...establish justice... (Kashyyyk, Trandosha)
  • Posted On: Sep 1 2003 2:48am
If you chase two rabbits, both will escape


Churba Sector, Outer Rim

Cortex Sinar looked at the holo-projection in his cave converted to office deep under Ryloth's surface. It was a modified galactic map easily acessible from the galactic holonet by an resident on a civillized world in the galaxy, with a few minor additions put in by Diversity Alliance technicians.

The Galactic Empire was outlined in red, huge swaths of territory jutting out the core, the Empire was truely an empire, dwarfing all others, its red tide seemingly unabated, un controllable. The next in size was the prominent Outter Rim Soveringty, marked in blue, not nearly the size of the empire, but still covering a large portion of territory in the mid and outter rims. Sandwhiched between the two were the remaints of the Ridge Confederacy, shaded purple, a government which since losing Billbringi and Reece was more a name than an offical organization. Cortex had been surprised to learn that a one point Fondor had entered into the group which was no little more than a shattered bueracracy scrambling to survive the wrath of the Empire. A orange streak populating the edges of the outter rim marked the noted worlds of the anti-Imperial alliance known as the Galactic Coalition, composed mainly by the territory of the Mon Calimari Republic. Not far from that area was a patch of yellow indicating the Tholatin Republic. Adding to the myriad of colors was a teal color denoting the Kathol Sector, its territory adjoining that of the ORS.

The Empire's main opposition lies there- and further beyond- the unkown regions are chock full of surprises.

Cortex knew that only to well- his own Diversity Alliance stretched slightly into the unknown regions- it was an area that consumed quite a large region of space, and if one added Wild Space into the equation made up a good portion of the galaxy. Cortex rotated the 3-D projection, focusing on the area 'across' from the Coalition territory. There, in brown, was marked Bothan Space, occupying portions of the mid rim, quite near a pink blob that signified the galaxies Hutt controlled areas. Then back behind this area lay a black space, a new addition to the map, the Diversity Alliance territory. Cortex smiled as he saw this black dot- it had grown and expanded recently, pushing outward both toward Bothan and Hutt space as well as laterally- still with room to grow. Large portions of unshaded unclaimed neutral space remained around the Alliance, mainly populated by alien, ripe for expansion. Cortex knew he must continue grow- it was the only way to achieve his ultimante goal. His eyes scanned the map untill they rested on two dots extremly close togather:

Kashyyyk. Trandosha

They were the two major worlds of the Sumitra Sector, and Cortex noted, bitter enemies. Still, either or both of those worlds and the industrious livly species which inhabited them would be a plus for the Alliance. Whether or not both of them could be in the same alliance was however, the ever present question....
  • Posted On: Oct 21 2003 4:16am
Old prejudice's die hard

Or so Cortex had honce heard a holonews commentator say, right before he began a peice on the Kubaz government and their recent attempts to be somewhat consillatory with the Verpine. It was not by any means a new adage, and Cortex was sure some other wise galactic personality had said it first, many, many years ago. Still this didnt mean it wasn' still true. Cortex had always known it was ture, but nothing had illustrated it more so that his attempts for a diplomatic conference in the Sumitra Sector.

The Transdoshain's had needed an economic boost, their economy had never quite been the same since Wookie hunting had been outlawed. Bounty hunting and mercenary service had filled some of the holes, and done some patch work to the Transdoshian economy- but most of it was superficial. The Transdoshain's needed to focus there race on something, open trade and build industry- all which were blocked by tarrifs and stubborn refusal to cooperate with their in system neighbors who could assit them, an be open trade partners. Of course, changing their culture so that they weren't going to try and skin them at the bargining table would be critical. Unfortnatly most Transdoshian's weren't up for that sudden change that almost seemed to defy instinct.

The Wookies were also somewhat stubborn- with much reason. They had been terroirzed as "game animals" for decades, centuries; by the Transdoshian's for the most part, prayed upon like some sub-sentient beast. A New Republic ruling and trade restriction had ended that, but the Wookies had only enjoyed temporary freedom before the Empire had conscripted this powerful race of beings, enslaving them, and forcing them to build the second Death Star Battle Station. The Wookies had been eventually liberated by the New Republic, the republic which has been systematically beaten down by the resurgent knew order, finsihed off in the masterful move of Operation Endgame, the death blow to the Republic. Th Wookies had become neutral, not clinging to any remaints of the New Republic, not joining the Galactic Coalition, staying away from the Galactic conflict.

Cortex and his Diversity Alliance teams had failed to achieve his goals, setting up a conference at which both of these alien races could be brought together, in a gesture of alien solidarity, and if all went well brought into the ranks of the Diversity Alliance. Cortex however refused to be discouraged- he would not believe that these races, so badly mistreated by humans in the past, would not feel the fire in their hearts and join the struggle against their galactic opressors. Plus he had a plan to pitch to both sides, one which he had recently strategized with help from an assortment of advisors, including the ever faithful Cleavge Hintona.

