Embracing The Darkness
Posts: 1087
  • Posted On: Jan 14 2005 2:07am
Entering Luclin Atmosphere: 20 Minutes From Docking

"Empress Jade, we are almost to Luclin. Preparing docking protocols. Permission to advance."


Empress Jade Doment, formerly Shadow Jedi Knight to Dakkon Blackblade, was sitting in the pilot's chair, working controls and navigating while her co-pilot did the flying and manuvering of the ship.

Jade spins around, checking on Sith Knight Athena Somir, who was sitting at the personal bar Jade had on board her modified YT-1300 Sister's Pride. It was named after the old fashioned pirate ship that she once shared with Jaina Corellia Han Solo Darklighter Sibrill, and had named it that. Times like this, she missed Jai. Times like this, she would carress her Solo/Darklighter Family Crest whenever she felt she needed her deceased Blood Sister's advice and guidence. This was one of those times.

"Are you alright back there, Knight Athena?"

Jade was going back to talk with her father about a certain clone, who is now dead, but to get more answers from him. Also, she was going to give the clone a proper burial, as if Jade were burying her past.

He'd better not lie to me. Truth or no truth, he dies one way or another.
Posts: 88
  • Posted On: Jan 14 2005 2:29am
If there was any one thing she hated more it was space travel. The feeling of nausa set in slowly but this trip was longer then normal. The bar area was lovely Jade had done a wonderful job. But the image of star lines or heck even just stars moving past her eyes made her sick. Hearing her fellow Knights words she looked up slight.

" Yes Jade, thank you. Where in the darkness are we heading? " She needed to beable to get a sence of just how much longer. Either way it mattered little, no matter where they were heading the moment her feet hit solid ground she would be feeling better. The Sith Knight, known as Athena Somir the student and wife of the Sith Priest Diete Somir. Married for years past her remeberance she smiled at the thought of seeing him once more after this trip with Jade. Her enter life was about him. She had worked hard to prove to her beloved whom worked her cause she was such to him thousands of times harder then his other students.

Checking her weapons she smiled, touching both Wrath and Elegance her twin sabers. One a deep crimson red, and the second a violet blade given to her from Maim. Her secondary weapon was AfterLife her lightwhip, she created it in model of one she had obtained while in a Sith temple.

Moving slightly in her seat the air was stail and cold in the ship. But then again she was in a ship, not on a planet with air filters of the natural kind.
Posts: 1087
  • Posted On: Jan 15 2005 4:24pm
The ship manuvered around the moon known as Luclin, the twin planets of Iga and Kaga can be seen directly in front of them, as well as New Dameo off to their left past Kaga. An elegant and elaborate palace finally came into view, and the ship began its descent.

After a bit of shaking, the hatch poped open and they all filed out, Jade's animal companions following as always, only to have the whole kingdom greet Jade.

"Welcome back, Empress."

"Thank you."

"Have you come to stay, Empress?"

"Im afraid not. I must be leaving once I am done with what I came to do."

After having mounted the steps of DreamWeaver Palace, Jade is greeted by her ever faithful advisor Jedi Knight Angel DarkFire. Hugging her twin sister tightly, Jade smiles.

"And to what do we owe this presense, Angel?"

"Paperwork, of course. Like always."

Jade slings her arm over Angel's shoulder.

"See, that is why you are my advisor, Miss Angel."

Jade turns towards Athena and her crew, then back to Angel.

"Get Knight Athena into a room, along with my crew, and take care of my animals. You know how to deal with them."

Angel nods, then moves closer to Jade.

"Jade, dear Sister, why are you really here?"

Jade looks to her sister and snarls slightly.

"Im going to take care of Father, once and for all. He created a clone of me, and I plan to get to the bottom of it, once and for all.

Now, get them into rooms, and we will talk later."

Jade walks off to her own quarters and begins the best laid plan for killing her father.
Posts: 1087
  • Posted On: Jan 20 2005 12:08am
A Few Hours Later . . .

A servant knocks on the door to Athena's quarters.

"There is a dinner feast starting in a few moments. You are welcome to join if you would like."

The servant then waits for Athena's reply about the dinner feast.