Across the Stars: Sovereign Unity (Bakura | Tatooine)
Posts: 314
  • Posted On: Jun 20 2003 12:09am
“What is war?” Griff Asked Logan

“Define reality” Logan answered.

“Is war the only reality we have left?”

“War is the only reality I have left” Logan whispered.

“Why?” Was Griff’s reply.

“War is a constant”


- Admiral Logan and President Griff.

Outer-Rim Sovereignty Goodwill Invitational– Wayland

It’s too big, Joren Logan thought to himself as he entered the large meeting chamber, near the Noghri town of New Nystao. The size of the large domelike structure was almost in complete contrast with the number of the people within it. The Outer-Rim Sovereignty had sent messages across the outer-rim territories, inviting representatives from different worlds to Wayland, in an effort to expand the fledging government. Unlike such governments like the Empire, the Sovereignty harbored no ill will towards nonhuman species, as was evident with the groups of people that were assembling as he came in. He noted aliens from all over the outer-rim, including Chevin, Noghri, Shistavanen, Togarian, Verpine, and even a Gamorrean. Each representative and his or her entourage were guided to a table, where they could listen to the Sovereignty President give his address.

He observed the preparatory proceedings with mixed feelings. This was no less than the fourth faction he had been involved with, and he had attended hundreds of such functions. This one was really no different, although President Xander Griff was his friend and had asked him to attend, he found himself longing for the peaceful lakes and forests of Onyx. His time had passed, and he had no reason to be involved with yet another faction, and an unstable one at that. However, the words ‘enough is enough’ had no meaning to him. It was always ‘lets do this one more time’…

“Admiral Logan?…Grand Admiral Logan of the Jutraalian Empire!?” He heard all of the sudden. He turned to see who rudely interrupted his thoughts, intending to shoo away the unwanted visitor, however, instead he got half a dozen holocameras in his face. He blinked under the harsh light that suddenly shined on him from somewhere behind the people and cameras.

“Admiral Logan, are you giving your blessing to President Griff and the Outer-Rim Sovereignty?” One voice persisted.

“Are you condoning it?” Another asked.

“Are you representing an Outer-Rim planetary government?” Yet another asked.

Logan’s eyes finally adjusted to the harsh light as he made a subtle movement with his hand…

…And suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, a gray-skinned Noghri stepped out into the light…

Logan heard gasps, and some startled outcries. He tried not to laugh, however, good old Mahk.

“Now be careful Mahk, you wouldn’t want to startle our guests.” Said a new voice.

President Xander Griff stepped out into the holocamera’s recording range and into the harsh light. Logan felt a twinge of embarrassment as Griff did so, it would not look good to have his bodyguard scare off unwanted visitors in the presence of the Outer-Rim Sovereignty leader. He covered up any embarrassed looks on his face by smiling grandly. Griff offered his hand and Logan shook it. As they did so, several flashes went off and the Holonet reporters watched eagerly.

“President Griff, how does it feel to be one of the few individuals who have ever attempted to unite whole sectors?” Asked a bold reporter.

“I am proud to be spending what time I have left in the service of the people. I want nothing but unity” He said.

“Then how do you justify the attack on the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium?” Another asked, even more bold than the first.

“The Ssi-ruuvi are a known threat. The New Alliance had kept an eye on them, as did the New Republic. They have no intention of changing their ways” Logan said, stepping up as Mahk retreated behind him.

“But the Ssi-ruuvi have made no aggressive moves toward the Sovereignty” The same reported responded.

“On the contrary” Griff said, taking over for Logan. “They attacked Ord Mantell, a Mon Calamari-held world and are now remaking it into their own image. They are a threat to the very stability of the Sovereignty, if they can attack a world that is almost across the galaxy from their homeworld, what would stop them from attacking an outer-rim planet?

“The Sovereignty does not exist to wage war. I want to make that clear. It exists to bring unity and order to all who wish it. The New Republic primarily ruled the Core Worlds, the New Alliance the Mid-Rim worlds, now it is the outer-rim’s turn” Griff answered calmly. The bold reported nodded and began pressing buttons on his datapad.

“I must take the stage now, Joren” Griff said to Logan, who nodded.

“Listen, I have one last assignment for you, my friend.” Griff said to Logan.

“With the fall of the Jutraalian Empire, the planet of Bakura is without leadership. They have requested membership into the Sovereignty, but were unable to send a representative. We lost contact with the world this morning, and we fear that someone may have gotten there first. I need you to go to Bakura and reestablish communications with them, so they may join the Sovereignty.” Griff said.

