assault, sirens began to add their voices to the cacophony on the bridge. The worried-looking captain shook her head at this added distraction, making a cutting motion at her XO. "I don't think we're likely to forget we're under attack. Cut the sirens." The pudgy man nodded to her, taking a step across to the boards where he tapped a few buttons... and both sirens and klaxons faded, all save one - a shrill beeping that went on, and on, and on. Half-rising from her chair, Ariadne glared across at the man. "I said cut them all off!"


The beeping kept on going, as with a sharp intake of breath the slender young woman rolled over in bed and came half-upright - propping herself up with one hand. Bed. Peaceful. Alone. Reaching up with her free hand, Ariadne swatted the com-panel above her pillow and called out sleepily. "Whhhaaat?" ++"You asked me to call in. We're coming out of hyperspace in ten minutes."++ With a curse the brunette flicked the companel off again, rolling out of bed and half-staggering towards the bathroom.

Ten minutes later...

...Ariadne Crayt strode onto the bridge, wearing a trim black uniform not unlike that of the Imperial Fleet - the model of alert leadership though her hair was still wet. "Thank you, Reed - though I said fifteen minutes." The comms officer half-shrugged, looking apologetic. "I'm sorry, Captain - I called fifteen minutes ago, and you didn't answer."

Nodding to the man, Ariadne inclined her head in acknowledgement as she settled herself in her chair. "Lyssa, bring us out when you're ready." One, two... and outside the transparisteel viewports the swirling shadows of hyperspace drew back into starlines... then shrunk into points as a sea of stars snapped into focus. A bulky woman seated at the piloting board looked back over her shoulder with a look of satisfaction. "Captain, we've arrived in the Yavin System."

Allowing herself a smile, Ariadne nodded in response. "Very good, Lyssa - within .2 parsecs of the nav point. Reed, give me an open broadcast channel." For a few seconds she let her eyes unfocus thoughtfully, then it was time to speak.

"This is the Manta Ray, hailing the Rebellion. Come in, please."
  • Posted On: Apr 7 2004 4:05pm
As Alexei Ferrier watched the men approached, including the High Admiral Marin Faulker himself, Alexei prepared himself for the debate which was sure to come. When the Admiral had come up to him, along with some subordinates, Alexei signaled his men, and together they all executed a bow for the men. Alexei then came upright, and began to speak.

"Commanding officials of the New Rebellion, we have reached a decision concerning whether or not we should join your group. Pending authorization from you concerning some minor demands, we will officially become part of the New Rebellion. Minor Details Number one through three concern the starfighter portion of our forces. We would request that we stay together, for we have worked in the same squadrons for many years together. We would also like to have the liberty of naming our own squadrons, and painting them as we see fit, as long as it's nothing so vulgar and offensive. Minor Detail number four is that we are allowed to keep our weapons. Some, like our Thermal Detonators, and Disruptor pistols we will be glad to hand over, but others we would like to keep as our own personal security measure. Minor detail five would be semi-free reign of the base. I understand your security concerns over having people wandering at free will all over the base. At the same time, me and my men would hate being cooped up in the quarters almost all the time in between missions. And finally, minor detail number six concerns my other men, that they be allowed to join your own commandoes, and engineering corps. That is all." said Alexei as he executed another bow.
  • Posted On: Apr 8 2004 12:40am
Yavin Control

The transmission came through and Morgan picked up on it immediately.

"This is the Manta Ray, hailing the Rebellion. Come in, please."

"Manta Ray this is Yavin Control." Morgan responded waiting for the response of the Captain of the Manta Ray.

Meanwhile, Yavin 4 Hangar Bay

Alexei Ferrier and his men executed a respectful bow before Marin Faulker and Matthias Woods. Marin nodded and gave a smile as Matthias Woods stared blankly clearly not caring for the gesture.

