In the Hands of Mortals
Dominic walked up to the old Moff and kissed his cheek. "I am off to yet another secret location. I've the material loaded up and our cadre is ready."
"Let me know what you find out Dominic. If worse comes to worse, we will need to be efficient in destroying these little bastards."
Phase II
Xenomicrobiological Laboratory
Unknown Location
Dominic looked into the microscope with an annoyance she hadn’t felt since the transport mislabeled a pair of Jawa skin samples for biogenetic manipulation.
Squinting, she began to enter her readings once more into the computer her assumption being that she misinterpreted what she saw.
“Second DNA strand…” she mumbled counting down the individual characteristic sequences until she came back upon what disturbed her before.
She called a colleague over to correlate as she rubbed her eyes. Too much caff, she thought. To much..
“Dom. This can’t be right.” The other startled out as they bent over refocusing the large microscopic lense.
At that point she knew he had seen it too.
At that point, she realized what the findings meant.
At that point, the nature of their enemy just changed.
At that point, she understood.
Third Fleet
Improcco – Fortress world of Simon Kaine
Advanced Tactical Planning – Metaphysics
Simon Kaine paced the dark obsidian floor of the rather small chamber. Seated above, encircling the floor were men and women handpicked. These people were special. These were a people that did not exist (at least officially). The room was known to the members as the “Think Tank” and it was here where agendas were advanced, long term purposes realized and the supremacy of the Empire ensured on all levels…on all fronts.
It was a powerful mindset that pushed Imperial expansion ever forward crowding out all opposing thoughts. It was a mindset carefully crafted, an arrogance backed by the confidence of success. Success paid for by the blood of Imperials but, even better, by the blood of the inferior.
Kaine was speaking, his gloved hands carefully clasped behind his uniform, his eyes raised slightly to scan each face as his pacing took him near.
“I want to talk to you about God.”
There was an uncomfortable shifting in the room for religion had no place in tactics involving the toppling of governments and in galactic conquest.
“There are a great many beings in this galaxy that believe in a higher power and give over devotion, loyalty and worship to such a power. It is an interesting phenomenon and one that does not solely base such actions on power for these very same beings would then be worshipping the Empire.”
He smiled grimly, “For, in the physical universe, does not the Empire stand alone as the greatest concentration of power this galaxy has ever seen?
No, these beings worship this higher power (or powers) because they attribute to it the reason for their existence. That their physical existence holds to some grand purpose in this universe and, more importantly, they hope to reap rewards in some sort of afterlife. It is a belief that fuels an unprecedented resistance to conquest, an unnatural disbelief in any opposing, reasonable, scientific thought, and a total unwillingness to accept their place and their role within the universe.
You see, gentlemen and ladies, it is not enough to simply crush an enemy’s army. It is not enough to smash their fleets or break down an enemy’s technological defenses. “
Kaine paused, and ever with a slight darker tone, “We must slay their Gods.”
A commotion of murmuring rose as those listening turned to one another and contemplated the words. One spoke out, “But, evolutionary imperatives negate the existence of gods… at least those considered divine. Now you are telling us to believe in a god?”
Kaine stopped to stare at the student who had spoken out and let out a sly grin, “But tell me, what is god?”
Into the silence, Kaine panned his audience. “Does anyone know the definition of god?”
He spoke into the air, “Computer, please render for us the definition of ‘god’.”
A mechanical voice reverberated throughout the chamber, “God – any of various beings conceived of as supernatural and immortal; an idol; a person or thing deified”
Simon held up his fingers, “The strategy to defeating the God of our enemies is held within that definition. One: any of various beings conceived of as supernatural and immortal, such as the Gods of the Azguard,” the audience shifted, “or, Two: an idol, such as those trinkets the Jedi or Sith attach so much reverence for, or Three: a person or thing deified, such as the sex toy manufacture magnate Heir Raktus.
We know that the Jedi and Sith, or any of these creatures who use this mysterious ability known as the Force, can be fooled. They are not omniscient nor are they all powerful. One Sith, our first Emperor Palpatine, and his apprentice of the moment plotted and executed a plan that wiped out the blundering alien Jedi Order before the inception of the Empire with ease.”
Simon raised his arms to his audience, “Endgame proved that one does not need this Force ability to lead these Jedi and Sith around by their noses like animals a leash. We kept our Sith preoccupied with their ancient hatred of these Jedi on Naboo while we invested our fleets to taking Coruscant back. The Jedi were so preoccupied with their ancient hatred of the Sith attacking that they ignored the larger picture and played no part in the New Republic’s defense. The creation of the Jedi Corps tells us that force users can be manipulated to our own ends without this annoying foundation of angst the old Jedi Order and Sith seem to resurrect each generation. Do remember, however, that while our strategies have proven successful, there are some of those that are still in awe of these people. It is an awe that we do not and will not share. Awe of the powers these individuals display only feeds doubt and hinders proactive action.”
