Corporate Power
  • Posted On: Jun 3 2002 9:11am
Disregard post
  • Posted On: Jun 3 2002 12:31pm
<!--EZCODE BOLD START--> The starstreaks disappeared suddenly as the modified YT-2000 reverted to realspace. On board was a mottly assortment of men from all aspects of Hapan Society.

Clarr Maknor, Greatest Con Artist in the Galaxy. Arrested while trying to steal the Crown Jewels of Hapes, he has pledged by his peoples honour code to continue to steal and cause mayhem in the name of Hapes.

Darius Zzylar, Privateer descended from the founders of Hapes. One of the Greatest pirates ever, his contacts spanning several systems, almost as in a private empire.

Ki Adi Mundi, Surviving Jedi Master from the council of Jedi in the old republic. He now heads the Council of Ephors, the Hapan Academy of Jedi.

Jamno Dmaklao, expert theif and criminal. Rivaled Maknor for the greatest criminal in the galaxy, he has been attributed to many of the most heinous robberies in the galaxy. He serves Hapes for one thing.... Money.

Grak Delmonai, one man army. Head of the Krypteria, also known as the Hapan Guild of Assassins. He single handedly defeated a platoon of Democlean rebels who assaulted a farm where he was staying while making his way back to Democles Prime after assassinating one of the 3 warlords that sprung up after Democles joined the Hapan Consortium. He serves here as both a duty to the Consortium and as the one who will make sure this group succedes.

These men, and their comrades in adjacent shuttles, were all heading to Danoz on a mission of destruction and, to some of them, fun...

The shuttle crews acknowledge ground controls queries and the ships were planet bound.
  • Posted On: Jun 7 2002 3:23am
An interstellar shuttle was now in orbit around the planet of Danzo. This shuttle had close to six hundred passengers on board.Amoung the passengers was Terex B Datoo. Although according to the passenger manifest on this ship his name was Ren Zeel. Ren looked like your average space traveler.He was in blue jeans and a T shirt with the words <!--EZCODE BOLD START--> Eat my space dust<!--EZCODE BOLD END--> written across the back of the shirt. Tex looked out the window as he heard a droid's voice say, <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Ladies ,and Gentlemen we will be landing on Danzo shortly.

<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> When Terex looked down at the neon blue planet,he noticed small satilights orbiting.When the shuttle lowered farther into the atmosphere Terex noticed that the weather conditions on this planet must be very unpredictable because from his view point Terex could see the clouds below him moving far more rapidly then normal.

Within a few moments Terex felt the ship's landing gear deploy. At the same moment that Terex felt the ground below him he began to hear the ping of rain against the ship.As Terex began to exit he pulled the collar of his T shirt up a bit in a vain attempt to protect himself from the rain.As he surveyed the purple-green sky above him Tex noticed the clouds swirling in a black hole type movement.He also noticed that no one on this planet seem to even notice the rain <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> I wonder why they don't try to keep dry.Terex though. <!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> Terex question was answered almost as soon as it had passed through his brain. The rain stopped just minuets after it had began.

A tour was offered to the passengers of the shuttle.Terex decided to tour on his on after all he did have a job to do.

At first glance Danzo looked like any other planet, parks, bars, restaurants all of the necessities of life.However as Terex continued his surveying he noticed check points all around the planet. These checkpoints were monitored by arm guards with blasters on their right hip and Com devices on their left.

Terex took out his own Com device set it to map, and mapped the location of each guard shack. It took most of the day, but Terex rode shuttles around the entire planet until he was sure that he had every guard shack's location mapped. Terex counted 150 guard shacks in all.

It was not hard to figure out that the Com links worked off the satilights. And from his work in Intel Terex knew that satlights ran from comand post that most times were not armed at all and if they were they were minimally secured.

After looking over his Com link Terex decided that the command post was somewhere in the middle of the planet. After a few stops along the way , and pursuits of dead ends.Terex came to a park directly in the center of the planet.

The New Galaxy Park was packed children, played hyperball with their friends, parents played with their children, Teenagers had picnics in the grass.After pretending to read the Danoz Daily News for about an hour, Terex went in search of the command post.

After about 30 minuets of searching Terex found a greenish purple building,with a satilight dish raised directly skyward. Terex knocked twice loud on the door. When he received no response he tired to pull the door open. When it didn't respond to his touch he took a small screw driver out of his pocket.He picked the lock and walked in.As he had guessed there was no one in the building.<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> I'm sure they only send someone out if the satilight needs repair.Terex thought<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

Terex took a small piece of paper from his pocket on the paper were passcodes for the satilights.The codes had been given to Terex by ID Tech.After only five minuets or so Terex had the passcodes in , and now the Com links had a timer set on them the satilights would shut down in 15 minuets, and stay shut down for several hours. Terex reset the passwords just in case he had to get back into the system from his own Com link quickly. Terex walked out of the park with a confident stride ,and a smile
  • Posted On: Jun 20 2002 4:40pm
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> The comlink on the belts of all unit commanders went off, linking them to the Prince of Hapes.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

"This mission is scraped. Due to circumstances beyond our control, and some within, this mission has turned from one of conquest to protection.