The Alliance had to grow, the resistance had to strengthen. The Sumitra Sector would be the next target, and Cortex would not fail- he had promised himself he wouldn't.

He would not fail.
  • Posted On: Dec 4 2003 6:29am
"Why don't they see reason?? Don't they even want to talk about the situation?"

Cortex Sinar was perplexed. Even the worst of enemies usually would agree to peliminary talks, even if only for propaganda puporses. Everyone wanted to make it appear if they wanted peace, even if they were secretly planning to slit their opponents throat. Peace talks were excellent ocassions to get a feel for your enemy, delay for time, even to insult your enemy to incite an attack.

"Well, Cortex- If I had been hunted for sport I doubt if I would be warm to receiving another race too."

Cortex listened ashis voice of reason, his antithesis, Cleivge Hintona spoke up.

"I mean, Cortex, would you meet with human slave traders?"

The question reallybrought the point to bear in Cortex's mind. His family had been murdered on Ryloth during and incident with human slave traders- which had fueled his vendetta against the galaxy's dominant species to this day. He was loath to meet with human slaver traders (especially one who had disguised their operations). Still, even he wasn't above talking to human beings- he didn't enjoy it, but sometimes his line of work required it.

"Of course not, Cleivge- but I dealt with the Fondor shipbuilding executives, didn't I?"

His lekku twitched, a subtle gesture emphasizing his sacrifice to deal with such people. Cortex was not one who took kindly to dealing with humans- his personal experience had ensured that.

"Cortex, you did what you did knowing you would benefit from the exchange. What do wookies have to gain by negotating with the transdoshins? Why would the transdoshins like to have a warm relation with the wookies? What do they gain."

Cortex had seen the same thing when he had first heard of the failure to set up a meeting. He had brushed the idea off- not allowing his mind to be distracted from what he would gain from such an exchange. Still, as his friend reinforced the point it really dawned on him, as if he was realizing it for the first time. He pondered the question for a moment, racking his mind for an answer. The only thing he could think of however, did notplease him.


Neither side liked each other- and they had little to gain by burying the blaster, as it was. So, what options did it leave Cortex. He had little tangible to offer the groups- the facts of the matter were that neither side would gain much by coming to a diplomatic meeting- at least with just each other The side would not benefit from coming together.

I'll have to make them gain something so that they will join.

It was a simple realization. What was really hard however, was the question that was already on Cortex's mind. If they had nothing worth coming together over, he would have to create something worth coming together over. The question was:


Cortex would have to think about that one for awhile...
  • Posted On: Jan 16 2004 5:00am
Sumitra Sector

The fifty meter ambassador class shuttle was quite luxurious, having been designed in an era when luxury could be a true necessity in the craft of the rich, or politically well connected. Not armed or paticullarly well defended, a pair of escort and assualt shuttles flanked the relativey large craft, the Ambasador's strenght lay not in what it could do in space as much as what could be done in it while in space. The vessel was the upitomy of a luxurious ride; packed into fifty meters was enough formality to host a peace conference, sans a good number of low level diplomats who simply slowed down the process anyway.

The shuttle and it's escorts was currently drifting in open space, its escorts ina tight formationa round it. In a large personal cabin near the rear of the vessel, Cleivge Hintona was admiring that luxury. The cabin was actually Cortex Sinar's- in reality the whole shuttle was his as well- his personal transport. Still, Cleivge belived he had a claim to everything Cortex owned. Cortex Sinar's Advanced Guard may have set off the revolution on Ryloth, seting in motion all that had been accomplished by the Diversity Alliance, but it had been Cleivge Hintona's political manuverings which had made Cortex's first move possible. He had gambled on the chance a Bothan 'Gunrunner' would have been someone who could help the Advanced Guard, and his risk had paid off in full, and then some. Without him, Cortex would still be sitting in a dark secret tunnel, ranting and raving, preaching to the choir.

Let's give credit where credits due

Cortex Sinar's vision and political expertise had been of course influential- and Cleivge knew he was the glue by which the Diversity Alliance would stick together. Still, for all of Cortex's 'genius' he knew that without his careful guidance the Alliance would collapse like a house of cards. It was his words of wisdom which would lead Cortex to the realm greatness, as the Diversity Alliance rose in power and prestige. Of course, Cleivge would always be the one in the backround- if the experiment, the great project of rising alien unity and bringin down the human oligarchy that supressed them ever succeeded on a grand scale, it would be Cortex Sinar who historians remembered. Of course, they would also add him as a footnote if the whole thing ever collapsed. Either way he was mentioned, Cleivge- he would only gain attention if the Diversity Alliance was ever a galactic superpower. The chances of that happening were'nt great but there was always a a chance.

It's beter than nothing.

