More Machines(Telti)
Posts: 118
  • Posted On: Aug 10 2003 6:34am
Trachta walked along the garden office that was his on Mechis III within the renamed Relquite Tower. Trachta had had it renamed mainly becauase he ruled the world now, and the last thing he needed was to remember Artemis Relquite, the late administrator of the world. He walked around the garden office often, since it was the only real place of solitude he had, at least when 3D-4X wasn't around annoying him. He'd put a blaster to the droid's head at least three times now for its obnoxious attitude and sycophantic nature. It disgusted him how the droid acted, even though its actions were enforced by the Omni virus. Trachta though was more concerned with other operations. He currently controlled one of the galaxy's major droid manufacturing worlds, now he needed to sieze the other. Once he did that, the New Order would have almost complete control over the production of one of the galaxy's major commodities. But he needed to deal with this quietly and carefully so as to not attract the attention of anyone else. His govenorship needed to be expanded, but he would do it quietly, carefully, and slowly to ensure his presence would only be noticed by his fellow Imperials as well as High Command.

Trachta walked quietly over to the waterfall and looked into it quietly and longingly. He missed the joy of swimming, something he had only known as a child as well as his training on Carida. His hardware though, wouldn't have permitted him the freedom of movement anymore in fluid. He missed the freedom he had once had, but revelled in his power that he now controlled. The ISB was becoming a power in its own right in the Empire, now that they had worlds to use as training facilities. Ever since the fall of the Double Worlds, what was left of the ISB was beginning to build itself back up. They were only one of the Empire's many departments, but they were going to make a return of astronomical proportions. They would be the enforcers behind the enforcers again, feared by any officer who even considered betraying the Empire. As far as Trachta was concerned, all should be loyal to the Empire until they died.

"Loyalty until death," Trachta muttered, looking into the stream at the foot of the waterfall. The sight that looked back was, as always, the horrid and pale machine man that was now Trachta. His shell, as he often called it, was nothing but a reflection of his methods: cold, methodical, and soulless. Trachta sometimes felt sad for himself, but his loyalty was what kept him going. The New Order of the Galactic Empire would not fall, at least as long as he had something to do about it.

Trachta sighed quietly to himself as he made his way back to the main area of the garden office, the desk area. However as he got closer, the chamber was much more different now. A large meeting table had been added onto the desk for the arriving members of Trachta's lieutenant governors. Trachta sat down at the desk quietly as he waited for the bickering lieutenants to arrive. Of course he expected them to be bickering mainly because he did small things to encourage it. As far as he saw it, if they were too busy fighting with one another for power, they could never work together to go against him for any reason. Of course, he also made sure the things he did to keep them at one another's throats were small enough so that it would never become obvious to them that he was simply manipulating them. Now though, he had to wait for them to get here so that they could start the meeting.
Posts: 118
  • Posted On: Aug 14 2003 9:07pm
Trachta sat quietly at the head of the table as the first of the Lieutenant Governors began to arrive within the garden office and shown to where Trachta was waiting for them at the meeting table. An arguement was heard, as Trachta had planned and predicted, between the Lieutenant Governors of Talus and Tralus. It seemed quite clear they were arguing over which world deserved to host the new ISB training academy that was already in the works. Talus had originally been chosen, but Trachta had switched it several times to set up some animosity between the two worlds. Trachta looked down at the meeting table that had been set up. It was a very basic circle so that everyone at the table could see one another, which sometimes made it easier for meetings to go faster, since everyone could be able to see anything that might be presented.

Trachta watched then as the last three arrived and made their way towards the conference table. Trachta looked at each of the figures approaching. One was the harsh and cold governor of Yag'dhul, Grinif Lukov. The man seemed to embody the harshness of the world he ruled for the Mechis Cluster. He was often called the Devil of Yag'dhul because of his tendency to use extremely lethal methods to keep the Givin population under control on that planet. Trachta though could care less what he did, just as long as he kept them under control at all was what mattered. The next man was a tall handsome, aristocratic looking man. That was Count Ilban Archib, the Lieutenant Governor of Kuat. Trachta hated the man immensely, but he used him because he was an Imperial officer who happened to be from a high Kuat family and therefore knew how the planet's politics ran. Trachta allowed him a lot of power mainly because he never planned on returning to Kuat. He hated that world and he did trust the Kuat. They were aristocratic, underhanded, and backstabbing. He would happily recruit ISB agents from that planet, but he wouldn't go back in person. He may be Kuat's Regent, but that didn't mean he had to be on the planet to rule it. Trachta looked at the last arrival, it was the disgustingly sycophantic 3D-4X. Trachta had made the droid Lieutenant Governor of Mechis III mainly because it knew how to run things on its own. He also knew he could leave it alone and return without being betrayed by it since that would be against its programming. If one thing Trachta did like, it was droids. He knew they could be trusted with almost anything since it was usually against their programming to be treacherous or underhanded, perhaps it also might be the fact that he could relate with droids slightly. His body was heavily mechanized simply to keep him alive. He also knew how droids saw the world since all he had to see now were red photoceptors filling his eye sockets instead of eyeballs.

