Deceit and Lies
  • Posted On: Oct 13 2002 11:00pm
<font color=green>"How did you become an admiral in the New Republic?" the ensign asked the less than uniformed admiral. Appearing more like an Imperial stormtrooper in his traditional armor, he turned a seemingly blank expression on the cocky young lad. He was no more than twenty, fresh out of the academy, no doubt his parents had bought his way through life.

But the question made perfect sense from both Elegark's demeanor and policies.

However, the admiral simply ignored him and looked straight ahead out the viewport again. He rested back in his command chair, hands seated firmly against the edges of the grey arms of the chair. The ensign was less than pleased.

"You're so...cold...heartless...emotionless, you're-," as the command chair snapped around to face the man he stopped short with a gulp.

"A perfect warrior," he finished for him, never missing a beat. The ensign took a moment to regain his composure, trembling visibly, more from the shock of the spin and the blank expression of that helmet than the words he spoke. "Ensign I am also a fair man, but my patience grows short for those who do not learn their place. Do you understand what I am saying?"

"Yes sir," the other said smugly.

"No I don't think you do. Report to the head immediately," Admiral Mnar said suddenly, turning back to focus on the stars. The ensign tilted his head in confusion.

"Why's that sir?" the ensign asked casually. Behind that white battle helm, Elegark grinned.

"Chief Yealom needs some cleaners down there, and we need all the droids we can get to handle such positions as gunnery supervision," he said, referring to this ensign's specific job aboard the Star Destroyer. The young man from Corellia opened his mouth, but Elegark was not finished. "Maybe when you show some respect for the refreshers we'll consider your recomission as an ensign, Sergeant."

"In my defense-,"

"There is no defense Sergeant, be gone from my sight." The ensign stared at him a moment longer with a glare before turning on his heels and exitting without a salute.

Behind the helm, the man simply sighed, hating the thought of having to reprimand anyone about his flagship, but such was the lament of being a commander, no?

"Helmsman!" he called, suddenly catching all in the bridge off guard. The helmsman and XO of the ship, one Lieutenant Commander Pakston, made his way quickly to the side of the command chair, where Elegark simply admired the stars. They were a magical thing to him, something that truly created an opera of emotions in his heart.

Perhaps it had come from his being grounded nearly his entire life, stuck in those horrid chambers. Perhaps it was because of the exhilerating thought that maybe there was something more out there than can be explored? Perhaps it was the thought that out there, anything could really happen.

Pakston stood at attention at his side, his uniform perfectly ironed, his medals adorning his chest in such a fashion that would make most admirals envious. That caused a smirk behind that expressionless helmet the admiral war.

"Yes sir?" Pakston asked with all military crispness.

"Is the course set?" Elegark confirmed. This had been the hundredth time at least that he'd asked this question, he was very paranoid about this battle. None of these ships had ever seen combat before, the men aboard had seen even less.

This would be a perfect chance to get those who lacked such combat readiness into true fighting order.

"Yes sir, we can jump in five minutes."

"The entire fleet as well?"

"Aye sir."

"Get all forces aligned, I want us all to arrive from hyperspace at the same instance," Elegark emphasized, again.

"That can be done sir."

Elegark nodded. "Alright, back to work Commander, have us launch in ten."

The two exchanged salutes, and Pakston was off to resume his duties.

Unlike most Republic commanders, for his flagship Elegark had chosen an Imperial-Class Star Destroyer, even more strange he had chosen to be a member of the Vanguard Squadron, taking up the front line of the battle.

It was strange indeed, completely unorthodox, but he had his reasons.

Ten minutes passed slowly, mainly for the crew of the Star Destroyer in their worry for combat, something most of them - save for the starfighter pilots - had never seen before.

Most of the starfighter pilots - most - had seen combat at the infamous Battle of Dantooine, including Major Trevelan of Rogue Squadron. That horrendous battle had been where Elegark had made a name for himself as the captain of a sole Nebulan B Frigate. Barely surviving that battle by reallocating most of his power to shields and engines, he had managed to take down his own fair number of fighters and even assisted in a pair of Star Destroyer deaths.

Most of the officers who had survived that battle had received a promotion or an accomodation. Elegark had received both.

He gazed out the bridge for one last moment, watching as the starfighters aligned themselves for the jump along with the huge masses that made up the capital ships.

"On my" he looked around with a smile, masquered by that expressionless helmet of battle, "jump!"