“When do I leave?” Logan asked, sighing, he knew this was coming.

“As soon as possible. Head over to our building in New Nystao, all the detals are in the database.” Griff responded.

“Alright. But know this, I am not officially working for the Sovereignty. I am simply going to head through there on my way to Onyx. I am tired, Xander, and I want to go home” Logan said.

“I understand. Thank you” Griff said, once more offering his hand.

Logan took it, old memories resurfacing in his mind…memories of the day he had shook Leia Organa Solo’s hand, when the New Alliance officially merged with the New Republic…old friends long gone. He sighed again, and made his way out of the meeting dome, one last time…

”The Old Republic stood for a thousands of years. In that time it accomplished much, including uniting all star systems under one banner, the Republic banner. But the Republic became corrupt, and the Empire rose in it’s ashes, the Empire also united thousands of star systems, and are still doing it today. But now it is time for a new unifying government. A strong government. A Sovereign Government!"

- President Griff’s Goodwill Invitational Address
Posts: 314
  • Posted On: Jun 23 2003 10:13pm
Salis D’aar – Bakura

“The Bakuran Triad controls Bakura now, sir” Neres Gaversom scoffed at the former Prime Minister, Seov Haeko.

Just three days prior, the rebel forces of the self-proclaimed Bakuran Triad had attempted a coup against Prime Minister Haeko and had succeeded. There had been protests against the new government but the Triad forces had squashed all rebellion against them. They had been busy setting up defenses and restoring order.

The Triad Leaders were comprised of two humans and one Kurtzen. Their rebel movement had been called ‘The Circle’, a movement of global unity. One week prior, Prime Minister Haeko had contacted President Griff of the new Outer-Rim Sovereignty and requested membership for Bakura. Griff agreed and was arranging for Bakura’s entrance into the Sovereignty, when the Circle decided to make their move. They stormed the Bakur, or government building, and had captured key leaders, including the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister.

They declared all of Bakura free of independent galactic governments. And they only wanted global peace. They formed the ‘Bakuran Triad’ and had placed all of Bakura under it’s jurisdiction.

“You will never control Bakura, Gaversom” Haeko said darkly.

“If you refer to the protests against the Triad, don’t refer to anything at all. They have been dealt with.”

“I’m sure. I hope you didn’t hurt them…permanently” Haeko said sarcasticly.

“They will not be protesting for…the rest of their lives” Gaversom snapped.

Haeko shook his head slowly, and distastefully. “So tell me, how can you achieve global peace for all citizens of Bakura when you kill the citizens of Bakura?” He said to Gaversom.

Troel Merask, the Kurtzen member of the Triad made a rude noise. “They were stepping in the way. Global unity cannot be achieved with people speaking out against it. They were a threat” Merask said.

“Innocent people voicing their opinions?” Haeko snorted.

Telaern Porter, the other human Triad member leaned forward to glare at Haeko. “They have been silenced. This ensures that future protests will be avoided” Porter sneered.


“Take Mr. Haeko away” Gaversom announced, and the two armed guards stepped forward, and took Haeko under the arms. Haeko laughed softly, and glanced at the three-person Triad.

“You made one mistake, Gaversom” Haeko said, with a hint of humor.

“Oh? And what is that?” Gaversom asked distractedly, trying to appear as if he didn’t care.

“My message got out.

“They are coming”

Gaversom looked up at Haeko as the former prime minister was led out of the room.


“The Bakuran what?” Logan asked.

The hologram of President Xander Griff stood, lifesize, in front of Logan on the bridge of the newly christened Imperial-class Star Destroyer – Restoration.

“The Bakuran Triad, I believe. Our Black Hand agent just sent in his report. It seems that an insurgent group has taken over the government of Bakura. Prime Minister Haeko is no longer in control. That is why I am sending the Insidious and the Reliance to join you at Bakura” Griff said.

“No. Not at Bakura. I have ordered Caption Braxton to set a course…to a remote sector. A side trip before we head to Bakura. I have some people to pick up, and some…things to do” Logan said hesitantly.

“Keira?” Griff asked, knowingly.

“Yes, Mr. President. I cannot settle down on Onyx without saying goodbye.”

“I understand. Take your time. The Insidious and the Reliance will rendezvous with you there. Contact me when you are preparing to enter the Bakuran system” Griff said.

“Understood, Mr. President. Thank you” Logan replied.

