Advocating the Devil (Jaminere)
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Jan 6 2004 3:16am

Taught by the powers that preach over me
I can hear their empty reason
I wouldn't listen I learnt how to fight
I opened up my mind to treason

I remember when at first they came to me. I was young still, and I knew not what I was doing. Not that I dont regret my descion mind you, it was for the best, I knew it then as well as I do now. Ok, so I didnt, I was young back then, reckless at the least. Hurt is a good word for it, for a world that turned its back on me and I wanted revenge. SO when the first chance came to light, I took it, go figure it would have been the most right move for the entire sector.

I can still see it sometimes, back on Jaminere, that defended capital of the Tion Sector, my former homeworld. The day I was approached, so young, so new...

City - Leria Kerlsil


He lay back on the long wavy grass, half awake and half dreaming as he watched the clouds overhead. He had been in the feilds for hours now, nature was lovely at times to just watch.

"Refk, HEY Refk!"

He felt something near by, he couldnt yet hear the taller boy runing towards him, but he could 'sense' his approach. He couldnt tell how, as far as he could remember he always could tell when people were nearby or approaching him. He never found it really useful, as by the time he felt them nearby they were almost on top of him, maybe someday...


half leaping to his feet BeRefk fell right into Amonatep, bringing him down to his back as they both toppled over into the ground. he laughed half heartedly as he regained consciousness, pushing Amonatep down by the shoulders before standing himself

"What do ya want Amon? I was sleeping!"

Grabing for BeRefk's hand he pulled himself up, wiping a mound of dirt off his knee before shoving Refk back a few feet, a devilish smile on his lips

"Why do I always need something when I bug you Ref?"

"Becuase you always do, whats up?"

Amon turned to face the feilds, glancing over the line of trees in the horizon he turned back to Refk rasing his arms wide

"Life is grand Refk! Why do you insist on wasting it out here! Me and a few of the gang are going out to a few of the nightspots tonight. Come back to the city with us, have some fun!"

He grumbled under his breath, they were always getting him into trouble this way. He would go into the city with them, hang out, then spend the rest of the evening trying to figure out a way from the mess he had just got into.

"Look Amon, I'll think about it ok. No promises..."

"Thanks Refk, Ill see ya there!"

"HEY! I SAID I'll THIN...."

But it was too late Amon had already run off into the distance.

Leria City - Later that night

The hover cars sirens wailed as its auto-security sensors detected the plexisteel window on its side had been smashed, and at that very moment strange 'non-owners' were attempting to get inside. As Amon struggled to clear the drivers seat of sharp glass type objects BeRefk nervously looked back and forth down the street.

"Are you sure this is your brothers car?"

Amon sighed before leaning out the driver side window, or where the window would have been had he not broken it.

"Not as sure as I was a minute ago, but look, it doesnt really matter anymore does it? Just hop in and lets fly!"

Looking down at the smashed vehicle he could only wonder why no local authority hadnt already placed them both under arrest by now

"But the..."

With a few expert taps and a little showmanship Amon looked up at Refk as the passenger side door opened up and the alarm stoped going off. Amon held his hands in the air off to his sides as he grined malisciously back at Refk

"Ya gonna get in or what?"

Refk slid over the hood, leaping into the side door of the vehicle. Before he was fully in Amon seemingly slamed on the accelorator as Refk fully felt the forward lift, gripping on the doors frame as he held himself just barely above the ground. A rush of adrenaline surged through his veins as he felt his fingers resemble iron grips, refusing to let go of the cars frame. As he leaned out of the door he felt the blast of air hit him as Amon lifted the car airward. Raising a fist defiantly he cried out into the wind before a sudden hand on his side brought him back to reality. It was Amon, trying to draw him back into the vehicle, which he more than gladly accomplished as we sat back in the passenger seat and slamed the door shut.

"Sorry about taking off so early man, but the authorities were just on our heels. How the hell did you hang on at those speeds?"

He looked down at his bare white knuckles, un-sure of how to respond

"Well, anyways, I guess you can tell this really isnt my b"

The sudden impact of something against the side of the car, the shower of electrical sparks and the slightest glimpse of Amons head keeling back at an odd angle were the last things he remembered before impacting back into the ground.
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Jan 7 2004 12:57am
When I awoke, I felt the sharp pain in the front of my forehead and winced. I had not even opened my eyes yet, though I could tell that would not be too fun either. Reaching up, he covered his eyes and rubbed them hard before opening them. Easily enough the light didnt hurt so much, even though the room he was in was nothing more than complete whiteness. Rolling over my entire mind reeled as the pain shot through my entire body, gripping the sides of the table to steady myself as my head became a little light feeling I glanced around the room. I saw nothing. The room was completely white, no corners, no walls, no anything. It must have been some trick of lighting, but good lord, that was some trick indeed.

