An Eye In The Sky: Spellbinder(TDY; Bothawui)
  • Posted On: Apr 9 2003 5:39am
The spaceport of the Bothawui planet was bustling woith activity. There were beings comeing and going, ll with some thing of major importance on their minds. Bothans running to and fro, their minds filled with the next sneaky plot they could pull off and how much money or fame they could get. There were humans, their minds cluttered with thoughts ranging from those as evil as the Bothans, to some as pure as the recycled air itself.

I smiled at the thoughts that were raining from their minds like a rainstorm on Naboo. The drops of 'water' were collectiong ion the air, and the tension was insane. If this little plan of Kamon's didn't pull off quickly, it was very unlikely that it was going to be pulled off at all. There was a great chance this little endevour could wind us all in the brig, seeing as the Bothans are very suspiscous about any threat to the power that they have.

Oh, how little they know. If this pulls off as well as I had hoped they won't even know what hit them.

I chuckled to myself as I walked down the road, looking for a place to set up 'camp.'
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Apr 9 2003 5:19pm
Kamon looked over the message then turned to Kenshin.

"Ok, bro. Let's go."

The two walked out of the room and headed for the hangar bay. Their equipment had been previously loaded, and all tht was left to do was board it and leave.

They climbed aboard and the shuttle took off. It destination, of course, was Bothawui. They ship broke atmosphere and headed away from the planet. It jumped to hyperspace and they were on their way.
Posts: 430
  • Posted On: Apr 9 2003 8:43pm
Kenshin gave a thoughtful look as he stared blankly at the nothingness of hyperspace.

"So, what's Bothawui like? I've been to only a few planets. Few places at all in fact."
  • Posted On: Apr 11 2003 10:53pm
"And this is the place that you saw the ad for."

The place wasn't that big, but that didn't matter, it wasn't exactly a social visit. TDY had big plans for the spying capital of the galaxy, and it was all falling into place nicely. Even now, the Bothan that led me to my room that I was renting seemed to be happy with where he was in life. That was all about to come to an end.

"As you see, Sir Black, this is exactly as pr--" He words were cut off as an assassin's dart found its way into his neck. It was mine, of course, but I hadn't fired it, no. The was a small machine attached to the door of the suit, and there marks on the parts would lead the authorities to believe that it was some place completely different.

The Ruling Bothan Clan, to be exact.

Let the chaos begin.
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Apr 13 2003 3:07am
Kamon shrugged.

"Don't know much myself. The populace is famed at being excellent at spying. They're furry and mean tempered some of the time. That's about all I know."
Posts: 430
  • Posted On: Apr 13 2003 4:06am
"Furry and mean tempered eh? Well, I guess I'm in for an experience of a lifetime."

Kenshin grinned.
  • Posted On: Apr 17 2003 2:03am
The stage was set.

Bothawui was slowly, and effectively become part of TDY. Of course, no one knew that yet, but it was true. There were spies watching spies and backstabbers where being backstabbed. Anyone that even had the slightest idea what was going on was being removed from the equation entirely. The thought of killing in such cold blood was brutal, yes, but that was the most effective way to do it and Bothan's, for all their personal flare, didn't care about one another. Which, in hindsight, was much better then say Humans or Hutts.

A small vail sat on the counter of the apartment, black liquid inside. It was found on one of the cleansing missions....and it disturbed me greatly...

Oh well, soon it wouldn't matter, I'm sure.
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Apr 17 2003 11:07pm
"It'll definately be interesting."

The ship came out of hyperspace and sent of for landing clearance. Moments later, they were cleared and heading in. When thet landed, Kamon walked out of the ship and onto Bothan soil.

"Now we need to find Jace."
Posts: 430
  • Posted On: Apr 17 2003 11:40pm
Kenshin exited the ship after Kamon. He gazed at the unfamiliar world around him.

After a good scan of the terrain, Kenshin returned his gaze on Kamon.

"So, where should he be?"
  • Posted On: Apr 18 2003 2:04am
A drop of the liqiud formed on the tip of the eyedropper, balling up like a black bead. It hung there for a second, collecting itself, growiong larger. Then, as if some invisible force pushed the liquid, it dropped onto its subject. The crystal snake shook in its cage, but did nothing else out of the ordinary. I grimaced, and shook my head in frustration.

This stuff has to do something...

Without warning, the snake let out a strange howl, like the wind trying to break through a semi-opened window. I glanced back just in time to see the snake's final death throw and then watched it fall to the woodchip covered floor of the cage. Its skin began to dissolve, leaving nothing behind, save for a slightly burned skeleton of a crystal snake.

I stared at the bones for a moment, and then immediately washed my hands with great force. Wiping them dry on a towel, I walked back into the living quarters, my mind racing.

What the hell would the Ruling Bothan Clans need a biological weapon? Especially one that was that powerful. It doesn't make any sense.

I paced the room trying to figure out how I was going to tell Kamon and Kenshin about this. Then it hit me...

Maybe we won;t have to do as much as we thought in order to take over the planet. If the populace realizes what its leaders are doing and creating, and we offer to give our assistance...maybe we can win them over...