Imperial Expansion: Neccessary Evil (NGC - Lorize)
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Mar 15 2005 12:33am
(Ahem. I would like to speak to you before this thread goes any further. Once the situation is discussed, I will edit this reply into a suitable reply from the Coalition side.)
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Apr 5 2005 1:34am
The Coalition detatchment of diplomats and the like watched as the last of their materials were boxed and taken to orbit, where the Coalition was extracting whatever wasn't going to make the switch. One looked at the gleeful throngs in the streets, and muttered.

"The irony that they democratically decided to give up democracy is sickening."

The second diplomat frowned at his colleague as they boarded the airspeeder that would take them to their shuttle. Despite the change in alliegances, the people of Lorize still respected them. They kind of respected the fact that the Coalition simply could not hope to hold their alliegance when everyone around them was under the Imperial flag. Despite this, as a last-minute guesture, the Coalition House of Reps passed a bill saying that even though Lorize was no longer of the Coalition, they would be treated with all the respect and courtesy that they had received during their membership.

"They have made their choice, let them rot for it. I imagine in a few months Lorize will be like all the other worlds who taste freedom and give it up, split on wether it is better to be safe or free."

The second diplmat disagreed again, and this time verbalized it. "They've made a decision, and we must respect it. That is the very essence of Democracy. For all the blustering about the perceived strengths or weaknesses or politcal forces or militaries, in the end, anyone can win, in any way, and should you win it is better that that way be of a noble sort. It is entirely possible one day it will be us in the position of power, and people will flock to our banner gladly, for we will not be the ones who have to lie and threaten to keep people in line. Besides" he added "turnabout is fair play. Give us time, you will see."

And with that, the last Coalition presence left the planet.
Posts: 405
  • Posted On: Apr 6 2005 4:56am
"Well, Captain?" Governor Rufus asked politely, falling into step beside Trinity as the chamber emptied of delegates. She could see without trying the pleased tone in his voice: both were well aware that with Lorize now an official member of the Empire, the man now governed four worlds.

"I am happy to see Lorize in rightful hands." The Line-Captain said simply, heading for the landing platform where her snuttle waited. "That was my mission, and it has been fullfilled."

How very Imperial, the Governor throught drly, following Trinity into a turbolift. They reached the landing platform and boarded the Sentinel class shuttle, both watching the scene below as the ship took off.

Even before the votes had been cast the Empire had been ready: drop ships were waiting in orbit, as once the confirmation had been sent they were landing, long lines of Imperial Stormtroopers and Spartan-IIs disembarking and immediatly taking over the most vital sectors of the planet: planetary defences, supply depots, military bases, and government buildings.

The Coalition's rule of the world was coming to a quick end, their facades being pulled down and replaced with the symbol of the Empire. Within hours a Stormtrooper stood on every corner, not out of neccessity, as the transition of power had been amicable and the citizens were glad for it, but as a symbol that the Empire had, at long last, come home.

"Avatar reports the last of the Coalition vessels departing Lorize space now, Captain." The pilot reported over the com. The Imperial Captain did not know what would become of those people - whether they would be punished by their leaders for allowing Lorize to slip through their fingers, or whether they would be hailed as some kind of hero for upholding the Coalition's suicidal democracy.

Frankly, the Ariel Trinity did not care. What mattered now was securing Lorize. The Coalition had attempted to offer the citizens some measure of security, but only a fool would have believed that their efforts would prevent the planet from being overrun by a determined enemy. With the entirity of the Kathol Sector under the Empire's control, and the only entrance heavily fortified against intrusion, the people of Lorize were, for the first time in many years, safe.

"Captain," the pilot came over the com again, "I've been asked to relay a message from the former Governor, just released from a Coalition prison.

"He says, 'Welcome back.'"

In the back of the shuttle, Trinity smiled. The Empire was back.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Apr 6 2005 11:40am
(Uh, I was unsure about wether we'd really just shove a governor in jail because we could, so here's a potential explination as to why you could find him in prison.)

As the two diplomats made their way back to the Coalition, one snickered under his breath.

"What, what's so funny?"

"Just before we left, I altered the prison records. A con-man was relabled as the 'former Governor of Lorize.'"

"The what now? But I thought the former Governor was elected as the leader of Lorize?"

"Oh, he was, and he's still there. But you know Imperials, I really doubt they'll check."

"What if they call us on it?"

"We'll say it was a clerical error, the computer was faulty from a lack of memory wipes and had become 'playful.' We wiped its' memory before we left, so they won't be able to check."

"Good one."