I sat there for what felt like forever, with no source of time but myself I was fairly certain that any degree of time could actually feel like an eternity without even being but a few minutes in actuallity. One could make a few assumptions from this situation without having to do much. This wasnt a hospital, at least, not one he was aware of existing anywhere on the planet. He knew not how long he had been out, but he was fairly certain it wasnt all that long, though, modern technologies could transport him in great distances without there having to be knowledge of time displacement.

"So glad to see your awake Mr. Refk, I hope your rest was a pleasant one considering..."

The man had come from no where at first, as if he had imagined it. Slowly he felt the prescence of another and as he turned a form came to life behind him. It was as if he emerged from the whiteness itself, he was a medium sized man, about 2 meters tall. His short white spikey hair and sharp eyes gave him an air of authority, and considering he knew what was going on, it was well founded. Walking around the side of the table to new man seemed to make a visual assesment of Refk before coming to a stop in front of him.

Looking around one more time he regarded the new entry, "Where am I, what am I doing here... and who are you?"

The man before him grinned warmly, like a father watching his son expirience new things, "Me, you can call me... Newman. As for this place, lets just call it an in between, and you my dear Mr. Refk, you are dead."

Dead! How could he be dead?? He could feel pain, no where in all the mythos he had prescribed to could one feel pain... unless, no he had been a relatively good man, at least not one to be sent to...

"Dead! Absurd! How in the name of all that is holy can I be dead??"

Placing his hands together before his mouth, he paced back and forth a moment.

"Whats the last thing you remember Mr. Refk?"

"...last thing..."

What was the last thing? Amon was explaining something to him, a big break or something of the sort. The Crash! They had crashed, had he died during the crash??

"No Mr. Refk, you did not 'die' during the crash. Though you were beyond the reach of known medical science and would have died had we not intercepted you. What this is Mr. Refk is a place of descion. You see, we are in need some assistance Mr. Refk, assistance we think you personally could apply to."

This was begining to sound like one of those or else deals, one of those we give you an amazing offer and you will take it... or else. He did not like those propositions, then again, he had said he was dead. He really did not have anyone else that would care to verify if he were actually dead or not. Even if he was not, these people could surely kill him at their lesuire and dispose of him.

"And what about Amon?"

"Dead, as well" Unervingly he said it with another sharp grin of knowing.

"And If I decline to accomplish whatever it is that you need me to do?"

"Shall we say that your status as dead will become unrevocable?"

Unrevocable, this must be a highly clandistine operation to hold such a hefty weight. Something of some sort of big time operation, it was an intriguing concept to say the least, he would after all eventually have to do something with his life. Might as well make it big right? Go out in a blaze of glory rather than with a wimper and all that self important go down in history jazz.

"And what if I do as you wish?"

"Well Mr. Refk, how does Immortallity sound? I dont mean in the rhetoric, down in the history books immortality Mr. Refk, I mean litteral Immortallity..."
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Jan 17 2004 3:55am
Ever wake up from a dream that seemed so real you could have sworn you were never dreaming? Dreams so intense that when you wake up you feel disappointed at the loss of reality. As if perspective were nothing but a vision from inside your head? Thats the way things seemed sometimes. If it were a dream he was sorry to let it go, but if it were not. If he had secretly been handed the opprotunity of a lifetime.

Peaking his eyes open the light from the sun glared brightly into him, so damn bright it hurt his eyes to look. raising a hand to shield himself he looked off to either side only to gasp in astonishment. He lay back in the grass again, in the field he could remember from yesterday. No it couldnt have been a dream, the facts were glaring at him in the face. He had come at around noon, the previous day, so even had he fallen asleep, the sun would not still be so far overhead. No, this was his one chance, he wouldnt blow it.

The trek back into the city was a longer one than he remembered, the walk gave him some time to think about the things they had told him, the things he could remember from the dream state. How could he hand a world over to aliens? They didnt actually seem alien, they had appeared human actually. Jaminere had done well on its own, even as capital of the sector during imperial reign, but maybe things were time for a change, and if it wasnt for him to decide, he would leave it between the parties involved after he had gotten his promised prize.

