Posted On:
Apr 17 2003 1:17am
"My Lord issues a command, your place is not to ask but to do."
Dravin turned his head to where the voice came from, and found that it was one of the Dark Lord's Sovereign Protectors who had voiced those words. He gave the Sovereign Protector a nod, as if in thanks, then turned back to the man who had spoke out against Lord Maim.
"I am the Lord Dravin Thane, formly known as the Lord Dyans Rann. I have served under the Dark Lord before my absence, subjugated worlds and carried out the tasks that he assigned. I, as well, heard my Lord's call and have come to insure his return. Though I have not shown my intent to be the same as your's, I assure you it is. But it's your choice to trust me, or not."
The Sith Lord's words came out cold as he remained completely calm. Dravin did not wish to fight with his fellow Sith, but he would defend himself if the situation came to it. His only purpose here was to help in the resurrection of his fallen Dark Lord, not to squabble and fight.
Posted On:
Apr 18 2003 2:29am
"My Lord issues a command, your place is not to ask but to do."
Sedriss, enraged and on edge, glared at the Sovereign protector, projecting his cold black hate through his intense stare. The life of Sedriss was a tragedy, losing his family, his friends, his master, and finally his status at the Shadow Academy. Now he had the opportunity to achieve greatness and help forge a new Sith Millenia.
He gazed at the Valley he stood in, which was steeped in legend, and seething with dark power. Very few sith came to this place and survived, prompting him to reconsider the beings around him.
He relaxed, letting his mind slip deep into the force, looking for an answer to guide his actions.He heard voice of the dark spirit reverberate in his mind, encouraging him to travel to Korriban, prepare the way for the Dark Lord, and assume great responsibilities.
Opening his eyes he levitated his lightsaber to Lord Maim, leaving himself defenseless and at deaths door.
"I am here at your service my Lord. Forgive me, but I am only here to return the Sith to glory, if you are the hand that must guide me then let it be so."
Turning to Lord Thane he added.
"I have heard of the exploits of Lord Dyans Rann on Balmorra. If you are him, then I am at your service."
Standing tall, sealed in his black armour, Sedriss waited for the answer that would determine his future.
Posted On:
Apr 18 2003 5:28am
The High Priest of the Sith walked on, paying no mind to the ones behind him. If they followed, so be it. If they did not, they would be dealt with soon enough. He knew that the Sovereign Protector would follow. The rest, he didn't care either way about.
Suddenly a weapon floated before him. He could not help but chuckle then returned it to it's owner.
"I do not want or need your weapon. However, your loyalty will be accepted as payment for your crime of treason against the Sith. You will serve the Dark Lord without question and in so doing repay your debt to the Sith. You will all serve him without question, or you will die in this place.
I will not play games with any of you. Whatever ideas you have of power, they will be changed upon meeting the Dark Lord. Whatever ideas you have of me, are most certainly misleading you to believe that I am a person who is to be trifled with. That, for most, is a most grave mistake.
I am the keeper of the secrets of the Sith. I know more about our ways then you will every hope to. I know more about our magics and our mastery of the Force than most of you will ever care to. I know more about our history and our people than any person alive.
If any of you proceeds to assume that you are more powerful than I. If one of you believes that you can deal with me and take my place.. please feel free to try. I may be a Priest, but I am still Sith. I will get great pleasure from destroying you where you stand."
Returning to his walk, his movement was shadowed by not only the spirit of the Dark Lord of the Sith but by those of a few others who reigned long ago. Today was a day for all Sith to rejoice in.
Posted On:
Apr 18 2003 5:46am
Dravin waited until Lord Maim had made his speech and returned to his walk before turning back to Sedriss. Though Lord Maim had made several points, and told several truths in his speech, he said nothing to the Dark Lord's son.
"I was him. Dyans Rann died long ago, along with his homeworld, in a roaring blaze that consumed all and returned them back to the chaos that spawned them. I arose out of the ashes."
The Sith Lord then nodded to Sedriss, and to the Sith Witch who had remained quiet during all of this time, before following the Lord Maim into the valley. Yet again, he kept a dozen paces from the Sith Master and the spectors floating about, quietly basking in the Dark Side of the Force as he walked.
Posted On:
Apr 21 2003 9:07am
The Dark Lord of the Sith was a title coveted by many. Thus it was impressive none had claimed it or attempted to disrupt these proceedings before their completion. Now, however, it was to late.
It was done.
The High Priest had done his duty, as had the Sovereign Protector. His new body was identical to his old, in his days of youth anyway. He was stronger, more so than ever before. His body was young and able and his spirit, that was at a height almost never before reached by any living thing. He had seen the other side of death and beaten it. Now, he would rule all.
Standing slowly from the alter, the Dark Lord of the Sith looked about his temple with the eyes of a mortal once more. He began to stretch his limbs and grow once more used to the weight they carried. He was able, and strong, and ready. Nothing would stop him now.
His mind was still wrapped around the galaxy like a blanket.
"So, the Ancient Empire rises once more. As do the Sith of old. I sense Recon Klain has returned, welcome him to Ziost with open arms. However, instruct him that, though it is his home, it is my Empire."
Turning now, he addressed Xilen. "You shall serve as my apprentice, my young friend."
With no other words he wrapped his princely robes around him, said a prayer in Sith, and departed the temple for his waiting ship.
Turning back, he called to them.
"Our time is at hand. We are the chosen who shall leave the galaxy in ruins!"
Posted On:
Apr 22 2003 9:38pm
If any of you proceeds to assume that you are more powerful than I. If one of you believes that you can deal with me and take my place.. please feel free to try. I may be a Priest, but I am still Sith. I will get great pleasure from destroying you where you stand.
Sedriss shrugged off the challenge. He had no desires here except to serve and protect the Dark Lord of the Sith. If this arrogant priest was vital to that mission so be it but if he was not then his life would end. The glory of the sith was paramount not the bloated titles of his guide. Trapped inside his own darkness he was brought out by a dark voice.
I was him. Dyans Rann died long ago, along with his homeworld, in a roaring blaze that consumed all and returned them back to the chaos that spawned them. I arose out of the ashes. spoke Dravin Thane
Turning Sedriss acknowledged "If you are him then I will follow you where ever this journey leads." Turning to Adriana he asked, "Adriana you have been quite thus far. Do you have any questions for me?"
As he waited he noticed the permanent sneer on the statue of Exar Kun. The valley of the Dark Lords was indeed a place of eternal darkness.
Posted On:
Apr 22 2003 10:24pm
Lord Thane knelt down before the Dark Lord as he passed by him, now in his in mortal form. He arose and bowed to the Dark Lord once again as he headed off to his ship, then Dravin turned around to Lord Sedriss, who was staring at one of Exar Kun's statues.
"This journey will take us to a great many places my friend," he said to Sedriss with a dark smile. "Our first destination would be Ziost, the captial of the Dark Lord's Empire. I am heading there myself to find a suitable place for me to settle down and unload my... cargo."
His attention turned to the wind which whirled behind Sedriss, picking up sand and twisting it about in the air, creating a small dust devil. Turning back to Sedriss and Adriana, he gave them both a bow. "Until we meet next time."
Dravin departed from the two Sith and the valley, heading back into the darkness from which he had entered the Valley of the Dark Lords.