Posted On:
Mar 20 2002 3:10am
The Hapan battle dragon serpent guard hangs over the planet drewwa. The Freedom guard base is set up in this planet. Several docking bays. Armorment stations the works all in one place. The area is even corrdined off to all other traffic. Only guard personell are allowed.
There is a mountain side base that acts as the main focal point of the base where many personel work. But this is not where the Freedom guard work from. A system of caves was found under ground miles from the above ground base. If any one attacked it would destroy only a facade of what the guard work from.
Walking into the building there is a certain point that only guards men can pass by. Where all the most sensitive information is kept. But in reallity a turbolift that they take that would take them to the buildings upper levels. In reallity takes them to to a under ground transport station. A magna lock train that takes them to the FG's real base. Under ground they have large faculties and data bases on multiple organizations through out the galaxy.
Spy's from the FG are in many planets watching situations. A report from the TNO fleet just arrives. Nothing to report. Just normal fleet activity to report.
The TRE are setting up to blockade several trade routes. A observation team was dispatch to watch and listen to communications that come in to the TRE. Here at the base is where they are breaking TRE coded messages. It well take time but they well break their code soon enough.
Two of the guard are enroute to Sucitan. The Gree planet was out of touch for too long. Even the guard opperative on planet was out of touch. Reports coming in report hostile alien forces. Posibility of war be on highest allert. But the guard was always on highest alert. The price of freedom is eternal vigilence.
Posted On:
Mar 20 2002 6:20am
At any one time only about 25 guards men were on base. Manning the information networks and relaying the information to their contacts. Wookies worked around the clock to maintain the place. Grunts and roars abound at certain parts of the Base.
Mecanics were looking over various fighter craft the W-wing was a piece of technological wonder but it needed to be kept up. Grease monkeys extrodinair were at home down her. Several actually lived her. Making repairs to the most advanced techs that they could find.
A new enemy had arrison in the arena of the galaxy. They were called the vong and had already layed ruin to many galactic planets. The guard is charged with the protection of The Alliance and they would see to that. But in order to protect any thing you mlust know what you are protecting it from. The droid has supplyed them now with living samples of their weaponry and data on how they act in battle.
The whole of the fleet may need to be refited with what ever information that is gained from a further study of theys organisms. The best and the brightest in the Alliance were practically salivating at the thought of studying these creatures.
C4 looked promising him self some how he had managed to algamate the vong weaponry into his body. C4 is a product of TNA science. The husk that he wares is a Dark trooper droid. But at the heart of that system lies a small positronic droid. A droid that is smart enough to gain his own sentience in order to hunt down the evil in the universe first hand.
Reports indicate that he is dead set againest the sith. Taking steps to make him self the perfect weapon against the force weilders. In side he has a yalsimari hidden. The creature makes him untouchable to the effects of the force.
But no he switched his attetion to another threat. If the vong pose more of a threat then the sith as the droid seems to think. Then the Guard must be ready.
The creatures were rushed to Drewwa for secret study. The scientists there would be under lock down for months over the duration of these studys. The Guards men were the sceintists eyes ears and at times guinea piggs. They were some of the few beings with reactions that could match a vong so they tested the varies weapons in the use of them from time to time
At the lowwest levels were the projects that The guard kept under lock and key. There were some of the best minds in the Alliance at work to understand some samples of Vong technology bought off of the Droid bounty hunter C4. Several were cut open for studiing the internal biology. All of these were some of the most complex creatures that they had ever seen. They were trying to find ways to clone them with out much success as of yet. The weapons would make the guard all the more effective.
Posted On:
Mar 20 2002 10:13pm
Hyet Kwing (Almaina)
Irman (Honoghr)
Ukani Krshant (Almaina)
Iness Kantal (Sernpidal)
Lugie Myn (Myrkr)
Khop Esht (Selonia)
Gad Froight (Selonia)
Revlon Gerrs (Correlia)
Sihoke Eene (Selonia)
Shido Breen (Myrkr)
DEJ-47 (Assassin Droid)
Jek Freebon (Almaina)
Training director : Toryn sabreen
Arwen chol(SE)
salo morn(E)
Kregan bass(SG)
Santo mala(SG)
Vonta Horn(Jedi)
Reports begain to flood the Drewwa base. There had been a Terriorist bombing on allmania within the hour. Toryn Sabreen was in charge in Greyys abscence at this time. Irrman was on planet now seeing too the tracking down of the attacker.
There was nothing that indicated an Attack comming just at this time. This was not the work of any of the major players of the galexy. So it was either some one new or a induvidual that turned suicidal. If that is that case then he may well get his wish. The guard would hunt down the culprets.
The networks operators begain pouring over the info that came in recent days. Looking for some clues. An anylisis of how the man got on planet was under way as well. This was turning into a full blown man hunt.
Above in "Open Ground" facultys as the guard have nicknamed it there are people in a frenzy as well. looking through records and paper work for the last few days. Getting in contact with lowwer level military to organize them per the guards orders.
Posted On:
Apr 18 2002 3:05am
Recent event have cuased the Guard to change names first From Freedom guard to Alderaanian guard. In recent days they had been going to varies astroid belts in the local area collecting Them to put in orbit around the planet. All were made of solid iron and other properaties. the astroids ranged in sixes from that of a Freighter to that of a ISD.
each one was mounted with manuvering thrusters and a engine was being installed.
The under ground caverns countinued to grow. The Underground base was huge and went deep into the crust. The engineers were even rigging the base to run on Geo-thermal energy. So that they did not have to relie on the power plants.
Two of the astroids were being hollowed out. For reasons unknown.