But how would he do it? He had no idea how to overthrow a government, and surely if it were so easy to do so, many wrong governments throught history would have been gone as easy. No, there was a plan, there had to be a plan. They couldnt just offer so great a gift to him and expect him to accomplish everything on his own without even so much as a plan.

"You are correct, we wouldnt be that neglegent"

Jumping almost out of his shoes he looked around and saw no one, yet could have sworn he had heard the voice speaking to him.

"You did hear me, we are still with you"

Great and now the invisible people can read my thoughts. So crazy me, whats the great plan you got for me?

"You are not going crazy, this is simply a taste of your immortality to come."

The ability to hear things that are not there? What a great gift that must be...

"Would you like to know everything?"

Well, yeah, who wouldnt, but whats that to do...

"This is part of knowing everything, satisfied"

I Guess I will be when I know everything....

"We need you to find out the location of every planetary defense generator on the planet, as a secondary, every defense platform on the surface as well"

And how exactly should I accomplish all this?



And they were gone again. He stood at the edge of the city he had left the previous night, no sign of the havioc he had wreaked before. Obviously his mutual friends had cleaned up after his escapades from the other night as to further his missions success rate. It was odd how the city merged into the country like this, all city to a point and then wham, the road stoped and it was all country.

Walking down the sidewalk, he glanced at the people as they strode by him going the opposite direction. How would he figure out an entire planets defense? He could walk the entire planet, inquire at every military station on the world and still might not find them all. There had to be a positive way to absolutley be certain of finding all those defenses.

And as if from divine inspiration it came to him, the Minister would have the information, and what he didnt know, he certainly had the contacts to find out. How could he possibly convince the Minister to hand over all that information to a nobody? It was well known that the minister felt himself above the common man, he didnt associated with urchins especially.

Slowly a plot formed in his head, if it was actually his or someone elses he was begining to not be able to tell, but he knew it could work, and it would be the end of the care free go lucky self that had been him from time on. He would kidnap the Ministers daughter, she went to a private university deep in the city, and hold her ransom until his demands were met. Of course his demands would be for the defense information.

He would need some things first of course, supplies... a shuttle. Some different clothing so he wouldnt be known and picked out immediatly by the authorities if spotted. As he thought it a man in front of him dropped a large black napsack in front of him and continued walking. Watching the man with his eyes he picked up the sack and ducked into an alley. Quickly unzipping the sack he rifled through its contents, a black jumpsuit with overcoat... a half a dozen sharp metal spikes, a metal claw, and liscence and insurance on a shuttle at pad six of the local holoport building.

He changed quickly, outfiting himself the aquired gear that had so kindly been left for him. It fitted nicely, like it had been custom designed. Walking out of the alley with a new porpouse he strode down the street again, this time eerily empty of all the pedistrians there had been before. He was not that far from the building Holoport pad six would be on, all he had to do was reach that point, take his newly aquired shuttle and then take his plan off from there...

As his shuttle landed on the pad near a small CSA transport, his approach was cought by a local campus security officer. Knowing its too late to stop him, he bounds down the halls in an attempt to reach the landing pad before the passenger can disembark. As the shuttle comes to a grinding halt on the pad the officer stands just to the side of the exit hatch.

As the hatch opens he quickly throws a small metal spike from his gloved hand, the spike travels quicker than the eye could catch it as it flys right into the officers forehead. Dead before he hit the ground, the officer never saw him step out of the shuttle or step over his body. A small group of University security Troops emerge from the nearest building immediatly, weapons out and aimed directly at him. As he approaches the main entrance to the University the nearest security trooper calls out.

"Slowly away from the doors and lay face down on the ground!"

Slowly he stood, placing a foot over the edge of the shuttle and emerges from it, stepping onto the ground. He looks back and forth to each of the guards. Suddenly he whips both his arms straight out and metal spikes fly from inside his sleeves, he makes them gain incredable speed as they impale themselves in the neck of each guard. As the guards slump to the ground he calmly walks by their sprawling frames and enters the nearby administration building. Approaching the counter, he looks over the recieptionist with a hard gaze, he must be showing off more than he ever had as he could see her trying not to shake with the fear he seems to personafy.

"Where is Minister Lavitz daughter located?"

