Adventure, Excitement... A Jedi Craves Not These Things
Posts: 6
  • Posted On: Jun 29 2004 10:22pm
Gorvn ran over the contents of his satchel yet again. He had not forgotten anything, he knew that. He was just nervious, having something to think over helped him remain calm.

Before him was a fully-loaded barge of sorts, the pilot had called it a shuttle. It was huge, and would soon be taking off to dock with its orbiting mother ship, from where it would head out to a variety of destinations, one of them being Corellia. From there Gorvn would unload with a great deal of this cargo. And then ... he had no information about what would happen after that. Apparently the owners of this cargo would find him.

As his little datapad said, he was just going along for experience, and to keep a watch over the cargo. Gorvn glanced at the datapad again. And he was apparently supposed to be an apprentice to the man who owned this stuff. That was his cover.

The insectoid looked at the picture he had been given of the supposed 'owner' of this cargo, and then at himself. What an odd couple. But then, reasoned Gorvn, he made an odd partner to anyone.

"We're ready to go, Mr. Gorvn," said a crewman. Gorvn looked away from his datapad, and down at the man. "Alright," he said, his voice buzzing slightly.

As the shuttle soared out of the Naboo atmosphere, Gorvn watched out his view port with curiosity. The last time he had been up this high he had been entering Naboo. That had been a long time ago, long enough that he wasn't exactly sure of the date. Sitting down on a bunch of crates, or rather, folding down, Gorvn tried to enter a meditative state. It would be a long trip.
Posts: 189
  • Posted On: Jul 2 2004 3:13am
Tec grinned at Leia. He spread his hands out, turning them over and bending his fingers so that he could see his nails. Then he looked to Leia and nodded.

"Well, I've tried making friends, in my own way. But, then, I'm not exactly known for being talkative by any means."

Now Tec frowned. Maybe that was his problem. He didn't talk much, so far as most people went. That wasn't about to change, though. He was too old to change...or was he? He felt confused, unsure, and...older. Much too old for his youthful body.

"Well, Master, anything is better than nothing. If you have something for me to do, then by all means, send me. I think I could handle a couple of padawans, even though I don't think I've ever had one to speak of..."
Posts: 135
  • Posted On: Jul 4 2004 5:11am
Perrin looked at Lupercus' little tart in annoyance. The servant of the Leader of the Sith Order had quickly tracked Perrin and though the Sith Knight (whatever the hell that meant) had not sought to hide himself, speed still irritated.

"The Order is being summoned to Corellia, Mr. Descartes." this woman Sera had started out.

"How very interesting," he responded though not really interested at all. The things the order did or did not do really did not interest Perrin very much.

Not when his mind was on other things.

Such as the creation of the new...

"Tell his lordship I shall attend him when I see fit." he remarked, his eyes glittering dangerously. He knew if she told Lord Lupercus anything of what he said, he would kill her slowly. And, more importantly, she knew it.

He did not care if she was Lupercus' tart or not.

"What is it this time? Another Coalition attack?" he amended sarcastically.

"Your Master has called. Now heed!" Sera said and abruptly cut the connection before Perrin could respond.

You'll get yours, tart. Lord Lupercus woman or no.. You will die!

Now he was going to take his time and Lupercus be damned!
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Jul 28 2004 1:31pm
Dolash was a very bored Jedi.

Cole had gone on "Sabbatical", what ever that meant, so he was stuck here making rocks float. Which was fun, and he was pretty sure had a deep, philosophical meaning, something like 'Rocks float, oooOOoooo'.

Anyways, with all the lessons, seminars, and the like over for the day, Dolash fell back on his all-time favourite pass-time at the academy. Listening in on conversations.

If what he'd been hearing was true, then someone - or something - was going to Corellia. Damn, this is just the sort of thing he'd enjoy, but Dolash remembered that as a Jedi, he had to not care about doing things he'd enjoy and instead care about doing things to help people who enjoy the right things enjoy those things without fear of people who enjoy painful things. Or something.

So now Dolash sat, a bored Jedi, on a rock, watching another rock float, listening in on the most boring conversation known to Azguards (Something about peace and wisdom), as his two brains slowly tried to piece together the obvious.

1. Gorvn talks to Leia.

2. Overhears rumour about something going to Corellia.

3. Can't find Gorvn.

Finally, Dolash understood. "I've got it!" He exclaimed, then hesitated. "Wait... That's new age music. And I'm still oblivious." he sighed.

If only someone were to... say... post some more information as to the circumstances now so that he could understand. "We can strive to understand" a famous Azguard had said, but Dolash Continued to forget who.
