The warship was patrolling the area overlooking the march of various soldiers as they worked to wash away the damage done to the Highlands.
The eyes watched from a hidden crevice within the mountains. Hate-filled and full of scorn but also with a small amount of haunting.
"Tallien." came the voice within his head.
The eyes tried to ignore the contempt as the activity of the Capricians below went on. There were machines of all types engaged in the work of wiping away all the god's had decreed.
Or had they?
The Will of the Gods... the following of Doctrine over the will of these infidels.
"Tallien." the voice intruded again.
Why had the Gods forsaken him?
Why had the leap of faith failed?
Why had this insignificant backwater planet defeated scores of their very best?
Why does this insignificant planet prosper while the chosen of the Gods languish in hiding?
"Tallien." Again the voice. On and on it would drone until the forgotten leader would acknowledge the presence.
//What Xanadal!?// he spat back.
"What is wrong Tallien?" came the voice in the language of the heretics that celebrated the failure of the children of Yun Yuuzhan.
//Speak to me in the language of the Gods! The language of enlightenment!// he snapped.
"Then speak to your mind, Tallien. The fact that you hear me in my language is because your unconscious mind has realized the failure of your actions. Your teeth have broken upon the plate of truth and it is a realization you have a hard time swallowning."
Tallien's anger took hold and he grabbed a stone slashing at his skin trying to bloody a tatoo signifying a past accomplishment. As if such actions could wipe away the past.
"Do you not realize your new marks of pain signify a great Yuuzhan Vong victory?"
"Victory?" So started was Tallien that he answered himself in the tongue of the enemy. He felt an urge to bite his tongue in two.
//Look outside and tell me what victory?//
"Yes," the voice of Xanadal mimicked the words, "Look outside and see the victory. The hundreds of thousands sacrificed for the glory of the Gods. Is it not truly a magnificent sight for you?"
//And what good is the sacrifice if the field of battle is controlled by the enemy at the end of the day?//
"How can your courage have fled? The battlefield of the First Invasion was controlled by my people at the end and yet you still returned, feeling confident of victory. Why does your faith falter now?"
//We left the field of the First Conquest by our own choice. We were overcome and crushed at the end of the Second Conquest.// the thought still had trouble processing in his conscious mind.
"You were not defeated. The Gods simply had to teach you the humility required to strengthen your faith."
//Do not talk to me about the Gods, infidel!// Tallien snapped.
"I am you, Tallien! I would say I have knowledge of the Gods by the greatest authority! Think Tallien! Both the Warmaster and you knew...KNEW.. that victory was the gift of the Gods and that in the end they would prevail. It was the arrogance of both yourself and Tslah Vhess that tried to shape the God's purpose to your own purposes.
It was both of you who stood up and said, by your actions: No Yun Yammka, it's not at your timetable that ultimate victory shall come, it is by our timetable!"
"Look at the results of your faithfullness..." and Tallien's eyes could not but see several large groups of fighters streak overhead. A new design.
As if the minds of the infidels had suddenly let loose in a rage and an unstoppable force of building.
//I... I always served...// Tallien's voice faltered.
"..your own ambitions, Tallien." the voice answered softly. "You've a problem with pride."
Tallien's head lowered.
"Did you not see it when you released me from this thing called life? Did you not know you were acting at my direct challenge to your pride?"
And for the first time in a long time, water formed in the eyes of Tallien. //I cannot feel the crowning glory of pain anymore// he admitted to his shame looking down at the bloody flesh he had created with the stone.
"Because pain will only be a hindrance to you and the continuing will of Yun-Yuuzhan."
Tallien frowned. //What do you mean?//
"The gods were angry at your presumptuousness. The Leveller of Empires did what the gods required and leveled the empire forming in your dreams and ambitions. To make you an acceptable husk to carry out their will once more, according to
their timetable."
The wretched creature waited with baited breath.
"All is not lost. If you can find it within your capabilities to supplicate yourself before your Gods in true humility."
Bitterness crept in. //But without my support all will be lost?//
The voice laughed. "No. The Gods will merely use other means, other's not too proud to shoulder the responsibilities the Gods demand of their children to carry out their will! The fact that you are offered to become such a husk is a measure of how much you are esteemed as a child of the Gods but do not think to take such favor as a catalyst for presumptuousness once more.
For what the Gods deliver, they can take away!"
//What am I to do to humble myself?// Tallien's voice favoring repentance.
"Listen to the voice of an infidel. Learn from the voice of an infidel. Can you achieve this marked measure of humility?"
Tallien was silent.
//How do the Gods deign to speak through the mouth of an infidel as opposed to their children?// he demanded hotly.
"When their High Priest is used as the husk to carry the mouth of the infidel."
Tallien remained mute.
"You will humble yourself and listen to my voice, Tallien. And in turn, through you, see the will of the Gods take shape as they have divined. See Doctrine unfold as they have willed."
Casting a last glance at the Caprician activity around the old fortress of the Highlands, Tallien sighed feeling defeated.
//And what, dear Xanadal, is the will of the Gods?//
The voice's response was immediate. "You must walk among the world of the infidels.
//At once..// Tallien felt a bitter rage trying to well up at the stupid command knowing he'd be shot on sight.
"Wait!" the voice called before Tallien stepped outside. "Go back into the cave."
//To find what?// Tallien nearly sneered.
"Your faith." came the calm reply.
And as Tallien Yzan limped to the back of the cavern the voice commanded yet again, "The pool to the right.."
The former Religious Leader of the Yuuzhan Vong group he was attached too obeyed and gazed into the pool upon finding it.
He reeled back in shock.
For in the murky water were serveral ooglith creatures at the bottom, taking their own measures to survive.
Tallien's mind was a mass of confusion. Why would the gods operate through Xanadal and why would they show favor to him after such a defeat they suffered?
And then the simple truth hit him.
Xanadal had been converted.
Xanadal had realized the weakness in the will of his people and had accepted the inevitable superiority of Doctrine.
This was redemption.
This was favor returned.
This was purpose unchanged.
"There are creatures who, when attacked curl up into armoured balls. When Tslah Vhess and your fleets attacked Capricia starting with the outermost world, you caused these infidel animals to converge, to curl up as it were, into their armoued ball drawing all their strength into a concentrated area.
That same animal, if it senses no danger will uncurl and go about it's business.
And that is the time it is most weakest.
Allow these heretics to uncurl. Allow their senses to taste safety and security and they will go about their business..
Ripe for the killing."
//The Gods are indeed wise// and Tallien, his faith renewed, reached into the liquid and pulled the masking creature out to cover his visage with.
And, after a lengthy prayer, he stepped out into the sunlight unafraid.