Legacy: Covalescent Empire [Belkadan, Asation, Gree]
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Aug 25 2003 10:59pm

“Standard approach, Mr. Gail.” Admiral Ibren Chandler called as the Imperator Class Star Destroyer Victory entered the system. “Tactical Wings One through Four, drop.”

The remains of an old Imperial Shipyard hung against the dullness of the planet off to the Victory’s port side. Debris, large and small, was seen floating in the quiet serenity of their respective orbits.

Broken pieces of warships, civilian transports…. indescribable pieces of metal that once held form, that once held a function..a purpose.

Just floating here..

“Open a communication channel with planet and let’s see what’s down there.”

Belkadan was one of the first worlds that Simon had taken for the Empire during the reign of the Regent Exceron. Since the world’s conquest, it had become a port to the highly decorated Sentinel First Fleet under the command of a former Grand Admiral Daemon Hyfe. Belkadan had been the First Fleet’s port of choice, being out of the way from most of the major shipping lanes of the Empire.

A nice perch to hold your power until you were ready to strike!

It was the port that had at one time housed the mighty Ebony Vigilance, the Empire’s Eclipse Class Star Destroyer.

It was also the location of the Galactus’ maiden voyage from it’s founding berth.

The shipyard was dark and ominous and as the Victory slowly approached, no life of any sort was detected.

Lights from destroyer shot out catching the yard along it’s under-chassis as Chandler’s crew tried to determine yard’s structural integrity.

The fighters that had launched descended into the planet’s atmosphere intent on sourcing any location of Imperial remnants that would still be alive.

Being cut off abruptly by the New Empire, the planet was all but forgotten as Imperial Center and the galaxy in general reeled from the ravages of the Wrath Virus.

But now the Empire was back, strengthening it’s old ties with worlds it formerly held during the Rebellion.

Now that the Rebellion was over and the Empire stood triumphant, in full vindication of it’s New Order, the only thing that stood between a totally true Galactic Order was the aliens.

But they were a minor matter.

Kaine had started preparations for a major operation very subtly, first focusing on priorities at home. It was time to put the policies of their recent meeting into action.
As with all of the Grand Marshall’s planning, however, the operation called for multiple agendas to be carried out.

Ibren tugged at his fitted black and gray uniform. Everyone of the former Galactic Empire Regiment 256th had come a long way since Sotel.

What would he do when all the wars ended? When the Galactic Empire ruled all corners of the galaxy and peace reigned?

It was something that Chandler rarely thought about but now… being so close ..

Of course, his cynicism then came alive in his mind chiding the Admiral for even having those flights of fancy.

Something always happens..

“Sir! You’ll want to look at this!” an Ensign exclaimed refusing to tear his eyes away from the monitor.

The Admiral walked over and peered at the monitor, his hands folded over his chest.

This assignment had been two fold. One to reestablish former Imperial military outposts and pave the way for future commercial convoys.

Yet, with some of these formerly held Imperial worlds there were secrets to explore and confirm. And with Belkadan a secret indeed was tucked away…only hinted at. Kaine just never had the time to fully explore it and now it was up to the Admiral, his second priority.

Damn! he thought glancing at the readings.

Something always happens!

The monitor was reading an area covered over by a glacier environment. But that is not what was disturbing to Chandler. It was what was frozen inside.

The readings were confirmed by a flyby from a TIEs.

Readings of a creature that had not lived for thousands of years.

Now what the hell is a Sith doing here? What were they doing here?

“Comm. Officer. Send an encrypted priority message to Lupercus Darksword, care of Corellia. Include the results of our test.”

We are going to need an expert on this..
Posts: 1549
  • Posted On: Aug 27 2003 9:38am
The lecture passed quickly and without incident, the students filing out quickly although something about them was different. Their eyes had a mean and determined look and their movements were cold and calculating, a real sense of emotional detachment having become a part of the group. And at the head of the class, his eyes afire with mirth, Lupercus stood.

"Remember, there is no honour amongst aliens.

Why should you give them deference when they will surely kill you on sight?"

From the back of the theatre an older man approached, his hunched wizened body appearing a quarter the size of the Sith. Before he spoke he adjusted his lopsided glasses with a knobly finger. His smile was warm, bred of mutual interest and intregue.

"Governor Darksword, i had absolutely no idea you were so interested in our line of work...

The Xenophobic arts have been, how shall i put this, shelved lately."

Lupercus smiled broadly, but although the smile was a happy one, it spread no warmth to those that saw it.

"I aquired my Masters in Alien Studies from the Royal Institute on Hapes. It was the reason i received this posting, that i may be able to continue my studies at the Corellian Academy, as well as share my experiances with the recruits as they move towards enlistment.

The Regent has been, eager, to see a return to all the original policies of Palpatines New Order.

That, is why i am here."

He smirked as he retrieved a holodisk from his pocket.

"Professor Ziatsev, I wish to commission you to continue that studies you began as in intern during your time at COMPNOR.

I have all the required authorisation to get your team moved out aboard

(OOC: will complete tomorrow)