Move to secure positions in the planet, and notify the Danoz authorities about our plans, but only to the extent shown in contingancy 74ALS. Tell them they are under threat, and should they require it, we have a Fleet waiting to come to their assistance."

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> The comlink shut down and the relevant squad leaders went about their assigned tasks.

Upon hearing of the threat, and that Hapes was involved, they immediatly locked down the sector, a number of IDTech and Hapan ships being confined within the lockdown.

As the acknowledgments came through the Crown Prince frowned at the task he was about to be presented. It would require one more call.

"Terex? Bad news. The planets been locked down. Return to Hapes for debreif. Coordinates are being sent through for a ship with some of my crew to take you back to Hapes.

Something bads going on..."

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> The Prince frowned again as he shut off the comlink and headed back to his study.

And he had been such a nice guy!
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Jun 22 2002 12:55am
The metallic voice of the Droid commander aboard the lead ISD of the IDT fleet responded to the hail.
"Commander, Danoz, 24CB2"
The coded plan was instantly recognized and immediatly cycled through all droids in the fleet. Their AI's immediatly calculating future advances while their base programing got them moving towards their objective.
[i]The fleet leaped into hyperspace, its two day jump would soon take it into Danoz space, for their conquest...
  • Posted On: Jun 22 2002 5:58am
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Transports had been ferrying in technicians for the past day, reorganising the defences of Danoz. But the transport that was now landing contained the most important thing of all.

The Droid Command brain for 1000 Xi-Char droid fighters, on loan to the Danoz defence forces in light of recent agressive ambitions by another group.

The elders of the Danoz Government had been breifed on the entire situation by Hapan Military Liasons Officers which had caused the escalation of security this far. 5 full Corps of Hapes had joined the Danoz defence forces in Peoples Volunteer Armies, and they had all come fully equipt and trained.

No larger force was allowed due to lingering suspicions over Hapes motives, but direct assurances from Hapan royalty had quelled most of them. A large part of the Hapan Fleet was waiting only a 5 minute jump away in a nearby sector, in case of an agressive fleet moving into the system.

While the brain was unloaded, the entire system was locked down, not a person in the already secure planet could step outside their doors for 2 hours around the landing of the brain and its 2 backups. In system, Danoz's ISDs and smaller capital ships took all shipping in system into a quarentine zone to ensure they could not be spying, and were all thoroughly searched. All IDTech operatives involved in the infiltration were siezed, including some who IDTech had not notified Hapes of their presence.

And so it was that Danoz and IDTech would come to blows.

Regretably of course, but Hapes hand had been forced, and now they would force back...
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Jun 22 2002 11:04am
Fortunatly enough, as Raktus full well knew from first hand knowledge, Hapan intell was something to be joked about rather than taken serious.
"Get me the council Elder"
"Aye sir"
A series of channels were opened up all across the galaxy, secure channels, each of them, locked down and tight beam transmision. All but the final one which was wide beamed over the entire Danoz system, while still heavily encoded, to find the messages destination would be nary imppossible
"Senior Counsilman, I believe it is time"
"I understand mien furior"
[i]and with that, the secondary plans went into action. Some time ago, one of the Council elders had been assasinated by an IDTech merc, the death was covered up and an HRD was deployed in his place, without a hitch the HRD was runing operations from Danoz as well as forming divisions in the Danoz government. If things were runing properly, this same council elder would be pulling together his most trusted military advisors, personal political friends, and all the resources he could muster for the coming civil war at hand.
If he had his calculations correct the strike fleet would be entering the Danoz system in just one days time, hopefully enough time for the Elder to begin his attacks. One could only hope...
  • Posted On: Jun 22 2002 3:29pm
"...And i call for a disolution of the corrupt Council that has ruined our fair planet."

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Cheers erupted from the assembled crowds on every populated area of the landmass, finally released from their homes after security measures. Kraygor, head of the corruption committee of the Danoz House of Representatives, smiled as the elated masses releave ten years of collective oppression at the hands of the Danoz Manufacturing Corps and its puppet Government. The Oligarchy was hated across the planet, only the democratic reforms of a few years ago had helped them maintain a strangle hold on the planet. But now it was coming to an end.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

"Spread the word, let all know that Danoz is now a free planet, and shall remain so forever!"

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> More cheering erupted, this time so intense it was overwhelming. The people of Danoz were chafing at the bit of dictatorship, an unstoppable force which came from all aspects of life, civil and military. It was the wave of the future, and that was was about to crush the little sandcastle that Danoz Manufacturing...

