Posted On:
Dec 3 2001 6:13am
Kahn made no move to retrieve his saber. Instead, he watched Amanda.
"A Jedi is skilled in all aspects of battle, whether with or without a saber."
He paused a moment.
"Why are you looking for a fight? What will it accomplish? Nothing, that's what. It can't change your past, nor will it make whatever pain you feel go away. Trust me, I know. I tried it."
Kahn was taking a chance, mentioning her past. He knew that most Sith became such because of events in their past, but not all did.
OOC: Last reply for the night, see you later.
Posted On:
Dec 4 2001 6:45pm
"Well aren't we just Mr. Know It All....Killing for me, is a pleasure...I need a place to use my anger and hate, I need to take it out on someone or something, because it makes me feel better. It makes what I have lost, complete, it gives me revenge from all that has been done wrong onto me. Most of all, it gives me power, and I love the feel of power. I'm betting you know what that feels like, don't you? Yes, I'm just betting you do..."
Anger creeped across her face.
"I will take care of you soon enough, soon enough...."
Posted On:
Dec 5 2001 2:59am
Kahn shook his head slightly. So this was what he had been before, someone who thought causing pain to others would make up for the pain he felt.
"You're making other people feel just as you do, making them feel the pain and anger and fear. Is that what you really want, to cause more pain for others? Until you accept your past the pain will never go away. And even then certain things may still bring it up. But if you're still going after revenge, you're keeping the wound open, not letting it heal. Why do you think I gave up being a Sith, when I was close to Knighthood? Because I realized that it wasn't making the pain go away, it was making it worse. For brief moments it disappeared, but not forever."
The Jedi wished he could make Amanda see this, and he opened his mind slightly to her, making sure to allow nothing but the memories from his past filter into the open. When he was 2 and his mother had died, up until he had left TSO. While Kahn gave her free access to these memories, he also made sure to keep his guard up in case of an attack.
Posted On:
Dec 5 2001 5:57am
"Your memories mean nothing to me Jedi! The pain wil never go away, it will always be there. But people like you, full of goodness and happiness, deserve to pay. I was once good and lok where it got me, no one good cared to bother with me. Others though, the others, they showed me what power was, they made me feel special, as if I were worth something and not some unnoticed young girl."
She kicked the dirt, not purposely sending it his way, but doing so anyway.
"So, that's supposed to solve everything, is it Jedi??? The pain will stop, if I stop, hmm?"
Posted On:
Dec 5 2001 6:05am
Kahn ignored the dirt, instead focusing on the larger problem.
"You trust the Sith? They turn on you as soon as you change sides. My Master and my best friend tried to kill me just because I left that lifestyle. They aren't your true friends, ones who will stab you in the back if they suspect you of betrayal. The Jedi don't do that, they like you for who you are, not what group you are affiliated with. Tell me, can you say the same for the Sith? I didn't think so. The pain may never go away completely....but it will stop hurting so bad."
He paused.
"That kind of hurt never completely goes away, I think, but using it to draw anger or as a reason for revenge won't make it go away. You have to understand that. One day you'll be a Sith Master, that is if you keep going like this, and you'll have all the power you want. But the pain will still be there, and it will make all the power worthless, make your whole life of anger and hate mean nothing."
Posted On:
Dec 5 2001 7:19am
"Perhaps you speak truth, Jedi. But I want others to feel pain as I have. It is not fair that I can feel pain and others not. If I get pain, there should be no reason why I should be the only one to have it bestowed upon. Power, I like power, that is one think that I will always have with the darkside, and I will not turn that down. Now enough! It is time for you to feel pain, Jedi!"
She glared at him, looking him straight in the eyes, her eyes piercing into his own eyes and then she made her move....
The two had been only standing a foot or two away from one another, she was in close range to attack. She ran forward just enough to give her enough speed to jump into the air. She force jumped into the air, bringing her left leg out in mid air. She spun herself in mid air, sending a powerhouse kick to Kahn's face as she went back down toward the ground.
She landed with both feet planted firmly on the ground in a crouching manner. She quickly took the time to stand up straight while Kahn got a hold of himself. She stood in a fighting stance. Her fists where placed just near her face, her arms protecting her upper body area, though her legs were unprotected, she knew well to keep a watchful eye out for them.
Posted On:
Dec 5 2001 11:26pm
Kahn recovered as quickly as he could, taking a few steps back to absorb the blow. The Force flowed all around him, and he moved forward, Force Pushing her to make her loose her balance for a moment. He advanced on her using Force Speed, jumping in the air for a brief moment and attempting to kick her in the chest, hoping the Force Push had made her let her guard down for a split second.
OOC: I am horrible at sparring..lol.
Posted On:
Dec 9 2001 8:31pm
Amanda did not fall, but she did stumble a bit and seemed to have had the wind knocked out of her. She took a moment to regain her breath. She shook her head, still slightly dazed.
"Is that all you've got, Jedi??"
She tried Force Pulling him, trying to knock him flat on his face, but she found it was slightly difficult as she had only tried to do this on rocks and never on a person before. She soon found that she was not getting anywhere so she went with what she knew best, the force itself. She concentrated, reaching into the Darkside of the force, concentrating on her hate and anger, fueling her energy for the Darkside. She reached out toward Kahn, and proceeded to Force Choke him just slightly.
"I bet you've used that move before, haven't you?"
Posted On:
Dec 9 2001 8:50pm
Though his breathing supply was not completely cut off (yet) Kahn knew it was only a matter of time before Amanda's raw will and the Dark Side turned the Force Choke deadly. As it was now he was struggling to get the life-giving oxygen.
"The past is the past, I cannot change what I did then."
He suddenly lunged forward, jumping into the air and somersaulting over Amanda's head, kicking her in the back when he came down behind her. Hopefully, this would break the Force Choke.