Posted On:
Oct 4 2008 3:24am
"Commodore, we've received a distress call from a sector just outside Confederation space. Command has instructed us to check it out." The communications officer stated matter-of-factly.
Brailey Costigan couldn't restrain his audible sigh, nor did he try to do so.
"What is it this time? Reiiltari overrun by nerfs? Malodoma infested with deadly creel-fish?" Costigan lamented.
"Actually sir, you're not far off the mark. Entymal on Buenaires." Heinlein the comm officer replied.
"Entymal?" Brailey scoffed. "Sounds like cough syrup for infants. Where the fuck is Buenaires and what exactly are <i>Entymal</i>?"
"Collecting final data on them now sir." Heinlein replied as he skimmed the data that poured across his monitor as Costigan stood there, not-so-patiently.
"The Entymal are a race of sentient insectoids from the Outer Rim." Lieutenant-Commander Kimbao interjected.
All eyes on the bridge focused in on the loan female officer. Officer Hezmeena Kimbao had a quality that garnered the respect of the crew. She earned her spot aboard the <i>Swiftsure</i> and there wasn't a soul aboard the ship that would dare disagree.
Costigan stood there for a moment in disbelief before continuing. "Are you <i>kidding</i> me? Please, somebody... tell me she's kidding me."
" 'fraid not Commodore." Heinlein confirmed, his eyes glued to the data display.
"Well, fuck. Isn't that fantastic. We haven't taken leave in <i>twenty-six</i> months, and now we've got to fly halfway across the sector to deal with some BUGS!" Costigan exclaimed passionately.
"What's next, Heinlein? Out-of-control bunny rabbits on Namaspoor?" Costigan concluded, his frustration palatable. It wasn't typical off Costigan to speak out against orders but after months of skirmishes across Confederation space, Costigan knew that his men deserved some R&R.
"Alright, set course for Buenaires. Let's blow these bugs off the face of the Galaxy and get back to Genarius in time for dinner. I think we're all long overdue for a much-deserved vacation."
"Aye-aye, sir."
And with that, they were off. Soon, Commodore Brailey Costigan and the crew of the <i>Swiftsure</i> would come to the aid of the Buenairiens and do battle against the insectoid Entymal.
Posted On:
Oct 4 2008 8:03pm
<b>Onboard the <i>Swiftsure</i> en route to Buenaires</b>
<b>Brailey Costigan's Private Quarters</b>
She had a sparkle in her eye when in the company of Commodore Costigan but was sure to keep it in check in the presence of the crew. Though even in private, Costigan either didn't notice her attempted advances, or simply didn't care.
"Brailey... you really should take the Entymal threat more seriously. The Entymal are-"
"You're not much for alcohol, are you Kimbao?" Brailey interrupted.
"Sir?" She asked, clearly confused.
"I don't know how you make it through the day. Honestly. I don't know what I'd do after a shit-storm of a day like today without a good Corellian Ale. I mean, you've got Sawmule Adoons which is a great Marzen brew, but then you can only get it a few months out of the year. Pale Moon on the other hand, well I think that might be my favorite." Costigan droned on debating in his head which (if either) was his favorite beer.
"Sir, the Entymal are not just some mindless bugs! They're a highly advanced, hive-mind-"
"You're still going on about that? It's a bullshit mission. This is no more dangerous than pirates on Pulgast or Rebels on Reinhaz. Bugs? We're talking about bugs that can talk." He paused, as he opened another bottle of Pale Moon, then took a drink before continuing.
"A bug that can walk on its hind legs and recite the Contegorian Anthem is still a bug, Kimbao. We'll wipe out these cockroaches before we come out of hyperspace, and be back in bed before sundown. In case you haven't noticed you're aboard the <i>Swiftsure</i> and this isn't the Buenairien Defense League. This is the Contegorian Confede-fucking-ration, and I don't appreciate you insinuating that we'd even break a sweat handling these horse-flies after the shit we've been through and the insurgents we've stomped on over the past three years."
"Sir, I did not mean to say that the Confederation cannot handle a threat of this-"
"A threat? The very fact that you acknowledge these boot-stains as a threat is what gets my rocks in a vice. We've got a fleet of the most highly trained naval officers in the Galaxy with some of the most advanced technology in existence and you want to sit here and tell me that these dung beetles are a <i>threat</i>? I know you haven't been serving aboard the <i>Swiftsure</i> for very long Lieutenant-Commander, but trust me, we've got the situation well in hand. It's been a long day, I know. Stopy worrying about the bugs, we can worry about them <i>tomorrow</i>. I think you just need to relax, and have a drink." And with that, Brailey's charm took over and disarmed the young woman.
