Home Is Where The Heart Is(Closed)
  • Posted On: Nov 11 2001 10:34pm
In space...

Adron Braska sat in his newly built custom X-Wing, his right hand firmly pressing upon the throttle gear.

His journey, like all his previous journeys before, was to set out on a search, a search that was vital to his very being.

His heart had sent him to so many different galaxies, so many different planets, yet still he never seemed to find the one thing he was looking for.

"Where are ya kid?...."

A question that seemed to forever remain a mystery in Adron's mind and heart. Still he never seemed to give up hope. All his days were spent in the same fashion, looking for her...
  • Posted On: Nov 12 2001 12:44am
On Naboo...

Amalia stood at the top of the steps leading into The Jedi Academy. In her hands she held a pair of binocs, her father had given them to her as a gift long ago. She did not use the binocs often because it brought back memories of her father. They were all good memories, but they had now become so painful to her since her father had passed on.

She had taken the day off to do some sight seeing, just taking the time to admire the beautiful view. She had spent several hours doing this, she found doing such a thing to be peaceful and relaxing, and it also helped her to disregard most of her troubles.

She smiled as she lifted the strap of her binocs from her hand, only to move the strap around her neck, thinking of her father as she did so. She slowly opened the door to the Academy and entered, only to be greeted by some of her fellow Jedi.
  • Posted On: Nov 12 2001 1:55am

Amalia and Adron are standing outside, near the front door of their house. In Adron's hands he holds a pair of binocs, he reaches out to hand the binocs to Amalia.

"Here, I want you to have these."

Amalia hesitates on taking the binocs from her father.

"I can't take these, Papa. These binocs mean so much to you, I couldn't take them."

He smiled down warmly at her.

"Alright, how about you take care of them for me..."

He pauses, a look of unhappiness crossing his face.

"..While I'm away.."

Amalia looks disappointed.

"You're leaving again? You just got back here no more than two days ago."

He gently reaches out to rub her arm.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, it's just that I've been called out again. The south end of Bakura, they need me as I am second in command for this mission."

Amalia nods her head silently.

"I understand, I just don't like it and I don't think it fair."

He looks at her with concern.

"Not everything in life is fair, Amalia, you just have to..."

Adron's comm link goes off, requesting him to meet up at the docking bay area. In a rush, he bends down to kiss Amalia upon her forehead, bidding her a quick goodbye.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart, I've got to go. Be good for Jenny while I'm gone, ok? I love you."

He smiles, ruffling her hair a little. He sets off in a light jog, heading toward the docking bay.

Amalia stands watching after her father, the binocs still in her hands.


"I'm gonna find you kid, if it's the last thing I do..."

Off into the distance the planet of Naboo looms near by. The planet catches Adron's view.

"Computer, scan upcoming planet please."

Computer: Naboo, home planet of the Gungan.

"Any other life forms?"

Computer: The computer scans for a moment or two, then reports out data.


"Thank You, computer. Please set destination course for Naboo."

Adron taps into the main computer screen, typing in Naboo. A listing of different areas within Naboo pops up.

"Hmm, Otoh Gunga..Theed...Let's try Theed. Computer, set specific destination for Theed, Naboo..."
  • Posted On: Nov 13 2001 5:49am
Amalia spent a little time conversating with her comrades and then soon after retreated off to her living quarters, located inside the Academy.

Once in her room, she removed her binocs from around her neck and placed them in a retangular wooden box that sat upon her bed. She removed a small key from the left pocket of her Jedi robes, locking the box. She carefully lifted the box and walked over to her nightstand drawer. She bent down to open the drawer with one hand, with the other, she delicately placed the box into the drawer, and then closed the drawer with both hands.

Though many would have thought it strange to know that Amalia kept such a thing as binocs in a locked box, she did so for a specific reason. Those binocs, a locket, and a small picture inclosed inside the locket, were all she had to identify her family with, well that and her memories. She liked to keep such things, thay were more like treasures to her, safely hidden, where no one else could reach them but her.
  • Posted On: Nov 15 2001 12:17am
Adron whistles.

"Not too bad of a place, this, Theed."

Adron sets his X-Wing on automatic pilot and then rests his hands behind his neck as he watches the X-Wing slowly descend into Theed.

Well, I'll try my luck here. I know you're out there somewhere, sweetheart. I'm going to find you. I've gone to far to want to give up now.

Adron's eyes sparkled with a small shimmer of ray of hope.