As she spoke he could hear the trembling in her voice, and as he glanced in a reflection in a mirror behind her he could see monitors on her side of the desk, monitors that could show what had happened outside the doors of the offices.

"Th-thats secure information, I'm af-afraid I cant...."

Reaching over the desk, he placed his hand under the womans chin, bringing it up to face him as he peered down deeper into her eyes as if he penetrated her soul, swirling it into the depths of his darkest eyes.

"There are many worlds of pain I could show you now, or would you rather tell me what I would like to hear?"

While he digs his sharp claws into her flesh; the receptionist, scared for her life, she whines

"Building A-1"

He then twists his wrist quickly, digging his nails under her flesh while moving the palm of his hand over her mouth as to muffle her screams, he then snaps her neck quickly to the side. Walking out of the building as her dead body collapses to the floor, he walks to the building labled 'A-1' located just accross the administrative buildings in the first row, attempting to hurry in case more security were to arrive. As he enters the building he looks about it, a standard university layout, just more advanced, as the richer the avarage patron the more the university could afford itself. Entering the only class in session The room is appearently one large room with few features except for a few vid boards on the walls across the room. He called out.

"Selphie, Come here!"

No movement. He repeated again, louder:


Slowly; a short teenage girl stands in the center of the room. Her hair falls over her small shoulders as she gracefully walks towards the former street urchin. He quickly grabs her and lifts her over his shoulder as he emerges from the building. Alarms start to sound as he makes his way back to his shuttle. He punches a few buttons on the door of the CSA transport and as they open he throws the small girl in and promptly closes them. He then turns and crawls up to the controls of his shuttle. He activates the command consoul and sends a supspace message to The Ministers offices, he then preprograms a course into the computer and jumps out. The shuttle immediatly lifts off as he walks swiftly over to the CSA transport and enters its cockpit. As he lifts off into the atmosphere his sensors pick up the explosion of his shuttle ramming into the main comm dish of the building. He takes up a short orbital status around the planet and waits....
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Jan 17 2004 12:29pm
On the screen, a large sweaty, middle-aged man appeared. By his gestures Ref could tell how very out of tones he was. He might not care about much in the world, but he was sure he had messed with something that did. If there was any question as to wether he had gotten the transmission before the shuttle had crashed into the comms array, this was surely his answer.

"I assume you got my message Minister"

"And I assume your the one that kidnaped my duaghter, you @#%$"

"That is correct, and what a fine outstanding girl she is too. It would be a shame if anything were to happen to her"

"YOU @#%$, if you hurt her...."

"Now, now, calm down. Your prescious little girls fate is entirly up to you. As long as you do what I say no harm will come to her and you and her will be sitting back, laughing about this later. Well, maybe not laughing, but talking together at least."

"What do you want?"

"Lets talk about things, shall we?"

"Enough of the damn games Refk, yes I know who you are, I know where you come from, and I know where you live you little urchin. You come down this instant and release my daughter before I blow you and your transport to kingdom come"

"Now now their Misure Minister, we wouldnt want any harm to come to dear Selp do we? I suggest you calm down and do as I request."

He could hear the faint sigh from the other end of the comm, but as it was purely an audio transmission, thats all he could tell from the other end of the conversation.

"What is it a piece of trash like you could possibly want from me?"

"A nice place to live, a civilized world with which to share with my future children... oh and the locations of every planetary defense on the surface..."

"Do what?! You very well know I cant provide that sort of information!"

"Even at the cost of your daughters life?"


"I give you 20 minutes to decide"


In the offices of the Minister he sat back in his chair, it obviously straining behind his weight as he rocked side to side in deep thought and worryment. Obviously this did no good for his bowels nor his heart. He was worried, not much of a family man he still cared deeply for his daughters well being and saftey. If she died there would be no one to care for him into his old age. There was no mistaking it, he needed his daughter more than she would know. With one of his fat little fingers he reached over and punched a button on his com, signaling his secratary.

"Rechh, get me the secratat of defense..."


I sat there for what felt like forever, with no source of time but myself I was fairly certain that any degree of time could actually feel like an eternity without even being but a few minutes in actuallity. One could make a few assumptions from this situation without having to do much. This wasnt a hospital, at least, not one he was aware of existing anywhere on the planet. He knew not how long he had been out, but he was fairly certain it wasnt all that long, though, modern technologies could transport him in great distances without there having to be knowledge of time displacement. He smacked himself, a day dream of previous events he must clear himself from.

