Negotiations (Diplomacy with Bespin)
  • Posted On: Nov 17 2001 5:50am
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Meanwhile back on the landing pad...<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

"Ok boys, fall out."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Jai Solo-Darklighter had just landed on Bespins' main docking base with her Sqaud and a little stow-away...even though she wasnt summond by Fearsons, she figured she be around just in case she or the 'Disruptors' were needed.

The Squad of 9 piled out of Jai's YT-1300 as Jaina still sat in the cockpit shutting down her craft. A timid young boy sat in the co-pilot's seat and looked out over the breath-taking expance that was Cloud City.

"Mother? Where's the ground? Why are the clouds right there? Dont they have dirt?"

Jai grinned at her young son, Beauregaurd Augustus Darklighter (named by his father)...she fought back a laugh at his questions, "Beau, sweetheart, this is a floating city...the planet is made up of mostly gas so there isnt any stable ground...not safe enough to live on. So people built Cloud City."

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> This seemed to puzzle the young boy, but he was determined to abosorb everything his mother said on this trip. It was his first time to go anywhere with her---alone that is---without his father or siblings tagging along.
He suddenly noticed that his mother had walked out of the cockpit and down the loading ramp.
"Come on, Beau."
"Comming, Mother."
Young Darklighter bounded after his Mom and onto what adventures she would introduce him to.

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Jaina had heard of the assaination attempts on Fearsons' life...she wanted to be here on Bespin to show support and loyalty to her boss...and also to show her young son something other than New Alderaan and his Grandmother's & Uncle Skywalker's Jedi Academy.

Jai strode up to a gaurd who had a Rogue Empire insignia on his chest...she saluted---and upon recognizing her---the gaurd did likewise, bowing slightly,
"Commander Darklighter."

"At ease.",
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> she said, then cooly slipped into her smuggler lingo. <!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Listen kid, do me a favor and let The Boss know I'm here, will ya?"
(Translation: Tell the emperor, i've arrived.)

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> The guard gave the Commander a quizical look, then bowed agian and bolted off to carry out her command. <!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->