As The World Falls Down (Mon Calamari)
  • Posted On: Oct 23 2003 3:46am
"The unidentified forces are looks like pre hyperspace..."

"Micro jump!" An ensign called out.

The unidentified fleet suddenly dissapeared, and then reformed up, directly in ORS's way.

"They are blocking us it seems." Foster said. Drost had already known that.

"Order TF-3 To microjump, I want them attacking the New Order force, TF-1 and TF-2 are to stay here, covering the rear. Get shooting solutions on those unknowns." Drost called out.

A group of 5 Ranger Gunships, 4 Corellian Corvettes and one Star Destroyer shot forward, for only a second, the stopped, repositioned themselves, and made another microjump, to come up on TNO's left flank.

The other two ORS groups moved in on Anthos, holding their fire, but ready for a fight, if necessary.

"Send a message to that fleet, Tell them they had better back off. This isn't their fight."
Posts: 135
  • Posted On: Oct 25 2003 9:01pm
The fleet had already been firing when a shot from the planet came out to get any ship in the "gap" between yards. Unfortunately, SBC 4 was caught in the blast and it's momentum caused it to ram the first shipyard, the sounds of twisting and cutting of metal falling onto the deaf ears of vacuum.

Though wedged, the ship was now powerless, jutting out of the side like a thorn on a plant.

"Direct hit."

"Good gunners" replied dBale. "Is that hyperjump calculated?"

"Another moment, Sir, I'm running a validation over it now."

"Take your time, if we can arrive closer to the desired spot, the few moments will be well spent..."


The scans from the fleet had confirmed what they saw and the captain onboard the ship Perrin was on smiled grimly.

The timer had counted down from General Ming's last message and it was time. Everything had been taken into account: the yard's orbital trajectories and relative speeds to the strength/distance relationship of Mon Calamari's gravity field.

"Execution.." the Captain murmured.

The slow maneuvers suddenly picked up.

The fleet broke apart in sections each performing the same maneuver they had done as a group as they moved between the yards, the TIE Devils separating to screen each from flanking enemies.

One SBC would move into the "gap" between the yards (as SBC 4 did and as small as the gap was) , the rest of the ships in the group would move across along the same plane so that the "gap" ship blocked any firing from the planet.

The gap was small.. almost like a crack between the yards but one the ion cannon could shoot through.

At least, that was the plan.

"Sir, incoming communication from the unknown fleet, our same encryption."

The Captain looked at the message and his eyes narrowed.

Fortune favors the bold.

Through begrudgingly compressed lips, he hissed out, "Indeed it does. It's a challenge then! Status?"

"All groups moving sir!"

The mine field was not only lessening but the gaps made evident from multiple missile blasts indicated to their scans several paths through the field to the 2nd and 3rd yards, out of the mine's range.

The mine field, small as it was, was still intact having not fallen victim to the Imperial's firing. To the right of the original ion cannon path they were located which protected the 4th and 5th shipyards.

Perrin watched in fascination as the events unfolded around him but soon lost focus as his group (Group 1) entered Shipyard #2 and found themselves protected on all sides by the massive structural works of the great yard.

Group 2 moved inside the 3rd yard...

"Hyperjump plotted, Sir," called out a man from hyperdrive control. "Slaving to the rest of the fleet now."

"Engage on my mark ensign."


For the briefest of moments the stars around the Ostentatious turned to long lines of light, as if the craft was actually entering hyperspace. But the moment passed quickly, and the stars returned to their former positioning and size.

"We are in position, sir"

Group 3 moved between the gap between yards 2 and 3 attempting to come up behind yard #1, the Shroud having done it's work with the planetary battery.

"They are blocking us it seems." Foster said. Drost had already known that.

"Order TF-3 To microjump, I want them attacking the New Order force, TF-1 and TF-2 are to stay here, covering the rear. Get shooting solutions on those unknowns." Drost called out.

A group of 5 Ranger Gunships, 4 Corellian Corvettes and one Star Destroyer shot forward, for only a second, the stopped, repositioned themselves...