He looked over at his friend, the mentor and leader of the many diverse groups who were either in or petitioning for membership in the Alliance. He was sitting, relaxing with a smile on his face. Cleivge looked at his friend, the Twi'leck who had brought togetther the Falleen, Bartokk, Gotals, Verpine- who had a secret benefactor in the Bothans- it wasn;t much, but it was the largest coalition of aliens since the New Republic, the human dominated republic which had used its aliens and brainwashed those suseptible. The Mon Calimarian's could be such a powerful force in the alliance, but they're commitment to the Galactic Coalition made them out of reach, there powerhouse military and ships too far for the Diversity Alliance to grasp.

Of course, not all of the New Republic was following the Coalition. There was a chance, no matter how slight, that the mighty wookies, the species glorified by the mighty Chewbacca might join the alliance. Such a addition would sure up the stil unsteady joining of aliens in this section of the galaxy. It would be of course, much reliant on this upcoming meeting, and on the relations between the wookies, and their arch nemisis species, the Transdoshains. Even getting them to met had been an ongoing challenge, Cleivge stil didn;t know how Cortex had managed it. The thought provoked him and he decided to inquire.

"Cortex, how did you manage to get the Wookies and Transdoshains to meet?"

Cortex raised up from his thoughts, but his toothy grin remained. With a twitch of his lekku, he conveyed a message of great self fufilment, as if he had been waiting for Cleivge to ask that very question.

"Why Cleivge my friend, I told them the only thing they would listen to."

The subtle twitch of Cortex's lekku might have been missed by a stranger, but Cleivge, having known Cortex so long saw it, and knew that something devious, maybe even rash had been done. His face filled with apprehension.

"What did you do Cortex!"

Cortex's smile grew as he knew Cleivge assumed the worst. Cleivges mind began racing- trying to think what his friend had vainly promised the two powerful factions. Nothing to to his brain, at least nothing he could understand- it was racing to fast to distinguish anything, like a line of speeders in the fast lane on Coruscant.

Cortex's grin was like a dagger as he spoke.

"I told them I would help them destroy the others."

The response was sharp, and high, and out before Cleivge could even think about what he was saying.

"You did WHAT!"

Cortex let out a chuckle.

"Calm yourself Cleivge, were not attacking Coruscant or anything; and watch it, your having a seizure."

Cleivge took a deep breath, and realized his lekku were flailing wildly. He got them under control, and composed himself. He looked at Cortex, then tried to speak, started, but nothing came out. What sort of maddness was the Twi'leck thinking- inviting two sides to a party, and promising to help both sides destroy the other. He was crazy, he was insane, he was likley to get himself, and Cleivge shot to peices by a turbolaser- from both sides! It was sheer madness.

Seeing his distress, Cortex let his smile drop. In a calm tone he said,

"Cleivge, these two side are never going to compromise. For the transdoshains its a matter of honor, and the wookies want to save their skins.... literally. I had to do this- conventional means are useless, a waste of time. We need these people, its critical. I had to do it.. was the only thing I could think of really. I have everything planned out- don't worry, before you know it both of these peoples won't even remember those huge hunts that used to happen.Just give me a chance, and don't look so nervous- there has been plenty of stuff crazier than this."

Somehow the other Twi'leck's words calmed Cleivge. He had some way of doing that, how he'd never understand. Thinking again, Clievge knew why Cortex was linked so much to the fate of the Alliance, and how foolish he'd been to think he was its driving force. He lacked the necessary boldness, well, at least when it possibly involved personal bodily harm, while Cortex's fiery spirit put him right in the middle of the fray.

Let's just hope he hasn;t gone to far with this one.
Posts: 1272
  • Posted On: Jan 17 2004 2:25pm
Trandosha: Council of Elders

The Council of Elders, the one place in Trandoshan society where the different Clans can meet to try to settle their differences in a (relatively) peaceful manner. It was also the place to resolve economical problems as well as discussing off world problems and events. The chamber itself was dome shaped with two levels: the upper level, where Naosha and the others sat, was divided into balconies. This was to keep Elders from easily reaching over to try to kill another during particularly heated arguments: Trandoshans tended to be creatures of action rather then words. These balconies were also shielded to prevent them from simply shooting each other. Even with these precautions, all the Elders carried some sort of weapon, in case of an assassination attempt from behind. The lower level was similarly sectioned off: this was where the various Clan leaders sat when they had arranged for council, or when invited in on important discussions. There was no shielding there however and the carpet had to be replaced several times due to Clan leaders literally going for each other’s throats. Being a place of power, the place was lavishly decorated, banners depicting important events in Trandoshan history: all of them violent.

The current discussion going on in the large chamber was about the apparent alliance with a group called the Diversity Alliance and what Hyssok, the current Speaker Above All has revealed did not sit well at all on the scales of one Elder. This one sat at nearly the opposite end of the circular chamber from Hyssok, her blue eyes silently seething as her fellow Elders chatted excitedly about the apparent soon-to-come elimination of their arch nemesis, the Wookiees, once and for all. She was the lone voice in support of opening up negotiations with the Wookiees, to try to settle their differences peacefully and without bloodshed. Naturally, her option was not a popular one and mainly stewed in silence as the others talked about war. She glanced down at her own blaster that was hidden underneath her lavish robes, making sure it still had a good charge on it. Those of unpopular opinion tended to 'disappear' and though she had no support from the others they could still try to off her before she could gain any.