"Welcome, please be seated so we can begin with this meeting as to making a new addition to the Mechis Cluster," Trachta said in a pleasant tone, though it was quite clearly an order.

The governors tooks their seats around the table, the lieutenant governors of Talus and Tralus were still glaring daggers at one another, though. Trachta look at each one once more before he pulled out a datachip and inserted it into the table. At the center of the table, a holoprojector appeared at the very center and then an image flashed to life above it. The world that appeared on it was a desolate sphere oddly appearing to be entirely covered by a massive array of domes. Trachta looked at the world quietly for a moment before he spoke.

"This, gentlemen, is the moon known as Telti. As most of you know, this world is one of the major droid manufacturing planets in the galaxy. Its only other major competion is that of Mechis III which we control. I plan on adding this world to the Mechis Cluster, giving us control of two of the largest droid manufacturing facilities in the entire galaxy. If we control this, the major droid corporations will have to pay us to use the factories their. This will increase the profits of the Mechis Cluster tremendously as well as provide us with something else."

"And what would that be, my most mechanically inclined Commodore?" Count Archib asked.

Trachta would have scowled at Archib is he still had the facial features to do so, but instead all he did was look at him. Trachta reminded himself that he could always kill Archib and replace him very easily, but that wasn't useful right now. Trachta needed Archib for his plans to take Telti, and liquidate the current administrator there. For now, he would let Archib get away with his snide remarks, but Trachta would have the last laugh in the end.

"We will have manufacturing facilities capable of producing huge armies of mechanized legions completely loyal to the Empire. We can even covert parts into munition factories to produce walkers to High Command's heart's content. With this world, we can makea war machine unlike any ever seen since the time of Palpatine. Absolutely loyal, absolutely fearless, and absolutely disposable."

"We already have disposable troops, that is what stormtroopers and clones are for," Hugo Juglar, the lieutenant governor of Talus, said as he looked at the world and then at Trachta.

"True, but we shouldn't treat stormtroopers as disposable, it lowers their moral. Clones, on the other hand, take time to grow. In the time it takes to produce a batch of clone soldiers, we can produce an entire army of droids. Numbers win wars, Governor Juglar. Besides, Theren Gevel rules the cloning facilities and uses them for his own little pet projects, we need to be independent of him. The Mechis Cluster needs a military force unmatched by any of the other protectorates. WE shall provide the Empire with more soldiers, as well as weaponry. We shall become one of the industrial hearts of the Empire."

"I don't think this will go well, if we employ too many different soldiers within the Empire," spoke up the lieutenant governor of Tralus, Karl Bulnovit.

"It is becoming necassary to use so many different types of troops, Governor Bulnovit. The New Order is expanding the Empire at a tremendous rate, so tremendous that we can't produce enough clones or normal stormtroopers that we eventually won't have enough to police all our worlds. Machines though, can be easily mass produced and programmed either for the same function, or as an invasion force that allows us to keep our manpower where it is needed until a world is required to be occupied by actual soldiers. It will down Imperial casualties during a ground war as well as free up large amounts of Imperial peronnel," Trachta said as he sat there looking around table.

"So, you want to make mechanical armies for the Empire so as to free up our living soldiers? You must be mad, I've never heard of such a blatant waste of resources," Count Archib said as he sat there.

"I could care less about your skepticism, since you are under my rule. Might I remind all of you this is a Protectorate now and I am its Governor? I've called all of you here to see what your opinions are, but that doesn't make this a squabbling democracy. We WILL take Telti for the Galactic Empire and the Mechis Cluster. All of you though are not required for the plan to take the world. All I really need are Governor Archib, 3D-4X, and Governor Lukov," Trachta said as he sat there.

"What do you possibly need me for?" Archib demanded, he clearly didn't enjoy being around Trachta all too much.

"Why, for your unique Kuat methods, of course. I've never met a more underhanded society of aristocrats in all my time. Kuat are also very creative in how they deal with their enemies. You will provide me with great insight as well as carry out a deed for me to ensure the Cluster's ownership of Telti."

Trachta watched as Archib's face started to turn a deep red as Trachta spoke of the people of Kuat, Archib's people. He was quite clearly insulted by what Trachta had said, which simply caused a smile to form in Trachta's mind. He had finally gotten under Archib's skin and there was nothing he could do about it except follow Trachta's orders. If he tried otherwise, he would be liquidated and he knew that all too well. Trachta had agents very close to each governor, in position to terminate them the minute it became necassary or was ordered.