“No problem”

Stonia – Almania

“Mahk, make the call” Logan told his ever-present Noghri bodyguard.

“Yes, Admiral” Mahk said as he and Logan approached the gates to the small cemetery.

Mahk cupped his hands to his mouth and made a shrill shrieking noise. After a moment the noise died down, until a similar call resonated within the cemetery. This was repeated several times before Mahk nodded once and turned to Logan.

“Cahkmar greets us. And bids us entrance” Mahk said to Logan. As he did so, the heavy doors of the cemetery opened slowly and five Noghri warriors glided forward silently. All of them lowered themselves to the ground and splayed their hands out, the Noghri sign of respect. The leader of the five stood after receiving a curt nod from Logan.

“Admiral. I am Cahkmar, Captain of the Five Brothers”

Long ago, during the height of the New Alliance, Logan asked for five loyal Noghri to silently keep watch over the graves of the most special New Alliance heroes. This loyal corps of guards had originally nicknamed ‘The Five Brothers’ by New Alliance soldiers, who came to the cemetery to pay their respects. The name had stuck and just before the New Alliance/New Republic merge, Logan himself had issued a commendation to the five and officially renamed them ‘The Five Brothers’. Logan had ordered all New Alliance personnel to evacuate Almania, but the Five Brothers had remained behind, forever, to guard the graves, even throughout Rogue Imperial rule of Almania.

“Cahkmar, I bid you greetings, and my undying thanks, for continually doing your duty, despite all circumstances.” Logan said, bowing slightly to the Noghri.

Cahkmar recoiled, almost in shock. “It is what we have sworn to do. The grave of Lady Logan will remain forever untouched, except by you”

“From the heart of an old man, thank you” Logan said.

He took a deep breath, and headed through the huge gates, towards the back of the cemetery, and the six Noghri formed around him in honor guard formation. The small area was built on a small hill, overlooking Stonia. At the very top of the hill, there was a very old oak tree, and at the base of the tree, was a crystal/metal plaque embedded into the ground. On it was text engraved into the face of the plaque:

Keira Logan<!--EZCODE BR START--><!--EZCODE BR END-->28 PE – 6 AE<!--EZCODE BR START--><!--EZCODE BR END--><!--EZCODE BR START--><!--EZCODE BR END-->”Cold be heart, hand and bone, traveler, when your far from home"

Logan fell to his knees in front of the plaque under the tree that marked his wife’s grave. He placed both hands on the plaque and lowered his head.

“Keira…” Was all he could say at first.

“”That day…I was at Myrkr…but I should have been there…maybe I could have prevented what had happened. I was too caught up with other things that I was blind to what was going on at home”

Approximately 6 years after the formation of the Empire, Keira Logan had been killed in a fire in their home, in Stonia, on Almania. Her parents had been killed by the Je’har, and she had inherited the house from them. Logan had insisted that they could live in a palace, in Stonia. But Keira was adamant, saying she had never lived anywhere else and she wasn’t about to start now. So she and Joren Logan had lived in the small house, even after the formation of the New Alliance and his being elected Leader of Almania. Some people had found it hilarious that Joren Logan, Regent of the New Alliance, could be seen reading his datapad in his bathrobe, on his porch in the morning.

At the same time of the fire, he had been on a long range scouting mission into the Myrkr system. At the time, the New Alliance had been considering a move on Myrkr, and Logan himself had led the Star Destroyer Keerow into the system.

On Almania, a fire had started at the Logan household, while Keira Logan was sleeping. How the fire started was never found out, although Logan had always secretly suggested it had been intentionally started. However, he was never able to find evidence to prove it.

“I’m so….so…sorry, Keira…” Logan said, tears starting to form in his eyes.

“You were supposed to be sleeping, safe and sound….you…you were so beautiful….you never deserved this…”

Suddenly, thunder sounded overhead, and already droplets of rain were beginning to fall. Logan ignored them.

“I am going to Onyx. It is time I left this galaxy of war. It is time for me to have peace… I just wish you were with me. That is the only thing I regret” He said, fighting back tears.

The rain intensified, and the thunder sounded again, more insistent. The Noghri had begun sniffing the air, suspiciously. Logan ignored everything, and kept his eyes on the plaque.
“I love you…and I always will. I just came to say goodbye. I need some peace, peace that this planet cannot help me to find.” He croaked, still fighting the tears and emotions that were threatening to overwhelm him.

“Admiral” He heard Mahk say behind him. The Noghri had apparently suspected something, and the five brothers were nowhere to be seen.

