I be Jedi A SW Game (Semi-closed, email me for details)
Posts: 422
  • Posted On: Jul 18 2002 3:24pm
The Force is a Jedi's greatest ally. Anything is possible within the Force. These words of wisdom flashed through Kahn's mind as he swiftly blocked the Sith's saber strikes. The two beams of energy hummed through the air, crackling when they met. The Jedi regretted having to use the mind skill on Malice, as it was indeed one he had learned as a Sith. However, there had been no anger or hate driving his actions when he used it. Merely the knowledge that he needed to distract Malice to gain the ability to breathe once again.

Now aware that he would be joined by allies soon, due to the alarm, Kahn was even more careful in his attacking and defending. The Sith couldn't hold off himself and a group of guards at the same time, at least not for long.

"Perhaps you are using the skills of a Jedi with your saber slashes. Who is to say one is of the Dark and the other of the Light, Malice? It all depends on how you use them. And I am not looking to save myself; I want to save you."

As he spoke, the Knight moved forward a few steps and feinted a slash at Malice's right thigh. Reversing the direction his weapon had been traveling in quickly, he went for the Sith's right shoulder in a vertical slash.
  • Posted On: Jul 22 2002 5:16am
Malice quickly side stepped the saber strike, moving to the left.

*I have only used the darkside. Everymove i make is powered by the darkside. And who's to say i want to be saved Kahn. I came here to try and save you from the light. To bring you back to the darkside. But i see that will not happen*

Malice was just about to attack, when he suddenly fell o the ground. A blaster bolt had surprised him and maaged to nail him in his left arm. Standing Malice looked behnd him to see a handful of guards running his way. The sith knight could only grin as he watched them come.

*Foolish humans. They will all die*

Using all his built up energy, Malice sent out a massive force push knocking the guards down, and even Kahn who was behind him. Breathing hard Malice stared at his former friend.

*Until we meet again Kahn. Next time there will be no one to save you*

Malice quickly hopped into his shuttle, and took off. He was heading for the nearest planet he could go. Once his energy had returned and his wounds healed, he would come back or the jedi.

OOC: OK after your next post Kahn. That is when the Vong shall be coming.
Posts: 422
  • Posted On: Jul 23 2002 3:59am
Getting to back to his feet slowly, Kahn watched as the shuttle grew smaller and smaller in the sky. He powered down his saber, the white beam retracting instantly. His expression was hard to read; a mixture of sorrow and relief.

The squad of security guards that had arrived on the scene were watching the Jedi, standing at attention. A moment or so of silence passed between them before the commanding officer stepped forward.

CO: Orders, sir?

As though coming out of a daze, Kahn blinked a few times and focused his attention on the squadron.

"Return to your patrolling duties, commander. Excellent job helping out with the situation."

The CO saluted and turned to leave, the rest of the guards going with him. The Jedi Knight sighed, clipping the saber to his belt. He may have been at rest with his past, but it seemed as though his past wasn't at rest with him. He would see Malice again, that was sure. But Kahn couldn't shake the feeling of some disturbance that still remained in the Force. Something was still out there, creating the ripples. But what?
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Jul 26 2002 10:58pm
Ok fellas, if you don't know, this is <!--EZCODE BOLD START--> LlanternN<!--EZCODE BOLD END-->.

I looked up the legel stuff, and it looks like I won't be making a SW game anytime soon. LucasArts would sue my youknowwhat to the stars.
I'm sorry this didn't work out, and that this RP is not within the timelines...wait... It should be, right?