"Now, to the plan......."
Posts: 118
  • Posted On: Aug 22 2003 4:58am
ISD Inquisitor, Enroute to Telti

Trachta stood silently on the bridge of the Inquisitor as it made its way through hyperspace. It was ever slowly getting closer to the airless rock that Trachta had set his eyes on for his plans. No one really understood why he would pick such a world, but then again, few understood Trachta himself. Trachta looked quietly about the bridge crew, most of whom surprisingly wore the black uniform of the Imperial Security Bureau. Trachta smiled at that, but sure many in the High Command frowned on the ISB in being so selective in who crewed the Bureau's primary mobile base of operations. Yet, they put up with Trachta's and the ISB's eccentric nature and paranoia since it was doing its job. As long as that happened, no one would tell Trachta or the Bureau to do otherwise. Of course that was also mainly because there weren't very many people around who could actually order him around. His affilation with the ISB made him free of almost every punishment imaginable unless it was somehow issued by the Grand Marshall. Trachta, however, doubted he would ever do much to invoke the wrath of someone like the Empire's supreme commander of military forces.

"What is our status, Captain Kluug?" Trachta asked calmly, not even turning away from the bridge's main viewport.

"We will arrive in the Sistooine system in about twelve hours, sir."

"Very well, continue with your duties and inform me if something should happen," Trachta said as he turned on the heel of his boot and began to walk towards the exit.

"Of course, sir," Kluug said as he bowed and then returned to his duties.

Trachta walked down the hallways of the bridge tower quietly as he strolled around the massive vessel. He found it funny that he was able to get hold of the vessel at all, but then again he had served as a fleet commander during one of TNO's military operations. In fact, that operation was what had ensured his rising to the rank of Commodore.

Now if only I could somehow get into the Admiralty.

Trachta smiled mentally at that thought as he walked along. He was an ISB man all the way, but he had also proven he was a competent fleet officer, even if he had lost his command ship. Trachta mentally winced at that thought. His first command ship ever, the Barbarossa, smited by a super laser on a vessel under the command of Hiram Drayson. Hate welled up in Trachta as that name entered his mind. That man had ruined his part of the operation. He had already been facing an annoying force using fleet commander and then he had to deal with a warship armed with a super laser. It had all ended up costing him his flagship.

Its a pity I wasn't there to watch him die though, I would have enjoyed it.

Tractha just mentally smirked at that thought. He wasn't always one to hold a grudge, especially with a dead man, but that dead man had cost him a Venerator. No one destroyed such a large and prized ship of the Imperial Navy and didn't envoke that ship commander's wrath. But it was too late now. Hiram Drayson was long dead, along with the Republic. All that was left of him was his daughter, Bhindi, whom Trachta had plans of keeping a personal eye on when the moment arrose. Trachta was paranoid, but his paranoia here wasn't unfounded. Bhindi had been a Demothesian and no matter what she might say, she was still once an opponent of the New Order. That was all the reason Trachta needed to keep ISB monitoring her and the Yaga Minor Protectorate. Nothing but Demosthesians the whole lot of them. Trachta viewed them as an internal threat, which clearly put Trachta in his right to have them watched. The Bureau could do whatever it saw fit to ensure the security and safety of the Galactic Empire.

Trachta continued to stroll around the ship. He was doing it on a very random course, causing people to grow stiff as he walked down corridors. Even members of the ISB were scared of him, but that was mainly because he had an air few had been able to achieve after Darth Vader. It was most likely because Trachta, like Vader, had no real facial features that had any life to them. His face came close to Vader's mask in intimidation factor since no one could tell what Trachta was thinking and it gave him a very sinister look. Trachta used that to his advantage, but he preferred other ways of coaxing besides intimidation. Torture was always an effective tool, but he only did that on captured enemies of the Empire. However, if he ever caught a traitor, they would wish they hadn't betrayed the true government of the galaxy. They would wish that right before they died and after any useful information had been extracted from them.

Cruelty is a tool, no matter what anyone else says, and I shall use it whenever I see it as necassary.

Trachta went onward through the corridors of the Inquisitor, thinking and scheming as he walked. It may not be the garden office on Mechis III, but the Inquisitor still had many hallways to pace to help him think. Now all he had to do was exploit all of those hallways as he thought on Telti and his plans of military expansionism for the Empire. He would give them forces to use as well as use them himself to carry out his own schemes as well as the plots of his superiors.

"My job shall never be done," Trachta said to himself as he continued onward, down the long metallic hallways of the Inquisitor.