Killna Homer, the head of Golan Arms Corpoartionw atched as the stars turned into streaks of light. He had ordered scouting teams to seach around in systmes close to Telti. One scoutign force had been gone for a couplem of months and everybody had thought they were killed. In reality they had been captured by Tekkilians when they ahd plotted a course through an uninhabited system. An giant interdiction field, the size of five medium planets, which is five times the size of a normal interdiction field, had pulled them out of hyperspace. They ahd been captured an boarded by the Tekkilians who had finally let them go after a month. The expedition head had maneged to secretly plot out where the planet was. When they had returned to Telti they had told their story and brought the whole fleet to Tekkil, to bring the Tekkilians into the corporation. The reasonwas because the Tekkilians where able to produce many extrodanary ships. They were a smart and tall reptialian species who where very good techs. Killan had desided to bring them into the corporation and modify their ships even more. This would be a wonderful chance for the Golan Arms Corporation's military side to prove they could take on an enemy.