Posted On:
Nov 16 2001 1:17am
*Misery remained quiet for a moment or two, just quietly thinking of what she wanted to say or ask.*
"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do have a question for you. What's a man like yourself do, when he's not causeing destruction and chaos?"
Posted On:
Nov 16 2001 6:04am
Malice laughed at th question. Indeed it was a good one, for a while now he had not been causing any destruction, but it was something importnt tha had kept him from doing anything such as that.
*Normally there isn't a time when i am not causing destruction or chaos. Recently however i am on a mission, in which i am searching for my sister whom i thought had died with my mother all those years ago*
He was silent before continuing.
*And when i do find her, i would like to know wether or not my mother had survived as well*
He paused then laughed at himself.
*You must think i am weak, a sith caring for someone. I admit i would have laughed to if i had heard it from someone......do you think i am weak for caring for a loved one?*
Posted On:
Nov 17 2001 3:17am
She bit down softly on her lwoer lip, not sure of what to really say to him. In her own opinion, she did not think of him weak. His comrades though, well now, that was a different story.
"I do not think you weak, Malice, though I believe your fellow Sith would think otherwise."
She stood up and leaned her back against the tree, placing one foot behind her, resting against the tree.
"I would not call you weak at all."
She smiled slightly.
"Your fighting skills prove such, though there is more to you than just fighting. I'm sure inside, you're tough as well."
She tilted her head to one side, thinking or recalling something that Malice had mentioned to her long ago.
"Say, don't you have a son? Lono, I believe is his name, am I right? I recall you mentioning him to me before."
Posted On:
Nov 17 2001 4:02am
Malice nodde his ea and tried his best to smile.
*I thank you for that answer. As far as my fellow sith go, that is why i am doing this journy alone*
Listening to her last question he nodded his head.
*Indeed i did tell you of him. The last time i had seen him he was already 3 years old and i sensed much of the force in him. But since then i havent heard nor seen of him. I think me may be almost 5 if i've been keeping up on the years*
Without warning Malice whipped out his saber and ignited one side holding it inches away from her face.
*Tell me Misery, tell m why i should not cut your throatand watch you bleed to death*
Malice grinned wickedly at he. His sith intuitions had gotten the best of himan he could no longer hold back his evil intentions.
Posted On:
Nov 18 2001 3:48am
*Misery rolled her eyes and shook her head.*
"I should have known that you'd whip that thing out sooner or later, Malice. I did not come here to fight, honestly. If I wanted to fight you, I would have attacked you long ago. Though I can't expect a Sith such as yourself not to want to fight, I expected it."
*She grinned, her arms were still crossed.*
"Nice line, I like it, though I'm sorry, it won't make me jump around in fright, if that is what you were hoping for."
*She made no movements nor any expressions except for her slight smile.*
"Fighting..it gets old, Malice..."
Posted On:
Nov 18 2001 4:19am
Malice made no movments nor comments. he simply stood thee with his saber at the throat of Misery. After a brief silence only a few minutes, he began to laugh. His laugh became louder and louder until finally he turned off his saber and clipped it back to his belt.
*That's just what i expected of you to do. You are s predictable as ever*
Sitting down by her he brought his face close to hers.
*Then again. Could you ever expect something like this from me*
He leaned over and gave her a kiss on the lips. He pulled away after a few seconds and stood up.
*Well now, am i as predictable as you thought*
He grinned as he looked at her.
Posted On:
Nov 19 2001 5:56am
Misery did not say or do anything for the longest time. His kiss had indeed caught her off guard and she did not know what to think of it. Nor did she know what to say. Suddenly, without warning, and very unexpected, probably in Malice's eyes, she scowled. Her scowl quickly turned into a look of wonder.
"Why..why did you do that?"
Posted On:
Nov 19 2001 8:12am
Malice laughed out loud for a few minutes. Noone as ade him laugh like that in many yeas.
*Does someone need a reason to kiss another*
He stil saw Misery scowling at him.
*Fine if you want a reason that bad. I have wanted to do that to yousnce i met you. Bti was blinded by another and had though my love was for her alone. However events have cased me to realize that i was wrong, and so have seeked for another to fulfill my desires. But finding none i quickly gav up*
He paused for a mment taking th time to sit by her.
*I had all but given up love, until i hd gotten word from someone that youwhere still alive. That secret fre ihad for you suddnly rose once again. And i had to only wait till i cold meet you like we are now*
He now looked up at the sky. a tintof onge coul be seen as dusk approaches.
Posted On:
Nov 20 2001 1:00am
Misery did not know what to tell him. She had been alone for some time now. She had loved, though very few had seemed to find a place within her own heart. Truth be told, Misery did not want to love, she had not the time, nor the devotion for it.
"Malice, I'm sorry but I...I do not feel the same as you do. I don't want to love. Truth be told, I don't have time to love, my work is all that I concentrate upon. And it is the only thing I wish to concentrate upon."
She met his eyes, which for a moment of time, were filled with a small flicker of happiness and hope. Now his eyes were filled with anger and sorrow.
"I'm sorry, please try and understand."
She went quiet, not sure what her words would make Malice say or do.
Posted On:
Nov 20 2001 4:24am
Malice just stard at her....her words had caught him off guard. A few more minutes ofsilence would go by before he spoke out....and it wasn't pleasen either.
*I see, you women are all the same. No matter ifour jedi, or a shadow....you just an't see yourself being in love with a sith isn't it. Do you detest us as much that you wouldcrush any feelings we try to show to you*
Unclpping his saber he held it facing her but not igniting it.
*You disappoint me Misery, i thought you would be different. But your just like the rest. I now know it was wrong of me to come here, thining i could love once again. How foolish i was, my sith brethren where right, love is for the weak. There sould be no room for love in the life of a sith*
His dark blue eyes went even darker.
*Get away from me, just seeing you sickens me to the point of madness*
Clipping his saber back onto his belt he turned and bean walking away.
*The next time we meet Misery, it will not be on such neutral terms. You hve made a mistae in making me an enemy*
He continued to walk away, his anger fueling him, his htre now starting o boil to the rim of insanity. If he had stayed any longer he would have struck her and done much worse.