Group 4 moved to follow Group 3...

...and made another microjump, to come up on TNO's left flank.

Each group had the same purpose to carry out. The SBCs scans confirmed their target and quickly covered the distance. The target were certain portions of the shipyard.

Two SBCs, via their tractor beams, connected while a third began to fire around the entrance creating an obstacle course of debris while holding it in place with it's tractor beam.

The beams were solid and connected the Imperial vessels preparing for premature decompression with systems in place.

"Scan the yard one more time.."

"Done sir! They aren't expecting this!"

"Go! Go! Go!"

And from three different points, the Imperials began pinpoint firing within the shipyards (2 & 3) at specific areas.

The specialized atmosphere (contained in the yard facilities allowed Mon Calamarian people to work their tasks in relative comfort and ease) began to vent into the vacuum of space.

The artificial atmospheric loss was cumulative as more strategic shots lanced out. The shots themselves were adjusted so as to not cause that much damage to the yards themselves (as with a view to destroying them), but rather, to create a rather sizable venting of gasses.

"It's a very interesting design." the Captain commented, regarding the yard,
"Have all scans and information we find encrypted and automatically relayed to Imperial Center."

"Aye sir!" and the communications department was busy relaying.

The Captain's eyes narrowed, "Engage Engines.."

The force of the venting coupled with the force of the tractor beams under the slow mounting acceleration of the ship's engines, and using the yard's own orbital inertia, caused the yards to move (albeit somewhat slowly) into a higher orbital plane.


It's targeting computers detecting the ion cannon buildup as it targeted the warship "inbetween" or "in the crack" (heh) between shipyard 1 and 2 which would have been SBC 4.

The missiles were armed and ready, the speed of the ion shot having been discovered from the last blast.

Adjustments made to the missile's trajectory, targeting the ion cannon and fired, the calaculations to the second not necessarily to conform to when the ion would fire, but, rather, to when the ion shot would reach the planetary shield.

A Planetary Ion Cannon beam struck out, and went througha gap in the shields.

In went the missiles from the Shroud.

The gap was then closed.

The missles, inside the shield, struck the ion cannon disabling it from the fight.

K405, still cloaked, changed position, though remaining 10km under the 2nd yard now rather than the gap and where SBC 4 used to be before being struck.

They began to rearm another volley of missiles.


Some of their missiles spent, they rearmed another volley backing away from the first shipyard, remaining cloaked.

"Continue tracking the newcomers."



"Enemy fleet was trying to flank the fleet on it's left. Our ships have entered two yards.."

"The enemy is microjumping which means they are still outside the mass gravity shadow of the planet."

"Microjumps do allow for a closer position to the edge of the mass shadow than a typical reversion from hyperspace.."

"Yet still outside.." the Captain continued. "Begin a slow maneuver to get us closer to that approaching group of.. ORS ships."


"Are missiles armed?"




With the splitting of the Tie Devil squadrons, the ship remained behind the 2nd Shipyard monitoring transmissions and the two fleets: one classified as enemy, the other as "unknown but annoyingly hostile".

"Fortune favors the bold..... I like that.."

His comm center had intercepted the encrypted transmission on it's way to Imperial Center and as they reviewed it, the Captain smiled and looked at the targeting systems for his armed and ready missiles.

OOC: Positions at end of post

Note: TGC's stated disabling of and FCLC has been changed to SBC 4 because it was intentionally maneuvered inside the "gap" between yards 1 and 2 on the off chance of a shot, not an FCLC.


SBC 4 - between Shipyard 1 and 2, hit by ion cannon and lodged into Yard 1 [TGC #6]

3 FCLCs holding position in front of Shipyard 2, remaining covered from planet. 112 Tie Devils providing a screen.

Group 1

SBC 2, 3, 5 - inside Shipyard #2 (damaged)[TGC #7]
112 Tie Devils screening shipyard outside entrance.
shipyard movement in progress

Group 2
SBC 6 -9 - inside Shipyard #3 [TGC #8]
112 Tie Devils screening shipyard outside entrance.
shipyard movement in progress
SBC 9 between yards 2 and 3

Group 3 - moving behind Shipyard #1 [TGC #6]
112 Tie Devils screening flanks.
SBC 10 - 13

Group 4 - behind Shipyard #2
112 Tie Devils screening flanks.
SBC 14-17

Note for those that cannot figure it out: "armed" in this context is considered "loaded".