Logan nodded to Mahk, and turned back to his wife’s grave. He reached into his pocket and brought out an old battered insignia. It was the shape of a star within a circle, the symbol of the New Alliance. He placed it on the plaque, just as sinewy Noghri hands took him by the arms.

“Come, Admiral. We do not think it is safe here for you anymore” Mahk said.

“Goodbye…Keira…” Logan whispered.

With one last look at the plaque, Logan followed Mahk out of the cemetery. Cahkmar joined them, as the four remaining Noghri closed down the cemetery compound. Escorted by both the Noghri, Joren Logan made his way to the hangar area, and away from the grave of Keira Logan. Perhaps for the last time.

The boarded their shuttle, and then up to the Star Destroyer in orbit. Logan also noticed that two Aegis-class Cruisers had taken up flanking positions on either side of the Restoration, over the Observer Order planet.

“Is it safe anywhere, anymore?” Logan asked thoughtfully, as he looked down at the blue-green planet…
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Jun 24 2003 1:57am
Reign Class Star Destroyer Galactus

The planet seemed a calm bluish-green orb in the middle of the wreckage that scattered across the system. Most of the colors were of the chemicals drifting from the broken bits of once might ships dissolving in the planet's atmosphere.

The 'Fall of Almania' had been the most singular, catastrophic event to take place within this sector of space for a good long while.

The 'Rogue Empire' had finally burst through the threshold of the stalemate that made up the Alliance Wars of the time.

A burst only made possible with the intervention of the Empire*. On multiple fronts the New Alliance was attacked by the Empire, secure in the Dark Alliance of not only the New Order, but the Naboo Sith Order and the Rogue Empire.

In a bid for galactic dominance once more, the Dark Alliance was a welcome strength. And the payment was a war that was not the Empire's.

Actually, in all fairness, the Rogue Empire never actually brought the New Alliance to military defeat, no matter what wreckage was found in orbit.

The circle-and-star emblems were also engulfed in debris sporting the Jutraalian Seal. A theft of the symbol of the Empire as most lessor factions took to doing in the early days.

Perhaps they thought the glory of the Empire would shine onto them...

...but the Rogues took whatever glory they might have had and turned it black... on that day.

..the day when they betrayed the Empire.. at Dantooine.

After convincing the Military Command to strike at the heart of the New Alliance, Fearsons abandoned the Dark Alliance and joined the New Republic in tipping the scales against the Empire.

The Empire's resources committed, the strike was brilliant. The defense was savage and determined and apparently it was just enough to halt the advance.


The damage wrought by the New Republic would sit with the Military Command of the Empire for years to come.

Lessons were learned.

Grand Admiral Zell had begun high level planning sessions for the conquest and occupation of Coruscant following the attack on Muunilist. Many senarios were played out and but for Fearson's cowardly act, the Empire might have captured the capital sooner.

The New Republic had gained a victory that day.

Such as it was...

The New Alliance, bursting from countless fighting with their new "ally" the Rogue Empire, soon collapsed.

Worlds suddenly were bartered like loaves of bread between the Republic and Jutraal.

Imagine how the old Alliance civilians felt after they found themselves living under their hated enemy for so long.

That was to be the Republic's greatest mistake. Their greatest victory turned into an opportunity.

An opportunity that unveiled itself in Endgame, a final culmination and realization of Grand Admiral Zell's vision.

And now....

Now the ashes of the Jutraalian Empire were scattered and the remnants of the Republic only whispered in dark corners of obscure worlds, their presence only carried on the lips of galactic traders here and there.

Now... all that remained was the New Order of the Galactic Empire.

Blood, sweat and iron it took to get here.

The empire's of old would be removed from the galactic scene but there were still the players.

"Forgotten Assets.." Kaine had called them. Perhaps unappreciated assets..

And now here they were here...


"No Observer vessels detected.. .but we are pretty far outside the system." the Officer of the Watch commented.

"Jedi.." Simon muttered to himself. How many factions do these fools possess?

With the splintering of the Academy under Luke Skywalker, everyone decided to take a hand at leading their own version of the Jedi. From Gash Jiren's "Rogues" to Fearson's "Shadow Jedi", to these "Observers..".

But now, they were merely an annoying nuisance. The Imperial Command Ship began to reposition itself.

Kaine had initiated a plan of reinforcement of the Core as the Empire began to solidify it's grip on the major population centers of the galaxy.

Two worlds slated for appropriation held fealty to a faction in the Outer Rim.

