Living life in Ammuud(VC Ammuud)
Posts: 29
  • Posted On: Oct 16 2003 10:10pm
Zednine sits at the command chair of the Law class patrol craft the Blood Hound.

His small crew were working at the system controls maintaining the ship in top shape.

All of his crew were security force officers. None of them were soilders. All that the lot of them were trained for was to make peace, not war. As corner as that sounded.

Zed was not not your typical captain. First there is the fact that he is a free thinking model Zed droid. Secondly the fact that he is a Zed model droid that commanded humans and wore weapons and a trench coat like layer of armor laced clothing decorated with a VC police officer badge.

When he was programed with advanced protecol subroutines to make him more or less as sentient as any biological being he never expected to be doing what he is about to do.

At the foot of his command chair a dog like metal statue lies motionlessly watching the hyperspace lines out of the front port. The metal worked to look like a dog at first seems merely decorative, that is until it raises it's head towards anyone that happens to pass by to see who it is. This is the last unique feature of Officer Nednine. His dog like counter part K7-9. The droid has all of the abilities of a dog like biological but possessing also the strength and abilities of a droid. His tracking abilities and speed serve to make Zednine all the more of a droid officer to be reckoned with.

But still he is just a law droid. Subject to his oath of upholding the law and protecting the innocent. Thus he was not up to the task at hand.

"Approaching coordinates Sir." a human pilot relays to Zed making him aware that they are arriving at their destination.

"Bring us out of hyper space helm." He answers.

IN the veiw port a small planet comes into view. Covered in green and blue.

"Arrival in Ammuud system confirmed sir." The helm stated as was protecol.

ZedNine leaned forwards proping his elbows on either side of his command chair lacing his hands to gether he lays his head on top of those same hands. If he had facial features his brow would be contorted in concentration. As is his body language spoke volumes to everyone. K7-9 makes a small whine at his counter part sensing Zed's anxiety.

Zed was not sure that he was prepared to prevent a war.