Naosha looked around the chamber at her fellow Elders, all chatting away and ignoring her: no matter it gave her time to collect her thoughts. The green scaled, middle-aged female was suspicious: the leader of the group seeking their alliance was previously trying to get them to meet with the Wookiees for negotiations and peace talks. Now he had suddenly gone and offered to help them eliminate the Wookiees instead. While the other Elders obviously didn't see the problem, she was smart enough to recognize the potential danger to both themselves and the Diversity Alliance. To her...it was apparent this Cortex hadn't dealt with species that didn't like to be double crossed very often.

She was in no position to talk to Cortex herself though: that was Hyssok's job. So her only legal option was to try to convince the others that negotiating with the Wookiees was the best option. Not an easy task, considering her already de-elevated position opinion wise in the room. First she had to get their attention...

A shot rang out and all heads turned toward Naosha, who had drawn her blaster and shot the ceiling above her, bits of tile and stone raining down upon her. Most expressions were of surprise, for Naosha was one of the more passive members. Hyssok however, was not amused.

"The cost of repairs will come out of your coffers Naosha." He growled. "If you have something say...then say it. But know this: we already know of your...position...on these matters and I seriously doubt you can sway any of us."

Naosha calmly set her blaster on the ledge in front of her, her eyes not leaving Hyssok's face. She knew she had to choose her words carefully.

"Fellow Council members." She began. "For countless generations we have sought to improve and better ourselves, filling our coffers with credits and our Memory Rooms with proof of our many victories. We are feared...and respected...throughout the galaxy because of our noble warriors actions among the other races. Our way of life has served us well and old traditions are still honored by most of our citizens." She could see a few heads nodding slowly in agreement, but she knew that agreement wouldn't last long however. "We now have the opportunity to even further better ourselves, but only if we thoroughly look at all options set at the table and chose from them carefully."

"You are wasting your breath Naosha." Hyssok said with grunt, his chin resting on his hand with a look of boredom on his face. "We already know what the other 'option' is you speak of. Those have tried failed to negotiate with the Wookiees: they refuse to compromise."

"Only because we...as a whole...refuse to compromise in turn." Naosha said sharply, prompting several angry growls and hisses.

"We will not 'compromise' with animals!" One of the other councilors growled.

"If they were truly just 'animals' we would have wiped them out by the time the Old Empire fell." Naosha snapped back. "Despite what you feel about them you cannot deny that the fact that so many were able to elude and escape capture during the time the Emperor was in power makes it evident that they are much more then simple animals. They are a sentient race as we are and have every right to protect their homeworld."

"You are forgetting one thing Naosha." Hyssok growled. "The Wookiees, with their position in the Old Republic, effectively prevented us from earning credits through trade and tourism. The humiliation we received as a result from both the Old and former New Republic remains a black stain on our reputation. This is a matter of honor and pride Naosha."

"Honor and pride can only go so far before it starts making one look foolish." Naosha growled. She had to endure a few moments of shouting and cursing in her direction before she could continue. "And this brings me back to what I was saying before. The opportunity we have before us is one that can even further fill our pockets and improve our reputation for the better."

"Better in what way? A reputation based on fear across the galaxy is all we need is it not?" A councilor to her right asked.

"A reputation based on fear can only do so much...and take us so far. The Old Empire employed such a tactic...and you know what happened to them." Naosha replied. The other councilors were silent, but she could see the agreement on their faces. "Sure we can return to war with the Wookiees...with our new 'allies' helping us. Sure we may even succeed in wiping their race of the face of the Galaxy this time, but what would the benefit be?"

"The satisfaction of revenge. Been able to access Kashyyyks resources once again and restart trade and tourism." One councilor replied and several heads nodded in agreement with him.

"Stripping the planet of it's resources will only provide short term gain." Naosha pointed out, knowing full well that was their intention once the Wookiees were out of the way. "Trade and tourism can be reestablished if we come to an acceptable compromise between our two races on both sides. That is something that both our races can benefit from. As for revenge..." She spread her hands. "Revenge never really improves anything, it only inflates egos and deepens grudges between two opposing factions. The Galaxy is an ever changing place. If we are to continue to exist in this galaxy, we must change with it."

There was silence in the chamber, but Naosha could feel the tension and outrage boiling underneath the other Councilor's scales. Finally Hyssok, who looked like he was about to climb on top of ledge of his balcony and take a flying leap at her, spoke.

"Are you suggesting that we abandon the sacred traditions of the hunt?" He growled, his voice dripping with venom. "Abandon the very ways of life we hold dear and what our goddess, the Scorekeeper, rewards us for!?"

"If that is what it takes...then yes." Naosha said calmly.