Alexei Ferrier then proceeded to address both High Admiral Faulker and Rear-Admiral Woods. Marin had issued a set of guidelines that the Batiiv would follow if they were to lose their title of Batiiv Pirates and become pilots of the Rebellion. Now Alexei had a few of his own "demands" so to speak. Marin listened intently and once Alexei was finished he looked over to Matthias. Then the Rear Admiral spoke.

"You will be allowed to stay together." He said and paused.

"You will be able to name your own squadrons if you so choose." Matthias Woods walked a few meters forward and stood right before the former Batiiv Pirate. "You will be able to decorate your vehicles as you see fit."

And then the Rear-Admiral turned and began to walk back and paused suddenly. "However." He said as he turned back to face Alexei Ferrier. "Any such changes made to any Rebel craft will be made after you have approved it with either myself, or Marin Faulker. The last thing I'd want to do is shoot down one of my own X-wings because it was painted red. Got it?" He said as he looked at Alexei Ferrier intently.

He nodded in agreement, the Rear-Admiral returned to Marin Faulker's side as the High Admiral began to speak.

"And I might add, in the interest of security you will be allowed to travel the base as you see fit. Some areas as you might understand are off limits. You as every other soldier based on Yavin 4 will request permission to use our speeder bike lanes which will take you to any of the number of temples which we've restored to serve a number of different uses." Marin said, he paused for a moment.

"Our speeder bike lanes are only meant to be headed one way, so it is important for you to get clearance from Control before you leave your current location. This is a safety precaution. Is this understood?" The High Admiral asked.

The Pirates as a whole nodded this time nearly in unison.

"So. It is up to you now whether you will join our ranks, you know where we stand. Remember that everything I told you earlier stands Alexei. So what'll it be?" Marin asked, waiting for the response which would decide whether or not the former Batiiv would be joining the Rebellion.
  • Posted On: Apr 8 2004 2:36am
Anderson had stuck around at the mess hall, sending back the ribs once the boss-man was gone and getting a nice salad. He was trying to keep his cholestoral down, really.

Once finished, he began to wander the temple, with no real purpose beyond seeing what had been done. After the encounter with the bounty-hunters, he'd been involved in a lot of mouvments, organizations, undergrounds, pirates, and they all shared the common factor of getting ripped to bits by authority once it began to zero in. He was already noticing little errors and weaknesses, but resolved to keep them to himself for now.

Of course, the reason why he was here was simple. This rebellion was different, it had momentum, and some strength behind it. It was a perfect place to fight the Empire from. He also began to mentally go over what it is he was supposed to do. Throughout his home sector, he was renowned as a good advisor on how to run a rebellion, but this wasn't some local thing, this was galaxy wide.

Eventually, he resolved to talk to Marin. He needed something to do, some job, this is a new rebellion, there's always something to do.

He moved through the base, and saw as all the supplies, equipment, and personell moved about with purpose and direction. Someone was investing a lot of time and capital here, but then why was he seeing so many mistakes? The temple was one thing, but there were a lot of others. Like the personel all had uniforms, rebels should never wear uniforms. And they'd laid too much of a permenante claim over this area, if they were attacked here they'd be wiped out.

It began to trickl in that this wasn't the regular sort of rebellion. It was one for keeps, and his backyard strategies just weren't going to cut it here. He needed to talk to Marin.
  • Posted On: Apr 8 2004 4:52am
"Manta Ray this is Yavin Control."

Reed looked up from the communications station as the voice emerged from the speakers - and flinched despite himself seeing his Captain standing scant inches away, already reacting to the message. "Seems we have ourselves a winner here. Can you source it, Reed?"

The communications officer looked down at his station, tapping away at a few keys and listening intently as he slowly twisted a silvery star-etched dial... then finally nodded. "The signal's coming from Yavin IV - someone's refitted the temples again I'd guess." "Well, hopefully we won't have to guess for long. Lyssa, set our course for Yavin IV and bring us up to cruising speed."

Walking back to her command chair, Ariadne Crayt raised her comrelay to her lips and spoke her response.

"We read you, Yavin Control - bearing in on one five nine. We hear that you've got something organising here that could find a use for some good people and their ship? Over."