Shipyard Specifics:

Mon Cal yards:
Shipyard Six - Active #1
Shipyard Seven - Active #2
Shipyard Eight - Active #3
Shipyard Nine - Active #4
Shipyard Ten - Active #5

TGC damages for this post:

Shipyard 1: Light damage (dead SBC lodged in shipyard side)
Shipyard 2: Medium damages (accepted)
Shipyard 3 Light damage
Shipyard 4 no damage
Shipyard 5 no damage

Shipyard Positions Used:

sY3(gap)SY2(gap)SY1(original ion cannon gap)SY4(gap)SY5

Note: Mines covering shipyards 4 and 5 have not been left alone and not touched. All previous mine damages are to those covering "Left" (yards 1-3). Not all mines are destroyed but there are gaps large enough for my ships to slip through without getting hit.
  • Posted On: Oct 26 2003 6:21am
"TF-3 is coming into range." Foster said, referring to the group of ORS ships that had just finished a microjump and was now crossing the distance to the New Order force.

The Attack Sphere was pretty much dead in the water, with all systems disabled.

Drost smiled slightly, everything was going according to plan, "Tell TF-3 they may now execute their first assignment." He said.

One of the Corellian corvettes broke formation with TF-3 and headed directly to the Argoth. Unknown to anyone in the ORS fleet, save Drost and the crew of the Corellian corvette, the Corvette was carrying a special cargo.

It angled straight towards the hangar bay of the Argoth, and due to the ship's lack of shields, it was wide open. The Corellian Corvette, angled itself inside, fired a few shots into the hangar bay first to ward off any resistance and to clear a landing path for the ship.

The Corvette settled down easily.

And it's cargo bays exploded.

With droids.

The droids were specially designed to fight in ship-based conditions. They were programmed to find their way to the strategic portions of the ship and take control of them. The Corvette, specially modified, had been almost completely hollwed out. It's cabins, mess halls, and other nonessential (to the normal operation of the ship) areas had been removed, leaving the ship with a lot of cargo space. The droids were packed inside it's small frame, and hundreds of them were streaming out of the ship through added ports.

Much like the shipyards, the sphere was under siege.

"TF-3 is to initiate mission two." Dorst said, watching the fleet.

Elsewhere, The ORS ships did not slow down, they crashed right into the Imperial fleet, weapons blazing. The Star Destroyer entered the Imperial formation, with all it's weapons firing at the various ships...

"And TF-3 is to initiate mission three." Dorst said.

2 Corellian Gunships departed the formation and headed to the TGC shipyards...

Damages -

- Argoth boarded (first post)
- Moderate Damage to Fire Class Light Cruisers and Sith Battlecruisers.
- Moderate Damage to ORS Star Destroyer
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Oct 29 2003 8:24pm
Admiral Kraken gazed out the viewport at his newly assembled armada of ships. Soon he would get his first taste of combat in a while, and he relished in what was sure to be a great victory. Last minute checks were made on all the ships and starfighters preparing for the assault. Everything was in working order, now as his ships formed up for the preparation for the jump into hyperspace. The two Fire Class Light Frigates Fury, and [/i] anger would take the lead point, followed by the Victory Star Destroyer Mk2 Glory, then his flagship, the awesome Reign class Star Destroyer Glorious, and then came another ship of death, the Victory Star Destroyer Mk2 Harbringer of Doom. The ships lined up into a column formation, then the coordinates were downloaded into all of the ship's computers. An aide came to Kraken's side,

"Sir, the fleet is fully prepared for combat. They merely await for your order to jump." said the aide.

"Then let us not delay, for our comrades need our help. Gloria Imperium!" said Admiral Kraken.