<font color=red>In rapid succession the craft flew from hyperspace in breakneck speeds, the planet of Eriadu coming ever closer to them as the momentum of the ships refused to relent. They came in a bit closer than Elegark had wanted, but what more could be expected from men who had never seen combat?

The Vanguard Squadron moved to the fore of the battle mat, the rear guard taking up the rear, and the flank division taking up the left and right flanks, making up a closely-knit diamon formation.

The starfighters took up a close perimeter around the starships, awaiting the order that would plunge them into battle if it so came to that.

Elegark's face turned to one of battle readiness, an almost scowl came to, though, as usual, none could see this.

He turned to Pakston. "Is my communique set up?" he asked.

"Roger sir," replied the man.

"Thank you."

Elegark rose and walked slowly over to the communcations station where he saw the the green light that indicated his message was ready to send.

The Galactic Defense Initiative forces received the full sized holo of Admiral Mnar just then.

"Greetings terrorists of the Galactic Defense Initiative, I am Admiral Elegark Mnar of the Star Destroyer Golden Vanguard and the New Republic. Eriadu now belongs to the New Republic, any restraint will be met with force, do you understand?"

With that he clicked off the communications station and found his seat, waiting for the response as the forces began to line up for battle, the Abolishers activating their mine fields in readiness for the enemy attack.


Vanguard Task Force

Zeus-Class Vlyx Battlecruiser - Alpha Cross
Zeus-Class Vlyx Battlecruiser - Infallible
Zeus-Class Vlyx Battlecruiser - Tekesta

Corellia-Class Vlyx Battlecruiser - Adamant
Corellia-Class Vlyx Battlecruiser - Atrocitic
Corellia-Class Vlyx Battlecruiser - Xylapse
Corellia-Class Vlyx Battlecruiser - Devils' Art

Imperial-Class Star Destroyer - Golden Vanguard
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer - Syrack
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer - Selibreia
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer - Zeastre
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer - Kursk

Mon Calamari MC-90A Battlecruiser - Ackbar
Mon Calamari MC-90A Battlecruiser - Garnet
Mon Calamari MC-90A Battlecruiser - Sleiphner

Victory-Class Star Destroyer - Noah's Ark
Victory-Class Star Destroyer - Izkea's Fire
Victory-Class Star Destroyer - Cyclops' Claw

Abolisher-Class Cruiser
Abolisher-Class Cruiser

Heavy Dreadnaught-Class Cruiser

Hapan Battle Dragon
Hapan Battle Dragon
Hapan Battle Dragon
Hapan Battle Dragon

Strike-Class Cruiser
Strike-Class Cruiser
Strike-Class Cruiser

Carrack-Class Light Cruiser
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser

Lancer-Class Anti-Starfighter Frigate

Nebulon B-2 Frigate
Nebulon B-2 Frigate
Nebulon B-2 Frigate

Corellian-Class Corvette
Corellian-Class Corvette

Corellian Gunship
Corellian Gunship
Corellian Gunship
Corellian Gunship
Corellian Gunship
Corellian Gunship
Corellian Gunship
Corellian Gunship

CC-7700 Interdiction Frigate
CC-7700 Interdiction Frigate

Flank-Guard Taskforce:

Zeus-Class Vlyx Battlecruiser - Vaerge
Zeus-Class Vlyx Battlecruiser - Xoutsla

Corellia-Class Vlyx Battlecruiser - Bitter Tear
Corellia-Class Vlyx Battlecruiser - Rankar
Corellia-Class Vlyx Battlecruiser - Fenrir
Corellia-Class Vlyx Battlecruiser - Incarnate

Imperial-Class Star Destroyer - Hephaestus
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer - Omicron
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer - Honor
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer - Rebel Chaos

Selonian-Class Star Cruiser - Ignoeus

Mon Calamari MC-90A Battlecruiser - Animosity

Victory-Class Star Destroyer - Throne of Justice

Abolisher-Class Cruiser

Heavy Dreadnaught-Class Cruiser

Legacy-Class Torpedo Attack Cruiser

Hapan Battle Dragon
Hapan Battle Dragon
Hapan Battle Dragon

Strike-Class Cruiser

Carrack-Class Light Cruiser
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser

Lancer-Class Anti-Starfighter Frigate

Nebulon B-2 Frigate

Corellian-Class Corvette

Corellian Gunship

Droid-Class Ramship

Rear Guard Task Force

Zeus-Class Vlyx Battlecruiser - Sa’Intri’Kar
Zeus-Class Vlyx Battlecruiser - Vpiasi