The explosion of voices nearly knocked her over, but she stood firm, letting the angry protests and insults just wash over her like water. This went on for several minutes, before Hyssok finally silenced everyone with a loud growl. For another few minutes the chamber was silent, the tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. Hyssok and Naosha stared at each other, unmoving and barely blinking, and no one dared to speak to break this contest of wills. When someone finally did speak, it was Hyssok, his voice low and dangerous.

"Get out."

Naosha narrowed her eyes and stood tall, face full of stubborn defiance.

"Get out before I have you thrown out female!" Hyssok screamed this time. "And don't come back to this chamber until your views are not full of blasphemy!"

Naosha sneered at him: the fact that he didn't refer to her by name was a great insult to her, especially for one of her status. Still, she knew she had no choice but to shallow her pride and leave, before she lost both pride and dignity by being through out. With one hand she snatched up her blaster, but didn't holster it. She glared once more at her fellow councilors, all of whom were glaring daggers back at her, before turning around abruptly and storming out the doorway connected to her balcony.

Trandosha: Clan K'Satikur's Temple


Varcanna's head turned sharply around and toward the figure of her mother as she stormed onto the Clan temple grounds. The tall rust colored female knew the council meeting couldn't have been over yet, which meant something bad had to have happened for her mother to be here now, still in her councilor robes. Seeing the pure fury on her mother's face, she had a feeling it was a good thing she had her first good nights sleep in weeks last night.

"Yes mother?" Varcanna asked, deciding it was probably not a good idea not to ask what happened right at this moment.

"Is your ship, Hunters Way, still functional?" Naosha asked. Varcanna could hear the desperateness in her voice.

"Yes mother. I haven't flown it since Trazu's kids hatched but I've kept up maintenance on it."

"Good.” Naosha switched to their Clan Dialect. “I nood yea te tuko mo te the Diversity Alliance umbussuder ship thut's fleuting ureand semowhoro botwoon horo und Kashyyyk."

Varcanna's eyes widened. "Bat methor...enly tho Speaker Above All cun ge en missiens ef pelitics with ethor rucos." She protested, slipping into Clan Dialect as well.

"I knew thut." Naosha growled. "Bat Hyssok und tho rost ef tho ceancil stabbernly boliovo tho eld wuys uro tho bost wuys und thoy den't soo tho dungor thut is bofero as."

"I tuko it yea finully speko year mind ubeat tho Wookiee muttor..." Varcanna said quietly.

Naosha nodded, calming down a bit. "Wo uro enco uguin en tho vorgo ef wurfuro with tho Wookiees, ull bocuaso tho Council is anwilling te cempremiso en ear ond ef tho nogetiutiens und thut feel Cortex thinking premising beth sidos te holp oliminuto tho ethur is tho enly wuy te got as te jein his Alliance."

Varcanna's jaw dropped open in shock. Having been blessed her with mothers intelligence she too could see the problem with that. "Did ho roully premiso tho Wookiees tho sumo thing?"

Naosha's shoulders slumped. "I um net saro te bo henost, bat censidoring whut ho wus trying te de bofero muking thut premiso strengly saggosts te mo thut ho did. Thut's why I nood te ge tulk te him porsenully...und if it's trao I nood te wurn him ef tho dungors ho muy net roulizo in deing this."

"It's u bit luto te tuko buck sach werd isn't?"

"Muybo...und I udmit I den't knew whut I hepo te uccemplish with mooting him. I huvo ne sappert horo."

"Yea likoly huvo mero sappert thon yea think..." Varcanna said gently, putting a hand on her mother's shoulder. "Jast thut thoy ufruid te spouk ef it."

"I hepo yea'ro right Varca." Naosha said, sighing.

"I'll ge got tho ship roudy." Varcanna said. "Lots as hepo wo uron't cuaght deing this."

"Thoro weald bo u prico pluco en ear houds if wo uro...fer trousen." Naosha replied. "Bat if thoro's u chunco te provont u fall sculo wur thon it's u risk werth tuking."


A couple hours later Rissonik watched as Varcanna's ship, Hunters Way took off and quickly disappeared from view. He had over heard the conversation between his niece and mate and understood the danger of they were facing. Naosha's actions here are not all that unusual: many others have gone around other's back to achieve their own agendas. Some succeeded without being detected: other's failed and lost their lives as are result. Thus was the violent nature of Trandoshan politics.

You have my support...if not the Clan's. Rissonik thought. He hoped they both returned safely and without their actions being discovered by others. If he lost them both, not only will they have lost the only link to knowing what is going on with his son Trazu, but Trazu himself may be forced to return to take Naosha's place on the Council.

Considering what both he and Varcanna suspected was going on with Trazu at the moment...that likely wouldn’t' be a good thing.

With a sigh he turned to go back into the main building. He had responsibilities other then Clan business to take care of now: namely making sure quintet of Trandoshan grandkids didn’t wreck the place while their guardian was away.