And with that statement the ships accelerated, and vanished into hyperspace.

1 Reign Class Star Destroyer
2 Victory Star Destroyer Mk2
2 Fire Class Light Frigates
60 TIE Defenders
24 TIE Fighters
24 TIE Interceptors
24 TIE Devils
12 TIE Bombers
12 TIE Devastators
Posts: 355
  • Posted On: Oct 31 2003 2:32am
"Hyperspace signal detected, sir," said one of the sonar men, without looking up. "Coming from the Sovereignty ships."

"Hyperspace revision detected sir," said another sonar man.

"Micro-jumping," said dBale.

"Yes, sir," said the sonar man, as he glanced up. "They just jumped again, toward the planet.

"Energy weapon fire detected!" cried the original sonar man. "The Sovereignty ships have opened fire on the Imperial fleet."

"Give me the manifest for their remaining task-force," said dBale curtly. A display of ship classes appeared on a screen, more complete than before.

"Fifteen gunships, and an Imperator... any fighters detected?"

"No small craft have been ejected from the ships, sir."

dBale looked over at his first officer, as if asking a silent question.

"Vigil's to the rear, large capitals to the front?

"Just what I was thinking..." replied dBale. "Calculate another micro-jump, land us several clicks in front of the Sovereignty fleet -- point blank range. Calculate a second micro-jump for our Vigil's and Blastboats, have them exit a few clicks behind the Sovereignty fleet. Calculate a third jump for the Phantoms and, I want them going in first."

Both men at hyperspace control began working, as well as an unassigned ensign. The jumps were extremely short ranged, and it took only a few moments for the computer to calculate them.

"Jumps ready, sir," reported the ensign.

"Instruct the Phantom pilots to engage their cloak upon exiting hyperspace, and to begin stripping weapon systems off the enemy fleet. Engage on my mark..."


One hundred and eighty TiE Phantom fighters leapt to hyperspace for less than a blink of an eye. In fact, one couldn't really even call it hyperspace. And then they were before the enemy fleet, shields and cloaks engaging. Their cloaks, the one redeeming feature for an otherwise under-powered craft, engaged, and they moved forward to engage the enemy.

"Vigils, engage .... now."

dBale's twenty Vigil class SPC's also jumped to the edge of hyperspace, just barley scraping the surface before re-emerging into the real world. They had jumped at a slightly off-course angle to avid crashing into the enemy fleet, and were now performing a one hundred and eighty degree turn. Their weapons systems were already powered-up, and the shields had come online. Joining them were forty Skip-ray blastboats, missile tubes prepared and blasters hot.

"Main fleet, engage ..... now."

The main fleet then also entered the brink of hyperspace, coming back a micro-second faster than the others had. Arranged in a V formation, with the Imperators acting as a deadly apex, the fleet powered forward at maximum sublight. Shields came online for all the ships, and all weapon systems began acquiring targets. The two Interdictor cruisers, sitting slightly behind the main formation, activated their gravity wells, and the Imperators powered up their long-range jamming equipment, and targeted their counterpart in the enemy fleet. The Aegis cruisers, as the fore-runners of the formation, located targets amongst the enemies Gunships, and awaited the signal.

"Sir, the Aegis-cruiser Interpol has received armor damage, it appears she collided with two Phantoms upon revision."

"Acknowledged," replied dBale, silently cursing.

The fourth and final battle group didn't jump to hyperspace like the rest of the ships. They were, in fact, incapable of entering hyperspace. Eighty TiE Interceptors and twenty-four TiE bombers began to sublight the fairly sort distance to the battle. Spread out in a single-row line formation, They were staggered slightly vertically so as to catch any enemy ships that would try come their way.

"Open fire," said dBale's first officer.
Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: Nov 6 2003 12:14am
OOC: You have destroyed only 200 mines, not enough for ships to get through, but since you didn't do that yet, it is all right.


The commander frowned as the enemy ships destroyed his ion cannon.


"ORS ships have engaged the enemy."