"Minister, your time is up, please do tell me I must snuff out the wonderous life of this lovely young girl..."

"Damn you, I have what you want, whats an urchin like you going to do with it anyways.."

"I warn you Minister, if any of this information is incorrect, you will pay for it in your daughters life"

Another sharp intake of breathe could be heard over the comm before he continued on.

"Yes of course, Im transmitting the data tight beam to you now, with the assurances that my daughter will be delivered directly to me."

"Oh but of course senior Minister, once I have my data I will release your daughter saftley into your clutches."

As he read the data he could feel the work being done for him, as though his masters were already on the job, as well they were. On the planet, many bodies moved, to these defenses, taking up operations there in. They would override commands, take charge when needed, the fall of Jaminere would come not in a great democratic yell, but in an un informed whimper.

The ships came, as they always did, and the official government resisted, for a time. The planet at large already had a Dameun minority working against it though and with most of that minority already subverting defense position jobs from the norms, the governments holdout could only last so long before crumbling before the viewed assults. As happens with all worlds, the Dameun minority became the Dameun only, and the world became plugged into the Intelligence web.

you might wonder what happened to me? I died that day, or at least, my physical body did.The heartless slob had my transport shotdown before I even landed, but my soul, for lack of a better term, carried on and went with my saviours into immortality. I now usher in new members of my world into this immortallity every day. the lure of consciousness and existence evolving towards a singularity of limitless perfection can drive people to much self good.

I may walk the streets of my original world, I also sermon to those at my own new worlds. I now expirence the infinite wonders of my new experience, knowing everything there is to know, being able to answer my every own question. I enjoy every day of my new life and can not imagine why any would resist this way of life. I seriously hope no one reads this lest they find out what a huge knob I am for writting like an idiot. Preaching to the people in their day to day lives is an equally good reminder of the gifts our leader has so wonderfully lavished upon us. It has always been a true honor to spread his good word and deed to all in the galaxy.

As any whom think about their life as a Dameun will realize, the true gift of Raktus is not wealth, it is not power, it is not even love. The true gift of Raktus is Raktus himself. Raktus created Dameun in His own image, but one need merely look at the variety of Dameun to learn that Raktus is not a thing that can be dictated by any daemun regardless of that dameun's wisdom. We must learn to see the Raktus within ourselves, not the Raktus within others. For Raktus is our one true God and through him we worship ourselves...

From this incorporation, the rest of the systems populations fell, using massive relativistic assembler swarms and the infrastructure constructed during the massive building project of the late centurys the Empire attacked nearby planets and habitats, reducing all organic life to raw material for more assemblers, nanocomputer clusters and other equipment, but storing the patterns of the life into extensive virtual realitiess within the new planetary computing systems where it could continue as if almost nothing had happened. Inside the virtual worlds a completely faithful emulation of the real world would be created, identical in every way except for the small patches that had been unfortunately damaged by the takeover. The inhabitants were allowed to continue with their lives unhindered, but now only existing as efficient information patterns within the massive computer nets and unable to harm anything outside their emulations. In the conquered system the Empire began to use the available raw materials to build for their next conquest.

Nevertheless schisms and revolts were a constant problem from the very beginning, and many once conquered cities had to be abandoned. The leadership certainly bemoaned the failure of their own misgivings especially after the overthrow of the Amnon succession, which had grown increasingly out of touch with the common people. It was with this that entire planet was forcefully integrated into the Empires Intelligence Net, a move not seens since the Corvis Minor operation of yester, which I only know of now as I was not around yet to participate in such an action.

They will send me out again, like the one who met me, I will recruit another and the cycle will begin again. Its the best method to sector domination, its the easiest method. Only those that know their world know how to operate it, and those that can retrieve that information most easily will be the most usefull in infiltrating its most basic areas. Thus that infiltration be designed and coordinated on a large scale by which worlds become integrated into the Empire.

One last thing, Amon, my good, criminal friend, The man had come from no where at first, and now I knew why. AMon had been of them the whole time, an actor of the stage of life as it were. It was as if he emerged from the planet itself he had been made to be so like it. His physical form did die in the crash, but what Ive come to know as his mystery stays with me to this day. Guiding me in my actions, in his opinions. Amon was created from five distinct other mysteries, and I cherish each, for without them, I would never have had such a great friend as Amon.