Empire's Shadow: Talus
Posts: 134
  • Posted On: Feb 4 2002 4:49pm
Lord Snowkan heard the messages coming from the Iron Fist Empire's command ships, Serpent's Smile. Then he saw the Iron Fist Empire's ships disappear into hyperspace.
"Get us out of here. I have another job to do. The NR can take care of it's own planets."
"Yes sir. Plotting the course now."
The Kessel Attack fleet zoomed out of the system and into hyperspace, enroute to Kessel, and then their next takeover. Talus was left undefended.
  • Posted On: Feb 5 2002 1:38am
The opposition, if that were the case, dispersed without so much a fight, and that pleased Rusty. His fleet marched through realspace with no worries. The Champion led the Capital Ship march, while the starfighters sped ahead to see if there was anything that needed clean-up.

"Continue the March. Launch the dropships and land them on planet. Give them starfighter escorts. Also, see that Christo doesn't go on leave 'cause he has a job to do." Rusty ordered. The Naboo Sith Order was a real, working government, and Rusty worked as hard as he could to receive the respect his Empire deserved. That respect would start by trying to do things diplomatically before having un-needed bloodshed.

"Christo here, Rusty," the half-cropped image of the diplomat filled Rusty's holo-receiver.

"Ambassador, see if you can be three-for-three today."

"Yes Commander."

The communications died, and Christo got to work figuring out a perliminary terms of surrender.
  • Posted On: Feb 5 2002 2:08am
Commodore Relkin was meant to lead the newest wave of forces. It was a group of forces that could easily counter the Naboo Sith Order without causing a war. Without forcing them into a bloodied conflict they did not want. His new INT02 Hyperspace Cruiser pulled itself from hyperspace before the great many forces around them.

The commodore grinned and turned to face the men inside his chamber.

"Ok all....power it up!" he yelled. There was a sudden burst of gravity...and the Allegiance Star Destroyer rotated...and jumped. It was successful. The Test was successful!

OOC Sorry abuot the crappiness of the post

2 Redemption Battle Cruiserse
2 INT02s
24 TIE Skippers
  • Posted On: Mar 5 2002 11:47pm
Talon Karrde spoke with an almost imperceptible edge in his voice. One brought about by far too many years of fighting, drawing far too much contempt for a faceless, brutal, evil enemy. The former smuggler had become the commander of the New Republic defense force, and now rode into battle as a noble knight on his steed.

"Bring the fleet into range of the planet, Captain."

'Yes, sir.'

The massive durasteel Goliaths began to grind forward to the veritable David. However, in this battle, David was going to be the one destroyed- leaving Talus safe.

'Sensors indicate that the planetary shield on Talus is active.'

"Good. Inform them that their defense has arrived. Move into a defensive position around the shipyards, and deploy the Penetrator fighters."

As the Defense Fleet of the New Republic rounded the planet of Talus, the relatively small enemy force came into view. Immediately recognizing two Sienar Fleet Systems vessels in the Naboo Sith Order forces, Talon chuckled.

"They don't even use their own ships to command their navy. Well, let's show them the wrath of the New Republic... inform all vessels to raise shields, and power weapons systems. Open a channel to the enemy."

'Yes sir. Open.'

"Good afternoon, Naboo Sith Order forces. You are requested to stand down, or face complete destruction."

OOC: I'm afraid the surrender deal is off.

Fleet Manifest:
Corellia Sector Defense Division
(Ships: 1 MCHO, 4 CVBs, 6 ISDs, 3 MC90As, 5 VSDs, 4 HDCs, 4 CCs - 29 Total)

Mon Calamari Home One-Class Battlecruiser - Posiedon

Corellia-Class Vlyx Battlecruiser - Subjugator
Corellia-Class Vlyx Battlecruiser - Stone Eye
Corellia-Class Vlyx Battlecruiser - Callisto
Corellia-Class Vlyx Battlecruiser - Serpatine

Imperial-Class Star Destroyer - Glory
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer - Nebless
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer - Sautica
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer - Caesar
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer - Equinox
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer - Icy Caress

Mon Calamari MC-90A Battlecruiser - Aeolis
Mon Calamari MC-90A Battlecruiser - Vulcan
Mon Calamari MC-90A Battlecruiser - Silver Flare

Victory-Class Star Destroyer - Heaven's Fire
Victory-Class Star Destroyer - Ryokan
Victory-Class Star Destroyer - Rapier
Victory-Class Star Destroyer - Coruscant
Victory-Class Star Destroyer - Tacit Siren

Heavy Dreadnaught-Class Cruiser
Heavy Dreadnaught-Class Cruiser
Heavy Dreadnaught-Class Cruiser
Heavy Dreadnaught-Class Cruiser

Carrack-Class Cruiser
Carrack-Class Cruiser
Carrack-Class Cruiser
Carrack-Class Cruiser
  • Posted On: Mar 14 2002 4:37am
OOC: Sucks, I offer you quite the nice deal...

The game was beyond Christo's hands now. All he could do was sit back and watch Talus turn into a political fiasco. "Sad," thought the Ambassador, "I shalln't be retiring happily yet."