Corellia-Class Vlyx Battlecruiser - Listes
Corellia-Class Vlyx Battlecruiser - Katarn’s Enclave
Corellia-Class Vlyx Battlecruiser - Marsidor
Corellia-Class Vlyx Battlecruiser - Incubus

Imperial-Class Star Destroyer - Berkut
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer - Nanuchka
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer - Starlight
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer - Bright Hope

Selonian-Class Star Cruiser - Chiseii

Mon Calamari MC-90A Battlecruiser - Cyrax

Victory-Class Star Destroyer - Aphrodite

Abolisher-Class Cruiser

Heavy Dreadnaught-Class Cruiser

Legacy-Class Torpedo Attack Cruiser

Hapan Battle Dragon
Hapan Battle Dragon
Hapan Battle Dragon

Strike-Class Cruiser

Carrack-Class Light Cruiser
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser

Lancer-Class Anti-Starfighter Frigate

Nebulon B-2 Frigate

Corellian-Class Corvette

Corellian Gunship

Droid-Class Ramship

Flank Guard Taskforce

Zeus-Class Vlyx Battlecruiser - Vaerge
Zeus-Class Vlyx Battlecruiser - Xoutsla

Corellia-Class Vlyx Battlecruiser - Bitter Tear
Corellia-Class Vlyx Battlecruiser - Rankar
Corellia-Class Vlyx Battlecruiser - Fenrir
Corellia-Class Vlyx Battlecruiser - Incarnate

Imperial-Class Star Destroyer - Hephaestus
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer - Omicron
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer - Honor
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer - Rebel Chaos

Selonian-Class Star Cruiser - Ignoeus

Mon Calamari MC-90A Battlecruiser - Animosity

Victory-Class Star Destroyer - Throne of Justice

Abolisher-Class Cruiser

Heavy Dreadnaught-Class Cruiser

Legacy-Class Torpedo Attack Cruiser

Hapan Battle Dragon
Hapan Battle Dragon
Hapan Battle Dragon

Strike-Class Cruiser

Carrack-Class Light Cruiser
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser

Lancer-Class Anti-Starfighter Frigate

Nebulon B-2 Frigate

Corellian-Class Corvette

Corellian Gunship

Droid-Class Ramship

*Full Fighter Compliment
*Full Troop Compliment
*Full Transport Compliment
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Oct 14 2002 12:32am
Kamon sat in the main communication chamber of his palace. He had received a message from the GDI that they were under attack by the New Republic. Kamon was disturbed at this and immediately sent a message to Admiral Mnar.

"Greetings, Admiral Mnar. I am New Republic Admiral Kamon Vondiranach. I am speaking to you on behalf of the GDI. As a New Republic Admiral, I demand to know the meaning of this attack. GDI and my faction are allies, and i will not let a faction i work for destroy them. You are also in violation of a No-Fire aggrement. Please respond immediately."

Kamon sat abck and waited for a response.
  • Posted On: Oct 14 2002 2:01am
(Way to steal the colours I always use)

<font color=green>In every great galactic conflict, the line between good and evil becomes blurred, almost invisible. Great attrocities are commited by both sides, in the name of peace or goodness, or whatever.

And, for the most part, those attrocities are shrugged off as 'misfortunes of war' or 'neccessary'. But when those lines become nonexistance, true evil is unleashed.

Such as it was when the Jutraalian Empire resurrected the dreaded Death Star battlestation. And the New Republic, playing the intergalactic police that they thought they were, had attacked that battlestation alongside their mortal enemies, the Galactic Empire.

But while, on the public front, they discredit the Jutraalians for bringing life to that Destroyer of Worlds and send their warfleet to deal with it, it said that the New Republic funded that project.

They in fact, so the story goes, requested that the Jutraalians rebuild the station that killed Alderaan. And now, as word of this leaks to the highest officials of the Galactic Defence Initiative, the New Republic launches an attack on a still-recovering Galactic Defence Initiative.

An attack directed at them from a faction that was supposed to be peaceful. Supposed to be the good guys. All during a now-shattered no-fire agreement between the governments.

All because the New Republic wanted power. And they disguised it behind a veil of anti-terrorism. A weak argument, for the Galactic Defence Initiative was far from a terrorist organization.

