  • Posted On: Dec 25 2001 2:09am
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Finally the Landing Bricks had arrived know all they had to do was drag these bastards aboard and be gone before the charges blew. They were all timed to go at the same time maybe that would give the citizens something to think about. Captain Tellterwald dragged his 3 charges into the shuttle and sat down. All around him many other people were doing the same thing. Then the hatch door shut with a clang, and the Landing Brick took off headed for the Intredictor.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
Posts: 3
  • Posted On: Dec 25 2001 2:28am
Bobbum's tropps had successfully pushed the group into a large open area where they could stay in the protection of the pillars on the outside and fire t the other troops, slowly picking them off. But Bobbum's orders were to take hostages so that is what he was going to do.
"You have lost now." He shouted to the group "You can't beat us. We will slowly pick off your troops one by one. We will cease our fire if you come with us."
"What will you do with us?" Shouted the one who appeared to be the leader.
"You are to join our group." Bobbum lied "We need some experienced fighters."
The leader motioned his men to lower their guns. "It appears that we do not have much of a choice." He dropped his weapon and the rest of his men followed his lead. Boobum's men moved forward and took their weapons.
Bobbum coomed up to the ships "We have captured the men. They appear to have formed some kind of group and tried to fight us off but we proved victorious. What is left of them is under our control. I will get some of our men to search the rest of the ship." Then he hut his comm off. He motioned for a group of his troops to step forward and he said "Search the rest of the ship. Bring anyone who is found to me."
His troops left and began their search. They had split up into roughly 10 groups of 20 and were each searching a part of their ships.
1 hour later

Several of the groups returned with hostages that had hidden in their rooms on the ship. They had weapons and had tried to fire on the seach parties but were quikly overtaken. The groups that had returned reported that the rest of the groups had formed up and were heading for the bridge to see if anyone was left.
"Good work-" Bobbum said to his troops but was cut off by the other parties returning with a large group of people that were believed to be the last on the ship. Bobbum ordered all of the hostages to move toward the lading bay and they were followed by his troops.
Bobbum stepped aside and commed up "We have captured all men on the Golan III. We are bringing them to the landing bay. We request landing craft be sent to pick them up."
  • Posted On: Dec 25 2001 3:04am
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> The Landing Bricks had just finished landing on his ships and they had finished taking over the last 2 Star Destroyers and know all the prisoners were aboard. It was time. The 3 Corellian Gunships dove into atmosphere. there targets. The 2 Planetary Defence Ion Cannons. With a roar they clicked on their repulsorliftors stopping them bare meters off the ground. Then they opened fire on the weapons. Proton Torpedoes scramed out at the Weapons with Turbolasers and Ion Cannons following in their wake. The weapons blew up spectacullarily. It sent shock waves rippling out across the planet it josteled the gunships around and sent dust flying in the air. But it wasn't enough dust to hide what hap happened. Where there used to be humongous emplacements there was rubble. What they were staring at was the last remaining defense on Pantolomin. This image was broadcasted to every Chimera Fleet soldier in system. When they saw it they began to cheer. They woke up a few people sleeping onboard the ships but once they saw what all the cheering was about they didn't care they were right up there cheering also.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
With the planetary governer and Zowan.......
"You see you have no more forces you have no choice but to surrender. Look outside see those citizens. They are starving with the lack of food and we could kill them if we wanted to. You really don't have a choice do you? You must surrender we will lift this blockade immeaditly, return all the captives and give the citizens the food we've confiscated from the freigthers. So what is your choice do you surrender?" Zowan asked the Planetary Governer
"What about our Star Destroyers in orbit?" he asked
"Ah yes them observe." Zowan said
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Then he raised a comlink to his mouth.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Blow the charges." he said
"Yes sir" said the voice on the commlink
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Up above the Star Destroyers and Golan III turned into spectacular fireballs. They had been destroyed.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Does that answer your question?" he asked
"Yes it does. I surrender." The Governer said
"Good the get on the comlink and tell the civilians the good news." Zowan said
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> All over the planet Holoscreens were remotely activated to show the planetary governer.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Citizens of Pantolomin. I have decided to surrender this planet to Chimera Fleet we are know under their control. Thank you and we will give you more updates as we receive them" the Planetary Governer said
"Was that good enough?" he asked Zowan
"Yes it was. Know if you'll excuse me I'm leaving." he said
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Once again bringing the comlink to his lips he said<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Pick me up mission Accomplished."

Aboard the Immobilizer......
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> At hearing these 5 words everybody onboard the Immobilizer cheered they had done it they had captured Pantolomin. Suddenly the comm officer cut through the cheering with a message.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Message from fleet command sir. They want to know our status." he said
"Tell them Mission Accomplished." Huchock replied
"Yes sir. They're sending their congratulations also they have a list of promotions and medals they'd like you to award." he said
"Good then assemble all the crewers aboard the Immobilizer in 1 hour." he said
"Yes sir." was the reply as always

1 hour later.....
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Captain Huchock surveyed the assmebeled men. They had fought hard and done it and know it was time for the little rewards to be given out.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"OK listen up people I have a long list of Awards and promotions to be given out. One of them is to myself."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Everybody laughed<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"So I'll get this started soon but first I'd like to congrdulate you all on a mission well done. We've served the Empire well today and with a few more contributions like these maybe someday we'll be able to restore peace and well being to the galaxy. Well done to the awards. First up Captain Tellterwald you're being promoted to colonel and transfered to the Training Academy. Zowan you're also promoted to Colonel and transferred to Seany's Commandoes. Captain Tynos you're promoted to General and you're in command of all our starfighters. Colonel Smith you're promoted to General and you're know in command of all the troops. You're only Commanding officers shall be Generals Bobbum and Seany. Lieutenant Doff your promotion is know permanent as a Captain. Lieuntenant Homer you're also promoted to Captain enjoy you're command. Lieuntenant Forry your promotion has become also permanent. To all the men in this fleet you are receiving a medal for bravery and a Battle of Pantolomin battle tab except yours will be larger then the others. Lieutenant Phannan. It has been my pleasure to serve over you but know you're to be promoted to Captain and you shall take control of the Immobilizer. I have been promoted to Rear-Admiral and I shall command the Tyrant. That is all you can all go back to your cabins know for a nice long rest. Thank You."

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Know Rear-Admiral Huchock looked out at hyperspace as they left the Pantolomin system. He'd never really liked any planet except his own of Sluis Van and PAntolomin was by far one of the worst. But the mission was over they'd returned all the prisoners returned all the food and established a hold over the Pantolomin sytem and a fortress in this sector. He could hopefully get a nice long rest once they arrived at the rendezvous point where the whole fleet and his new command Tyrant awaited. But probably not considering how fast things were heating up in the galaxy. Rumours had already reached him of a New Republic Victory in Munnillust and that the TNO's command ship had been destroyed. You know he thought. This job wasn't that hard after all. In fact it was pretty darn easy.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

The End