But before the situation was swept from him, he shot a message over to the New Republic Fleet that had suddenly arrived. "New Republic Military and Diplo Corps, your greeting has been taken with heavy thought. Our offer for surrendur still stands, and we at the Order hope you will accept our government's request to avoid bloodshed."

Christo signed off, discontent at the options before him.


Pyrael! Where, Oh where! Did he come from? Since his recess with the Inner Sanctum of Sith he had acquired a peculiar trait of just showing up all of a sudden in the oddest of places. Lavatories, Cockpits, command chairs and clubs were the more common places, but more often than not Pyrael was found in bizarre places such as a Bizarre on the fringe world of Tatooine.

So was the case when you had to balance the burdens of being both a powerful Dark Jedi and the only surviving offspring of a Yuuzhan Vong Supreme Overlord and a heretic Shaper's vision.

Now, though, civilization was spared from one of Pyrael's quirk appearances. Rather, it was greeted by a Pyrael standing in the Hangar Bays of an Imperial Star Destroyer, Second Mark.

"Get me a shuttle," were the words that escaped from Pyrael's enstranged looking mouth.
  • Posted On: Mar 16 2002 2:42am
Talon smiled at the cockiness displayed by those of the Naboo Sith Order. A shame, that they would all have to die...

"Captain, broadcast to the largest capital ship on radar."

'Yes, sir.'

"Naboo Sith Order forces, we would like to offer our own option to avoid bloodshed; surrender your vessels to the New Republic, and there will be no violence."

In the back of his mind, Talon hoped that the equally assinine offer would satisfy future historians reviewing the condition of the battle over Talus.

"Captain, order Talus ground control to scramble all ingoing and outgoing transmissions. I don't want any Sith slicers taking that shield down. Order all gunners to target that Alleigance Star Destroyer, and convey that target to our allies."

'Done, sir. Shall we fire?'

A predatory grin flashed on the lips of Talon Karrde. "No. They may fire the first shot- but when those vessels fire so much as a slugthrower, let loose all hell."

'As you wish, sir.'
  • Posted On: Apr 10 2002 2:53am
OOC: Jake, perhaps you misunderstood. When I agreed not to press the 72 hour rule, it was under the assumption you wouldn't totally @#%$ push it and try going 72 hours ten times over. It's not like you're the unwilling victim, here- you started the attack.

Talon stood before the bridge of the Poseidon, shaking his head sadly. A single shuttle had departed from one of the Naboo Sith Order warships before them, foolishly risking the lives of every being on all the ships in a gambit which had no hope to succeed. The smuggler turned towards the captain of the vessel, nodding quietly.

"Kill them."

With a terrifying groan, a sudden massive salvo of turbolasers poured forth from the fleet towards the enormously inferior force, the Allegiance Star Destroyer which formed it's head the target. The hot packs of molten energy poured towards the foolish vessel, striking the shields in a cacaphonic display of destructive light.

The shields of the helpless vessel shrank and ruptured under the force of the combined enslaught, great ripples forming in the ocean of energy surrounding the ship. The laser blasts poured forth, seemingly without end, massive explosions errupting on the energy and particle shielding.

Talon turned away to shield his eyes from the Alleigance Star Destroyer's bucking and violent protest to the laser blasts as they finally sliced through the ship's shields, melting durasteel and ionizing atmosphere.

'Enemy shields at zero, sir.'

"Continue the attack, and press our position forward. Have the Penetrator fighters cover our march forward with a barrage of concussion missiles at enemy fighters and enemy capital ships. All Victory Star Destroyers should break off and throw down general fire to cover us with the other hostiles."

'Yes sir.'

The battle for Talus had begun in full force.
  • Posted On: Apr 10 2002 2:57am
And something better had come over the forces at Talus, not worthy of the time, except of course poor ol' Pyrael. The TNSO fleet jumped away from the Talus area and back to a safe haven. They were not retreating in defeat, but merely placing their trust in the crazed Pyrael's hands. After all, he did have an idea.

And the battle for Talus had suddenly undergone a shift into what the hell?
  • Posted On: Apr 10 2002 9:17pm
The single shuttle was fired upon from all angles, all directions, relentlessly. The many fleets gathered to defend the planet Talus rained down hellfire upon the shuttle on Talon Karrde's command, the proverbial grim reaper for that puny vessel.

Against the terrential force of the enslaught of turbolasers, Pyrael's shuttle was completely and utterly destroyed. Whether the Sith had escaped, they would never know; but as a safety precaution, the abolisher cruisers present were scattered around the system, their gravitic fields laid, barring access to the system. Communications in the area were scrambled; if the enemy fleet tried to jump back in, they would be destroyed- without warning.

The energy shield about the planet did not go down.

And suddenly, the battle for Talus had undergone a shift into 'TNSO is kriffed'.
  • Posted On: Apr 11 2002 1:12am
And yet Pyrael was a great creature, whose limits were still not known to everyone--or even himself for that matter. Somewhere along the lines, the Yuuzhan Vong had picked up the genetic coding from the creatures of Yag'Dhul who could withstand hard vacuum. Although Pyrael could not live forever in vacuum like a Gand, he could manage for atleast three weeks.

He began swimming towards the nearest ship, intent on being taken out of the vacuum since it felt quite nasty nonetheless.