All over the planet, people were storming the objects of their imprisonment. Not Forts and airbases. Not Government buildings, but Danoz Manufacturing Plants. The CEO and executive board of DML called out to the Oligarchy to defend them, and they tried. Orders went out to the military to take out the protestors. But these were not followed.

For the military contains people too, and they were almost entirely part of the popular revolution.

<!--EZCODE BOLD START--> Council of Elders Stateroom, Danoz Prime<!--EZCODE BOLD END-->

Later that day

"But what are we to do?" asked one, "it is completely widespread!"

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> 3 of the 9 members nodded their ascent, knowing that they had finally lost support completely.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

"Perhaps we could call on Hapes for support...." Another suggested meekly.

"Never shall we bow before Tyranny of Hapes!" Shouted Senior Councilerman Vaygar, the man who had once been the puppet of DML who now had a strange leaning towards the other assailants.

"What are you talking about?" shouted Counciler Vasaiin, one of the 2 pro Hapans on the council, "Hapes has respected all our wishes in regards to our defence, never pushing us further than we wanted.

IDTech would be DML all over again. We would not survive that rulership, and nor would IDTech or the people of Danoz, whoever ran out of lives to throw into the rebellion first.

I believe our only safely lies in either abdication... Or joining Hapes."

[/i]All bar Vaygar and another man nodded, some agreeing with abdication, others with Hapes. Suddenly the sealed door to the council chambers opened.

Stepping through the door stood Senator Kraygor...[/i]

"Good evening Noble Elders.

I come to you with a choice. Abdicate and allow free elections or die."

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Vaygar rose off his seat to stand on the raised dias reserved for men of his position.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

"You presume to threaten me? Danoz will not stand for a dictator! Only our esteemed council can lead Danoz. So it has been for centuries before and after Imperial occupation."

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Kraygor smiled grimly before replying.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

"You are out of touch old man. Danoz hates the council, and you especially for your tyranny. But they only hate the symbol and you Vaygar, not the rest.

Do the rest of you concur?"

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> 7 of the 9 men agreed, their ascent shown by some with a cheer, others with a world weary sigh. Counciler Ghamn, the only other specifically anti-Hapan on the council, and Vaygars right hand, looked up to his mentors, before his eyes returned to the Senator and nodded soulfully. Walking out, all 8 turned their heads to take one last look at the room from which their dreams had been realised, and their hopes dashed. All were taken into partially custody, for their own safety, and all that was left was Vasaiin.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

"As for you Vaygar, you are under arrest by order of the Republic of Danoz for Grand Corruption, Treason and Conspiracy to commit murder among others. You have no rights, but will recieve a fair trial where you will be condemned to death."

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Ten Guards appeared from the outer doors, and made their way up to the former Senior Counciler. As they grabbed him he started to struggle, but was clubbed repeatedly over the back of the head until he passed out, upon which time he was placed in heavy duty restraints.

Ten Minutes later he was strapped in a massive iron Vice, his body held tight, but not enough to bring death. That would come.

And at the exact same time, Danoz began a free nation.

EDIT:Fixed the fact that it was Vaygar not Vesaiin who was arrested, i proly shouldn't have made them both Vs...
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Jun 22 2002 6:26pm
The TTR fleet ship Zerzaust, an MC90, jumped out of hyperspace with its escort of 200 Chiss Claw Craft. The ship jetted in toward the planet so as to fulfill its part of the agreement with the new Danoz government. It moved into a permenant orbit around the planet.
Posts: 63
  • Posted On: Jun 23 2002 3:21am
At that very same moment the IDT fleet emerged from hyperspace. They formed a wedge moving straight towards the planet, as if a dagger in the night, out to end this puny rocks existance. Councilman Vaygar's com had since stoped transmiting their last meeting and Raktus had known what was happening, he could only capitalize as best he could on the situation. The IDT frigates broke free from detane status and roared to life, setting course straight for the oncoming ISD's. The ISD's practicaly overloaded their comunications systems boosting their signals to overide all other signals on the planet. Heir Raktus's voice was beamed to all of Donaz for all to hear.
"Dear citizens of the planet Donaz, I am Heir Raktus, CEO of IDTech. I humbly approach you with open eyes and open arms. I wish to embrace you as friend, and I recognize your new democratic government as a step in a beautiful new direction. Alas though, im sure you may have already noticed the warships near and in your sector. Worry not, I have sent my own personal fleet to protect you, for Hapes and its allies seek to enslave you as DML once did. Even now TTR has a slaveship positioned over your capital city, ready to take you away. I assure you I will not let this happen! Donaz WILL be free! Trust in me and all we be well again..."
[i]The transmission cut out as the IDT fleet swooped into Donaz orbit. Vaygar still had his sopporters, an underground of merchants and mercenary's, much to build on, but enough to keep oneself out of danger if one needed to escape.