He already felt tired just thinking about it. It wasn’t that he didn’t like watching his grandkids, it was the fact that they were such a mischievous bunch…especially that Trissan: you literally couldn’t take your eyes off him for a second.

Well, save perhaps when he was asleep...

(ooc: Look in this thread: -Bonds and Curses-, if you want to know a bit more about Varcanna and Rissonik)
  • Posted On: Jan 18 2004 5:13am
Sumitra Sector
Empty Space, DA Meeting Place

The small group sat lazily in the blackness, the Ambassador Class shuttle in the center of the group, a pair of Delta Class Secort shuttles on either side, and a Sentinal shuttle above. 5 Mynock Class Assault Boats formed a loose perimeter around the formation, 2 ahead, 3 behind the shuttles. The force packed some considerable firerpower, though if the situation degraded to a point where using it would be necessary, then Cortex knew he would have failed in his mission. Cortex wasn't thinking about failing however. He was thinking about the ways in which he would succeed. He would have only a small window in which to pull of his plan, and everything had to be done quickly to avoid things spiralling out of control. Still, despite the difficult task ahead of him, Cortex was quite positive. He had no doubts that very soon he would have convinvced the Transdoshans and Wookies to forget the oldest grudge in the two species histories. Failure was not an option. Waiting, was unfortunatly, a requirment.

Of course, waiting on an Ambassador class shuttle of course, was like watching a Star Destroyer cut through the vaccum of space- it was the upitomy of high end- perfect for what it was designed to do. No amentiy, no comfort was left out. Cortex could relax in a whirlpool, enjoy a full sense emersion in a holovid reality room, eat fine food prepared by a gorumet droid chef. He could send a hypertransmission back to Ryloth, or practice debate with a well versed computer opponent. If the fancy struck him, he could pull out a blaster and take target practice in an very rewarding way that put up sheild projected holograms aroudn the ship, usually in the image of a human slave trader. He could realx in his small cabin and access an extensive library of information on any subject he could think of. The vessel had been expensive, nearly as much as a much larger vessel like the Corellian Gunship- but it was worth every credit. Besides all the aforementioned luxuries, the vessel had a powerful sensor suite, and advanced communication equipment, very useful for high ranking officals like Cortex.

A voice came over the shuttle's internal comm,

"Sensor's detecting multiple hyperspace entries. Multiple capital classes, several smaller craft."

Cortex perked up instantly. The first of the two groups had arrived. Who had arrived was important, but not critical. As long as they both showed, Cortex could deal with situation. If one side tarried, things would not be very good.

"Transmission coming in, it appears to be from the Wookies."

Cortex knew he needed to be in the cockpit of the Ambassador, and he began to hurry toward the front of the craft.

"Scanners reporting wookie force consists of 1 Republic class Star Destroyer, 3 Bulk Cruisers, a pair of Carracks and 7 corellian gunships."

Cortex coughed a little. If the wookies could spare that reasonably large force for a secret meeting, he wondered what they were ready to array against the Transdoshans.

He reached the cockpit, a smile on his face. He made sure that Clievge Hinota saw his beaming face, forcing the pessimistic advisor to return a wary smile. Cortex pointed at a Gotal, signalling him to open a link to the Wookie fleet.

"Greetings, friends, I hope the journey was pleasant. I am sure we can soon begin our complete destruction of the Trans..."

A Twi'leck suddenly began waving wildly at Cortex. He was pointing at a sensor screen, and Cortexsuddenly realized why.

Hyperspace travel is probably the greatest invention in the history of the galaxy, the connecting web tha links the galaxy together. Its advent had brought about the rise of the first galactic spanning government, the Old Republic, and it had turned a myriad of isolated systems into an interconnected web of civillizations. However, for all of its virtues, Cortex suddenly wished the technology had never exsisted.

The sudden arriavil of the Transdoshan fleet had come at the worst possible moment. Cortex had just been talking about destroying the transdoshans, and they popped up. He had hoped for a few minutes to talk, and by which his plan would have an oppurtunity to work. This was definatly not good. Cortex signaled for the transmission to be cut.

"We're being hailed Cortex."

It was Clievge Hintona. He was unusualy pale, his greenish skin looking much fless flush. Cortex nodded.

"Open a broad channel, I'll address them both."

The gotal tech moved quickly then signaled Cortex.

Everythings going to be alright. This is just a different version of the plan.

"This is Cortex Sinar........"
Posts: 1272
  • Posted On: Jan 18 2004 11:34am
Naosha felt her stomach lerch as Hunters Way exited Trandosha's atmosphere. This was her first real space flight and she had already decided that if this was how all flights went she would never set foot on spaceship again. The cramped quarters weren't to her liking either, being too used to the more lavish lifestyle of higher position she had in Trandoshan society.

Used to have... Naosha reminded herself. In all likelyhood by now the Council had voted to have her 'removed' from the Council. If that was the case, she would never be able to show her face again in public...lest she wanted her head shot off. It also would mean they would be looking for a replacement. Usually one of her children would succeed her and Trazu would be their first choice since he was male. That is...if they didn't think the whole family was a lost cause.