But the New Republic, in its lust for power, would do anything to bring it to them. Regardless of what the galaxy thougt. Regardless of life.


<font color=red>Eriadu... once the capitol of Grand Moff Tarkin's sector, a poluted factory world whose thousands of manufacturing plants poured toxic gases into her atmosphere around the clock.

It was a normal day, with nothing out of the oridinary happeing in the capitol until around mid-day, when a fleet of warships emerged from hyperspace.

At first it was thought that these ships were Galactic Defence Initiative ships, come to reinforce the Eriadu garrison, and they brought a smile to the face of the peoples.

But then world filtered down, that these were New Republic ships. And they were here to murder the people of Eriadu. Talk spread like wildfire across the world. The people as a whole were outraged. Outraged that the New Republic, a group that told the galaxy they were dedicated to peace, would wage war with a group that tried to make all that talk a reality. Outraged that they would assault the Galactic Defence Initiative, still recovering from the last war with the Jutraalian Empire, a war that had ended only a week ago. Outrage that the Republic would shatter the peace for no other reason than to gain power.

"What right does the New Republic have to attack us?" They shouted. "Why do they break their oaths of peace to wage war with a friendly faction? Why not spend their resources attacking the true terrorists, the Jutraalian Empire?"

Agreement was everywhere. Not only on Eriadu, though that was where it started. It spreak quickly enough across GDI-controlled worlds, the Traitorous New Republic and their Attacks, and then across the galxy. The New Order recieved it, and the Jutraalians, and the Vinda Corporation. It spread all the way across the galaxy, insighting uproar in all but the enemies of the Initiative. On Coruscant, riots shook the Republic Security. Riots against the Republic's evil act.


<font color=blue>Galactic Defence Initiative Military Commander Centre - Eriadu

"What are they doing?" It was a fair question. The New Republic capital ships had emerged from orbit, and where now arraying themselves in an offensive formation against the Galactic Defence Initiative fleet.
"They are attacking us, sir." The Watch Officer, a blad man with an eye patch over his left eye, nodded.
"I can see that, Ensign. But why?" For that, the ensign did not have an answer. A deep sigh escaped the Watch Officer's lips.
"Begin powerup sequence on the EMPRESS systems. They should go under cloak and alter their orbits. Ativate the plabetary shields. Sound the Emergency Alert. The Supreme Commander will not be happy."


<font color=red>The Supreme Commander was not happy. The alarm had been sounded and he had rushd to the command centre, where he had seen first hand the fleet that was attacking them now.

He sunk into the command chair and shut his eyes as he issued the orders. "Alert all commands; Eraidu is under attack. Have all ships in the system raise shields and charge weapons. Andromeda to power up her superlaser. But keep them in position for the time being. We don't want the Republic seeing our guns yet."

It was done, the fleet coming together, still hidden from sensors and eye by the rays of the Red Dwarf star that served as the system's sun.

"Open me a com line with the Republic fleet," he growled, his eyes snapping open, aflame.
"Done, sir."
"Admiral Mnar, what in the name of the Force is going on here? Last I heard, there was a no-fire agreement between the New Republic and the GDI..."
  • Posted On: Oct 14 2002 2:20am
<font color=green>The bridge was silent save for the pacing footsteps of the tired XO who had been forced to run all about for Elegark, relaying orders, receiving responses, etc. etc. all so he could monitor this battle with the utmost lack of hindrance.

The responses had been typical, the enemy wanted to know why he was here and why he was so intent on bringing a massive force with him and blah blah blah.

Isstals transmissions to Coruscant and other Core planets were immediately jammed, the populace would see the battle when it happened, not by this maniac's terms.

Isstal had a very...very bad habit of lying between his teeth for his own personal aims. This was a perfect example of such.

The life size holo of the admiral came to aboard the bridge of the enemy flagship, and he watched Isstal, and despite being hidden behind the warmask, it seemed almost as if his expression was mocking.

"Dxun it is very simple what I am pulling," he said calmly, as mocking as his expression was under that helm. "You are a terrorist, you have threatened to kill my men, I have received word from my XO here you even threatened to kill me if captured. Tch tch tch, that is terrorism to the highest degree.

"Because you have been found unable to use your military responsibly, the Republic is going to have to make sure you don't use it at all before you use it on us. So lay down your arms or we will destroy the navy here, destroy the shipyards, destroy the military presence here, and leave the planet open for grabs.

"Do you understand Isstal?"

He then turned to the holo of Kamon.