"Well, if we must. I'll take a Heffe with a lemon. That is, if you've got it." She replied, ignoring her instincts about the Entymal situation.
"A Heffeweisen, eh? A woman after my own." Costigan replied with a smile as he served the drink, and simultaneously took notice of up-and-coming Lieutenant Commander.
Posted On:
Oct 6 2008 4:31am
Brailey Costigan's forces had become affectionately coined 'Costigan's Commandos' namely due to the fleet's string of successes throughout the last several months. Though to Costigan the name smacked of 'Fitzgerald's Force' and he deplored it. Fitzgerald's Force sounded more like a holodrama than a military force-to-be-reckoned-with.
Now the Contegorian Confederation were dealing with a series of invasions by the Entymal. If Brailey Costigan had stopped to think about it (which he hadn't) he'd realize that it was strange that the Entymal were fighting a war on several fronts. Clearly the Entymal were more advanced than anyone but Lieutenant-Commander Kimbao had given them credit for. But that mattered not to Brailey Costigan, for in his mind he was at the helm of one of the most elite military units the Galaxy had ever seen. Costigan was not lacking in confidence, and rightly so.
Costigan's introspection was interrupted just as he allowed his mind to wander.
"Commodore." Ensign Zara Zakar inquired from the bridge.
"Yes?" Costigan replied dryly as he sat at his oversized desk in his office.
"We are receiving reports that Buenaires is taking heavier casualties than we were expecting."
"What's the status, Ensign?"
"Pangkod, Lujan and Zarate are all under the control of the Entymal, sir."
"Lujan? That's the Force-forsaken capital, Ensign!" Costigan shot back, slamming a fist into his desk.
"I know sir. We just received these reports, I'll update you as new information becomes available."
Costigan didn't reply, he just shook his head. This situation was getting worse by the minute, Costigan's initial lackadaisicalness was now replaced by intense rage. What was once going to be a quick defense of Buenaires was now something else. Costigan was going to not only defeat the Entymal, he was going to make an example out of them.
Posted On:
Oct 12 2008 7:25am
<b>Your Yaz Channel 9 News Broadcast, Yaz City, Buenaires</b>
"The images we're streaming across your screen are live from the capitol, Lujan. I warn you that these images are disturbing and if you have young children, you may want to avert their attention. You've been warned..." The newscaster said solemnly.
The image was focused on the capitol building, an ornate ivory tower that extended into the hazy-orange heavens. As the camera zoomed-out the destruction the Entymal had rained upon Lujan was clear. The Enytmal cruisers in orbit above the planet were bombarding the planet recklessly.
Buenarien corpses littered the cityscape that was once a glorious city, but now reduced to rubble. Gigantic four-legged creatures trodded slowly across the landscape inspiring shear terror in all who saw the giant insectoids. One of the giant creatures reared back its head high in the air and then lurched forward spewing some type of molten blast from its jowls. The blast melted through a skyscraper which was one of a half-dozen left standing aside from the capitol itself which it appeared the Entymal were allowing to remain. The blast cut cleanly through the lower section of the building as the top of the building came careening down, like a tragedy in slow motion. As the building crashed, it crumbled upon impact leaving a storm of dust and smoke in its wake.
"Buenarien citizens are advised to find a way off-planet if at all possible. Citizens are advised <b>not</b> to engage the Entymal forces directly. News from Buenarien officials has been sparse and ill-organized as the Entymal invasion has disrupted most planet-wide communications. We here at Your Yaz Channel 9 would like to wish you and yours the best of luck, and hope for your continued safety. This is Wayne Cartwright signing off for the last time. I hope to see you all soon, friends."
The image of Wayne Cartwright faded into the background and was replaced with the Your Yaz Channel 9 logo which rotated slowly in the foreground.
<b>Lujan, Buenaires</b>
"Proceed to the nearest evacuation station immediately. Repeat, turn around this is a designated disaster zone, please proceed to the nearest evacuation site." The low-flying hovercraft boomed through the loudspeaker.
The Buenarien Military quickly realized they were ill-prepared to deal with the Entymal invasion and stopped engaging the Entymal forces directly. Instead the Military forces focused on evacuating the citizens of Lujan, or more appropriately what was <i>left</i> of Lujan.