Kaine’s voice became hard, “This awe is gradually dying. From the destruction of the New Republic to the Jedi Order’s exile on Naboo to the Jedi Corps and ISB’s watchful eye on our Sith, we are winning against these that the uneducated worship. These beings that worship themselves and revere the trinkets their ancestors make, these holocrons, amulets, rings, diadems and so forth. By destroying these items, we are working to wipe away the legacy of lies of those enslaved by this invisible Force.
As you can see, the idols, idolatry and idolizing of these fools …this particular inception of god, is being defeated!”
“Some would say,” a woman interrupted, “That these force users are a step up in our own evolution. How can we act to destroy these people if we are governed by an evolutionary imperative?”
Kaine looked at the woman with approval. “Some would say that being born with eleven fingers and toes is a step up in our evolution. We are not governed by popular opinion. For any genetic change, mutation, or newfound extra-sensory ability to be an evolutionary advancement one must ask themselves, ‘how does this further the advancement of my race?’ You see, we do not apply the survival of the fittest operandi to the individual but to the race at large. Tell me, how has our race benefited from beings being enslaved to midichlorians? An Imperial research team analyzed this very subject and concluded that midichlorians exhibit the same characteristics as some parasitic organisms. By, following the ‘will’ of these midichlorians, do we advance ourselves or have we surrendered to a ‘fitter’ organism than ourselves: these midichlorians? Time and again, we’ve seen these force users fail. No. Having a force ability is no evolutionary link for if we all exhibited it we would all be dead.”
A man spoke up. “But what about the Dragon Taj?”
Kaine looked at him and asked, “With the example given, how do you defeat a God?”
Another voice spoke out, “You define it.”
Simon pointed at him, “Exactly. Does calling a thing divine actually make it omniscient? Omnipresent? All knowing and all powerful?
The Taj of the Dragon Imperium, this Heir Raktus has made the greatest mistake a ‘God’ could ever make:
He has made himself tangible.
And any tangible object can be destroyed.
The Taj has wrapped this religion around his so-called divinity but divinity is hard to maintain when there is nothing left to the imagination. Awe fades. Failures may be attributed to the will of the Taj but that excuse only holds for so long. For is a God who fails divine? Can they be omniscient and omnipotent? The Daemun technology is impressive and as a leader in our mere physical realm, this Taj can be respected, admired and perhaps even envied. But a God?”
Kaine chuckled slightly. “Any mind can crack. Any will can be broken. And any technology defeated.
When the insignificant can attack your strongholds and show no fear, perhaps some may begin to question their all-powerful gods. If the Coalition lay waste to Dameo, perhaps this particular ‘god’will no longer plague the galaxy? If the Imperium wins, perhaps this particular god’s station will be secure for a little longer. But the awe is fading.”
Kaine paused.
“And in that vacuum fear forms.
When the ancient trinkets of gold and holocrons of the force users are broken and when we raze all the ancient burial sites of Sith or Jedi fools of the past leaving only dust, their power fill fade. When their usefulness is at an end, we must destroy them completely and end this mutation of man. With no one listening, the ‘Will of the Force’ will cease to exist.
When enemy fleets cross the Tion lines and Dameo is invested, when the Taj finally falls from power by whatever means his religion will die. And without their religious fanaticism to sustain them the Dragons will fall into disarray and death.”
Simon began to pace once more.
“I give you these examples to illustrate that the defeat of a God or what people worship as divine, while no small matter, is not an insurmountable problem. Given good intelligence, proper planning, flawless execution and a little patience anything can be accomplished.
For the past few years, Imperial Intelligence has been working on a particular problem that has plagued the Empire behind the scenes. You see, ever since the rise of the Empire, a group of creatures have been at war with us and it is heartening to know, that even while the Empire remained ignorant of this ‘war’ and the plotting of these creatures, the Empire has remained ever resilient, ever strong, ever powerful.
And now that we do recognize the insidious plotting of these creatures, and now that we can bring our full attention to bear on their meddling I am confident that we can… we will prove victorious.
It is known that these creatures call themselves Gods but, after today, they will no longer be considered supernatural. They are as flawed and given to failure as much as the fools who give over their free will to worship them.
And when defeated, the very fiber of existence for the race that is enslaved to them will crumble. And, just as with the Dragons, without the Azguard glue holding it together, the Coalition will crumble.
In any event, by destroying that which is worshipped by the ignorant masses we make ourselves, we make the Empire divine. And with each success, we make their transference of ‘faith’ that much easier.
All the while making man’s ascension over the galaxy more complete.”
Kaine stepped in the middle of the audience chamber and looked up.
“So, today’s strategy session…the answer to the impossible:
How do you defeat an Azguard god?”