"...And i call for a disolution of the corrupt Council that has ruined our fair planet."
Cheers erupted from the assembled crowds on every populated area of the landmass, finally released from their homes after security measures. Kraygor, head of the corruption committee of the Danoz House of Representatives, smiled as the elated masses releave ten years of collective oppression at the hands of the Danoz Manufacturing Corps and its puppet Government. The Oligarchy was hated across the planet, only the democratic reforms of a few years ago had helped them maintain a strangle hold on the planet. But now it was coming to an end.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Spread the word, let all know that Danoz is now a free planet, and shall remain so forever!"
More cheering erupted, this time so intense it was overwhelming. The people of Danoz were chafing at the bit of dictatorship, an unstoppable force which came from all aspects of life, civil and military. It was the wave of the future, and that was was about to crush the little sandcastle that Danoz Manufacturing...
All over the planet, people were storming the objects of their imprisonment. Not Forts and airbases. Not Government buildings, but Danoz Manufacturing Plants. The CEO and executive board of DML called out to the Oligarchy to defend them, and they tried. Orders went out to the military to take out the protestors. But these were not followed.
For the military contains people too, and they were almost entirely part of the popular revolution.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
Council of Elders Stateroom, Danoz Prime<!--EZCODE BOLD END-->
Later that day
"But what are we to do?" asked one, "it is completely widespread!"
3 of the 9 members nodded their ascent, knowing that they had finally lost support completely.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Perhaps we could call on Hapes for support...." Another suggested meekly.
"Never shall we bow before Tyranny of Hapes!" Shouted Senior Councilerman Vaygar, the man who had once been the puppet of DML who now had a strange leaning towards the other assailants.
"What are you talking about?" shouted Counciler Vasaiin, one of the 2 pro Hapans on the council, "Hapes has respected all our wishes in regards to our defence, never pushing us further than we wanted.
IDTech would be DML all over again. We would not survive that rulership, and nor would IDTech or the people of Danoz, whoever ran out of lives to throw into the rebellion first.
I believe our only safely lies in either abdication... Or joining Hapes."
[/i]All bar Vaygar and another man nodded, some agreeing with abdication, others with Hapes. Suddenly the sealed door to the council chambers opened.
Stepping through the door stood Senator Kraygor...[/i]
"Good evening Noble Elders.
I come to you with a choice. Abdicate and allow free elections or die."
Vaygar rose off his seat to stand on the raised dias reserved for men of his position.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"You presume to threaten me? Danoz will not stand for a dictator! Only our esteemed council can lead Danoz. So it has been for centuries before and after Imperial occupation."
Kraygor smiled grimly before replying.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"You are out of touch old man. Danoz hates the council, and you especially for your tyranny. But they only hate the symbol and you Vaygar, not the rest.
Do the rest of you concur?"
7 of the 9 men agreed, their ascent shown by some with a cheer, others with a world weary sigh. Counciler Ghamn, the only other specifically anti-Hapan on the council, and Vaygars right hand, looked up to his mentors, before his eyes returned to the Senator and nodded soulfully. Walking out, all 8 turned their heads to take one last look at the room from which their dreams had been realised, and their hopes dashed. All were taken into partially custody, for their own safety, and all that was left was Vasaiin.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"As for you Vaygar, you are under arrest by order of the Republic of Danoz for Grand Corruption, Treason and Conspiracy to commit murder among others. You have no rights, but will recieve a fair trial where you will be condemned to death."
Ten Guards appeared from the outer doors, and made their way up to the former Senior Counciler. As they grabbed him he started to struggle, but was clubbed repeatedly over the back of the head until he passed out, upon which time he was placed in heavy duty restraints.
Ten Minutes later he was strapped in a massive iron Vice, his body held tight, but not enough to bring death. That would come.
And at the exact same time, Danoz began a free nation.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
EDIT:Fixed the fact that it was Vaygar not Vesaiin who was arrested, i proly shouldn't have made them both Vs...