"Excellent. Send another message of thanks and inform them that we will try to render aid if they come in range of the mines."

"Yes sir."

"Sir, they have commenced bombardement on our shipyards."


"The unidentified ships have finally been identified. They are from the Anthos Republic."

"Ask them their intentions again."

"Yes sir."

I'm still not sure what ships Anthos is firing on.
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Nov 6 2003 7:10am
A beeping noise drew Kraken's attention to the left side of the crew pit. An officer looked over the station of the navigator, then reported to Kraken with a salute,

"Sir, we have thirty seconds until reversion." said the Chief Navigator.

"Very well. Bring up Shields when we exit, bring weapons to full power now." Ordred Admiral Kraken.

Kraken watched for another 25 seconds as the starlines swirled around his viewport. The ship he was on, the Reign class Star Destroyer Victorious began to de-accelerate as it approached it's exit from hyperspace. Then, suddenly, the starlines changed from the familiar swirl into the normal pin points of light. Around his ship, the other ships in his fleet also dropped out of hyperspace. The Victory Star Destroyers Python, and Cobra exited to the left and right of his ship, while the Fire class Light Frigates Sunburn, and Siren exited to the forward of him. He ordered the fleet to form into a staggered line abreast formation, with the Reign in the middle, and the Fire Light Frigates flanking it to either side, with the Victorys forming up around them. A nominal starfighter screen of sixty TIE Defenders and twelve TIE Interceptors deployed and formed up around the group. The fleet began to move forward, albiet at a crawling pace while the sensor station worked out what all was going on. The only ships in the system returning TNO tags were a group of ships in the middle of a large firefight, some ships in the shipyards, and a lone Attack Sphere, crippled and apparently under siege. Of the other ships, there were two other groups of ships with the group of TNO ships in the large firefight. One group appeared to be assaulting the other which in turn was assaulting the TNO warships there. Identitys would take another several minutes. Kraken was willing to bet money that at least some of those ships belonged to the ORS, who had been harrying TNO offensives for a while. The others were perhaps others either interested in attacking Mon Calamari, TNO Enemies, or temporary Allies. In a few minutes sensors would provide the answers. In the meantime, however,

"Comm, put a message to the Imperial Commander asking him where I would be most needed at the moment. Also, while your at it, try to raise that Attack Sphere." Ordered Admiral Kraken.

"Yes Sir," Communications answered as he moved off to perform his task.
Posts: 135
  • Posted On: Nov 8 2003 11:57pm
In front of Mon Cal Shipyard #2

The Sith Battlecruisers had already finished their maneuvers by the time the ORS ships rapidly crossed the expanse of the mass shadow gunning straight for the Imperial formation.

Three Fire Class Light Cruisers suddenly found themselves in a hail of fire. Though they saw the enemy ships crossing the distance, they waited to see what they would do.

A Corellian Corvette broke from their formation heading toward the Argoth.

"We hold here and give our people time..." the Captain of the FCLC fleet (Captain Marsh) said. "We've time to target our weapons..make them count!"

"Aye sir..." and their targeting computers began to pinpoint specific areas.

"Ready maneuvering engines. Engine Room? Hack? Prepare to give me every bit of thrust the 'lady' can give."

"You'll have it.. just watch who you throw around up there.."

The weapons glowed bright red on the enemy ships and Captain Marsh bellowed, "Evasive and Fire!"

Shots lanced out from the cruisers, 18 triple Ion cannon batteries trained at the bridge of the ISD. Their combined 18 turbolaser batteries hammered at Turbolaser and ion targeting control systems of the ISD as their evasive maneuvers moved them beneath the ISD.

However, in order to get the first shots off toward the bridge, the cruisers had to hold a bit longer than Captain Marsh would have liked.

The sheer number of lasers firing at them was more than they could dodge (even at 70 MGLT).

The shields absorbed a bit of shock from the enemy causing moderate damage as Marsh felt the tiny cruiser jerk under the assault.

"Pericles and Nestor are with us... also relaying damages!"

