How Does It Feel? (Open to all)
  • Posted On: Jul 11 2002 8:38am
OOC -- To all that is joining, the current roleplay is taking place on Coruscant. Anyone may join.

IC --

The time had come, the universe shall know what a Dark Jedi truly is. Oh, but not what is commonly preached against them by the Sith. Or how the Jedi try and shut out from memory, or try to bring back to the light. But the elegance that was bestowed in the title and in their demeanor, but also the darkness that they held within, will be seen, soon.

A ripple was sent through the force, it swirled outwards to farthest ends of the universe to become a disturbance. All those that were sensitive to it's liking would indeed feel it. Peace would fall to chaos, and chaos to order.

The Dark Jedi Knight had been staring out the window, looking at the activity on the planet of Coruscant. He stood up from the chair in his chambers. He would see that order be done.The leather rustled as he began to stand up and leave the chair. His crimson pupils seemed to glow in the darkness as he looked around the room. He moved towards the doors of his chambers and pushed them outwards, making a loud noise against the walls.

He would no longer mask his signature through the force. For all would know where, and who he was. He would not hide, he infact welcomed a confrontation. His face turned to his apprentice, Diekan Casper...

The two had come to an agreement long ago. He would help him, and in turn he would become his apprentice. Though it was rocky at first, it now seemed to be working rather well. They were well past the little 'deal' and he was loyal. His own powers were growing every training session.

He looked him over him once more before turning his back to him as he began to walk away. His apprentice knew what was going on, and immediately began to trail in his wake...

"It's time Diekan..."
  • Posted On: Jul 11 2002 8:54am

So troubling...

Amalia was somewhat disturbed and could not seem to focus on her own train on thought. She'd been reading over her datapad for quite some time now, still stuck on the same blasted word for at least two minutes now.


That blasted word seemed to stick out at the Jedi Master no matter how much she tried to change her way of looking at it.

She shook her head at some point, finally moving on with the paragraph that she was reading.

However, that was not the only thing that troubled her, she had a tinggling sensation in the back of her mind. It was something she'd felt before.

I've felt this before, but where?

She placed the datapad in her lap, focusing on her concentration.

Someone...I...I know this...can't figure it out...

Amalia frowned, picking up her datapad once again, returning to read once again.

How odd it was that the word recognition popped out at her again....
Posts: 9
  • Posted On: Jul 12 2002 2:47pm
<font color=yellow>Madigan Hotel: <font color=green>featuring...

- <font color=red>Seven Star Accommodation!<font color=green>
- <font color=red>Breathtaking Views!<font color=green>
- <font color=red>Breakfast in Bed!<font color=green>
- <font color=red>Exclusive Room Service! <font color=green>

And much more, all for the <font color=red>low, low<font color=green> price of... <font color=white>

The words scrolled meaninglessly across the holo billboard, their colour seeking to appease, but only being an indication of repulsion for Imide, as he strode down the bustling street. Everywhere, signs and flashing neon lights beckoned, calling out to the all too busy passer-by in hopes that they might net some attention.

They didn’t.

At least, not the Hotel Madigan.

Imide carried on walking, not daunted at all by the amount of people in front or behind, or by the lights of the big city.

Behind him, the shuttle Dawning Glow took gracefully to the skies, the image alone being far more wondrous than the sound coming from the pair of thirty-year old engines she rode in on.

Not that Imide could hear her, over all the noise coming from this part of the spaceport. All this noise, smell and crowd - one of the cheaper parts of the city.

Just the place to go, when your pocket’s empty.

But it wouldn’t remain like that for long. The Dawning Glow had been a temporary thing, not at all posing to relay Imide’s track record. As soon as he could get alone with a terminal for a few hours, he’d be set.

Set for the rest of his stay, that was.

But he planned on staying a while, at least. After all, he hadn’t been to Coruscant since....

But that didn’t matter now. He was here, and it wasn’t time yet to reflect back on the past yet. That time would come when he’d caught up with a few old friends, secured a drink at the bar, and was well and truly not drunk.

Which would be a while in coming, as well.

Imide’s wandering had taken him out of the mainstream now, and he found himself walking quickly down one of the side streets. It didn’t occur to him that he could have had a shadow. Which was a good thing, as he didn’t.

But it wouldn’t have hurt to check.

He continued on down the side street, before bursting out once more into the mainstream. At least now it was a classier sort of mainstream. Imide looked on down the walkway.

Higher charging spaceport.

And across the street...

Nicer billboards, too...

Selecting one of the ads, Imide set off again, in search of a place to rest and a terminal to hack.