"This is an action of war decided by the Congress of War of the Republic, you may assist or stay back."</font>
  • Posted On: Oct 14 2002 2:32am
<font color=green>A sigh escaped the Supreme Commander's lips. There was nothing worse that a maniac with a fleet, and this new Republic Admiral fit that description perfectly.

The man was bent on war and power. As his holo appeared, Dxun had to do his best not to recoil. Not out of fear, but for disgust with a man who would wear an ancient War Mask, of all the ways to point towards his love of killing.

"I understand, Admiral, that you are a warmonger bent on gaining power, all behind a facade of stopping terrorism. If you want to stop terrorism, I suggest you go and stop the man that rebuilt the Death Star."

He paused, looking around the room.

"Now then, I am an hounorable man. I would never use my military against someone that I had signed a no-fire agreement with. The Republic, as I see, has no such honour. You will vacate Galactic Defence Initiative space or you will be vacated.

"Now, tell me... on who's authority does this attack take place? And who gave you permission to comandeer Republic property for, if I'm correct, an unauthroized attack on a group that should be considered an ally?"

The hologram froze as the Supreme Commander paused it.

"Major, prepare the fleet for battle. Are the EMPRESS systems armed and ready?"
"Almost, sir." The Supreme Commander nodded.
"Activate the PDSAs and ready them for firing." There was a long silence...
"I had hoped that we were done with war. But now I see that we will never be done with it, so long as evil exists."
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Oct 14 2002 2:33am
Kamon looked a little startled.

"I was told nothing of this. Gash has not consulted me on this matter. What has caused Gash to have such clouded judgement. He has always been openminded. Something must have caused this and i want to know what it is."

He glanced down at his side. His hand slid along his lightsaber.
  • Posted On: Oct 14 2002 12:27pm
<font color=blue>Mnar watched carefully the expressions of the two men, Kamon's easing of his hand toward that lightsaber blade, Dxun's apparent frustration, his leaping to apparent conclusions. He heard everything, and it had nearly enraged the New Republic admiral, this man, who would pounce on war every chance he had, who had whined like a child because the Jutraalian Empire did not buy peace with assets, who had allied with Sith lords in an attempt to further his power, this man had no right to be making demands of any sort, to call anyone but himself evil.

He had stated quite clearly in his own sentences why the New Republic had come. Was it that much of a surprise? That a man who holds no true loyalty to anyone but himself would soon fall at the hands of the Republic? Perhaps if he had run his government with a bit more responsibility he would not have enraged all those about him.

"Isstal I must warn you, you are in no position to be making demands. The Republic holds far more power in this instance than you can truly fathome, and your pathetic excuse for a terror weapon will not defend you in this instance. Lay down your arms and prevent bloodshed like you claim to desire. If you do so I will not open fire and the Republic will leave the system.

"All I ask is that you surrender your arms for destruction. Is your choice battle, or truce?" Elegark narrowed his eyes behind those black lenses. He had narrowed the Galactic Defense Initiative leader into a corner, whether the man would admit it or not.

Here he had a chance to act on everything he had claimed and yet...if he would not...he would lie about everything, it would all come crashing down for him, no one, not even his own people would trust him any more if he chose battle over truce.

It was the fate of cowards.

The flank guard taskforce began to break off from the main fleet, moving well out of range of their own Abolishers and looking as if they were going to make a jump for hyperspace.

Admiral Mnar turned his attention to Kamon of the Tholatin Republic.

"Kamon these orders will stand, I would suggest that you do not try to undermine my authority, or Gash's authority in this instance. Terrorism from galactic governments can only be tolerated to a degree before the Republic can intervene. I am sending you a data transmission of the heinous acts of the Galactic Defense Initiative, if you disagree with what you see here, you are not worthy of the Jedi title you seem to so handsomely desire."

He looked back at the supreme commander.

"So what is your choice Commander? Win the hearts of your men and truce or shatter any support you had and open fire?"
  • Posted On: Oct 14 2002 6:41pm
<font color=red>A small smile crept onto the Supreme Commander's face as the Republic commander spoke.
"Deceit and lies, Admiral. That is what the New Republic is. You lie about your intentions, you decieve the people of this galaxy, you wage war with a friendly faction, all on the orders of a dead man!"

"You will leave this system immediatly, or we will be forced to take defensive actions against you. But rest assured, my people and the people of this galaxy will not look kindly on a Republic that launches such cowardly attacks on their partners."