Fifteen minutes or so later, Adron, along with his X-Wing, sat in the docking bay area of Theed, he having no idea that soon his hopes and dreams of finding his daughter would soon turn into reality.
  • Posted On: Nov 16 2001 6:42am
After Amalia changed her clothing to fit for a more off the job look, she exited her quarters and headed off toward the Cafe, hoping to get something to eat.

Her walk had left her eyes and ears satisfied, but now it seemed her stomach was not so satisfied and she longed for something to eat.

She entered the Cafe and took a seat closest to the front entrance of the Cafe, her usual seat. She waited patiently for a droid to come by and take her order, all the while, looking around for a familiar face or two to talk to.
  • Posted On: Nov 17 2001 2:18am
Above Naboo...

Mattimus watched the X-wing of Adron Braska descend to the planet below. When he first arrived in this universe, the Yuuzhan Vong bounty hunter had read up on many of the officers of different military organizations. He had taken great interest in Adron because he could not comprehend why a man of this universe would leave his daughter. Although this was common in vong society, it seemed irrational in this galaxy of love and feelings. From what he had heard, this man had somehow been seperated from that family and was now searching for the life that he had given up. Meanwhile he had traced his daughter to this planet, through rather "illegal" methods. Why he held such interest with these characters he did not know. It may have been because he had not known his family, or it could have been that if these two came together, they could prove to be a very worthy opponent.

Making sure there were no ships around, he quickly remanuevered his coral skipper deeper into the debris surrounding the planet. He new there would probably be a big mushy reunion of some sort. Soon after though, they would undoubtitly leave the planet. If they didn't, well Mattimus may have to change his plans. Either way, he had them both right where he wanted them. He sat back in the cockpit as his ship refeuled on some jagged rocks. Yes, he must keep these two from being together for long.
  • Posted On: Nov 18 2001 4:30am
*Aron sat in his X-Wing cockpit, listening to the radio his
Uncle Wedge had helped him install years ago...she was old
and obsolete to what one COULD get, but aron, as a jedi,
did not accept payment for his services as New Republic
ambassador, which was on the verge of merge with the
Ewok Council. He only accepted what was forced into the
pockets of the clothes in his closet, probably from the cleaning
having been instructed by han.....han always got what he wanted,
even if he had to get the hired help to do it for him. aron chuckled
at this thought. flying around the naboo system, he soon found
an interesting site in this galaxy: a coral skipper. characteristic
vessel of the ruthless yuuzhan vong......well, mostly ruthless.
he knew one...that at least TRIED to understand human emotion:
his best friend mattimus. oh how he'd love to see him again.
especially after finding out that his parents had been killed
by imperial storm troopers and not mattimus's parents. in fact,
HIS parents had been killed too. and mattimus had been trying
to find them for all these years. no wonder he didnt have any
luck. aron chuckled at THIS thought, though only slightly,
showing some respect for his friends deceased parents.
what the heck? there was about a 1/1000000000 chance of that
being mattimus. but that was a chance.*

*aron traces the skipper's radio frequency.*

xwing to skipper...xwing to skipper...you are nearing nabooan
airspace......just a joke......i am not air police repeat...not air
police......please identify......over
  • Posted On: Nov 18 2001 7:11am
Mattimus immediatly recognized the voice over the intercom. Dang it he didn't need disruptions right now especially on the virge of this hunt. It was too important and Aron may ruin the entire thing for him, especially by blasting messages out over the airwaves like that. Without a word the coral skipper turned toward the ship aiming right at it.

"Ah Aron what a pleasant little surprise, i wish your timing were better for i am current waiting to escort a client of mine."

Mattimus accelerated the coralskipper to ful speed and zoomed past the x-wing with lightning fast speed. Then all of a suddenly the coralskipper stopped and whirled toward Aron again.

"I tell ya what, i do have time for a little competition. Why don't we play follow the leader."

With that Mattimus cut all communications with Aron. He flew the skipper back into the debris. The much less maneuverable x-wing quickly followed. And here he thought it was going to be boring to have to wait.
  • Posted On: Nov 18 2001 7:11am
In the streets of Theed..

Adron stands on the corner of the street, he is dressed in his own Jedi attire.

Yes, that good 'ol Jedi intuition..

"Some intuition," He mumbled to himself. "I can't even find my own daughter."

He sighed with disappointment.

For the first time in a long time, Adron opened up his mind to the force as he set upon his journey into the streets of Theed, in search for his daughter.