Details were sketchy as Imperial Intelligence had not yet trained their resources toward the faction.

However one name kept appearing in what little information Kaine possessed.

"Joren Logan"

Soldier, Father? Leader...

A hastily thrown together plan left few assets for Kaine to act with but then, he would not need many.

Ciscero, the fulcrum of Endgame, was on assignment marking the first time since the fall of Coruscant that the two would be working together.

They had made quite a team before but Endgame had almost brought their relationship to a breaking point.

But victory forgives all..

He glanced at the report from the single databurst..

"Triad indeed.."

Already the control points were being set up but how this would play out was anybody's guess.

There just are not any innocents anymore... except for perhaps the dead..

Kaine's eyes narrowed as something sparked in his head.

An idea.

"I've seen enough..." he said as the long range scanners suddenly lost the view of relics of old wars...

What meaning are the medals you carry?

What meaning is the blood you shed?

What meaning does your sacrifice hold...

..if there is no evidence of accomplishment?

Nothing is more disheartening for a soldier than a lack of accomplishment. Sometimes it is more powerful than defeat itself.

Joren Logan. Simon thought, Just what have you accomplished in your life?
Posts: 314
  • Posted On: Jun 25 2003 8:05pm
“The trace was completed?”

“Yes. We have the location”


“Salis D’aar”

"The capital?"


“So the Project is going active?”

“Yes. Griff cannot find all of us. Jones did not wholly betray us"

“When will we begin?”

“It has already begun. If Logan does not deem Bakura important to the Sovereignty, we will do it ourselves. Our agents are already in position”


"Within the government building, the Bakur"

“Haeko is a fool. I doubt he can fulfill his role"

“Indeed. But even fools have their uses”

“Why does Project Scorpion bother with Bakura, or Griff for that matter?”

“Even fools have their uses”

Salis D’aar

“We have nothing to fear from the Ssi-ruuk, the Sovereignty dealt with them well enough. We should focus on this ‘Coalition’. They are a potential threat, however I am more concerned about this…band of rebels our former prime minister has created. They are growing stronger, and there are reports of the rebels receiving aid from offworld”

Merask snorted derisively.

“I doubt that. Who would possibly be interested in supplying some insignificant rebels from a out of the way planet?” He said.

Porter lanced his fingers together as he glanced over a datapad.

“Be careful what you say, Merask. I am sure they are receiving outside aid” Porter said.

“Irrelevant” Gaversom said, with a dismissing wave of his hand.

“Perhaps it isn’t” Porter retorted.

“We have an iron hard grip on the government. We are Bakura” Merask stated with certainty.

“We barely have a hold on this building” Porter said.

“I dis-“

Suddenly, the intercom chimed and a frantic voice was heard over it.

“Sir, rebel forces have attacked! They arranged for an ambush, our main Triad peacekeeping force was caught during some of our longer range patrols. Our forces are scattered. Rebel assault troops are closing on the building…wait…!” The intercom went dead.

“This is ludicrous!” Merask shouted.

“I told you. This was doomed from the beginning” Porter said, sighing with resignation.

“No. We can escape, we should get-“ Gaversom was saying, when suddenly the doors of the Triad Council Chamber burst open and five Kurtzen and Bakuran soldiers filed in, leveling their weapons at the Triad.

“Enough!” The leader barked.

“What is the meaning of this, Sergeant?” Gaversom demanded, standing up from his chair.

“You are all hereby placed under arrest. If you do not accompany me to the brig, I have orders to use deadly force” The leader said.

“Understood” Gaversom said.

Imperial-Class Star Destroyer – Restoration

The darkness of the VIP quarters was disconcerting, at least to Captain Neychev, captain of the Restoration. There was a small receiving antechamber, almost like an entryway just inside the room, it was a favorate place for small gray-skinned bodyguards to surprise visitors with their Noghri charm. Neychev was an old friend of Joren Logan, had served as the captain of both of Logan’s flagships, first of the Keerow and then the Archammer. He had also known Logan’s personal Noghri bodyguard, Mahk.

“Damnit Mahk. How longer do you insist on doing this? As you can see I am not an assassin” He said into the darkness of the antechamber.

“As long as it takes” Mahk said from behind him.

Neychev spun around, and glared at the small Noghri.

“I swear, one day someone is going to show less restraint than I do and simply shoot you” Neychev.

Mahk gave him a needle-tooth grin and faded back into the darkness.

“Come in, Captain” Logan called from the room.

Neychev walked in the room and saluted.