Several dozen Buenariens ran down the shattered street trying to escape the incoming invasion forces. Herds of men, women, and children nearly trampled each other in a panic as they made their way through the maze of fallen buildings and scattered debris.
"Take cover!!" One of the soldiers screamed out at the top of his lungs as the familiar whistle of incoming fire was heard. In distraught harmony, the civillians (at least the ones that heard the order) hit the deck, hard.
Not a second later the blast struck eventually leaving a deep crater, and instantaneously ending the lives of dozens. The prospects for the average Buenarien citizen surviving this catastrophe were bleak, to put it optimistically. The Entymal were savage creatures excercising savage tactics. The intentions of the Entymal weren't exactly clear, but one thing was; they weren't here for peaceful negotiations, they were here for <i>blood</i>. Buenarien blood.
<b>Onboard the <i>Swiftsure</i> en route to Buenaires</b>
<b>The Command Deck</b>
"How did it get this bad? How did the Entymal run roughshod over Lujan without so much as a hint of resistance?" Brailey Costigan demanded.
"Sir, the Buenariens are a peaceful people..." Kimbao started.
"Well they've got a damned military, don't they Lieutenant-Commander?" The Commodore interrupted fiercely.
"Yes, of course sir." Kimbao offered.
"Damn it, Kimbao. How did these bugs overpower the Buenariens so easily? I mean, even a rudimentary force would be able to stave off invaders for at least a day? Two days? At the very least? What part of the equation am I missing here Lieutenant-Commander?" Costigan questioned as he rested both hands on the console in front of him, leaning forward.
"It doesn't add up, sir." Hezmeena Kimbao replied.
"It doesn't <i>add up</i>? You yourself were the one saying we should take these insects seriously, and now that I am you're saying it doesn't add up?" Costigan asked, clearly confused as he rose turning to Hezmeena.
"No sir, what I mean to say is that though the Entymal have been under-rated as a formidable opponent, their ease of victory thus far has been... unusual." Kimbao said, she herself adopting a confused grimace.
"Well, based on the footage I've seen from local news networks, the <i>tactics</i> displayed the Entymal have been <i>uncharacterstic</i>." Kimbao said, drawing out her last words slowly.
"I know I warned against writing off the Entymal as a military force, but..."
"But? But what Kimbao?"
"Their prowess at Buenaires far exceeds what I had assumed their capabilities were." Kimbao concluded.
"Well then Lieutenant-Commander it appears that you, much like the rest of us, have underestimated the Entymal."
"I don't think that's the case, sir." Kimbao disagreed.
"How can you be so sure, Kimbao? I'd never even heard of the Entymal until this invasion. Hell, a few days ago I thought Entymals were snack crackers. Now, it looks like they're the second coming of the Yuuzhan-fucking-Vong. How do you know so much about them?"
"Well sir, I was a Xenobiology major when I attended University. While attending the Academy, I analyzed the temperment of the Entymal species since they had been free from slavery due to the fall of the Galactic Empire.
"The Entymal are an enigma of a race. They're renowned for being brilliant pilots, in the cockpit of a starfighter the skills of an Entymal are second-to-none. Yet, this isn't widely known throughout the Galaxy since the Entymal have been reduced to slaves since the early days of the Empire. Before the rise of the Empire the Entymal mainly kept to themselves, and rarely wandered very far from Endex, their home planet"
"So why the sudden bloodthirst? Why the need to suddenly takeover the Galaxy Kimbao?"
"None of it makes sense, Commodore. The Entymal have been enjoying their freedom for a relatively short time. To declare war on these seemingly random planets, it just doesn't make sense. And the ease of which the Entymal have achieved apparent victory is... <i>disturbing</i>."
Brailey nodded, pausing for a moment before he spoke. "Disturbing indeed. Well, I want you to continue to monitor the situation and keep me apprised of any news."
"Of course, sir." She offered, saluting the Commodore crisply, which he returned in kind before turning and walking towards his quarters.
He stopped in his tracks, turning back towards the Lieutenant-Commander.
"Sir?" She offered.
"Great job, Kimbao. You were right about these bugs all along. Keep up the good work, I'll be relying heavily on your expertise in this matter."
"Yes sir!" She returned, swelling with pride.
Though Lieutenant-Commander Hezmeena Kimbao couldn't quite put her finger on it, she knew there was something peculiar about this Entymal invasion. The manner in which they overpowered the Buenariens was impressive for the Empire, let alone a relatively unknown military force. Kimbao was going to dedicate herself to getting to the bottom of this invasion and doing all she could to help the Confederation liberate the people of Buenaires.