"Hope you're seated mother." Naosha heard Varcanna say overhead from the cockpit. "I'm about to put her into hyperspace."

Naosha squeezed her eyes closed and gripped the seat tightly, bracing herself for the jump. She felt a brief slight increase in pressure on her body, then she felt normal again. The deposed Councilor opened her eyes and looking a bit puzzled. In front of her the tall lean form of her daughter jumped down from the cockpit.

"Relax mother." Varcanna said with a faint chuckle. "Space flight isn't that bad."

"What was all that shaking and lerching about a while ago then?" Naosha asked pointingly.

"That's normal when entering and exiting planet atmospheres. Normally it's not that bad. This girl hasn't been flown in awhile and she was just showing her displeasure that's all."

Naosha snorted and glared at her daugther, who was still smirking. "You wanted to give your old mother a scare that's what it is." She grumbled.

Varcanna's smirk disappeared. "Ma I wouldn't do that. Not with what's at stake right now."

Naosha nodded and finally forced herself to relax enough to let go of the seat. With her worries about spaceflight eased somewhat her mind went back to the reason she was out flying through space in the first place. She didn't know if she could prevent an all out war, but she had to try for the sake of Trandoshan lives...but of Wookiee and Disveristy Alliance lives as well.

Why can't they see that we need to change? Naosha thought. She knew she would never be able to convince everyone of changing. The likelyhood of convincing some was good, but without a majority there was real point in trying. Unless...

"Varca. If we survive this...I intend to try starting a separatist movement."

"Separatist movement?" Varcanna echoed. "You mean..."

"Basically taking as many that would agree of the need to change and starting anew elsewhere." Naosha said with a nod. "This Disveristy Alliance may be able to provide us with a home to start off on, if they survive there attempts at tricking our people and the Wookies into working together."

And if there are enough of my people willing to change..we may not need to leave Dosha at all. She thought, though she really doubted that.

"There's a chance the Council will just use the movement eliminate all that oppose them." Varcanna pointed out grimly.

"I know, but it's a chance worth taking I think." She shrugged. "Who knows...maybe we can even get some Wookies to join us."

Varcanna had to laugh at that. "Nice joke mother."

However the look on Naosha's face told her she was being completely serious...

They talked over this idea a while more, killing the time. They knew Rissonik would join them on this, though the Clan itself was questionable. Varcanna decided to keep Trazu out of the discussion, prefering to keep her mothers mind on the immediate problem before them. Deep in her heart though, she knew that if Trazu feel to the Dark Side he could prove to be dangerous to them all, especially since he was the current holder of the K'Satizitus, the spirit of the beast of legend that their family ancestor slew. She was warming to her mothers idea though: if they can't get enough support to oust the old traditionlists from the Council then the next best thing would be to take their supporters off planet: leaving the traditionlists with their out-dated traditions behind. She also knew that if things had happened differently and Trazu wasn't in the rapidly deteroiating state he was in...he would jump at the chance for a community of Trandoshans and Wookiees living and working together...

The discussion ended when Varcanna spotted the warning light flashing, meaning they were about to arrive at the cooridates Varcanna had selected. Leaving her mother down in the passenager area she returned to the cockpit to see if she was right on her 'educated guess' on where the Ambassador ship was.

The moment the ship left hyperspace, however, she knew that she was not only correct...but that things were going to be a lot harder then they thought it would...

A loud Dosh spoken explicitive made Naosha snap her head up toward the cockpit. Immediately she climbed up the ladder to join her daughter in the cockpit to see what was going on, hoping she had just guessed wrong at the Ambassador ship location. She felt the blood drain from her face when she saw that not only did they find the Ambassador ship and it's escorts...but both the Wookie and Trandoshan fleet ships within its proxtimity.

"Any idea on how long they have been sitting there?" She asked looking at her daughter who looked a bit pale herself.

"Well...there's no shooting going on...but that doesn't mean a bloody thing." Varcanna replied.

Gods if the Commander of that fleet even 'suspects' double cross... Naosha thought, fearing she was too late to warn Cortex about that likelyhood.

There was a hiss on the comm and Varcanna tuned it until the message from the Ambassador ship came in clearly. The two listened to Cortex as he started his speech.

"He's speaking to them both at the same time..." Naosha said.

"Which means both parties must have only just arrived...at the same time." Varcanna grumbled.

"And that he did make the same offer to the Wookiees!" Naosha growled, having wished her suspicions were incorrect. "Varca...I need you to get me on that ship."

"Are you nuts mother?" Varcanna said, eyes wide. "We are just within detection range of both fleets. If we move any closer the Wookiees may start shooting at us for target practice and our kin will wonder just why my ship is in this area. My ship is not unknown, those that would recognize it would know who owns it and who I am related to. And have heard about what the Council did to you they will put two and two together and likely start shooting at us too."

