Dead in space (open)
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Dec 13 2002 12:29am
Regrad was returning to the planet he was watching over. They had refrained to name it yet, least it have hidden qualities to name it after. He was sitting at the bridge of the little MC-40a Daybreak, watching the stars go by and considering his orders, when a shuddering brought him to his senses. The ship was pulling out of hyperspace.

"Lieutenant, what's going on?"

"A small chunk of debris had been lodged in the engines sir. A jamm occured and the engine is off line. We can move, but no hyperspace capabilities."


"Where are we?"

"The middle of the Correlian run, sir"

"Good, maybe someone'll be along and give us a hand. meanwhile chart a trip to the nearest inhabited planet, and have the engineers look at the engine"

Regrad did not include the fact that The nearest planet would take months to reach at their present state, and just hoped someone would come
Posts: 699
  • Posted On: Dec 13 2002 1:02am
A quartet of fighters dropped from hyperspace in a battle formation. Their speed drastically fell as they caught eye of the bigger Mon Cal ship.

"Drigger sent a message back to the nest, tell them we found a worm."

"Roger that lead." Drigger, carried out the orders while the leader of the pack sent a message to the Mon Calamari cruiser.

"Unidentified Cruiser, we are fighters of a Jutraalian squadron conducting exersizes in the area. Do you require any assistance?"
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Dec 13 2002 2:43pm
A group of fighters had come out of hyperspace. Regrad was sucspicious, for they had been in attack formation, but he said

"This is the Day-Break, we have lost hyperspaace drives, and some minor damage to the engines. We need help to get to the next system for repairs"

He then turned to his command bridge and said to them

"Keep your eyes on your scanners. Tell the gunners to leave their weapons powered down for now, but be ready to charge them if we're fired upon."

He awaited their transmission.
Posts: 699
  • Posted On: Dec 13 2002 10:48pm
"Roger that Day Break. Our flotilla will be arriving shortly to help." The leader continued, "You know why it happened?"
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Dec 14 2002 3:28pm
Regrad paused. Did he know?

"Lieutenant, go inspect the engines"

Several minutes later the lieutenant returned with a smouldering chunk of wreakage. He gave it to Regrad, who looked it over. Azguardian charges, used for blowing up and demolishing old buildings. They were recalled years ago.

"Tell them we just had something caught in the engines which jammed it up."

"And also send a team down to the engine room and see if they can find anything else."

Suddenly, lights on one of the control panles flickered and died.

"Uh, sir? we've lost cotact with the engine wing. Complete lock-down"

"What the hell? Tell the humans nothing. I want a full unit of troops to go down there, and if I give the order, to blast their way in."
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Dec 15 2002 4:18pm
The millitary unit deployed to the engine room set charges on the door. A sweep confirmed that the room was safe to enter, and they blew it open.

Standing there, in their engine room, surrounded by the bodies of the engine staff, was a gaunt Azguardian, sweat on his brow and his skin spread taunt across his body.

"What happened here?" Bellowed the seargent of the unit. The gaunt Azguardian replied

"A power fluxuation, it caused an explosion, I was in the bathroom at the time"

"Yes alright th-" The seargent was cut off by himself, he could see out of a window, a trio of Tyderian shuttles latched onto the ship. A faint memory of the planet Kraz floated back to the seargent, and he remembered Captain Horatio being hit by that black ball of darkness and escaping in a-

"Open Fire!" he ordered. Azguardians follow their orders, and the ten men fired without hesitation, riddling the Azguardian with bolts of crimson. He fell dead, but a ball of Black shot from him. Then the sound of a las-cutter awoke them from their fear as they saw three doors being cut out of the ship from the outside.


Regrad heard of what happened, and sealed the engine wing.

"Open up a channel to the Jutraalian fightrs, tell them we need them to take out those shuttles, they arn't freindlies."

"Why don't we do it, sir?"

"Because we've lost fire control on the guns... on the... engine wing... oh crap"

Outside the ship, the rear guns turned and targeted the Jutraalians...
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Dec 20 2002 2:39am
(Kyric has lost interest so I'll just finish this off)

Quickly, His guns blew off the tyderian shuttles. afew thermal detonators blew off the engineering doors. A rapid battle took place. But soon Regrad heard his men were Triumphant. As suddenly as the Imps had found them they were gone...