It’s the Trader’s Life For Me (Open)
  • Posted On: Jul 28 2003 1:18am
* * * * "Seems our luck is turning, Arrix." Jerome declared cheerfully, referring to the recent deal they had made. Ever since they had made the decision to modify the Spartan, their YT-2400 trading/pirate hunting/privateer vessel, business hadn't been too well. And worse, the modifications had cost them most of the saved up money they had, and while they didn't really need anymore consumables for a month or two, they'd be hard pressed to find anyone who'd make repairs if the need arose. The Spartan had been in quite a few battles, and the ship had not always come out as good as new. But now, with the payment they were getting and the relatively short distance they had to travel, the crew of the Spartan could look forward to spending heavily again.
* * * * "Enlighten me once more, Jerome. This is Slick we're talking about. Its not just some cheap ornamental rugs or something like that. Its worth twenty times more than what we're being paid!" Arrix said, obviously not too happy with the deal, "Why don't we just take the Slick, stash it somewhere safe, and then say we never got it. Even if they figure us out, we can just lie low for a while until they forget all about it!"
* * * * "Because, my dear, if not stupid, friend, this is Slick we're talking about. This isn't just something they'll forget. This is high quality @#%$." Jerome said without missing a beat, "And where do you think we're getting it from. They'll definitely try to confirm any mis-pick up, and then we'll be deep in. These people are pretty high up on the ladder in Berchest, and they have a history of paying back any thieves. And we're no pirate scum. I want to keep a clean record. No screw ups. That is how we get the good deals."
* * * * "No, we get the good deals by making a deal twenty times lower than what its worth..." Arrix muttered under his breath, and it was true. The only way a fledgling merchant group like the crew of the Spartan had been trusted with something like a load of Slick, a very refined grease that allows zero friction between components, which was worth fortunes, was because they had asked for the lowest amount of payment. A couple thousand credits lower than the second lowest offer. Still, it was no small fee, and it was more than enough for the Spartan crew. It was also a good reputation boost.
* * * * As the two left the fabulous mansion, they stopped to take in the beauty of the Calius saj Leeloo-- the City of Glowing Crystal, a city carved entirely from one massive crystal, and Berchest's main tourist sight. Even to those who had been there a thousand times before still stopped to take in its immense beauty more than once in a while. But Jerome was one business, and business meant credits, so the breath-taking sight didn't have too long of an effect on him. Pulling the still-stunned Arrix behind him, they both made their way to the city's main spaceport, and the Spartan.


* * * * Spirits were high on board the Spartan as they prepared for their voyage to Balmorra, and then back to Berchest, hauling a cargo filled with Slick. Cantines filled with the most intoxicating liquids were passed around as they prepared the ship for launch. Instead of grumbling and complaining that was so common in these situations, the unusual sound of laughter, most commonly coming from Arrix and Aenix, the twin gunners of the Spartan, and the youngest in the crew. Next came Jamie, the repairman of the ship. Then Jason, the co-pilot, and finally Jerome, pilot and oldest of the crew, though he wasn't too old himself. Not even thirty.
* * * * Finally, after what seemed like hours, the anxious crew finished the pre-flight checks and closed up the boarding ramp. Jerome and Jason made their way to the cockpit, and so did Jamie, but only to check and see if the systems were okay before checking up on the rest of the ship. Arrix and Aenix went to the two added quad gunner seats, more out of habit than out of safety. While Berchest wasn't a military based planet, it still had its fair share of defenses.
* * * * "Jason, plot us the straightest course you can to Balmorra." Jerome said, though he really didn't need to. Jason was already fast at work doing just that. After a couple of minutes he looked up.
* * * * "The straightest course lies through the Chagal Rift." Jason announced. Jerome sighed. The Chagal Rift was a space anomaly prone section of the Anthos sector that every pilot hated. Sensors were down, communications weren't up to their standards, and it was never crossed through hyperspace. It was a haven for pirates and cheap mercenaries. But Jerome felt in a chance-taking kind of mood.
* * * * "Then that's the course we're going to take." He said, with that subtle hint of excitement in his voice that his entire crew hated.