Maginot Lines: Part I
The Serpent's Head
The Serpent's Head
The Present
"For the last time, freighter Etherway, you are not cleared to enter the shipyards." The irritated voice of the Bilbringi traffic controller came over the com unit. "Please retake your assigned spot within the traffic cooridor and you will be cleared when we come to you."
The freighter captain reached forward and slapped the com unit off with a disgruntled sigh. Why was it always such a pain to carry a load of cargo into Bilbringi these days? Ever since the galaxy had gone to hell in a handbasket; first that damned Death Star, then the all-out @#%$ fight between with everyone fighting everyone, and the utter destruction of the Galactic Defence Initiative. And then there was that entire Wrath virus thing, and the Soveriegn Chiss Empire trying (and failing) to smash the Mon Calamari, and their own failure, the New Order attacking those same Mon Cals, and the Holy Demosthesian Empire rolling over LFX Industrial and smashing Tholatin into the ground. Not to mention the sweeping Imperial takeovers of entire systems at a time.
No, it was certainly not the best time to be a cargo runner. Getting from Sluis Van to Bilbringi these days was like running a minefield, with no idea who put the mines there, or why, or who the hell they were intended for.
And then having to put up with pushy Bilbringi traffic controllers. Giving another sigh, the pilot brought the freighter into its assigned slot over the asteroid fiel and waited for the pushy traffic controller to get to him.
Two Weeks Ago
Imperial Ubiqtorate Base - Yaga Minor
"The High Command was impressed with your work at Tholatin, Admiral. They should be forced to divert funds to their reconstruction efforts for years to come." Trayden Locke said, a smile lingering on his aged face.
"Thank you, Sir. I was only doing my job." Bhindi replied humbly, hardly daring to hold her breath. The Battle of Tholatin - God knows what the number was, the planet had had enough assaults thrown against it to make a galactic record of it - had been hailed a victory for both sides of the conflict. The Empire had smashed it from orbit, killing thousands of their citizens and setting almost the entire world on fire. But the Jutraalians, under the command of Gash Jiren, had managed to conquer it. Or at least very nearly conquer it, anyway.
"And you are thanked for your efforts, Admiral. I have a report here from the Office of the Emperor - the Holy Demosthesian Empire has a certain... interest in the area of space known as the space bordering the Unknown Regions."
"Hardly unknown, with all the mapping everyone's been doing out there." Bhindi put in, under her breath. The man raised an eyebrow.
"Maybe so, Drayson. But old names stick, it seems. Anyway, we've sent Commodore Gernon Iroc - he's operating under Admiral Tellen for the time being - out to secure that old IDTech capital, Reecee. We want you to work with him and secure that strip of space. Fortify the planets there and give the Empire a bulwark should the Chiss attempt another assault."
"Like the Maginot Lines, then." Bhindi said, only half speaking to Locke.
"The what, Admiral? Are you sure you didn't pick anything up on Tholatin?" He asked indignantly.
"Quite sure, sir. I apologize... just a story my mother told me." She paused. What was it Godridge had been going on about at the last briefing? Some kind of alien predators...
"What about the Ssi-Ruuk, sir?" She asked, remembering the Commander's descriptions of the 5-meter-tall aliens that had reportadly been seen hanging around in the known galaxy of late.
"The who?" He asked, his temper rising now. These officers who kept questioning him!
"The Ssi-Ruuk Imperium. The aliens who attacked Bakura back, after Endor. Rumour is they're moving on space out here in the borderlands and plan on securing some of this space for themselves."
The other frowned gravely. He had heard the stories of massive alien beings attacking the Imperial base there, but there had never been any real reason to believe the stories. If they were true...
"Prevent them, Admiral." He said. "The Empire does not look kindly on theft." The hologram vanished, and Bhindi was left gazing into the empty air of the command centre's main communications pod.
* * * * *
One Week Ago
Imperial Ubiqtorate Base - Yaga Minor
"Bilbringi, Admiral? Are you sure the fleet is prepared for that kind of firepower? Even with the Wrath and all the other @#%$ everyone's been dealing with, Bilbringi isn't just going to crack because we want it to."
Bhindi nodded, not taking her eyes from the datapad. She knew everything contained on it all ready, ship numbers and placement for what they were calling the Ridge Confederacy, those planets that had joined Bilbringi and Reecee in forming an alliance to protect their own interests.
"The shipyards there alone are enough reason for the Ridge Confederacy to defend it to the death."
"They can't build ships there any longer." The Admiral said pointedly.
"No," Godridge admitted, "but their repair capabilities are very, very good. If I were one of them, I'd put at least a quarter my fleet there. Easy place to defend, too. The asteroid field makes navigation in and out a pain."
Bhindi nodded again, only half paying attention. Godridge was right, of course. Bilbringi was a system that the Confederacy would defend heavily. If they spread their resources out, they could probably destroy a good portion of the enemy fleet before they had to move on the shipyard world.
"Not to mentoin how much manpower we'd need to secure the place, Admiral. If we put to much effort into Bilbringi, we won't have the resources to keep it and the other worlds we take."
But that would mean sending their intentions out to everyone in the galaxy. And there were those that would certainly take advantadge of the Ridge Confederacy being tied up as it was with the Empire.
No. To strike a blow to the Confederacy, they would need to strike hard, and fast, at the head of the serpent. Bilbringi.
"We will move against Bilbringi, Commander. Cut off the head, and the body will whither."