"Of whether this is because you see us a threat to your own Galactic Dominance, something the Republic strives for, I know, or because you Admiral simply suffer from an illness of some decription, the people will not see the peace-keeping Galactic Defence Initiative, the ones that have worked so hard to keep mass-murdering terrorists, like the ones that you support in your every sentence, from destroying this galaxy."

"Have you seen, Admiral, the holovids from Coruscant and Corellia? Riots in the streets, Admiral, over this treachery. Riots against the New Republic government. Or should I say, the New Empire?"

"Admiral, leave this system now. Don't make a mockery of all that your precious Republic stands for, and give the poor Corellian mother who's son is serving on your flagship her son back, alive."

"The ball is in your court, Admiral. Retreat, and restore what honour you can to the Republic and your name, or fight us here and die for no greater reason than your love of war and dominance."
  • Posted On: Oct 15 2002 12:13pm
[b]<font color=blue>The admiral glanced around casually at the various holovids about the Star Destroyer that had been tuned onto sattelite vids of Coruscant, Corellia, Talus, Tralus, all the various star systems. There was nothing, calm and serenity if anything. Perhaps the most abnormal sight were the silhouettes of battleships through the atmosphere, the defense fleet of the New Republic, read for a spontaneous attack by the Galactic Defense Initiative.

Admiral Mnar chuckled insultingly behind his helm, filtering out an almost robotic laugh. The threats of Supreme Commander Isstal had put the forces in the bridge on edge, none of them wanted to die, but neither did they feel that withdrawl was an option, not this early in the battle at least.

The stoic figure of Admiral Mnar simply gazed at Isstal as if he'd been slapped in the face. He sighed slightly.

"Supreme Commander I am less than pleased. You proclaim me a war monger and a terrorist, have no proof. You claim that I berak a cease fire treaty yet I have not fired a single shot! You spew out pointless debates in an attempt to divert me and fight one of your enemies, you are infact trying to start a war rather than to prevent one. You are a mockery to your position and I give you yet another chance to simply lay down your arms and walk away, I do not want anyone to die.

"Are you willing to do this Isstal? At the moment when your people need you most, and trust you to aviod confrontation, will you do so? Will you act on all that you claim? Show that you are worthy to lead your faction. I did not come here to pick a fight with you, Dxun. Rather you'll notice, I brought my fleet to defend myself from your uneeded aggression.

"However if you do choose to violate the very treaty you claim to defend, I will destroy your defenses and force you from this territory. Do not cause unnecessary bloodshed Dxun."

When the admiral finished his little speech, he excused himself and closed the transmission temporarily to let the man think. This was a big decision afterall wasn't it? Give up power or give up morals? In a sense they went hand in hand. If he gave up the morals, his people would not support him, and then he would lose everything. He turned to Lieutenant Commander Pakston and simply watched him. The XO had second guessed his commander.

"They have been dispatched sir," he said, referring to the flank taskforce who had manuevered beyond the range of the abolisher minefields and leapt to hyperspace.

Admiral Mnar nodded, then found his way to the battlestations of the bridge, where his tacticians awaited him, all analyzing the battlemaps and potentialities of the impending conflict. The persons there indicated that there was a very strong chance that the enemy Eclipse would fire on either Elegark's flagship or an Imperial-Class Star Destroyer that was part of the task force. Fortunately several Nebulans and other smaller star cruisers made a shield around his flagship to hold off enemy assassin tactics.

He simply noded, ordering the turbolasers to be disarmed as a sign of good faith. however shields were kept on full in case of any unprovoked shots on the New Republic. The admiral returned to the communcations station where the cerulean, semi-transparent, miniature image of Dxun Isstal stood waiting.

"I apologize to keep you waiting, Dxun," he said calmly. "If you are willing I would like to meet you aboard my Star Destroyer. You and I may talk, man to man, avoid any potential bloodshed. How does that sound?"

The abolishers who did not drop off their mines moved in to several specified locations encircling the fleet and between the two conflicting forces. The latter did not release their mines just yet.

"It would be the basis for everything you claim to stand for. My weapons are disarmed, I offer you no threats."

The Star Destroyer finally finished moving and stopped two klicks from the invisible, nearly utnraceable mine field. Elegark simply watched. "I have half met your terms and removed my flank taskforce, will you grant me this?"
  • Posted On: Oct 25 2002 1:05pm
(bump so that Isstal has time to respond)