It would have been worse but they had 112 TIE Devils providing a screen that played havoc with the enemy's automated targeting computers. Being between the FCLCs and the enemy, the Devils swarmed not shooting but providing a screen so that the automated targeting systems would see them, attempt to lock on, and fire. But the Devils were just too damn fast.

"Load our launchers now!" he shouted, their weapons preparing for another volley as the the end of the underside of the ISD came running up.

Group 1

"Tractor beams holding!"

Shipyard #2 was moving, albeit slowly into a higher orbit, but moving in the direction of its orbit...toward shipyard 3.

It began to rotate slowly, the TIE Devils moving to the rear to provide a screen.

Group 2

Shipyard #3 was the farthest away due to it being the last yard in the line.

Using the yard's orbit it was moving and slowly rotating to put it's side to the planet, the TIE Devils providing a screen to the rear.

Group 3

Entered Shipyard 1 from behind.

The SBCs scans confirmed their target and quickly covered the distance. The target were certain portions of the shipyard.

Two SBCs, via their tractor beams, connected while a third began to fire around the entrance creating an obstacle course of debris while holding it in place with it's tractor beam.

The beams were solid and connected the Imperial vessels preparing for premature decompression with systems in place.

Everything was done by the book.

"Scan the yard one more time.."

"Done sir!"

"Go! Go! Go!"

And from three different points, the Imperials began pinpoint firing at specific areas.

The specialized atmosphere (contained in the yard facilities allowed Mon Calamarian people to work their tasks in relative comfort and ease) began to vent into the vacuum of space.

The artificial atmospheric loss was cumulative as more strategic shots lanced out. The shots themselves were adjusted so as to not cause that much damage to the yards themselves (as with a view to destroying them), but rather, to create a rather sizable venting of gasses.

The force of the venting coupled with the force of the tractor beams under the slow mounting acceleration of the ship's engines, and using the yard's own orbital inertia, caused the yard to begin to move (albeit somewhat slowly) into a higher orbital plane.

Group 4

While the ORS task force was engaged with the FCLCs, several shots, misdirected by the TIE Devils, while missing the FCLC fleet overshot into the mine field and beyond.

The massive gaps in the mine field behind the FCLCs cruisers allowed for most of those shots to go clear to the SBCs trying to get between Shipyard 2 and 3.

They were hit.

SBC 17, in the last position, had it's engines hit and the ship began to tumble as it cleared to the rear.

SBC 16's shields flared and a chunk broke away from the side of the cruiser. It was venting atmosphere and crew members and the ship began to list.

"Mayday! Mayda---!" the message garbled as it too passed the shipyard tumbling toward the planet like SBC 17.

SBC 14 and 15's shields held...but the crew was rattled.

They moved behind shipyard #2.



Maintained it's watchdog status beneath Shipyard 2.



It was monitoring the action happening on it's left as the ORS fleet moved against the FCLC fleet and struck against the SBCs nearest when it noticed the Corellian Corvette that broke away.

It turned to follow the ship toward the Argoth



With weapons armed it was still monitoring the action between the newcomers as well as the ORS fleet when Imperial signatures began registering.


The game was afoot indeed.

"Sir. Intercepting a transmission! It's Admiral Kraken."

"Who?" the Captain commented, frowning. This was a surprising turn of events. "General Ming's flag has yet to be received which makes the Admiral the ranking officer."

He sighed.

"Send an encrypted text message to Admiral Kraken. As ranking officer, the attack is his discretion but we would ask that he smash the ORS ships attacking us.

Then move our position Z-minus 500 meters."

"Aye, Sir."



"Sir the Fire Class Frigates are being fired upon!"

The Captain snapped too immediately.

"Engage the engines and put us on a wide circular course to bring us around the rear of the attacking fleet. Max thrust, NOW!"

That the ship, with weapons ready, moved.

Attack Sphere Argoth

The outside of the ship looked very dead but the inside was very much alive... if not with technological life.

People were running here and there attempting to secure areas of the ship that were left open due to the system outage.

From the stores, emergency batteries and generators were pulled to keep the lifesupport systems from failing.