“You don’t have to do that, Keyn” Logan said from a his chair, with his face buried in his hands.

“I consider it an honor sir” Neychev said, holding the salute.

Logan looked up at him and returned the salute. Neychev could not help the look of surprise on his face as he saw just how fragile Joren Logan looked. He was not his former, New Alliance Regent self. He looked now more than ever simply like an old man who had seen too many battles, or perhaps, had survived too many battles.

“Sir long range sensors have reported a vessel on the perimeter of the system, beyond the perimeter in fact. We have identified it as a ‘Reign-class Star Destroyer’”

The darkness cast a silhouette across Logan’s face, only his eyes were visible. He lifted his head up ever so slightly.

“The Empire?” He asked.

“It would appear so sir” Neychev said.

“Is it a possibility that they are here for the Observers?”

“Possible. I have plotted the quickest path out of the system to Bakura nevertheless.”

Logan said nothing. But Neychev remained stock still.

“No. I want you to take the Insidious and Reliance to Bakura and finalize it's entrance into the Sovereignty with the government.”

“Sir if we leave-“

“The Empire will not attack the Restoration” Logan said, interlacing his fingers, deep in thought.

“Are you sure? The Restoration can hold out against a Reign-class for a little while…but in the end it is no match for it” Neychev said.

“I still have a few tricks up my sleeve. I have spent my entire life fighting superior enemies after all"

He stood.

“Perhaps I have spent too much time fighting, and not enough on talking. I think it is finally time to speak with our old enemies” Logan said, making a small gesture with his hand. Mahk glided into view and joined Logan.

“You have your orders, Captain”

“Yes, Admiral”

Logan straightened his uniform and left the room, Mahk in tow. And Neychev suddenly felt very alone in the dark room.


“We are ready to get under way” Neychev said, in holographic form, from the bridge of the Reliance.

“Understood. Give my apologies to the President that I was unable to fulfill my duties” Logan replied.

“I will sir, and Admiral...good luck” Neychev said.

“And to you, old friend” Logan said, saluting.

Neychev returned the salute. “Reliance out”

Logan turned to the helm officer.

“Set a course for the last known position of the Imperial vessel. We should not keep our guests waiting"

OOC: Kaine, I am afraid that I have been called away unexpectedly for a week starting tommorow. I will not be able to post untill I get back. My deepest apologies.

- Logan and Griff.
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Jul 5 2003 7:54pm
"Sir, two warships have plotted exit vectors. Not unlike .. SIR! They just made their jump to hyperspace."

"The vector?" Kaine's soft, unimposing voice asked.

"The coordinates are being relayed to your Command Station, sir."

"I see them. Thank you, Ensign. Course of the remaining warship?"


Kaine smiled slightly.

"Tactical indicates that the warship is not as powerful as the Galactus."

"It is not the power of the ship, Lieutenant. It is the skill of it's commander and crew that make the differences between victory and defeat."

"Their approach does not indicate aggression."

"Is it the flagship?"

"Yes, sir."

"Then it wouldn't. Launch the satellite and then move the Galactus to meet them head on. Maintain battle readiness, securing critical external and internal areas."

"Shields, Marshall?"

"No. Keep them lowered."


"Maintain battle readiness Ensign!" Captain Sveli barked out to the Ensign who had misspoke.

"Caution, Captain. We meet Joren Logan and while our paths have never crossed in battle or otherwise, he is a man experienced enought to warrant caution and respect."

"Sir. He is a Rebel sympathizer."

Kaine glanced at the holographic projection of Almania.

"Is he?"

The screen changed to the warship.

"Chaddwick Fearsons, a presumed Jedi killed many of in his 'New Alliance'. Have the Jedi lived up to the expectations he grew up believing in?

Has devotion to this Outer Rim Federation proved to satisfy the gaping whole in his life?"

"Sir, with all due respect. Who cares?" Sveli commented.

Simon's smile grew. "I do, Captain. A strong military is the backbone of any empire. Ideology is nothing if it cannot be enforced, protected and nutured. Without the force to strike against the chaos, it would overwhelm us all.

But, to be honest, Gordon," Kaine turned to the Captain, "I am curious."

Turning to a section of the bridge. "Helm. Execute."
Posts: 314
  • Posted On: Jul 5 2003 10:30pm
"My how the tables have turned"

Gaversom looked up.

"So, I suppose you have come to gloat?" He asked.

"No" Haeko said, standing just outside the energy barrier of the prison cell, "I have come for the codes" He said.