Her daughters words rang true and warning Cortex seemed a bit useless right now, not with the two factions almost within firing range of each other just itching to blow one another to pieces. However, the idea of the Separatist Movement was still fresh in her head. She may not be able to prevent open warfare now...but she could use it to find the support for the movement right under the Councils snouts. Since the Disversity Alliance goals seemed to ultimately be to unite the two factions anyway...

"Varca...get us close enough to communicate with the Ambassador ship and see if we can get permission to dock."

"Yes mother..." Varcanna said with a slow nod as she started working the controls, Cortex's speech still going on the open comm channel. She knew her mother was up to something and being of a similar mind frame as she was she had a safe guess as to what, especially considering what they were talking about before coming out of hyperspace. If we can't stop the war from happening...use to gain support for the movement. Nice idea mother...but we need to survive this trip first... She thought as they drew closer to the Ambassador ship, warily watching the two fleets for signs of aggressive action. It was unlikely they would notice her small craft with the speech going on...but they could never know for sure. So far so good...

Varcanna decided on a course that would take them parallel to the Ambassador ship. This way it will appear she was not here for the event at this location but merely passing through. She just hoped the officals on both fleets didn't wonder why they just didn't just use hyperspace. "We will get one pass...one shot at this mother." She said. "If they don't respond it would be too risky to turn around for another try...else they" She jerked a thrumb claw at the Trandoshan fleet. "Would start to suspect something."

Naosha only nodded, understanding the risk.
Posts: 1272
  • Posted On: Jan 27 2004 1:30pm
(ooc: This post will end this thread and I will continue my storyline in a new one.)

Varcanna was just about to open up a commlink with the Ambassador ship when an explosion rocked the Ambassador ship. Several more explosions followed as fire from the Trandoshan fleet struck the ship: the wookiees started firing at the Trandoshans, leaving both the Diversity Alliance and Hunters Way in a deadly crossfire.

“Crap! Hold on Mother!” Varcanna yelped as she immediately took Hunters Way into evasive maneuvering. Naosha gripped the pilots chair tightly as her daughter took the ship into tight rolls and sharp turns, feeling her stomach lurch with each jerk she felt.

The ship shuddered when a couple of stray bolts from one of the fleets weapon fire struck the hull, causing a few sparks to fly within the ship itself: fortunately the ships shields took the brunt of the damage. They were quickly out of direct firing range, thanks to the ships speed and agility, and Varcanna brought her to a halt just within detection range, turning her around to see the carnage.

By then, all that was left of the Ambassador ship was large pieces of debris flying in multiple directions. The escort ships were under heavy fire and they watched as one of them managed to jump to hyperspace: the rest weren’t so lucky. With the Diversity Alliance ships gone the Trandoshan ships now fully turned their attention to the wookiee fleet.

“We were too late…” Varcanna sighed. “What do we do now?”

Naosha watched the distant battle: from here she couldn’t tell which side was winning. Either way though, the war was on and she couldn’t prevent it. “Take us home Varca.” She said softly. “We may have failed here, but this only strengthens my resolve that we need to change.”

Varcanna nodded, knowing this moment was the true birth of the Separatist Movement. She turned Hunters Way around and went into hyperspace…heading for home.


Unbeknownst to them, they weren’t the only private ship in the sector. The ship Executor was sitting just beyond Hunters Way’s sensors, but Varcanna’s ship was not out of the Executor’s sensor ranger. The pilot, a Trandoshan mercenary named Besk, was tasked by Hyossk himself to observe what went on in this sector. He found it all, interesting, to say the least.

The fool. Besk thought. He thought he could double-cross us. No one double crosses a Trandoshan and gets away with it. At least, most don’t get away with it…the stories floating around about Bossk and his encounters with the infamous Boba Fett were one of the very few examples. Then again when it came to Boba Fett, you were lucky to escape with your life when dealing with him.

However, the appearance of Hunters Way in the sector proved most interesting. He knew it was Varcanna that piloted that ship and that she was the former Councilor Naosha’s daughter. There was only one reason Varcanna would come out here and whatever Naosha was hoping to accomplish was obviously dashed when the shooting started. Still, this show of betrayal is something Hyossk would want to know. He was tempted to blow Hunters Way out of the sky himself, but he was out of range, his ship currently modified more toward long range detection then fighting.

Let Hyossk decide what to do with her.. Besk decided. Whatever Hyossk decided, he would be willing to do it. The K’Satikur Clan has been in the company of ‘soft hearts’ for far too long… He thought with a sneer. He was once a member of that clan, when Tnossok was still alive. Yes Tnossok was an idiot when it came to politics, but he had the right kind of vision for the Clan. Rissonik was too conservative for his tastes and he left the clan soon after Rissonik and his freak of a son Trazu wretched control from Tnossok’s dead claws.

However there was no time for musing of the past and plotting possible schemes. He had enough that was worth reporting back to Hyossk about and the outcome of the current battle didn’t matter much: it was the fate of the Diversity Alliance and Hunters Way’s appearance that made it worth while…