General Ming watched in admiration as the organization of a crew of thousands unfolded.

There were accidents. Emperor knew how many but his people were trained and trained well.

Hell, he had had a hand in training them at the Academy on Carida.

Every crewmember was armed from the stores and a makeshift medlab was started as search parties found injured crewmembers caught unawares by the ion cannon blasts.

The Emergency Computer Control equipment was set up in a central location and the secondary AI came online. Not to bring weapons, shields or engines online.. that was next to impossible for now but to maintain lifesupport systems. Areas of the ship were cut off to necessitate no overtaxing the generators and batteries.

Still, it was getting cold throughout the Sphere.

"The hangers, the loading docks and the airlocks are critical areas. They are what connect us to what is going on outside."

"Ensign, that means the hanger is a top priority. For us and the enemy. It needs to hold." General Mings voice cut through the fear the Ensign displayed and a few hundred crewmembers moved off to move beyond what the Argoth's security and military compliment had secured.

After a ways, the Ensigned called a halt. "Everyone into their envirosuit now!" The gravity is off from this section, onward.

"Two levels down is the hanger. Careful with those!" he cautioned those soldiers with RPGs and rocket launchers.

Floating greatly increased their movement and soon they were through the emergency forcefields and blastdoors keeping the vacuum out.

The massive opening that was the hanger was ominous as the Ensign noted stars beyond the hole. They were the only thing casting light (in addition to the light reflecting off the planet) inside the hanger.

"Spread out. Check for anything we can use. We need to secure this area.."

People began to float over to different areas.

And that was when a ship appeared.

An enemy ship.

It angled straight towards the hangar bay of the Argoth, and due to the ship's lack of shields, it was wide open. The Corellian Corvette, angled itself inside,

"FIRE! Bak! Get your group up here!!"

Several groups of soldiers fired their basters at the corvette coming inside but to no avail..

..fired a few shots into the hangar bay first to ward off any resistance and to clear a landing path for the ship.

The Ensign looked in horror as several groups of soldiers were burned to a crisp from the corvettes weapons, the glare against his helmet causing him to glance away. The soldier's bodies were floating lumps of blackened flesh.

"BAK!" he screamed out inside his helmet, "We need you now!"

He glanced at his impotent blaster dumbly when an answer came...

"Get down crackerjack! You're in my way!"

"Bak?" the Ensign looked around blankly knowing that there was no gravity.


The Corvette settled down easily.

The Ensign pushed off and floated away and Bak's group fired two rockets.

And it's cargo bays exploded...With droids...

The droids were packed inside it's small frame, and hundreds of them were streaming out of the ship through added ports..

...bursting open and exploding gaps that left the corvette a smoldering wreck inside the hanger.

Droid bodies and parts went every which way in the vacuum.

Soldier Bak was issuing orders through his suit's com. "Secure the area.. secure the area!

Some of the droids may still be functional!"

Soldiers were floating into the hanger.

OOC Damages

ISD: Bridge systems rendered inactive from ion barrage. Shields weakened around weapon targeting areas.

Corellian Corvette: Disabled. Most droids wiped out.
  • Posted On: Nov 11 2003 7:56am
"Under heavy fire...under heavy fire!..."

Drrost glared at the communications board onboard his own flagship, currently being engaged by the Anthos ships.

"Clean that up!" He said to the two comm techs seated at the console. They acknowledged and instantly set out to carry the order out.

"The Corvette has been destroyed. One of the spy droids onboard the Corvette has made it onto the Sphere and is currently hacking it's way into it's comupter systems. We have a live feed going." Foster said, anylizing his command console.

"Good. What is going on in there?" Drost asked.

"Alot of the assault team has been neutrilized, but the ones that are left are infiltrating the ship." Foster replied.

"Very well."

Drost would have let out a sigh of releif, untill Foster's face went dark, "Sir.." He said, pointed out the viewport. Drost turned and sighed, but not in releif.

The Anthos ships turned on the ORS ships smoothly, opening fire on the ORS ships. But Drost had already expected the attack, in fact he had been expecting since he had first saw the Anthos ships.