"So it looks like you haven't won completely after all" Gaversom said, smiling.

"We can get them, if you aren't willing to cooperate. But I want to set an example for the rest of the people, I do not wish to hurt you" Haeko replied.

"Even when I hurt you?" Gaversom asked.


Gaversom grinned.

"Go to hell" He said.

Haeko sighed.

"As you wish" He turned to look behind him. "Mr. Jones?"

Gaversom stood up to look past Haeko just in time to see a tall man in his thirties enter the room. He wore a black uniform with reddish trim. On his chest the symbol of a scorpion was promenently displayed.

"Hello, Mr Gaversom. I am Captain Jones, of the Outer-Rim Sovereignty"

Gaversom laughed. "The Sovereignty, huh? And what do you want with me?"

"The codes, to the Bakuran Communications Network. The satelites, specificly" Jones said.


"You don't seem to understand, Gaversom. I am actually in the Black Hand" Jones said.

"The Black Hand? The Black Hand doesn't exist anymore" Gaversom said.

"On the contrary, it does indeed still exist. And it is renowned for it's methods of persuasion. If you do not give me the codes right now, we will pay a visit to a interrogation room" Jones said, quietly.

"You don't scare me. Haeko already told me I will not be harmed" Gaversom replied.

"Yes" Haeko said, "I said that
I do not wish to hurt you"

"But I have no such reservations" Jones put in.

"But..." Gaversom said quietly.

"The codes, Mr. Gaversom"

Gaversom had no choice. He gave the codes.



"Sir, we are coming in range of the enemy's weapons...

"Sir, our shields..."

"Will remain down" Logan interuppted.

"Yes sir" The ensign said, uneasily.

"What is our status, Captain Braxton?" Logan asked.

"We are holding course steadily at one-one-three mark two-one five. Weapons and shields are powered down, but I have had them put on standby. We are at full battle readiness..."

Braxton hesitated.

"We are not much of a match for the enemy vessel" He finished.

"I am aware of that Captain, however it is not just the amount of weapons that a ship can possess. It is also the skill of the crew that determins the fates of batles" Logan answered.

"Of course sir" Braxton replied.

"Maintain readiness, all crews to their battle stations. If things go sour I wish to be ready" Logan said.

"Yes sir, it is being done"

"Good, open a communications channel to the vessel" Logan said.


"You heard me"

"Yes sir, channel open"

"Unidentified vessel, this is CEO Joren Logan of the..."

He had strict orders from the President not to give away the Sovereignty's name. The ORS were trying to maintain a level of secrecy. And while that could not be done for long, because of Griff's address to countless Outer-Rim worlds, it would do good to announce their designations to an Imperial vessel, at the edge of Observer Order space.

"...of ComTech Industries" He said, with the barest sigh. ComTech was a bogus company thta had been set up by the Black Hand as a front, and they had put Logan in charge of it for a while. To some, it made sense.

He looked through the viewports of the Restoration, and over at the Reign. He had seen that type of vessel only once before, at the Battle of Dantooine. At the time, it had carried a very important General...

"I wish to speak with Marshall Kaine" He said. It was a longshot, but it just might wor
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Jul 6 2003 9:24am
The excerpt from the transmission played across Kaine's panel and his eyes narrowed slightly at the questions.

“Admiral Logan, are you giving your blessing to President Griff and the Outer-Rim Sovereignty?” One voice persisted.

“Are you condoning it?” Another asked.

“Are you representing an Outer-Rim planetary government?” Yet another asked.


What hidden truths do rogue transmissions convey?

Or even intercepted transmissions? Goodwill Invitational indeed!

"Unidentified vessel, this is CEO Joren Logan of the.... of ComTech Industries. I wish to speak with Marshall Kaine."

The transmission came through and Simon Kaine turned an eye to his Captain. So it is Joren!

"He knows you are here." Sveli commented, his voice suggesting that perhaps the 'CEO' wouldn't.

Kaine raised an eyebrow, "The Galactus' name is emblazoned on the hull, so of course he knows this is my ship. It has never changed so it is reasonable that he would assume I am aboard."

"Our hull is black, Sir. He may not have detected the emblazoned name." Sveli added.

Simon turned back to the holographic projection of the warship and continued his train of thought as if his Captain had not spoken, "But you'll note the hesitation when he stated his affiliation. It suggests that our dear Joren Logan is being less than honest with us."

"He knows you have been appointed Grand Marshall." Gordon Sveli stated. "It may indicate a level of the intelligence networks arrayed against us."

