Awaiting an opposition. (Lightsiders, only.)
  • Posted On: May 19 2002 3:27am
<font color="blue">Abregado-rae Spaceport, Abregado.

LoBue catina ... boy, had it been awhile. Last time he had visited this cess pool that had called itself a catina was more than a year ago; a job he was paid to do from a client in the Abrion Sector. The place looked like it hadn't changed in those short twelve months he had been away, a few modifications to the serving droids and bartender droids; only small alterations, the owner of the joint had updated the droids with newer programs to make them work better, but, even the newer programs had been outdated half a decade already. Though, looking around the small thirty by thirty feet room he could tell its inhabitants were similar to those a year ago, drunken fools with no home, or place in particular to go.

"What will it be?" came the voice of a man, which at first startled him, for he expected to hear a mechanical droid voice. The bartender was wearing a tan-color of pants, which were hanging exceptionally low; he also wore a white shirt which through the day had had many stains splattered across it; and an offwhite colored apron which lucky for the him was covering his enourmous gastro which Baron could make the outline of through the apron itself.

"I'll have a Elshandruu Pica Thundercloud." Baron said through his armor, as he layed five circular bronze coins all of them having the sign of Abregado ethced into their center. Without a moment spent daudiling the bartender had made the mixed alcoholic drink.The drink was always a favorite of his, the ionized gas that hovered above the drink, caused by its fizzy ingredients was quite a thing to see if you were not from or had not been in Elshandruu Pica; the drink had not been produced in many other planets and systems.</font>
  • Posted On: May 20 2002 1:18am
"Hey! get out out here before I dismantle you and make a new speeder out of you!"

"Oh! I am terribly sorry sir"

E-6MG flinched away at the sound of the angry bartender. Obviously droids weren't allowed in the LoBue. His master the bounty hunter Sixtus Quin walked up behind him and steped to his side.

"Emgee, go back to the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Shadow Hunter<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->. I can handle this"

"I heartily agree with you sir"

Emgee turned and retreated back down the street as fast as his motivators could move. Sixtus turned around and went to the bar. The same bartender moved over to him.

"What will it be?"

"Give me a Alderaan Brandy"

The bartender laughed.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever you want"

The big man went to the back to get the brandy. Sixtus looked around the bar slowly, his hand fingering his blaster. There was the usual assortment, but there was one rather odd character. He looked somewhat familiar... he looked like one of those old Mandalorian soldiers, like the armor Boba Fett used to wear.

The bartender returned and poured him a glass of brandy. Sixtus got up and went to a table in a dark corner.
  • Posted On: May 20 2002 3:23am
<font color="blue">The bounty hunter's eyes darted to the newcomer of the catina. He had not seen this man before at LoBue's, nor had he ever. He laughed under his breath at the man with his E-6MG droid, almost all of the catina's in this part of the galaxy did not allow droids into the catina's or clubs unless they were droid who worked at the joint.

As the bartender handed the man his alcoholic drink, an Alderaan Brandy, Baron slipped his right hand into his pocket searching for the piece of paper he had to show the bartender; which had been the main focus of the journey to the LoBue catina, and to Abregado-rae Spaceport in general. As the man walked away with his Alderaan Brandy, Baron could feel the eyes looking upon him; shrugging it off he showed the picture of the man he was after to the bartender.</font>
  • Posted On: May 20 2002 8:13pm
Sixtus took a careful sip of his brandy and watched the cantina carefully. He was keeping an eye on this guy with the Mandalorian armor. Was it Boba Fett himself? Sixtus's resources had informed him that Fett was on Geonosis. Was there two of them? or was this some pathetic attempt at an impersonation?

Oh well.

He sliped one hand on his blaster- one of his many weapons - and made sure it was ready.
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: May 20 2002 11:51pm
Kamon entered the cantina and walked over to the bar. His hood was up over his head. The dark brown cloak dangling to his feet. His lightsaber was hidden beneath. He noticed the two bounty hunters having a staring contest. He winced when he noticed that one of them was Baron Fett. He despised the character much, and knew what the Fett's had done in the past. Especially the fact that Boba is a clone. That was just creepy. Kamon despised this cantina but it was the only one with Tholatin Whiskey.
"What can I get for you?" The bartender asked.
"Tholatin Whiskey, please."
"Right away." The bartender whisked away, and returned moments later with the bottle. Kamon sat at the bar. The unopen bottle in his hand. He wanted to keep an eye on Baron.
  • Posted On: May 22 2002 12:03am
OOC: Your Force powers can not be that good. You can't just notice us having a 'staring contest'. Oh well.


Sixtus glowered when he saw the Jedi enter the Cantina. He hated Jedi, going around flaunting their do-gooder ideals. When will the Jedi figure out that they weren't as self important as they thought themselves to be?

He checked his inventory of weapons. 2 blasters, 1 slugthrower projectile rifle, 2 wrist missle launchers, armor that covered his upper torso, a jet pack, and grenades.

An impressive array of weaponry, and he knew how to use it.

Sixtus watched carefully as the Jeid walked up to the bar and ordered his drink.
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: May 22 2002 12:42am
OOC: Dont underestimate my abilities. I have been a padawan for 6 months. At least. My powers are quite good now. Not as good as my superiors but good enough.

IC: Kamon sensed one of the bounty hunters distaste for Jedi. Kamon scanned him for weapons. He noticed all the weapons but wasn't afraid. Kamons skills would protect him. He popped the stopper on his bottle, and poured a glass of the clear, firey liquid. He put it up to his mouth and drank. 'Besides,' he thought. 'If things turn for the worst, I'll call Freefall.' He staid in tune with the Force. He wanted to keep a tab on the two bounty hunters.
  • Posted On: May 22 2002 2:23am
OOC: Sorry, but Sixtus is sitting at a table in the shadows. There is no possible way Kamon could have just noticed the weapons. While I agree that being a Jedi gives you an advantage, it does not mean you are all-powerful my friend. I doubt even a Jedi Master could have 'noticed' all the weapons. Oh and btw Baron, we are waiting for you to post.
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: May 23 2002 12:53am
OOC: Jedi have the ability to scan people no matter where they are. I'm not all powerful, but I can determine your armament.
  • Posted On: May 28 2002 12:43am
OOC: Okay then, me and the Jedi will do the RP.


Sixtus smiled slowly. The Jedi was a fool, that much was clear. Walking into an extremly dangerous place like he owned it. Arrogance was the first mistake. And Sixtus had an advantage- the Jedi had utterly no idea who and what he was.

Getting up he causualy walked to the bar and sat down a few feet from Kamon. The Jedi- a Padawan most likely - tried to ignore him. Sixtus finished his brandy and sat back.

"So.... How is the Jedi Temple these days?" He asked in a low voice.