“Do we have an ID on them?”

“We are receiving the Black Hand reports now sir. It is slightly sketchy, but they believe it to be a government from a planet called Anthos.” Foster said, reading the intel report.

“Whatever. It doesn’t really matter. Return fire.”


"Target the two Star Destroyers, all weapons on all ships."

"Yes sir."

“Imperial forces are engaging TF-3, specifically the Star Destroyer. The are ignoring the rest of the force.”

“Destroy them.”

Fire rained down on the Fire Light Frigates. While the bridge may have been disabled temporarily, the guns were fully functional, and they had already received their orders. Every gun that the ISD carried focused on the Imperial Light Frigates.

Meanwhile the droids spread out through the Argoth quietly. They found ways to avoid the soldiers and the crew. All of them began to sneak throughout the ship. And one particularly modified mouse droid made it’s way through the ship as well. It had been built to the exact Imperial specifications, and joined the Sphere’s compliment of droids, mixing right in, unnoticed.

Unknown to anyone, it jacked itself in to a little-used computer terminal…it’s hack programs beginning to overcome the Imperial safeguards, without notice, and if deftly avoided the large security programs.

The larger assault droids, avoiding Imperial personell, each pulled out their compliment of explosives, and attached them to different points within the ship. After setting the explosives in hidden locations, they continued throughout the ship.

Damages –

Fire Light Frigates (Shields at 50%)
Anthos Star Destroyers - Light Damage
Posts: 355
  • Posted On: Nov 14 2003 1:22am
Laser fire ignited the shields of dBale's command ship as the bulk of the the Soverignty ships opened fire simultaniously.

"Reinforce the forward shields, and hold us in position at this distance," ordered dBale.

The Imperial Star Destroyer design had been created for battle, and more specifically, for head on battle. Its wedge shape was designed specifically to allow the ship to fire the majority of its weapons forward, dealing a devastating amount of laser fire upon the enemy in bulk.

The sister Star Destroyer's under dBale's command focused their considerable firepower upon the enemy Imperator, and only the enemy Imperator. If it had simply been two on one, they would have won handily.

The four Aegis cruisers, easily a match for an Imperator in firepower, began to focus in on the gunships in the enemy fleet. The gunships were determined to eliminate the brothers-in-arms of the Aegis crewmen, a dastardly mistake. The weapons of the Aegis' steadily began to eat away at the shield strength of four Soverinty gunships, the gunners targeting weapons systems and the bridge.

"Hyperspace revision detected," called out one of dBale's sensor men.

Then, suddenly, the starlines changed from the familiar swirl into the normal pin points of light. Around his ship, the other ships in his fleet also dropped out of hyperspace.

"Who are they?" asked dBale's first officer.

"Querring IFF transponders now, sir."

Vigil's & Skipray's

Having completed their one-eighty, all sixty craft homed on the exposed rear's of the Sovereignty fleet. Camping themselves firmly behind, they opened fire with missiles, all one hundred and sixty tubes. Evenly split between concussion and proton torpedoes, the salvo streaked across space toward the vulnerable engine's.

"Hold position here, out of turbolaser range!" called the group commander. "Reload and prepare for a second salvo!"

Phantom's (cloaked)

The Phantom design was a bird of variety. Armed with relatively weak weapon and shield systems, she traded power for stealth. The cloaking system allowed her to fly, and fire, in complete anonymity.

"Strip the turbolaser systems off the gunships," was the order passed down through the group, and they complied with hearty gusto. Weapons systems detonated abruptly on ORS ships as lasers appeared out of seemingly nowhere.

(OOC: ORS damage:
Rear shields: 75% (5 proton and 5 concussion missiles per craft)
Energy Weapon systems to 90% (Phantom fire)
Four gunships with 60% forward shields and 60% weapons

Forward shields to 80% (Laser fire from two Imperators)
Rear shields to 90% (5 proton and 5 concussion missiles)
Energy Weapon systems to 95% (Phantom fire)