Kaine laughed quietly. "Not likely, Captain. The Regent announced my promotion over an address to the entire planet of Coruscant. I am sure clips if not the speech in its entirety have been copied and forwarded to governments across the galaxy.

I deaf man would know of my promotion."

He turned to the comm officer. "Open a frequency."

"CEO Joren Logan," Kaine started, giving the recitation of the other's title a hint of irony. "This is the RSD Galactus as you may have noted from our hull markings."

Kaine stood facing the growing shape of the approaching vessel. "This is Simon Kaine."


Single Data Burst - Encryption Key ***.**.****

contact made.

assessment commencing.

recommendations forthcoming.

center control.
Posts: 314
  • Posted On: Jul 6 2003 11:15pm
"SIR! Triad forces are advancing!" One voice said.

"Loyalist troops are gaining the upper hand. We will be victorious" Said another.

"We cannot get out!"

"This is militia station zero-twelve! We are under attack by Triad forces!" Shouted yet another.

"Civil War" Haeko said, as Captain Jones walked into the Bakur's newly restored Communications Center, where the Prime Minister was watching the holofeeds from a dozen camera's across Bakura.

"Yes. It appears that we have underestimated Gaversom's oratory abilities. The Triad has more soldiers than we initially encountered. We are evenly matched" Jones replied.

"This didn't have to be like this" Haeko said.

"I think it did. We always knew that Bakura's entrance into the Sovereignty would cause discord" Jones responded.

"You call this discord? This is a civil war!" Haeko said, turning to Jones.

"We expected it to be worse" Jones said calmly.

"What could be worse?" Haeko asked disdainfully, turning back to the monitors.



"Do not worry. I just received word that Joren Logan is on his way even now. He can end this" Jones said.

"I do not want bloodshed" Haeko replied.

"Even when you already have it?"

"It is one thing for Bakurans to be fighting Bakurans. But for a foreign power to land troops and then fight Bakurans is another. After that it would be next to impossbile to enter into the Sovereignty" Haeko retorted.

"I understand. But nevertheless, this will be remedied"

"You had better be right"

Almanian System

"This is Simon Kaine."

Logan smiled slightly at the voice.

"Indeed." He said to himself.

"Marshall Kaine, welcome to the Almanian system. I bid you greeting. We have been on opposite sides for far too long. Perhaps we may yet reconsider the past" He said into the comm unit.

After he had spoken, he sat back into his chair, and looked over at the turbolift doors, where Mahk stood silently. Logan gave the small bodyguard a signal and the Noghri dissapeared into the turbolif
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Jul 7 2003 7:11am
Amusement stretched across Simon's eyes as the transmission came through.

"CEO Logan, with the recent fall of the Jutraalian Empire, I am sure that we are not at odds anymore."

Kaine's amusement grew, "unless, of course, you are informing me that the agency known as ComTech Industries is at odds with the Empire?"

"The Empire would like to exchange it's congratulations at your successful withdrawal out of Jutraal before our forces finally crushed their defense lines though the reason for your 'affiliation' leaves our intelligence operatives with questions."

The Marshall leaned forward. "What sort of 'reconsideration' did you have in mind?"
Posts: 314
  • Posted On: Jul 7 2003 11:52pm
Captain Braxton cast a glance over at Logan, who signalled the comm officer to mute the speaker for a moment.

"Captain, turn our superstructure away from the Galactus. Prepare a course away from the Almanian system" Logan said.

"Yes sir...but may I ask why...?"

"All in good time"

"Yes sir"

"Please unmute the transmission" Logan said, and then continued when the comm officer signalled him.

"I do not beleive I have ever seen a Reign-class Star Destroyer before. Perhaps I could come aboard and show you some of ComTech's future endevours, that are in the planning stages" He said.

He seriously doubted Kaine would allow him to board the Galactus, but it was really only a tactic to buy Mahk some time. The Noghri was busy running a little 'errand' for Logan.


Down in the lower levels of the Restoration, Mahk worked. He was hunched over a communications console, routing a transmission through the holonet carefully. He knew that the Imperials would intercept any normal transmission and their slicers were undoubtedly the best in the galaxy. They would pick apart any transmission that was sent from the Restoration. So instead he connected to the holonet and sent a transmission to the recording system of a small company, that was a front for the Black Hand.

"We were unable to deliver the shipment on time" He said into the speaker, which would automaticly be recorded, for the owners of the company to listen to later.

"We will devert to Mos Eisley"